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Evan's heartbeat started out at 169 bpm so who knows.

No doubt about it, Evan is teething!!
Awesome! Congrats! Hard to tel based on nub theory, but I'm thinking girl too!
I'm soooo tired. Took a4 hour nap yesterday, and a 5 hour nap today! I was cramping and he seemed to really be slowing down, then this morning he went buckwild! I literally felt/saw him roll over! He's pretty much hurting me with every kick and other motion. Sometimes I feel like I'm being pulverized. Definitely ready to meet the little guy. Just wondering when that will be!!
Angel I was half expecting for you to be messaging us from the hospital today... :haha: Any day now!
I have a doc appt today, I'm wondering if the cramping I've had will mean my cervix is at least a little dilated. Wouldn't mind some progress. I was planning on brisk walks this week, but I'm too darn tired. Omg I have this toothache that is KILLER! I woke up around 4 am and literally cried myself back to sleep. It's better-for now. I'm waiting till after the baby to see the dentist, cuz I'm a baby, lol, and I need meds to even go to the dentist, lol
Yay excited to hear news from the doctor Angel, I go tomorrow morning so Im hoping he has some type of good news for me. I am so uncomfortable and am so ready to meet this little guy!!

Nazz love the pics!! I saw girl too!! Although my little guy always and still does have a really fast heart rate!
My cervix was sill high and completely closed on Wednesday. But like doc said, doesn't mean much, I could stillgo at anytime. They did a quick scan, he's in an oblique right occiput position, meaning head having down, but more towards my pelvic crest, and butt up at s diagonal. Since his head isn't dropped or engaged, I technically could be breech at labor, but the chance is small. Next week if his head is STILL not engaged, they'll do another scan, to see if he flipped breech, but I know with my other boys they didn't really drop till labor, not completely anyways. Though they were in head down vertex .... So it's a wait and see. He said no more than one week past due date no matter what, and if I'm dilated a bit next week he'd leave it up to me if I want to be induced. Which I just might
My little guy has a faster heart too - he's always at 150. I read that the only truth behind the hb thing is during labor- girls statistically have a higher hb during labor than boys. My other boys were in the 140s.
At least I know if I'm induced, I'll definitely get an epidural, unlike last time when they wouldn't listen to me, then it was too late. Plus, I'm uncomfortable and over it as well! I can't even tie my shoes. Shaving has become a real challenge too
I feel ya, I didnt want to be induced or schedule a c section but if they give me the opportunity Im going to take it, Im so uncomfortable and with him being so big and me having extra fluid everything is so tight and painful. I got some red rasberry leaf tea Im going to start drinking so I hope that helps either bring labor on or help the uterus strengthen for labor. Almost there for most of us, I can see the light!
The countdown is on ladies!!!! I've been doing the raspberry leaf tea too. My hubs brought me a pineapple pizza last night, I told him I don't think that's going to do much… lol.

Having on and off sciatica for the last few days, hopefully that means he's getting nice and engaged down there, even if it does feel crummy!

The comments about my belly size are starting to drive me nuts. I got 4 comments today alone. A girl at work is two weeks behind me and this woman was in shock that I'm farther along. "Does the doctor say your baby's ok?" WHO SAYS THAT?!?!? I'm going to laugh when this little stinker comes out at 8 pounds! Somehow I have gained over 20 pounds, although I have no idea where it's gone… must be all baby!

We're going out for some spicy Mexican tonight!!!! Wish me luck :)
I was really small with my first, and got some inappropriate comments too. The most memorable was when a Lady yelled at me for parking in a spot Publix has that says "for new or expecting mothers" - like a handicap spot, so pregnant women didn't have to walk far. I was 7 1/2 months, had just gotten off work, was tired and my feet hurt. I had never used the spot till that day. I was 20 and I guess looked even younger, and at the time I worked in a doc office so I had scrubs on....I guess between my smaller size and the baggy scrubs I didn't appear pregnant to her. :growlmad: I was in no mood for that on that day - she was really nasty, something along the lines of me being "another self entitled punk teenager" according to her - I don't recall exactly what I said back, but it was an equally nasty comeback I know...I remember pulling my top tighter so she could see....

This time around I've gained 40 lbs, and90% is in my belly. From behind you can't tell I'm pregnant. It's all belly and fluid retention. I can still wear certain pants even...just buttoned low....but my belly seems HUGE, and I had an old man at target a couple weeks ago all me if I was "having twins or triplets?"...:blush: geez....then just yesterday I was walking into a gas station and this man holding the door for me said "when are you due? In an hour?" Talk about getting a complex! I guess since I haven't really put on weight except in my belly, it accentuates my large belly that much more! Mostly I laugh it off, but sometimes I do start wondering how big this guy is - even though at 36 weeks he already weighed about 6 1/2 lbs according to "measurements" - which is about average, though perhaps on the bigger side of average since some full term babies are 6 lbs - it's just that they estimated my other boys to be much smaller than they turned out...if that same pattern holds, then I'm looking at a possible 10 pounder! :wacko: I sincerely hope these measurements are just more accurate than my other 2! There's no way I can push out a 10 pound baby! :nope: I remember when my oldest was born over 8 lbs even the nurse was like "man, where was he hiding?!?"...now this time I actually LOOK big and measure slightly big....plus he just feels strong! He really beats the crap out of my internal organs! Not to mention my poor right ribcage! I worry a rib is going to crack. Seriously. It's so tender there even when he's not pulverizing it....also it seems to have caused an inflamed spot on my uterus...I think it's like a friction burn from hitting the same area so much! The burning sensation never goes away.

Ok, enough whining from me - sorry! :haha: I'm just cranky and uncomfortable!
Who is planning on breastfeeding?Lol Nick is happiest near his best friend the boobie even if he is not sucking he coos laughs at it and holds it as if it is going to escape :-)
He is a very sensitive baby I realised that os why he cried most of the times. Day by day he is getting better, happier and stays on his own a bit longer. He hates noisy toys but loves soft toys total opposite if his bro.
I'm going to formula feed. Various reasons. But am thinking about possibly trying to get some of the colostrum in him.
I keep saying I'm gonna go on brisk evening walks, but I don't have the energy! I took another 4 hour nap today! 3 long naps in the last 6 days! Very unlike me!! I know the lack of energy is pregnancy related, but I keep thinking "what if I feel like this when he's born?" How will I possibly keep up??
Jason us so funny - he's like a typical first time worried father. I guess it amuses me because 1- my ex was the opposite and didn't seem to care about much, and 2- sometimes I forget how this is his true "first", since my 7 year old was still a baby when Jason and I started dating....and he has always called him Daddy, so as weird as it sounds, I just forget that this is first, lol. Like when a body part (usually his knees) are jutting out my side, and I press around trying to feel his position, he will say "you don't think you're hurting him are you?" :haha:
Though now that the doc has been manipulating my belly, he seems to finally believe I'm not even close to hurting him. I can't seem to adjust to my belly size. I'm already a klutz and always bump my shoulder or hip into things, and now I'm bumping my belly into chairs and stuff. It just seems so BIG. I keep thinking it would be funny if thus big belly produces a smaller baby- not scary small, just smaller than my other boys, since I was pretty small with them - especially my first! But I think he's just a big baby and I know I have an anterior placenta and a good amount if fluid too. I'm babbling I know. I'm getting restless about this whole thing and just want to meet my little man! My youngest was born at exactly 39 weeks. So I've passed that. I did read that if the baby isn't perfectly in position it "can" delay labor...since his head isn't engaged still, there's not any pressure on my cervix. But sometimes I do feel pressure down low....and sometimes I feel little punches down low. Come on little Triston!!
Wow cant wait to see who has bubs first!
Lol, at this rate I think the only person I'm gonna beat is nazz! Lol!
Who knows? My other boys, labor was very spontaneous. I lost the plug and had intense contractions at the same time. In fact, I thought losing the plug automatically meant labor started, but recently found out you can lose the plug and still be waiting for like a week! I got excited for a.second yesterday, (TMI) when I wiped there was a bit of mucous - wiped again and nothing. Next trip to the bathroom, same thing. Just a tiny bit of mucous, almost like ewcm but thicker, then nothing. And it was a seriously small amount anyways. Bummer.

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