2 BUNS in the oven............thanksgiving testers!!!!

BFN for me today:growlmad:
2nd IVF failed, each IVF we had perfect embryos. It is a mystery why thy don't stick.
I am happy for BFP and died witches.
:dust: for the rest of us!
Enjoying :wine: today!
BFN for me today:growlmad:
2nd IVF failed, each IVF we had perfect embryos. It is a mystery why thy don't stick.
I am happy for BFP and died witches.
:dust: for the rest of us!
Enjoying :wine: today!

:( I'm sorry. Enjoy that drink! :hugs:
Thank you. It is hard and we looked into adoption but you had to have stopped trying for a year first and I jjust wasn't willing to give up just yet. Thankfully our IVF cost just under a grand so it was affordable.

Wow, your IVF was really cheap! Well.... not really cheap being a thousand pounds, but cheaper than the norm. How come, if you don't mind me asking? Yeah, after our first two losses we almost opted for adoption and had our initial visit. We were going to have to wait a period of time after our last loss, so we decided to give it one last shot. SIL and her DH were made to wait 6 months i think it was from their last IVF.
Hi ladies!!

I'm off for a mini holiday to visit my brother and my gorgeous baby neice :baby:
so I won't be back til Sunday. Currently 4dpo and will be 9dpo!! Exciting!!
Baby dust to you all look forward to seeing more BFP and a new November thread if there isn't already one!!

Love and hugs to all! Good luck!!

Have a great vacation! Lots of love and extra luck for when you get home :)
:dust: :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust:
My cycle came really early last month I believe because of stress but going off normal months, I'm 4 days late! :) Possibly more! Not testing until 31st! I have my first OB appoint to work on my infertility that day, and so I figure i'll try FMU and if its neg then doc can do some testing! We pray everynight for a baby I really hope god has blessed us this month! :) TTC for years.. 1 early MC Oct 13th 2012

You have iron will hun! I'll keep my FX'd for your surprise :bfp: before your ob appt!!! Lots of baby dust for you!!!! :dust::dust::dust::dust::dust::dust:
I posted about a week and a half ago....
Second month ttc....and was very hopeful as I had sooo many "weird" things happen to me since ovulation. Strange cramps, pains, dry mouth, odd sleeping patterns, very tired and more...but...I'm due for AF on Thursday and am almost sure she'll make an appearance. Sigh.

Feeling like all the symptoms are there for her arrival...and none of the 6 (!!) early pregnancy tests have had BFP....

Sniff. Pretty sure I'm out.

I don't know how some women cope when they have been trying for sooo long. As mentioned above, this is only our second month ttc and already feeling sad. It's hard not to get excited. The ttw totally wrecks your head.

Baby Dust to Everyone Out There!

I'm so sorry :-( I'm going through the exact same thing. Second official month TTC after 2 miscarriages and all the signs are there....cramping, light spotting at 8 and 9 DPO, weird sleeping, sore boobs, headaches...the works! I'm due to start my period on Friday and I totally agree with you, even though it's only the 2nd month we get so excited! Here's to hoping we won't have to endure the wait much longer <3

Hang in there ladies! Easier said than done I know :wacko: I just keep reminding myself that stress is bad all around and I have to be the best I can be :) GL to you both! Lots of baby dust :dust::dust::dust::dust::dust:
I posted about a week and a half ago....
Second month ttc....and was very hopeful as I had sooo many "weird" things happen to me since ovulation. Strange cramps, pains, dry mouth, odd sleeping patterns, very tired and more...but...I'm due for AF on Thursday and am almost sure she'll make an appearance. Sigh.

Feeling like all the symptoms are there for her arrival...and none of the 6 (!!) early pregnancy tests have had BFP....

Sniff. Pretty sure I'm out.

I don't know how some women cope when they have been trying for sooo long. As mentioned above, this is only our second month ttc and already feeling sad. It's hard not to get excited. The ttw totally wrecks your head.

Baby Dust to Everyone Out There!

I'm so sorry :-( I'm going through the exact same thing. Second official month TTC after 2 miscarriages and all the signs are there....cramping, light spotting at 8 and 9 DPO, weird sleeping, sore boobs, headaches...the works! I'm due to start my period on Friday and I totally agree with you, even though it's only the 2nd month we get so excited! Here's to hoping we won't have to endure the wait much longer <3

Hang in there ladies! Easier said than done I know :wacko: I just keep reminding myself that stress is bad all around and I have to be the best I can be :) GL to you both! Lots of baby dust :dust::dust::dust::dust::dust:

Loulou - where are you at in your cycle now?
Thanks everyone...still early days I guess....but still easy to get disappointed and even a bit worried about the "what ifs"...

New to this thread....so not sure how to "thank" people...or quote people...but thanks all the same for the previous comments! LOL
Just out of curiosity....since I am so new to this world of trying for a baby...

How long have some of you been ttc? I've heard that trying fall pregnant is actually harder than some people realise, and that it can take up to 12 months (for a young, healthy couple) to fall pregnant.

Being naïve and ignorant, I always thought that falling pregnant would be fairly easy...until I started looking into it more.....
I have been TTC for 3.5 years with a few one month breaks because it can be emotionally exhausting!! I had one early MC, I had one cyst, but currently am very healthly, not over weight, and no known conditions.. just not preggers :(
I'm not officially TTC. More kind of NTNP kind of. Basically the last 3 cycle DH has finished inside me around o but not entirely on purpose. So anyway, 3 cycles for us this time. 1st baby took 7, then 5 for next then 3 for DD and 1st cycle for DS :)
Thank you. It is hard and we looked into adoption but you had to have stopped trying for a year first and I jjust wasn't willing to give up just yet. Thankfully our IVF cost just under a grand so it was affordable.

Wow, your IVF was really cheap! Well.... not really cheap being a thousand pounds, but cheaper than the norm. How come, if you don't mind me asking? Yeah, after our first two losses we almost opted for adoption and had our initial visit. We were going to have to wait a period of time after our last loss, so we decided to give it one last shot. SIL and her DH were made to wait 6 months i think it was from their last IVF.

It was so cheap because we did egg share meaning 12 of the 25 eggs I produced were donated to another lady. It dramatically brought the price down about 4 grand.

Just out of curiosity....since I am so new to this world of trying for a baby...

How long have some of you been ttc? I've heard that trying fall pregnant is actually harder than some people realise, and that it can take up to 12 months (for a young, healthy couple) to fall pregnant.

Being naïve and ignorant, I always thought that falling pregnant would be fairly easy...until I started looking into it more.....

I've been trying 55 months with a short break in there when I was getting married, in that time I also had a miscarriage which took about 3 months out.
It was so cheap because we did egg share meaning 12 of the 25 eggs I produced were donated to another lady. It dramatically brought the price down about 4 grand.

Aaah, i've heard of that! 25 eggs is awesome!! I know my SIL struggled with her IVF mainly because she only had about 8-10 follies and then only a couple of eggs. In the last cycle she did they only ended up with 1 embryo to transfer. Oh it was such an emotional time for them! :( We had discussed donating my eggs, but we both decided it would be too close to home and weird for both of us. I hope you don't mind me asking questions, i'm just interested. Did the other lady have to pay some of your costs? A bit like "buying" your eggs? Is that why it was so cheap compared to normal? Hope that's not an ignorant question!!
It was so cheap because we did egg share meaning 12 of the 25 eggs I produced were donated to another lady. It dramatically brought the price down about 4 grand.

Aaah, i've heard of that! 25 eggs is awesome!! I know my SIL struggled with her IVF mainly because she only had about 8-10 follies and then only a couple of eggs. In the last cycle she did they only ended up with 1 embryo to transfer. Oh it was such an emotional time for them! :( We had discussed donating my eggs, but we both decided it would be too close to home and weird for both of us. I hope you don't mind me asking questions, i'm just interested. Did the other lady have to pay some of your costs? A bit like "buying" your eggs? Is that why it was so cheap compared to normal? Hope that's not an ignorant question!!

I honestly don't mind questions, if I can help someone I'll answer anything. They paid a slightly higher than standard rate for the use of donor eggs, not as much as I saved though, I suppose it means the clinic gets two treatments rather than none that way.
Just out of curiosity....since I am so new to this world of trying for a baby...

How long have some of you been ttc? I've heard that trying fall pregnant is actually harder than some people realise, and that it can take up to 12 months (for a young, healthy couple) to fall pregnant.

Being naïve and ignorant, I always thought that falling pregnant would be fairly easy...until I started looking into it more.....

Heya! I have been TTC for about 20 months now .. The first 12 months was pretty much not paying attention but no method of birth control .. kinda like the "if it happens it happens .. we would be happy" .. But since this past Feb. I have been paying more attention to ovulation and whatnot .. I already have 2 beautiful boys from a previous relation and my other half has to children from a previous relationship as well .. but we want one between us as well :) Good luck ladies .. On a side note .. i think my cycle is gonna weird this month .. Since about CD 10 .. i have been having cramping and ewcm .. very ovulation like .. which is weird because i have a 28 day cycle .. very normal/regular cycle .. and consistent .. but i swear it feels/looks like ovulation symptoms! Hmm i hope its not thrown off .. i like to think i have a chance of getting my :bfp: this month :) Have a good day ladies and lots and lots of :dust: and :sex:
Just out of curiosity....since I am so new to this world of trying for a baby...

How long have some of you been ttc? I've heard that trying fall pregnant is actually harder than some people realise, and that it can take up to 12 months (for a young, healthy couple) to fall pregnant.

Being naïve and ignorant, I always thought that falling pregnant would be fairly easy...until I started looking into it more.....

This is only our third cycle trying. It was pretty easy for me to conceive before, but I was also younger. I had my dd at 20 and my ds at 25. I had a mc about 3 mos before I conceived my ds. At that point I was totally naïve to all of this ttc stuff and just had sex when I wanted to and tested when I realized I was late for af. Now I'm obsessed, but I'm also 31 and my oh is 35, so I feel like time is running out. My oh has no kids of his own (tho he considers mine his:)) and I would love to give him one! It can certainly be stressful and emotional, so we don't force sex and we try and spend time just enjoying each other's company. He doesn't quite know how crazy ttc makes me lol, I don't want to stress him out too!

DD- I am at cd 12, had some almost positive opk's for a lot of days and now they're going light again. I've been super stressed since Sunday, so that may put o off a bit. It seems like I usually o between cd 19-24, so I'll just keep testing and hoping :wacko: I quit my job yesterday and I'm going to focus on the home business we have for now. That's the main source of my stress, it was a really hard decision, but I was getting screwed royally at work! So if I don't make enough working from home I'll have to pick up another job a few days a week, which may be hard because I didn't give a 2 week notice at this one, but it was either quit on good terms or a potential fight at work (I have a hard time not standing up for myself and it causes confrontation on occasion), I figured the fight would be worse :shrug: My oh gave me 110% support on it and is picking up some extra work for now (he didn't want me working nights anyways lol). I have faith that it'll all work out, but it's hard not to stress about it!

Where are you at in your cycle DD?
176 pages :shrug::shrug::wacko::wacko::wacko::wacko:. Congrats to all the :bfp:s. Welcome :hugs::hugs::hi::hi::hi: to all the new ladies . I am thinking about changing the title to thanksgiving as suggested by kk. Any other ideas for name title is welcome , if not we will be going for thanksgiving theme for november thread. All the ladies with :bfp:s , can u please drop a line with the dpo that u got the :bfp: and date so that i can update the front page. Thanks and lots and lots of sticky :dust::dust::dust::dust::dust::dust::dust::dust::dust::dust::dust::dust::dust::dust::bfp::bfp::bfp::bfp::bfp::bfp::bfp::bfp::bfp::bfp::bfp::bfp::bfp::bfp::bfp::bfp::bfp::dance::dance::dance::dance::dance::dance::dance::dance: for NOVEMBER.
Hello ladies! Hope the :witch: is staying far away from everyone! I'm 8dpo today, took an IC this morning, :bfn:... I'm not surprised. My earliest :bfp: while charting has been at 10dpo, and all of my early :bfp:s were on frers, not ICs. I ordered some frers off Amazon, and they'll be delivered tomorrow. I'll take one tomorrow night, (I also never get good lines with FMU, evening is always better for me. I had a few symptoms before my :bfp: with my MC last month, but this month being on progesterone, I'm trying not to symptom spot since the meds may be causing them.

Anyone else on progesterone?

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