2 BUNS in the oven............thanksgiving testers!!!!

I've decided I've fallen out with my IC pregnancy tests and have moved on to pound shop ones. The last IC I got a BFP on was a slightly different brand. I'll do a pound shop one invite mmorning. If it's neg I may trust the IC again lol. I've had some brown spotting today so I'm hopeful that's a sign implantation has happened. I will wait and see I suppose.
Good lluck to all

You are a testing Olympic champion here! I am rooting for you! I hope you'll get your Gold baby medal!
Did you try FRER , my friend tested BFP when her blood beta was only 9.
Also 25 sensitivity is an optimum test.

Baby dust to all!
Good luck Denyse and Movin! Fx'd and we want pics of lines :)

Kk- let us know when you get results. Pregnancy is a hormonal roller coaster lol :haha:

Baby- glad to have you back! Your approach sounds great, the less stress the better :hugs:

allison- I didn't know that they could have 2 heads or tails either! My oh would get a kick out of that! So the doc said that's not a big deal? Very interesting and good to know, thanks! :thumbup:

girl, after last time, i NEED a less stressful approach. I figure, I have an idea when I O, and I have the preseed. We'll just do the do and say our prayers. Tis' all. Hows things going on your end, Loulou?

They're going, waiting to bd lol. If my oh would come near me during any stage of af, probably would have started already :haha:

Are you taking prenatals? Just incase and the folic acid is important...other than that, make yourself lots of love!! Less stress=better sex anyways :thumbup: Enjoy yourself and hopefully end up with a good surprise :)

yesss!! i definitely have been taking prenatals every day, and i "eat my vitamins" by getting a huge range of fruits and veggies with lots of nutrients in them--especially those with folate! At this point, I'm like, i drove myself crazy. Now I just want to try it with a more relaxed approach, and by the end fo the year if I'm not preggo, hubby and I decided we'll just go to the doctor. We're at the 6 month mark now.

I commend you on all of the above! I love, love, love veggies!!! Fruit eh...not so much! The only things I like sweet are my coffee and my mixed drinks lol :haha: but I do try and get a good balance and supplement with oj:) I know it's so hard to be relaxed about ttc, I don't know how I ever did it before, but it really is the best approach. I don't ever remember feeling like a day took a week or a week took a month while casually trying and it happened pretty quickly when that wasn't what I was focused on. I'm going to try and relax more, but I still want to pee on stuff :)haha:), especially since I've never tried opk's. I'm curious to see if the signs my body gives me are right :shrug: I'm hoping November is a lucky month for all of us!
Hey ladies! :hi:

I know I've been away for a while. My DS had to have surgery on his hand this week, Hubby was really sick and of course needed to be babied as well, and things have just been really hectic.

I've missed you all, been staying in touch with some of you through the FB group, but I totally feel out of the loop. Gonna try to spend some time going through old pages and catching up with whats going on with everyone.

Seeing lots of new faces too. :flower: Just wishing everyone lots of luck, sending TONS of good vibes and Babydust :dust:

Promise I won't stay away so long this time. FX'ed that we see some late October/ November :bfp: 's soon! <3

I hope your boys get well soon! Welcome back! How are you, besides going crazy with everything? Are you back to classes yet? Did you get yourself to the doc in all the craziness you've had going on? Answers? Yes...this is twenty questions lol
I've decided I've fallen out with my IC pregnancy tests and have moved on to pound shop ones. The last IC I got a BFP on was a slightly different brand. I'll do a pound shop one invite mmorning. If it's neg I may trust the IC again lol. I've had some brown spotting today so I'm hopeful that's a sign implantation has happened. I will wait and see I suppose.
Good lluck to all

I'm sending some super good luck for you!!! Fx'd and lots of baby dust :dust: !!!!!!!!!
Well Af has arrived ..slowly but it should pick up pace here soon. Im okay with this because my husband is very stressed out at work and this would have pushed him over the edge when normally he'd be over the moon. God knows how to time these things. If we are meant to have a 4th bub we will.

Sorry about af hun, but you seem to know that it wasn't the time. It still sucks! Like you said if it's meant to be it will be, timing plays a huge role in all of this...Good luck for next cycle hun :flower:
Sorry AF got you hun x

I haven't tried FRER yet, saving them for when I've got more chance of it being accurate.
Sorry about AF Movinmama! Will you be trying next cycle? X

Charlie, why do you hate pound shop tests? I like the sure sign ones from home bargains - never an evap!

I tested bfn this morning with a cheapie and the fancy pants new super early test. Then this evening I see a line!! It's soooo feint and doesn't pickup in the photo all that well. I also don't know whether to trust these tests because I've not used this particular type of eBay cheapie before. Here's so e pics of the squinter as requested! ;)


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Sorry here's the original!


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Sorry about AF Movinmama! Will you be trying next cycle? X

Charlie, why do you hate pound shop tests? I like the sure sign ones from home bargains - never an evap!

I tested bfn this morning with a cheapie and the fancy pants new super early test. Then this evening I see a line!! It's soooo feint and doesn't pickup in the photo all that well. I also don't know whether to trust these tests because I've not used this particular type of eBay cheapie before. Here's so e pics of the squinter as requested! ;)

I agree with the home bargains tests! They are the best :)
Hey ladies! :hi:

I know I've been away for a while. My DS had to have surgery on his hand this week, Hubby was really sick and of course needed to be babied as well, and things have just been really hectic.

I've missed you all, been staying in touch with some of you through the FB group, but I totally feel out of the loop. Gonna try to spend some time going through old pages and catching up with whats going on with everyone.

Seeing lots of new faces too. :flower: Just wishing everyone lots of luck, sending TONS of good vibes and Babydust :dust:

Promise I won't stay away so long this time. FX'ed that we see some late October/ November :bfp: 's soon! <3

I hope your boys get well soon! Welcome back! How are you, besides going crazy with everything? Are you back to classes yet? Did you get yourself to the doc in all the craziness you've had going on? Answers? Yes...this is twenty questions lol

Thanks for the well wishes for my boys! They both seem to be doing better, Hubs is back to work, and Aiden (DS) seems to be healing well, he's a bit cranky and the pain meds are keeping him kinda sleepy, but all seems to be going well.

Currently on CD 19 (woohoo, a bit longer than they have been) and 10 dpo according to FF and OF, but I think I'm not sure I agree and feel like I might be more like 11 or 12 dpo. The doctor was totally unhelpful, basically she brushed me off and told me that "as we get OLDER our cycles do funny things" (im not even quite 25 yet, so the "getting older" thing doesn't sit well with me, when should I have started having babies? As a teenager?) She did order basic bloods to check my thyroid, blood sugar, cholesterol, etc, but that's about it. I'm going to see a new doc and get a second opinion. Even with my charts showing temps and super short/funky cycles she seemed to dismiss my concerns, so I don't feel like I got ANY real answers.

I used OPK's for the first few days this cycle, but decided to wait until after I saw the doc and stopped, so I didn't confirm O, my temps and CM do look like I O'ed though.
I also had a big temp did and some spotting on CD 14, and a bout of back pain/cramping, I definitely thought AF was going to show around cd 15 or so like the last few cycles, but then the spotting stopped and I haven't seen any inclination that the witch is on her way yet.

Right around the time of the dip and spotting I had an 'episode' in Walmart where I suddenly got super dizzy and felt like I was going to faint. I had to sit down in the aisle, and right before I sat down hubby looked at me and said "are you ok? you look terribly, you have HUGE dark circles under your eyes." I had to lean on the cart the entire time we were waiting to check out because I was scared I might pass out, and as soon as we got to the parking lot I threw up, and got sick a few time right after we got home. It was confusing because it was right around the time Hubby was getting sick, but it went away by the next morning for me, and didn't seem to be the same sickness he had.

When I was pregnant with DS I had several of the same sort of "episodes" and weirdly, once in Walmart I actually blacked out, fell down and busted my chin open. It was totally scary and embarrassing because the manager insisted I be pushed in a wheel chair to my car and they made a big fuss. I ended up needing an iron supplement with that preg, and it all sort of felt like Deja Vu. I was a few month into my preg with DS when I started having the 'spells', and so I thought perhaps I might have concieved last cycle, AF was only like 3 days and pretty light, so I bought some cheap store brand (food lion) tests and got a BFN. The spotting and dip were right around what would have been close to correct timing for implantation, and since it was only a little spotting that went away I'm staying hopeful and plan to test again with FMU in a few days (trying to hold out till 13 or 14 dpo to reduce the chances of a false BFN). I don't know if the B6 is starting to help with my LP and my cycle in general, or whats up, but I guess I'll just have to keep waiting and seeing.

Not having really any symptoms except that I've been super emotional (however it's been hectic, and I'm pretty high strung, so not chalking that up to much in the way of a "symptom") and a little fatigue today. Also having TONS of creamy CM, it was TAN for a day or two, then late last night it was sort of "cloudy" but stretchy, almost looked like EWCM, but not clear at all. Today it's creamy and sort of whitish again...
And yes, back to classes. Yesterday was the first day of my first math course since starting my degree. Slow starting, though I'm sure in a few weeks I'll be BUSY, BUSY, BUSY with that as well. :book:
It's not the pound shop tests I've fallen out with, it's the eBay cheapies.

Should be attached is my FMU test today :)


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I have chills, is it truth you got faint positive?
I wish wish wish it'll turn darker day after day.
Are you doing blood test too?:flower:
If you're meaning me I'll be doing a better test tonight. My clinic don't do bloods though, I may ask my doctor.
Hey ladies! :hi:

I know I've been away for a while. My DS had to have surgery on his hand this week, Hubby was really sick and of course needed to be babied as well, and things have just been really hectic.

I've missed you all, been staying in touch with some of you through the FB group, but I totally feel out of the loop. Gonna try to spend some time going through old pages and catching up with whats going on with everyone.

Seeing lots of new faces too. :flower: Just wishing everyone lots of luck, sending TONS of good vibes and Babydust :dust:

Promise I won't stay away so long this time. FX'ed that we see some late October/ November :bfp: 's soon! <3

I hope your boys get well soon! Welcome back! How are you, besides going crazy with everything? Are you back to classes yet? Did you get yourself to the doc in all the craziness you've had going on? Answers? Yes...this is twenty questions lol

Thanks for the well wishes for my boys! They both seem to be doing better, Hubs is back to work, and Aiden (DS) seems to be healing well, he's a bit cranky and the pain meds are keeping him kinda sleepy, but all seems to be going well.

Currently on CD 19 (woohoo, a bit longer than they have been) and 10 dpo according to FF and OF, but I think I'm not sure I agree and feel like I might be more like 11 or 12 dpo. The doctor was totally unhelpful, basically she brushed me off and told me that "as we get OLDER our cycles do funny things" (im not even quite 25 yet, so the "getting older" thing doesn't sit well with me, when should I have started having babies? As a teenager?) She did order basic bloods to check my thyroid, blood sugar, cholesterol, etc, but that's about it. I'm going to see a new doc and get a second opinion. Even with my charts showing temps and super short/funky cycles she seemed to dismiss my concerns, so I don't feel like I got ANY real answers.

I used OPK's for the first few days this cycle, but decided to wait until after I saw the doc and stopped, so I didn't confirm O, my temps and CM do look like I O'ed though.

I'm glad your boys are better:) I'm sorry you didn't get any answers from the doc. Sometimes it seems like they really don't want to be bothered even tho that's exactly what they signed up for! A paycheck is what's it's all about for some, which is so sad, doctors used to be one of the most trustworthy/compassionate people there were! I would definitely get a second (and maybe third) opinion, maybe you'll find a great doc in the process :) You are way to young for age to be used as an excuse, my cycles started to get funky after I turned 31, and I still think that's too young. I know that our hormones do change throughout the years and that some people are affected more than others, maybe you're just sensitive :winkwink: I'm am super happy that you have made it to cd 19, maybe you will straiten out on your own! That would be awesome! I think they say as long as you have at least a 12/13 day lp you should be in great shape for conceiving? You definitely know your body better than anyone else, so I'm sure you are right about your after o signs. I still have my Fx'd for you and I hope everything gets sorted out and you get your bfp soon :hugs:
Sorry about AF Movinmama! Will you be trying next cycle? X

Charlie, why do you hate pound shop tests? I like the sure sign ones from home bargains - never an evap!

I tested bfn this morning with a cheapie and the fancy pants new super early test. Then this evening I see a line!! It's soooo feint and doesn't pickup in the photo all that well. I also don't know whether to trust these tests because I've not used this particular type of eBay cheapie before. Here's so e pics of the squinter as requested! ;)

Thanks hun! I definitely think I see something there, especially in the original, and it looks like it has color! I hope it gets darker for you! Keep us posted :hugs:
It's not the pound shop tests I've fallen out with, it's the eBay cheapies.

Should be attached is my FMU test today :)

Thanks for the pic! Either I have line eye, or there is a faint line there?! It doesn't even seem that faint, is it darker in person? This is so exciting! Keep us posted! :hugs: Fx'd!!

I can definitely see that without enlarging the picture!
Can i join? i am due AF on the 29-30th but knowing me ill test before lol

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