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I feel for you angel :( I'm only 38 weeks and going crazy. Ugh this is by far worse than the TWW!!
Raspberry leaf tea… check
Bouncing on exercise ball… check
Pineapple… check
3 mile walk….check
Hot wings… check
Sex… check
1 hour nipple stimulation… check

Baby… NADA:brat::hissy::help::gun::grr:](*,):-({|=:xmas1:
I hear ya wugz....
Wow, one HOUR nipple simulation?? I just found out this week that nip stimulation produces oxytocin.
I also read that the prostaglandins in sperm (that theoretically can jump start labor) are actually better absorbed in the stomach....so I think I'll give Jason a nice surprise tomorrow, :haha:
Though my sex drive is still pretty high, my comfort level is low....so this seems like a happy medium! :lol:
I'd go for it tonight but he's had a long day and is passed out.....plus, doing it in the morning will probably be quicker, since, ya know, the "condition" guys are usually in morning time!

The only sucky thing (lol, no pun intended) is that last time I did that, maybe 3 weeks ago (TMI!) It REALLY got MY horny side going....so much :blush: that I actually came too - with barely any stimulation at all! These last few weeks we haven't dtd very much cuz positioning gets awkward. You can only change positions trying to "make it work" so many times before the intimacy is gone and starts to become a physics problem.....lol. Between my belly, and he has a bit of a gut, we both keep having to be careful not to squish the other - and my belly makes lying on my stomach an issue also....plus it makes me self conscience....then there's the fact that I tire so easily...
Ok, I think I've said enough TMI in this post - sorry about that!
Omg laughing at everything you said in that post! Very interesting about better absorption in the stomach!
So I was advised by the on call doc to go to the hospital today...
I was leaking and it wasn't pee....my water never broke on it's own before, so I've never seen it, but after peeing something very watery and slightly milky ran down my leg...I cleaned it off then noticed right after another b"leak", went thru my underwear and my shorts got damp...after reading online, it seemed to be a good chance it was af (amniotic fluid) ....and even if just a leak everyone was saying to go get checked, cuz you and baby are at risk for infection....I even came across 2 stories where women lost their water and didn't get checked in time, and their babies died at birth from severe infection ! I KNEW I'd get sent home (I did have contractions, but very sporadic and only a few that really hurt)...so I decided better to be safe than sorry... I still think it was fluid, but I think I waited too long to get the test. (they put a swab in, and leave it for a minute then test it)... I mean it wasn't a gush....I knew it wasn't pee since it happened immediately after peeing, and it was just too watery and too much to be discharge.....I did read that the tests aren't 100% accurate though...and that a "trickle" can happen if 1- baby's head is so engaged that it "plugs" the hole (knew that wasn't it-his head still is flipping from 0 station to negative one) or 2- if you aren't dilated or plug is intact, or 3 - there was a SLIGHT tear at the top of the Sac, and only a bit of water escaped (most likely what I think happened to me) I don't like the tests not being 100% accurate, I don't wasn't to risk him getting an infection! But I guess a top, slight tear poses very
Little risk...they had NE strapped to a fetal monitor and he wasn't in any distress at all. I just bed to make sure I stay well hydrated, and they said to wear a panty liner, that way if it happens again, they actually can test THAT, and apparently it is much more accurate, way more than looking for leaking fluid hours after it stopped! Though I feel weird handing over a used panty liner, lol. all the wonderful,.disgusting parts of having a baby!! Yea! :dance:

So new vote:
Out of me, wugz, and FT, put us in order you think we're gonna give birth!
Before I guess, I need to know moreabout their last appointments....

How funny if we have our babies all within like 24 hours of each other!

Ugh I am READY!!
It was so weird - we (DH and I) were the ONLY ones in the waiting room, and the only ones in labor_delivery triage! The WHOLE time! Just us and the nurses! Would have been the best time to have him!! Isn't the full moon next Thursday?! More babies are born on a full moon than any other day of the month.
Full moon is Tuesday!!! I read you're supposed to go out there and like stare at it or something, jump up and down… I don't remember, I'll look it up!

Angel I had the fluid test a week ago because I feel the same way you do, I'm always leaking a little something. But my doc said all is well…

It was the worst Friday after we DTD because I couldn't figure out what was sperm or not. No more sex, it just stressed me out!

I think Angel will go first, then FT, and in last place… yours truly!
I think it will be angel then wugz then me :( my last appointment was last Tuesday I was dilated to 2, I go back on Thursday do I'm hoping I progressed a little more. I'm so nervous I'm gonna have to be in the hospital on Christmas, I know I don't have a choice but I would just hate it for my 4 year olds sake. Today's a new day, I've been praying for the three of us that something happens soon... Come on babies!!
2 is more than me! I'm "one, maybe 1.5" and still high and thick! Pffft...
I finally got a bag packed for the hospital though, lol.
I'm starting to think Triston heard the doc talk about induction wed night/thurs morning, and has decided "eh, why bother? They're gonna come get me. No need to work my own way out"

His position is the same. When my belly hardens it feels the same everytime for like the last month. Head at the right top of my pelvis, butt under left ribs, knees under right ribs.
slight oblique angle. "leaked" a little more, I'm wearing panty liners, and I'm supposed to check them, they are getting damp, totally clear, and they told me to smell them, cuz fluid can smell sweet...I can't tell if there is zero smell, or slightly sweet - but the "sweet" may be from my fabric softener I use, lol. I KNOW I don't want to keep going back to the hospital. It's never a lot really. I'd just hate to find out it was fluid, and put us at risk for an infection!
I guess each of us thinks of ourselves as "last" lol. I have a feeling we're all gonna be really close together.
Had diarrhea twice today which is super unusual because my iron pills make me constipated. Hoping this is a good sign, probably just another teaser!
My crotch is KILLING me. I'm sure this is just a sign that he's getting snug in there and has nothing to do with labor, but whenever I stand it's like a bowling ball on my pelvis.

FT, 2 cm is better than me! I was still only 1/2 at my last appt! Next appt is on Thursday, I'm going to request a membrane sweep then. Plenty of contractions/tightenings all weekend long but that's not really new.

The whole Christmas factor definitely makes things a little inconvenient. My clinic is closed the 24th and 25th and my doctor can't see me until the 27th… It seems like if I'm still preg at that point we should have set up a time to induce! I'm telling you I won't be surprised if I go into 2014. :growlmad:
You won't go to 2014! Lol... No way! Very very few docs let you go 2 weeks past due date and plenty don't let you go more than one week these days...plus, if you let your doc know that you don't want to go past your due date I'm sure he'd cooperate with inducing sometime after the 40 week mark - that means he doesn't have to worry about a random labor call - especially during holiday season.

My bday is the 26th
Any of you get that electric shock sensation in your crotch? Like an internal lightning bolt? May sound crazy, but I googled it and am definitely not alone in this - and it sucks! Comes out of nowhere, and can literally drop your as$ to the floor! I guess it's bubs hitting a certain nerve bundle....it happened with my first a LOT, not so much my second....happened a lot last week but it's been a few days now.
Angel I get it daily!! At least ten tines a day, good thing it only lasts a few seconds because it does stop me in my tracks every time!
I've mentioned it to other people and they always look at me like I have 2 heads!
Anything new at ALL with anyone??! I wish my induction was today! Not just cuz we're ready to hold our little man (though that's definitely part of the impatience), but i hate not being able to breathe easily. He's stillthat high up ! The aches & pains! My hips (which already have arthritis and snapping hip syndrome) have been KILLING me! I'm also not sleeping well at all! I wake up a lot, and not just to pee! Lately the need to roll over seems to wake me. These dumb pre labor contractions will wake me and keep me awake for a bit too. My belly is huge and is so hard and tight....I know I'm whining :haha: I was tempted to call my doc and BEG him to get this going tonight! But I know that's not happening lol, he already had me all set up with appt and his orders for what to do with me before I left the office last week. Gotta get my boys packed for Grandma's ....taking them to my parents house tomorrow afternoon, luckily they only live about 15-20 minutes away. Idk how I'm going to sleep tonight! And I definitely NEED to! I doubt I'll fall asleep easily at the hospital tomorrow after they insert the cervidil...even if it doesn't cause contractions, I'll just be too amped up and anxious. I was reading online and some women were given a sedative to help them sleep, so you're not all exhausted once the pitocin is started and contractions start kicking in.....so we'll see if I'm allowed....with my luck the cervidil will start contractions anyways. Some women contract so much on it they end up not needing the pitocin! Then theres some where it doesn't work at all.
Hopefully 48 hours from now Triston will be in my arms! :D
Wow! Started posting here last November, and now I'm so close to having my baby! I'm so excited and scared at the same time!! I really wish nazz would check in!!! She's gotta be close to finding out the gender right?? And tassie is MIA also! It's been forever since Pdubs or 2nd try have dropped by our nut hut™

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