I was really small with my first, and got some inappropriate comments too. The most memorable was when a Lady yelled at me for parking in a spot Publix has that says "for new or expecting mothers" - like a handicap spot, so pregnant women didn't have to walk far. I was 7 1/2 months, had just gotten off work, was tired and my feet hurt. I had never used the spot till that day. I was 20 and I guess looked even younger, and at the time I worked in a doc office so I had scrubs on....I guess between my smaller size and the baggy scrubs I didn't appear pregnant to her.

I was in no mood for that on that day - she was really nasty, something along the lines of me being "another self entitled punk teenager" according to her - I don't recall exactly what I said back, but it was an equally nasty comeback I know...I remember pulling my top tighter so she could see....
This time around I've gained 40 lbs, and90% is in my belly. From behind you can't tell I'm pregnant. It's all belly and fluid retention. I can still wear certain pants even...just buttoned low....but my belly seems HUGE, and I had an old man at target a couple weeks ago all me if I was "having twins or triplets?"...

geez....then just yesterday I was walking into a gas station and this man holding the door for me said "when are you due? In an hour?" Talk about getting a complex! I guess since I haven't really put on weight except in my belly, it accentuates my large belly that much more! Mostly I laugh it off, but sometimes I do start wondering how big this guy is - even though at 36 weeks he already weighed about 6 1/2 lbs according to "measurements" - which is about average, though perhaps on the bigger side of average since some full term babies are 6 lbs - it's just that they estimated my other boys to be much smaller than they turned out...if that same pattern holds, then I'm looking at a possible 10 pounder!

I sincerely hope these measurements are just more accurate than my other 2! There's no way I can push out a 10 pound baby!

I remember when my oldest was born over 8 lbs even the nurse was like "man, where was he hiding?!?"...now this time I actually LOOK big and measure slightly big....plus he just feels strong! He really beats the crap out of my internal organs! Not to mention my poor right ribcage! I worry a rib is going to crack. Seriously. It's so tender there even when he's not pulverizing it....also it seems to have caused an inflamed spot on my uterus...I think it's like a friction burn from hitting the same area so much! The burning sensation never goes away.
Ok, enough whining from me - sorry!

I'm just cranky and uncomfortable!