2 BUNS in the oven............thanksgiving testers!!!!

I'd probably recommend doing another test FMU tomorrow in the hope it's a clearer result :)
My bleeding has turned red. It's still not super heavy (I was sure it would pick up a lot during the night), so I'm still in limbo I guess. If the flow doesn't increase today, I'm really unsure of what's going on. This is either a weird cycle or something else altogether.
My bleeding has turned red. It's still not super heavy (I was sure it would pick up a lot during the night), so I'm still in limbo I guess. If the flow doesn't increase today, I'm really unsure of what's going on. This is either a weird cycle or something else altogether.

Weird!! I can see that this will be your 2nd cycle TTC . Have you recently come off hormonal birth control, because that could answer a LOT of your questions, lol!

Also, sometimes i have light periods which last longer and other times i have heavy ones that are over in a few days. I think bodies just vary in what they do from time to time. :)
My bleeding has turned red. It's still not super heavy (I was sure it would pick up a lot during the night), so I'm still in limbo I guess. If the flow doesn't increase today, I'm really unsure of what's going on. This is either a weird cycle or something else altogether.

Weird!! I can see that this will be your 2nd cycle TTC . Have you recently come off hormonal birth control, because that could answer a LOT of your questions, lol!

Also, sometimes i have light periods which last longer and other times i have heavy ones that are over in a few days. I think bodies just vary in what they do from time to time. :)

Nope, never been on birth control. November will be our third cycle...maybe it will be the lucky one! It took us 3 months to conceive our son back in 2011. November would be nice too because we would be due shortly before our anniversary :) Before starting to try to conceive #2 I had very regular cycles, 28-30 days at most and the first day would be light then it would get heavy. I had never seen brown bleeding before.

The flow is now picking up, which I'm actually grateful for. Once AF is done, we are looking forward to trying again :)
The flow is now picking up, which I'm actually grateful for. Once AF is done, we are looking forward to trying again :)

I'm on my second cycle too, and I felt exactly the same when I was spotting around AF prediction. I was a bit hopeful but when AF arrived I was just relieved to have the stress of guessing lift away.
My bleeding has turned red. It's still not super heavy (I was sure it would pick up a lot during the night), so I'm still in limbo I guess. If the flow doesn't increase today, I'm really unsure of what's going on. This is either a weird cycle or something else altogether.

Weird!! I can see that this will be your 2nd cycle TTC . Have you recently come off hormonal birth control, because that could answer a LOT of your questions, lol!

Also, sometimes i have light periods which last longer and other times i have heavy ones that are over in a few days. I think bodies just vary in what they do from time to time. :)

Nope, never been on birth control. November will be our third cycle...maybe it will be the lucky one! It took us 3 months to conceive our son back in 2011. November would be nice too because we would be due shortly before our anniversary :) Before starting to try to conceive #2 I had very regular cycles, 28-30 days at most and the first day would be light then it would get heavy. I had never seen brown bleeding before.

The flow is now picking up, which I'm actually grateful for. Once AF is done, we are looking forward to trying again :)

Oh then i do hope third time's a charm for you! :D
sausages and Denyse- Sorry af got you!! Onto next cycle ladies :flower: I feel like our bodies intentionally screw with us when we start ttc lol. Lets make November lucky! :happydance:

riana- I definitely see a thick but faint pink line there! I would definitely keep testing hun, I think those are the same ic's that sausages had a problem with, but everyone is different:) Hopefully you get a nice progression! FX'd!!!

Psychick- That is definitely a line, not even a skinny one! The only scary thing is that it doesn't seem to have a lot of color. I definitely say keep testing :) and post pics, cuz we love seeing pics of pee sticks :) Hoping for nice pink double lines for you! FX'd!!!

Thanks for the advice on the opk's ladies! I think I'm gonna ride out this cycle with the wondfo's and see what happens. If I can't get a clear answer this cycle I'll upgrade to digi opk next month. I know I my LH varies because the first one I took was almost stark white, so we'll see :shrug: Hopefully I won't need them for another cycle :winkwink:
After one last BFN around 5am this morning, I woke up at 8:30 to find the :witch: had arrived. Not heavy and not bright red, a very dark brown. Pretty sure I'm out.

Thank you ladies for all of your support. On to November.

I'm sorry the :witch: found you hun! We are ready for November, bring it on! Round up the troops, give them a good pep talk, and we'll all face this thing together! :hugs::hugs::hugs:

Thanks hun. I'm really hoping November is our month. We would be due around our 7th wedding anniversary :)

I hope November is your month Hun! .. I'm hoping it's mine as well .. That would put due date smack in the middle of mine and SO's birthday .. There is only a 3 week gap between our birthdays so for it to fall in that time would be pretty awesome! .. Lol .. GL ladies .. Fingers crossed and lots and lots of BD'ing <3 Oh .. i wanted to ask .. is it true that BD'ing everyday lowers the chances of conceiving? I heard it can lower the sperm count .. Meh thats bad for me .. haha .. i like BD'ing alot but if its bad then maybe ill try every other day?
I've heard everyday doesn't give the sperm time to mature. My clinic wanted hubby to abstain for between 2 and 4 days, no more, no less.
After one last BFN around 5am this morning, I woke up at 8:30 to find the :witch: had arrived. Not heavy and not bright red, a very dark brown. Pretty sure I'm out.

Thank you ladies for all of your support. On to November.

I'm sorry the :witch: found you hun! We are ready for November, bring it on! Round up the troops, give them a good pep talk, and we'll all face this thing together! :hugs::hugs::hugs:

Thanks hun. I'm really hoping November is our month. We would be due around our 7th wedding anniversary :)

I hope November is your month Hun! .. I'm hoping it's mine as well .. That would put due date smack in the middle of mine and SO's birthday .. There is only a 3 week gap between our birthdays so for it to fall in that time would be pretty awesome! .. Lol .. GL ladies .. Fingers crossed and lots and lots of BD'ing <3 Oh .. i wanted to ask .. is it true that BD'ing everyday lowers the chances of conceiving? I heard it can lower the sperm count .. Meh thats bad for me .. haha .. i like BD'ing alot but if its bad then maybe ill try every other day?

I've read conflicting things about it, some say every day is ok as long as it's 24 hrs between, some say every other day. I don't think that every day is a bad thing hun, the way I see it is there many not be quite as many swimmers in each batch if you dtd every day, but you are also getting more batches of swimmers, so which one equals more? Idk lol, but, in my opinion, I'd say bd every day if you want to! Sorry I'm not helpful, I am definitely not an expert with this stuff, but they do say to dtd every day of pos opk's so?....GL and FX'd!! Lots of :sex: :haha:
riana- I definitely see a thick but faint pink line there! I would definitely keep testing hun, I think those are the same ic's that sausages had a problem with, but everyone is different:) Hopefully you get a nice progression! FX'd!!!

pls, explain me acr "IC", i don´t know it :shrug:
test line is better visible, i can take my photos only by mobile phone :wacko:

i try to take another test tommorow or wednesday morning...
After one last BFN around 5am this morning, I woke up at 8:30 to find the :witch: had arrived. Not heavy and not bright red, a very dark brown. Pretty sure I'm out.

Thank you ladies for all of your support. On to November.

I'm sorry the :witch: found you hun! We are ready for November, bring it on! Round up the troops, give them a good pep talk, and we'll all face this thing together! :hugs::hugs::hugs:

Thanks hun. I'm really hoping November is our month. We would be due around our 7th wedding anniversary :)

I hope November is your month Hun! .. I'm hoping it's mine as well .. That would put due date smack in the middle of mine and SO's birthday .. There is only a 3 week gap between our birthdays so for it to fall in that time would be pretty awesome! .. Lol .. GL ladies .. Fingers crossed and lots and lots of BD'ing <3 Oh .. i wanted to ask .. is it true that BD'ing everyday lowers the chances of conceiving? I heard it can lower the sperm count .. Meh thats bad for me .. haha .. i like BD'ing alot but if its bad then maybe ill try every other day?

Yeah, the doctors told us that bd'ing every second day is best. Doing it every day does lower the man's sperm count. Our plan next month is to start bd'ing every second day as soon as my period ends. It's exciting to see my husband really on bored about it; I think he really wants us to conceive in November too. It would be so exciting to have a baby around our anniversary :) Plus our son would be almost 3 - he's ready for a sibling.
riana- I definitely see a thick but faint pink line there! I would definitely keep testing hun, I think those are the same ic's that sausages had a problem with, but everyone is different:) Hopefully you get a nice progression! FX'd!!!

pls, explain me acr "IC", i don´t know it :shrug:
test line is better visible, i can take my photos only by mobile phone :wacko:

i try to take another test tommorow or wednesday morning...

sorry hun, ic is internet cheapie. I'm in the same boat with the mobile pics, they don't focus great close up :dohh: Good luck on the next test hun! I'm hoping for darker lines for you :)
After one last BFN around 5am this morning, I woke up at 8:30 to find the :witch: had arrived. Not heavy and not bright red, a very dark brown. Pretty sure I'm out.

Thank you ladies for all of your support. On to November.

I'm sorry the :witch: found you hun! We are ready for November, bring it on! Round up the troops, give them a good pep talk, and we'll all face this thing together! :hugs::hugs::hugs:

Thanks hun. I'm really hoping November is our month. We would be due around our 7th wedding anniversary :)

I hope November is your month Hun! .. I'm hoping it's mine as well .. That would put due date smack in the middle of mine and SO's birthday .. There is only a 3 week gap between our birthdays so for it to fall in that time would be pretty awesome! .. Lol .. GL ladies .. Fingers crossed and lots and lots of BD'ing <3 Oh .. i wanted to ask .. is it true that BD'ing everyday lowers the chances of conceiving? I heard it can lower the sperm count .. Meh thats bad for me .. haha .. i like BD'ing alot but if its bad then maybe ill try every other day?

Yeah, the doctors told us that bd'ing every second day is best. Doing it every day does lower the man's sperm count. Our plan next month is to start bd'ing every second day as soon as my period ends. It's exciting to see my husband really on bored about it; I think he really wants us to conceive in November too. It would be so exciting to have a baby around our anniversary :) Plus our son would be almost 3 - he's ready for a sibling.

I've heard the same thing about every other day, but I also read a study that said chances are just as good every day. There was no evidence to support that every other day will give you better chances or vice versa. This stuff can be so confusing and there is so much conflicting info out there! :dohh: It can definitely make us a bit :wacko:!!! I think most the info we get is all based on "professional opinions" and that is such a gray area! Plus it's very hard to base such a study on a small group of people when there are so many people in this world and all people are different. Obviously, as women, our bodies all operate so differently, so I would assume it's the same for men and their bodies ability to regenerate sperm, etc. Lol...I've gone on a bit about this, so I'll stop, I just find this stuff so confusing, frustrating, interesting, and conflicted. It'd be nice if it was easier to get answers for each individual case!

I'm hoping November is your month! That would be such a pleasant gift for your anniversary! Sometimes I wish I would have had my kids closer together (so they would have a closer relationship), but I also had a lot of individual time with each of them, which was wonderful! They are 5 yrs apart and now we're working on #3 and my youngest turned 6 in September, so hopefully it doesn't take too long:)
DenyseGiguere: I started to get that brown blood and then followed by proper AF. I never got brown blood before. It only started after we NTNP and started to have unprotected sex.

Btw what does BD'ing every second day mean ? Like if you BD on Monday then when next BD would be ? Wednesday or Thursday ?
DenyseGiguere: I started to get that brown blood and then followed by proper AF. I never got brown blood before. It only started after we NTNP and started to have unprotected sex.

Btw what does BD'ing every second day mean ? Like if you BD on Monday then when next BD would be ? Wednesday or Thursday ?

Every 48 hrs or close to it...Monday, Wednesday, Friday, etc...

A lot of women swear by this method. Try to google smep (sperm meets egg plan). A short rundown for you...bd every other day starting cd8(or after af) and bd for 3 days consecutive when you get a pos opk, skip a day, and then bd once more. I think that's pretty close to what smep is lol
So every second day is same as every other day ?
I know about SMEP. But I think it would be stressful and way mechanical. But I have heard it works.
DenyseGiguere: I started to get that brown blood and then followed by proper AF. I never got brown blood before. It only started after we NTNP and started to have unprotected sex.

Btw what does BD'ing every second day mean ? Like if you BD on Monday then when next BD would be ? Wednesday or Thursday ?

This makes me feel better. I had brown last month too and it was the first month we were having unprotected sex. So that must be where the brown comes from?

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