2 BUNS in the oven............thanksgiving testers!!!!

Kk- How are you feeling darling? Are you going to wait to tell your ds, or have you told him already? If you don't mind me asking, how severe is his case(you said he has downs right?) I don't have much experience with it, but I did have a girl work for me that had it and she was just lovely :) I just remember that when she got upset it was pretty bad, but it didn't happen often, so for the most part she was very happy, worked hard, and was very loveable, I got :hugs: all the time :) I don't mean to be intrusive by any means, I hope you don't mind me asking!

I love your tickers!

hey lou lou. I am glad u r back. i am waiting for af to arrive. I am kind of expecting her and excited about the new cycle. what are u doing this cycle? anything different?

Thanks Dream! I missed you girls, was definitely going through withdrawal! I am going to try using opk's this cycle, which I've never done, so I'm excited/nervous about that :wacko: I may try to temp a little. I was experimenting a little last week since I know my sleep schedule is never the same, so I tried temping when I woke up (if I could remember), and then at the same time every day, throughout the day. I seemed to follow a bit of a pattern, so I may give it more of a whirl this cycle. My cycles keep varying in length, so I need to try and figure out what's going on with that. It was 29 days from June-July, 39 days from July-August, 36 days from August-September, and now 32 days from September-October. I hadn't/haven't been stressed about anything (until ttc last month, which didn't seem to affect anything), so the only thing I can come up with is the hormonal changes of getting older lol. I would love to be back on a 28/29 day cycle, it would be less waiting to O!!! I think I O'ed cd23 in Sept and cd19/20 in Oct, so I would love if that part of the waiting was cut down by a few more days :thumbup: I'm going to try getting :sex: in every other day after af is gone, and every day of positive opk's...hopefully this is the month! Fx'd!!! We need some baby dust in here :dust: !!!!!!! I told my oh I ordered ovulation tests and his response was that we just need to :sex: every day!! I told him that might be good for him, but not so much for my vajay and ttc lol. I got a good laugh out of it tho...he's so clueless about ttc, just thinks it can happen at anytime throughout the month lol :haha:

Are you going to try anything new this cycle? Are we going to stay in this thread or do a November one? Idk if they have rules about that kind of stuff in the forums. I think if we do switch over, we need a fab name (like the one for this month :winkwink:). Something like Thanksgiving...buns in the oven? You are definitely good at this kind of thing! :flower:

loulou the witch is here :growlmad:. oh well. I don't know what to do differently cos i kinda did everything last cycle....temp,opk,preseed. Don't know what else to try lol. Oh well i am glad that i have u ladies to chat with. As for names..........thanksgiving theme is fantastic and i love that bun in the oven. lol


ladies what do u think?

I'm sorry the :witch: got you! Forward march onto next cycle! It does sound like you do everything possible, just have to keep trying is all we can do! I'm so glad I have you ladies also, very thankful for you ladies, which is very appropriate since November is the month of giving thanks :flower::hugs:

I think for the name we need a ? or a ! or both ?! at the end...I'm weird like that lol. I think I like the !!! better, like demanding it to happen lol

a? the? demanding? :saywhat::saywhat::wacko:

No lol the ! Is demanding, ex...Thanksgiving...buns in the oven!!! Does that make more sense? Lol :haha:
Kk- How are you feeling darling? Are you going to wait to tell your ds, or have you told him already? If you don't mind me asking, how severe is his case(you said he has downs right?) I don't have much experience with it, but I did have a girl work for me that had it and she was just lovely :) I just remember that when she got upset it was pretty bad, but it didn't happen often, so for the most part she was very happy, worked hard, and was very loveable, I got :hugs: all the time :) I don't mean to be intrusive by any means, I hope you don't mind me asking!

I love your tickers!

I'm doing pretty good Loulou :) Going to get blood drawn this week for that confirmation and find me a good OBGYN, I'm going to try and get my last one but he doesn't accept Medicaid I don't think :( I've had hot flashes and loads of frequent urination this past week. I felt like a over used water cooler. :blush:
I never mind any questions about my DS :) So never feel intrusive for asking! He doesn't talk at all his speech is severely delayed. We get tons of speech therapy and we've tried signing but he doesn't have the attention span for it. He understands everything I ask him to do he just doesn't know how to relate it back to us. Its hard when he is sick and that's the only time I really ever want to have a pity party about the situation. I've got good mommy gut though :) I told him right away he was going to be a big brother, and I really think in the long run this will be great for him. I have hopes that maybe this baby could be what helps him break down the communication wall. He is a really great kid, and so well behaved I feel really blessed. It was scary in the beginning but I never back down from a challenge and I just jumped straight into learning what I needed to know!

You are an amazing person Kk! I know most people love their children no matter what, but you obviously have gone way beyond that! He is so lucky to have a mommy like you! I hope that this baby will help break the communication barrier and help with his speech :) It definitely may help him to actually learn with another child :) I still have my Fx'd for you! Thank you for being so open about your situation :flower:
Kk- How are you feeling darling? Are you going to wait to tell your ds, or have you told him already? If you don't mind me asking, how severe is his case(you said he has downs right?) I don't have much experience with it, but I did have a girl work for me that had it and she was just lovely :) I just remember that when she got upset it was pretty bad, but it didn't happen often, so for the most part she was very happy, worked hard, and was very loveable, I got :hugs: all the time :) I don't mean to be intrusive by any means, I hope you don't mind me asking!

I love your tickers!

hey lou lou. I am glad u r back. i am waiting for af to arrive. I am kind of expecting her and excited about the new cycle. what are u doing this cycle? anything different?

Thanks Dream! I missed you girls, was definitely going through withdrawal! I am going to try using opk's this cycle, which I've never done, so I'm excited/nervous about that :wacko: I may try to temp a little. I was experimenting a little last week since I know my sleep schedule is never the same, so I tried temping when I woke up (if I could remember), and then at the same time every day, throughout the day. I seemed to follow a bit of a pattern, so I may give it more of a whirl this cycle. My cycles keep varying in length, so I need to try and figure out what's going on with that. It was 29 days from June-July, 39 days from July-August, 36 days from August-September, and now 32 days from September-October. I hadn't/haven't been stressed about anything (until ttc last month, which didn't seem to affect anything), so the only thing I can come up with is the hormonal changes of getting older lol. I would love to be back on a 28/29 day cycle, it would be less waiting to O!!! I think I O'ed cd23 in Sept and cd19/20 in Oct, so I would love if that part of the waiting was cut down by a few more days :thumbup: I'm going to try getting :sex: in every other day after af is gone, and every day of positive opk's...hopefully this is the month! Fx'd!!! We need some baby dust in here :dust: !!!!!!! I told my oh I ordered ovulation tests and his response was that we just need to :sex: every day!! I told him that might be good for him, but not so much for my vajay and ttc lol. I got a good laugh out of it tho...he's so clueless about ttc, just thinks it can happen at anytime throughout the month lol :haha:

Are you going to try anything new this cycle? Are we going to stay in this thread or do a November one? Idk if they have rules about that kind of stuff in the forums. I think if we do switch over, we need a fab name (like the one for this month :winkwink:). Something like Thanksgiving...buns in the oven? You are definitely good at this kind of thing! :flower:

loulou the witch is here :growlmad:. oh well. I don't know what to do differently cos i kinda did everything last cycle....temp,opk,preseed. Don't know what else to try lol. Oh well i am glad that i have u ladies to chat with. As for names..........thanksgiving theme is fantastic and i love that bun in the oven. lol


ladies what do u think?

Are you already taking prenatals? That's the only thing besides temping I did different this cycle...and I'm not saying that's what did it, just only thing I can think of to try right now :)

I've been taking prenatals since August when I thought I may want to start ttc :) I know folic acid is a big deal when ttc and I have low iron to begin with, so I figured I'd get a jump start incase my oh was on board (which obviously he is ;) ) :)
Thank you Lou :)

My cramps have kicked into high gear. Maybe AF will show early (not due for 4 days) or who knows maybe I'll still get a BFP. Not giving up yet.

How long are your cycles usually? I love your optimism :flower: As one of the other ladies told me, it's always good to have hope :) After I thought about this I realized how true it is! Hope for a bfp, a new cycle, a sticky bean, a healthy baby, and for all of our friends in whatever situation they may be in :hugs:

My cycles are usually 29-30 days. Based on 30 days, AF is due on Thursday. I took Midol, but the cramps aren't going away.

And thanks a lot hun :hugs:

Cramps can be a great thing! I have my Fx'd for you! We'll be waiting for updates :)
I'm new as well! I am 3DPO and I have a horrible metallic taste in my mouth. Had some lower back pain today and cramps yesterday. AF should start on Halloween!

Welcome Vanilla! Are you going to wait to til then to test? Fx'd and lots of baby dust :dust:
I"m testing tomorrow not the 16th. AF due tomorrow... :af: :af: :af:

Happy belated birthday Hopin! I forgot the other day, but I hope it was a good one! I'll have my Fx'd for your test tomorrow, keep us posted hun! :dust:

Thank you. It was Ok. I hope to get my late birthday present tomorrow!! Im super excited yet nervous at the same time.

It is a very anxious time! We definitely all understand what you're going through hun! I can't believe how you girls can hold out to test, but it definitely beats the disappointment of those bfn's early on! I really hope you'll have your :bfp: for your belated bday present!
Wow, everyone has been so active on here today! I don't know if I can keep up with everything, but I'm so sorry to those of you that got the visit from AF!! I think I'm about to be right there with y'all here soon! Tests have still been BFNs, only 13dpo so I guess there's still hope... Maybe...
For those still waiting to test, goooood luck!!!! My fingers are crossed for everyone!
Hi all! I'm late to the party but I think I failed at my lazy attempt to NFP this cycle. Did I read on here that cold symptoms are a sign? That's different. I've got a cold. I'm 10 dpo but my af usually shows up on 10dpo. So I'm Hopi g it's finally lengthening. My kiddos are 6 4 and 2 I am a birth doula and husband works on the Alaskan pipeline. That's all about me.hope everyone gets their Halloween bfp! I love this time of year
Hi all! I'm late to the party but I think I failed at my lazy attempt to NFP this cycle. Did I read on here that cold symptoms are a sign? That's different. I've got a cold. I'm 10 dpo but my af usually shows up on 10dpo. So I'm Hopi g it's finally lengthening. My kiddos are 6 4 and 2 I am a birth doula and husband works on the Alaskan pipeline. That's all about me.hope everyone gets their Halloween bfp! I love this time of year

Welcome Movin!!

I've heard that cold symptoms are a sign, I have allergy issues with weather changes so it was hard to take my stuffy nose as a sign or not lol!

FX's and baby dust to you!!
Hi all! I'm late to the party but I think I failed at my lazy attempt to NFP this cycle. Did I read on here that cold symptoms are a sign? That's different. I've got a cold. I'm 10 dpo but my af usually shows up on 10dpo. So I'm Hopi g it's finally lengthening. My kiddos are 6 4 and 2 I am a birth doula and husband works on the Alaskan pipeline. That's all about me.hope everyone gets their Halloween bfp! I love this time of year

Welcome, and good luck :)

I'll be testing again in the am...still having cramps but they're not too bad. No sign of AF yet. Wish me luck :dust:
Hi all! I'm late to the party but I think I failed at my lazy attempt to NFP this cycle. Did I read on here that cold symptoms are a sign? That's different. I've got a cold. I'm 10 dpo but my af usually shows up on 10dpo. So I'm Hopi g it's finally lengthening. My kiddos are 6 4 and 2 I am a birth doula and husband works on the Alaskan pipeline. That's all about me.hope everyone gets their Halloween bfp! I love this time of year

Welcome Movin! Fx'd for you and lots of baby dust :dust: !!! Sounds like you have a very interesting life! :flower:
Good luck to all of today's testers, I know I'm up early so I look forward to seeing some BFPs later today.
I just had a BFN. Been using Dollar Tree tests, anyone have experience with them? This test the control line is a lot closer to the right than my previous ones this month of the same brand. Anyone else experience this?
Well nobirthday present for Me. She nailed me this morning. Im done ttc. Its too stressful and Im done tryong. We tried for almost a year. Guess its just not meant for Me. Too late in the game per say :(

Wish you ladies Good Luck and I pray you get your bfp"s real soon.

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