2 BUNS in the oven............thanksgiving testers!!!!

According to both FF and Ovufriend, I am 4 DPO. Been feeling crampy and tired but I've been feeling that way since going off BC last month.

My temps keep going up and staying up so I'm happy about that! I'm not really confident we BD'd enough for me to be preggers this month, but Im not counting it out till I see AF.

My grandfather died this morning so I am going to be in FL from Monday through Saturday for his funeral. I scheduled to go out on Thursday, while he was still alive. But I just didnt make it out there in time. My mother did though (its her father). Anyway, I'm sure its gonna help my TWW pass by a bit quicker even though its not a fun way to do it. I'm gonna test after I get back, on Sunday, I'll be 12DPO by then.

:hugs::hugs::cry: aww sorry about ur grand dad hun.
Hi everyone! Hope you're all okay, no matter what DPO or how many BFN's you've had. :)

DD80 - what DPO are you at? I always get cramping like AF is coming when i am pregnant.

Charlie00134 - Sorry your headache is sticking around. If it helps though i usually always get headaches when i am pregnant and paracetamol is fine to take (doesn't stop you worrying though, ay!) What's OHSS?

MizzyRoze - Sorry you feel like AF is on her way. :( Did she get you yet? I hope not!!!

allisonmh - sorry to hear about your misleading bfp. Hopefully you will see a real one soon!

Dreambaby69 - I was just about to ask how your temps are when i saw they've dropped again. Sorry! :(

Bee Bee - huzzah for crosshairs!! Sounds like you have a lot to think about, but i hope that you get your BFP very soon. x So sorry to hear about your Grandad. :(

fairyy - Hullo!! When are you testing?

DenyseGiguere - I have had pink tinged CM when i have wiped a few times. It always gets my hopes up, but so far it means nothing for me. :( I hope it's a good sign for you though!! Sorry to hear about your BFN.

MaMaRed1012 - welcome!! :)

AFM, i was really ill last niht with either a sick bug or food poisoning. Either way it was horrendous!! :( I feel much better today, but now i have thrush!! GAH!! At least my actual malaise is thorwing me off doing any symptom spotting today. ;)
According to both FF and Ovufriend, I am 4 DPO. Been feeling crampy and tired but I've been feeling that way since going off BC last month.

My temps keep going up and staying up so I'm happy about that! I'm not really confident we BD'd enough for me to be preggers this month, but Im not counting it out till I see AF.

My grandfather died this morning so I am going to be in FL from Monday through Saturday for his funeral. I scheduled to go out on Thursday, while he was still alive. But I just didnt make it out there in time. My mother did though (its her father). Anyway, I'm sure its gonna help my TWW pass by a bit quicker even though its not a fun way to do it. I'm gonna test after I get back, on Sunday, I'll be 12DPO by then.

:hugs: hun
Hope everyone is doing okay today - we just got back from the Calgary Parent & Tot Show. Noah had lots of fun. I think we are going to sign him up for Gymboree classes. Now we're all exhausted lol. Think it's almost nap time.

Feeling down about my BFN. I know it's still early, but it's still disappointing.
Charlie00134 - Sorry your headache is sticking around. If it helps though i usually always get headaches when i am pregnant and paracetamol is fine to take (doesn't stop you worrying though, ay!) What's OHSS?

OHSS is Ovarian HyperStimulation Syndrome it's a potential side effect of IVF treatment, which can make you really poorly. I've taken paracetamol and then 4 hours later co-codamol, paracetamol did nothing but co-codamol seems to be helping.
OHSS is Ovarian HyperStimulation Syndrome it's a potential side effect of IVF treatment, which can make you really poorly. I've taken paracetamol and then 4 hours later co-codamol, paracetamol did nothing but co-codamol seems to be helping.

Oh that sounds bad, but glad the co-codamol is making it a bit better! :flower:
I'm developing fatigue though which I think must be a good sign, I had terrible fatigue last time.
hello ladies. how is everyone today. Afm 12 dpo today bfn in the morning, 2nd temp drop and it means the witch is on her way to visit. Oh well , there is always next month. How is everyone else. It has gone really quiet here.........

Same here, 12 dpo and BFN. It's still early though I guess. I'm still keeping my fingers crossed for us!! : )

yea me too. Do u temp?

No, not like I should anyways. I randomly take my temp, but I can't for the life of me remember to do it the minute I get up! Lol. From the random times I have, I've been at 99 or above all this week.
hello ladies. how is everyone today. Afm 12 dpo today bfn in the morning, 2nd temp drop and it means the witch is on her way to visit. Oh well , there is always next month. How is everyone else. It has gone really quiet here.........

Same here, 12 dpo and BFN. It's still early though I guess. I'm still keeping my fingers crossed for us!! : )

yea me too. Do u temp?

No, not like I should anyways. I randomly take my temp, but I can't for the life of me remember to do it the minute I get up! Lol. From the random times I have, I've been at 99 or above all this week.

I set an alarm to remind myself to do it. And I actually do it a few hours before I get up, around 7 am. I usually go to sleep around 12-1, so its a good amount of time between.

So yeah, I wake to my alarm every day, take my temp and then go back to sleep. I typically remember what the temp was but if not, the thermometer always tells you the last temp when you turn it on again.
Wish me luck ladies, will be testing again in the am. I know it's still early so I'm not expecting anything, but hey you never know!
Good luck testing.

I'm considering whether to test this morning, it's very early and my little embryo only went back 4 days ago but I have itchy fingers.
:( Hope it's just a shy BFP for you.

Mine was BFN but I'm only 4 days past transfer, which is the equivalent to 9dpo but I don't think it works quite the same. I got some sharp pains in the side I know the embryo was put so I'm hoping it's implantation.
Hi everyone! Hope you're all okay, no matter what DPO or how many BFN's you've had. :)

DD80 - what DPO are you at? I always get cramping like AF is coming when i am pregnant.

Charlie00134 - Sorry your headache is sticking around. If it helps though i usually always get headaches when i am pregnant and paracetamol is fine to take (doesn't stop you worrying though, ay!) What's OHSS?

MizzyRoze - Sorry you feel like AF is on her way. :( Did she get you yet? I hope not!!!

allisonmh - sorry to hear about your misleading bfp. Hopefully you will see a real one soon!

Dreambaby69 - I was just about to ask how your temps are when i saw they've dropped again. Sorry! :(

Bee Bee - huzzah for crosshairs!! Sounds like you have a lot to think about, but i hope that you get your BFP very soon. x So sorry to hear about your Grandad. :(

fairyy - Hullo!! When are you testing?

DenyseGiguere - I have had pink tinged CM when i have wiped a few times. It always gets my hopes up, but so far it means nothing for me. :( I hope it's a good sign for you though!! Sorry to hear about your BFN.

MaMaRed1012 - welcome!! :)

AFM, i was really ill last niht with either a sick bug or food poisoning. Either way it was horrendous!! :( I feel much better today, but now i have thrush!! GAH!! At least my actual malaise is thorwing me off doing any symptom spotting today. ;)

Yeh i got AF on Saturday :( Spotted on thursday night .. then nothing Friday (the day AF was due) then late saturday AF shows up .. Hoping for a BFP next month .. Still trying to be hopeful on ever getting it .. Good luck to the rest of you ladies though <3
Happy Thursday ladies!
Trying to stay positive, but having a hard go at it! I hate feeling this way, I'm usually very happy go lucky mixed with a little crazy, now I just feel crazy lol. Tested this morning with fmu and fell back asleep while waiting for 3 mins to pass (it was 6:30 am and I didn't fall asleep til after 3) and woke up about an hr later to what has to be an evap...not thick and barely visible (can't see it on a pic). At 11/12 dpo, I feel like if I was going to get a + it would've happened already. So, I've decided to do one more frer after I get out of work tonight (as long as I can hold), and take that as my answer. It's the only test that I haven't gotten any kind of evap on, so the most trustworthy in my opinion. I know, I know, I'm not out til the :witch: shows, I just don't want to be totally crushed if she does show...I feel like I'm fighting with myself :wacko: , I just keep reasoning that there's still hope, but I don't want those hopes to be too high. As far as symptoms...very abundant and watery cm, lots of lower pressure/twinges/flutters/cramps, constant headache, always hungry, feel hot and I'm usually always cold, my back is killing me, crazy breakouts(usually don't get this until af shows and it's usually pretty minimal), extremely bloated, emotional, stuffed up, gassy, indigestion, and very sore bbs/nips...these are the biggest symptoms I have, some are common for me pre-af, but are very exaggerated this cycle (I'm probably just mental lol), and others I'm like wth???? What a very mean body I have if this is for naught!!

Hope you ladies have a great day! I'm going to try and get back on after work, but won't be around much Fri/Sat, busy, busy weekend (thank God a distraction!) :)

awww sweety :hugs::hugs: i am in the same boat just opposite. last cycle i had cramps at 5dpo and from 10 dpo till the :witch: showed at 14 dpo. but this cycle cramped a lil bit on 5dpo and nothing else. 10 dpo today and still absolutely nothing. the thing is i don't really know how to take no symptom so i am just waiting. I know it is difficult but chin up girl and u know what they say.......it is not over until..........

Thank you so much for the support! I woke up to af and a virus from my kids yesterday morning, so cd2 for me and debating calling off of work(this is contagious)?! I am excited to start a new cycle and I just ordered some wondfo opks/pg tests! I am excited to try the opk's since I've never used them :) Something new to pee on :haha: I hope the :witch: doesn't show for you! Fx'd!!!

Happy Thursday ladies!
Trying to stay positive, but having a hard go at it! I hate feeling this way, I'm usually very happy go lucky mixed with a little crazy, now I just feel crazy lol. Tested this morning with fmu and fell back asleep while waiting for 3 mins to pass (it was 6:30 am and I didn't fall asleep til after 3) and woke up about an hr later to what has to be an evap...not thick and barely visible (can't see it on a pic).

The same thing happened to me before, I thought I just closed my eyes for a minute and what crazy for a few seconds until I realized.

So disheartening. Of course I tested again the following morning still hoping, but it was BFN. So I understand.

Sometimes you just want to see that second line so much.

On my side for this month, no symptoms so far, I am 3-4 DPO so it's still early. Some people so get symptoms so early I guess, but I don't want to symptom spot and get my hopes up. We only BD twice so not that many chances.

I didn't want to ss either, I feel like it's a disease I can't control lol. Thank you for the reality check and I will keep my Fx'd for you. When are you going to test?

Welcome all the newbies!! :flower: I'm just trying to stay positive. Had some cramping today, but not sure what it means. Af could be here tomorrow! Who knows...lol.m

Lou Lou - I'm right there with you. I hope everything works out! Chin up!

Thanks DD! I hope af doesn't show for you! My chin is up and ready for cycle #3 :thumbup:

Happy Friday Darlings <3 So I'm certain I'm out of the game this month .. AF is due today and last night i had very light pink spotting after my SO and I did the deed (Sorry tmi) So yeh, definitely sure i'm out .. But i'm trying to hard to stay positive and focus on looking forward to trying again next month. Its just crazy that 2 healthy young people who have children in previous relationships are struggling so bad to conceive .. I just don't understand it :( But I really hope all you other ladies get the BFP's this month! <3 Stay positive .. It can get so crazy with the TTC bit :p

Did af show Mizzy? I really hope not, but if she did, we can support each other this cycle, since we're so close in cycles right now. I know I haven't been trying as long as you have, but I can definitely feel your pain darling! I don't even know if my OH can have kids, he has none, my 2 are from previous. Keep your chin up hun, you have lots of friends here to help you through :flower:

Welcome to the new people! Good luck to all!

I think my faint BFP was just the trigger shot testing out, bc the past couple days they've looked pretty negative. I guess this is why they tell you not to test early and get your hopes up. &#65533;&#65533; I'm trying to stay positive, but I still have that little devil on my shoulder saying it's never going to happen. It's just all so frustrating!!

I'm so sorry allison! I really thought that was your bfp! We have next month hun, and it's not over until the :witch: shows! Keep your chin up hun, we all have each other to lean on in the hard times :hugs:

:hugs::hugs: sorry mizzy and allison. Hope that it will still happen for all of us. 11dpo today :bfn: . temp dipped a lil bit, no cramps. dry cm and no symptom. Just waiting for whatever now.

It will happen for all of us at some point! Maybe November will be our lucky month! We need to start getting some more bfp's in here, we can't leave Kk all alone! :hugs:

hello ladies. how is everyone today. Afm 12 dpo today bfn in the morning, 2nd temp drop and it means the witch is on her way to visit. Oh well , there is always next month. How is everyone else. It has gone really quiet here.........

I've just had a busy weekend, kids party, had 7 kids spend the night last night! It made me realize that if I had more kids, they would probably occupy each other better! What was I thinking waiting so long? LOL...

I know it sucks to get af, but at least we can start a new cycle :) I'm trying to be positive about it, so I just keep telling myself this is another chance to make a baby. It could definitely be worse and I could not be ovulating, so I'm trying to look at the brighter side :hugs:

According to both FF and Ovufriend, I am 4 DPO. Been feeling crampy and tired but I've been feeling that way since going off BC last month.

My temps keep going up and staying up so I'm happy about that! I'm not really confident we BD'd enough for me to be preggers this month, but Im not counting it out till I see AF.

My grandfather died this morning so I am going to be in FL from Monday through Saturday for his funeral. I scheduled to go out on Thursday, while he was still alive. But I just didnt make it out there in time. My mother did though (its her father). Anyway, I'm sure its gonna help my TWW pass by a bit quicker even though its not a fun way to do it. I'm gonna test after I get back, on Sunday, I'll be 12DPO by then.

I'm so sorry about your grandpa Bee! I just lost a grandmother a month ago, I know it's hard :hugs: Hopefully you'll get some good time with your family and a distraction from the tww. I'll keep my Fx'd for you for Sunday :hugs:

BFN :( Pretty sure AF is on its way.

I'm sorry hun! It's so hard to see that, but it's close to impossible not to test! We really kick ourselves in the arses with that! Hopefully she doesn't show, but if she does, we have next month to try again, and to support each other! :hugs:

Welcome newbies :hugs: No matter the situation, you are welcome here! Lots of baby dust :dust: to you!!!!!
Kk- How are you feeling darling? Are you going to wait to tell your ds, or have you told him already? If you don't mind me asking, how severe is his case(you said he has downs right?) I don't have much experience with it, but I did have a girl work for me that had it and she was just lovely :) I just remember that when she got upset it was pretty bad, but it didn't happen often, so for the most part she was very happy, worked hard, and was very loveable, I got :hugs: all the time :) I don't mean to be intrusive by any means, I hope you don't mind me asking!

I love your tickers!
Thank you Lou :)

My cramps have kicked into high gear. Maybe AF will show early (not due for 4 days) or who knows maybe I'll still get a BFP. Not giving up yet.
Kk- How are you feeling darling? Are you going to wait to tell your ds, or have you told him already? If you don't mind me asking, how severe is his case(you said he has downs right?) I don't have much experience with it, but I did have a girl work for me that had it and she was just lovely :) I just remember that when she got upset it was pretty bad, but it didn't happen often, so for the most part she was very happy, worked hard, and was very loveable, I got :hugs: all the time :) I don't mean to be intrusive by any means, I hope you don't mind me asking!

I love your tickers!

hey lou lou. I am glad u r back. i am waiting for af to arrive. I am kind of expecting her and excited about the new cycle. what are u doing this cycle? anything different?

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