where do you hope to be in a year

This is such a cool thread! So awesome seeing all the updates!

Is a years time I hope to;

Be pregnant with our second child :baby:
Have a lovely new upgraded car, in time for the new baby.
Be in the process of selling our house, or getting it ready to sell. (Or even better, it be sold and we be settled in our new home).
Have been married for 6 months :wedding:

I can't wait to be back to update :winkwink:
In 1 year...
25kg lighter, engaged, almost TTC and hopefully a home owner. :happydance:
Good question. I hope to be settled in our new life in London, both enjoying our jobs (I just found out I got a job :)) and fingers crossed expecting baby number 2! I will be ambitious and hope LO will be potty trained lol. The likelihood is that DH will be deployed or about to be deployed to Afghan though :(

I hope people don't mind me posting, as I had posted in here before it came up in my "user CP" and seemed a good time to reflect on my previous comment!

DH and I are well settled into our new jobs and life in London, although we're about to move house (still in London) AGAIN, bigger house for new baby. We are indeed pregnant. DH thankfully wasn't deployed and shouldn't be at any point this year. DS1 isn't potty trained so that was over ambitious but he's half way there!

The only major surprise really is that I am half way through my archival qualification which I didn't think I'd be starting last year back when I wrote this in May, or that we would be expecting a December baby, but otherwise all on track!

This time next year I will be on maternity leave still, with 2 little boys, in a different house we're in now, hopefully having nearly finished my qualification (now that is ambitious lol), hopefully still BF, about to go back to work but keeping my eyes peeled for qualified positions. I hope someone remembers to revive this next year!
I'll still be lurking around here in WTT but I'll be so much closer to TTC!!!
Will hopefully have a full-time well paid job (as will OH), house would have been fully decorated, and I will be a full-blown bridezilla with my wedding being in the next year or so (April/May or September 2014)!!! xxxx

So this also came up in my User CP and how wrong was I!!

I had a full time job (am now on maternity leave), we TTCed a lot earlier than planned and so now have a beautiful little girl instead of being WTT, and as for the wedding, that isn't happening any time soon (well at least not in 2014 as planned!!!). I also mentioned decorating the house. We've done a lot, but its not completely as I want it yet.... Nevermind!!

Maybe this year my predictions will be more accurate! This time next year, I see myself with a 1 year old, looking forward to our first holiday as a family. I see myself being back at work, working part time instead of full time and hopefully organising a wedding for late-2015. Lets see how accurate this is next year!!

Let's see. A year from now, I hope that my husband and I will own our first home. I should have finished up my Master's degree, so hopefully I will be well on my way to finding a good job in a field I enjoy! I'd like to have our first child by then, or at least be pretty far along in the pregnancy.

I hope people don't mind me posting, as I had posted in here before it came up in my "user CP" and seemed a good time to reflect on my previous comment!

DH and I are well settled into our new jobs and life in London, although we're about to move house (still in London) AGAIN, bigger house for new baby. We are indeed pregnant. DH thankfully wasn't deployed and shouldn't be at any point this year. DS1 isn't potty trained so that was over ambitious but he's half way there!

The only major surprise really is that I am half way through my archival qualification which I didn't think I'd be starting last year back when I wrote this in May, or that we would be expecting a December baby, but otherwise all on track!

This time next year I will be on maternity leave still, with 2 little boys, in a different house we're in now, hopefully having nearly finished my qualification (now that is ambitious lol), hopefully still BF, about to go back to work but keeping my eyes peeled for qualified positions. I hope someone remembers to revive this next year!

Congratulations on accomplishing so much! You must be so excited about your second :)
In one year I hope my oh has a permanent contract n a pay rise, I hope to be in a new job n either with a baby or heavily pregnant. Also hope to be in our first together home (we live together but its his house nit mine, he's on mortgage not me) also hope to have some experience in psychology so u can crack on with getting on a doctorate in about 5 years
What a great question!! :thumbup:

In one year: On May 11th 2013, I will be graduating from my master's program and rushing through my paperwork to be a counselor.

We will be in the process of looking for/buying/moving into a house.

As soon as we've closed on our house, I get to buy a new car (something I put off to go back to school even though I've been dying to buy a new car since I graduated w/ my bachelors in 2009!).

Depending on our pregnancy status, we will be taking a trip to celebrate my graduation (I'm thinking somewhere w/ a beach and great spas!). It will be overseas if I'm not pregnant, within driving distance of us if I am.

I will either be pregnant or actively ttc. :happydance:

I guess I'll update this, if you ladies don't mind!

I have indeed graduated, it was one of the most important days of my life! I'm officially an LPC now. We are trying to find a house to buy, not much out there and none of it is what we're looking for! I bought a new car in December!

We are taking a trip in October, unknown destination but will be planned after we close on a house!

Lastly, and bestly, I am pregnant! :cloud9:

All of my prediction came true, surprisingly!
This time next year, I hope to be in our first own home, less flab haha, and dare I say... married?! Not that I'm engaged or anything. :wacko: I will most likely still be WTT but I hope to be trying :)
This thread is so fun! This time next year we will be newlyweds and either pregnant or ttc. We also would have bought our first home and a new car. Very exciting times indeed :D
*This time next year we will be preparing to move to a different country (which could be anywhere).

*Hopefully my partner will have an exciting postdoc lined up that will make him happy (his current postdoc, not so much). Our future location depends on the postdoc hence us having no idea where we will be moving to yet.

*I will have finished my 2 year masters and depending on where we are moving to will be looking for suitable work, be that a phd or a 'real' job or other. I'll continue working with rescue animals as a volunteer.

*Hopefully our cat's diet will finally start working and she wont be so fat anymore!

*We will be NTNP or pregnant (but I might well freak out when the time comes and put it off).

*I'll able to do a pull up.

*We may have adopted a dog by then.

This time next year I HOPE that

** That my dog hasn't collapsed or been ill/or at least it's rarely happening.
** DH will have a promotion or better role within his company
** A Car
** A good amount of cash in our house fund
** A well behaved dog
** To have completed my first 120pts in my OU degree and looking forward to the module i've already waited ages to do.
** Have not one single penny of debt
** Have the house and garden just the way we want
** Be successfully pregnant
** To have made a success from writing online
** To have completed the novels i'm working on.

Ok, i'm hoping for too much now, maybe i'll have better luck sending this list to Santa?
I'm really looking forward to updating this in a year! :)

- I'd like to have everything in the house sorted out!
- Hopefully be engaged!! :wedding:
- Only have 2cycles to wait until TTC
(unless I can convince OH before then, so may already be pregnant!) :baby::baby:
I like this thread opened again...

I hope to have house improvements done or some of them
I hope to have a good savings fund - my aim is £4000
Maybe engaged
coming off my pill to ntnp

just shows you how quick a year actually goes scary
so exciting!!!
Down about 70 pounds.
95% not emotionally eating
Just about ready to look for a better job
Just seen this pop up in my subscribed threads. I had completely forgotten about writing this but figured, as its been just over a year I figured I would also update. :)

Hopefully with a house decorated perfectly. And about 3months pg. Oh, and a ring would be the icing on the cake. :haha:

Well, we own our own house now. Not perfectly decorated but getting there. Only a couple more rooms to do now.
I'm also 5 months pregnant, on team :yellow: due 20th October :) No ring as of yet but I'm happy with that. We've got a lot going on right now as it is. Very happy girl! :cloud9:

Thought I'd have a search through for this, to see how everyone's doing a year on.

It's been exactly a year since I posted my last update.
We now have a 7m old daughter. She's perfect, constantly on the move, and a real daddy's little girl.
We've got most of the house and garden sorted. Just need a new bathroom when we can afford it, ours is something out of the 70s! Lol. Then it's just saving up for our loft conversion. We also have a 4m old puppy who's so cute!

In a year, I'll be back at work and we won't be far off our date to ttc #2.
Lovely to hear ur update, still got a few months till I update mine so I don't want to count my chickens before they hatch
This time next year I hope to;
Be 2nd trimester
More stable job
Fewer debts
But largely the same as now apart from gearing up for the baby's arrival.
Hopefully we'll have bought and moved into a house, and either TTC or pregnant with baby number 2 :)

Hmm well we're not there with either of these yet! House is on hiatus for now as we're wanting to save more but we do still plan on TTC this year, just a little later than originally planned :flower:
As far as a year from now goes: Hopefully i'll have a newborn or be due at some point in 2014, and maybe engaged :winkwink:

Saw this pop up again on my user cp so thought I'd update :) I've achieved the 2 big things that I wanted: I'm now 26 weeks pregnant with our second and we got the keys to our first house at the end of May, hoping to move in at the end of this month or shortly after :) In a year I'll have a nearly 9 month old and a 3.5 year old and will be gearing up to return to work after mat leave. Hoping to have started ttc/ntnp or be planning to do so in the near future (want a small age gap if possible) not much else springs to mind at the moment!
I'll stick a stake in! In a year I would like;

To be married
To be TTC or pregnant
To have the family bathroom finished and have work started on the en suites.

The last one has the biggest swing in us TTC!

Saw this revived in my user CP. Seems like I've been busy!

Got married, have been pregnant and have had a baby! Still haven't done any work to the family bathroom or the en suites though :haha:

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