2 BUNS in the oven............thanksgiving testers!!!!

I'm testing tomorrow, 10DPO with a FRER. I had to pee twice as often today, and my breast are really sore, not a usual symptom for me before af since my miscarriage. I just have a feeling that this is the month.

My period is due Nov. 2nd, so with a 12 day LP would that mean the HCG would be apparent by then?

I will let you ladies know!
I have my doctor's appointment tomorrow, I'm hoping to feel some relief after it. I've had 2 wonky cycles since we've started to try for another baby. While I was diagnosed with polycystic ovaries, this cycle has just been awful, even though my doctor told me the cysts shouldn't affect us trying to conceive. AF was 2 days late, had brown/red spotting for 2 days, then for the past two days it's been heavy and a lot of jelly like mucus in the blood and quite a few jelly like dark clots. I've totally freaked myself out - convinced something is terribly wrong with me. I really hope I get some good news tomorrow, and we are cleared to try again when AF is gone. My husband isn't worried though, he recalls the doctor saying last month that because I probably had a cyst rupture last month that my next cycle might be a bit crazy, so maybe that's all this is. Still, can't help but worry. Sorry for the ramble, thanks for listening
loulou which cd are u today? have u o'd? has ur OPK gotten darker yet?

I'm on cd12, no o yet, my opk's started getting lighter yesterday. I was actually just going to go pee on one lol. Ovufriend says I'm supposed to be fertile from cd19-cd25, but I think I should o around cd19, so I'm going to go with the week before, so starting around the 1st or cd14 I'm going to count myself as fertile :thumbup:

Where are you at? I thought we were pretty close, but my cycles may be longer?
Just out of curiosity....since I am so new to this world of trying for a baby...

How long have some of you been ttc? I've heard that trying fall pregnant is actually harder than some people realise, and that it can take up to 12 months (for a young, healthy couple) to fall pregnant.

Being naïve and ignorant, I always thought that falling pregnant would be fairly easy...until I started looking into it more.....

This is only our third cycle trying. It was pretty easy for me to conceive before, but I was also younger. I had my dd at 20 and my ds at 25. I had a mc about 3 mos before I conceived my ds. At that point I was totally naïve to all of this ttc stuff and just had sex when I wanted to and tested when I realized I was late for af. Now I'm obsessed, but I'm also 31 and my oh is 35, so I feel like time is running out. My oh has no kids of his own (tho he considers mine his:)) and I would love to give him one! It can certainly be stressful and emotional, so we don't force sex and we try and spend time just enjoying each other's company. He doesn't quite know how crazy ttc makes me lol, I don't want to stress him out too!

DD- I am at cd 12, had some almost positive opk's for a lot of days and now they're going light again. I've been super stressed since Sunday, so that may put o off a bit. It seems like I usually o between cd 19-24, so I'll just keep testing and hoping :wacko: I quit my job yesterday and I'm going to focus on the home business we have for now. That's the main source of my stress, it was a really hard decision, but I was getting screwed royally at work! So if I don't make enough working from home I'll have to pick up another job a few days a week, which may be hard because I didn't give a 2 week notice at this one, but it was either quit on good terms or a potential fight at work (I have a hard time not standing up for myself and it causes confrontation on occasion), I figured the fight would be worse :shrug: My oh gave me 110% support on it and is picking up some extra work for now (he didn't want me working nights anyways lol). I have faith that it'll all work out, but it's hard not to stress about it!

Where are you at in your cycle DD?

I think it's great that you did what is right for you! :) It will be interesting and fun to grow your home business - what an exciting opportunity! Plus, it's always great when you have your significant other's blessing and support... :)

I should be o'ing here pretty soon...cd 11 I think I'm at? So, it's predicted on Friday or Saturday. I figure if we BD every other day, we should be fine. Eh, we shall see. I'm not opking because those things drove me crazy. I had an "almost positive" for two days last time, then a rise in temp a day later (If I remember correctly), so I'm sure I ovulated, but never got the true positive. Bleh.

I'm excited and nervous! I am mostly excited to be home with the kids and oh more tho :) The business is exciting, but very scary to depend on! I have done a ton of marketing and "put feelers out" in these last 2 days and I think I'm going to be able to expand it and make it prosperous in the next few months:) Thank you for the kind words and support, it means a lot to me!

Yay for O!!! That's literally 1-2 days away, how exciting! Get bd'ing hun :haha: I am going to finish out this cycle with opk's and go from there. I think they might drive me more :wacko: than they do good. The "almost positive" is so confusing, especially when it doesn't progress, or is at an odd time in a cycle. I am envious of all of these ladies who use them and they work perfectly and are only dark when they're supposed to be lol. Nothing about ttc is simple...:dohh: I'm keeping it all crossed for a sticky bean for you in November! :dust::dust::dust:
Hello everyone I'm back on TWW row :) kinda excited too thought I might have to sit out this cycle due to DF being out of town, but he made it home today on O-day :) let the wait begin... Good luck to all of us waiting ones, and Congrats to the :bfp: recipients!!!!

Ooohhhh, so glad you're able to join us! :) Good luck for a :bfp: this cycle!
Just out of curiosity....since I am so new to this world of trying for a baby...

How long have some of you been ttc? I've heard that trying fall pregnant is actually harder than some people realise, and that it can take up to 12 months (for a young, healthy couple) to fall pregnant.

Being naïve and ignorant, I always thought that falling pregnant would be fairly easy...until I started looking into it more.....

This is only our third cycle trying. It was pretty easy for me to conceive before, but I was also younger. I had my dd at 20 and my ds at 25. I had a mc about 3 mos before I conceived my ds. At that point I was totally naïve to all of this ttc stuff and just had sex when I wanted to and tested when I realized I was late for af. Now I'm obsessed, but I'm also 31 and my oh is 35, so I feel like time is running out. My oh has no kids of his own (tho he considers mine his:)) and I would love to give him one! It can certainly be stressful and emotional, so we don't force sex and we try and spend time just enjoying each other's company. He doesn't quite know how crazy ttc makes me lol, I don't want to stress him out too!

DD- I am at cd 12, had some almost positive opk's for a lot of days and now they're going light again. I've been super stressed since Sunday, so that may put o off a bit. It seems like I usually o between cd 19-24, so I'll just keep testing and hoping :wacko: I quit my job yesterday and I'm going to focus on the home business we have for now. That's the main source of my stress, it was a really hard decision, but I was getting screwed royally at work! So if I don't make enough working from home I'll have to pick up another job a few days a week, which may be hard because I didn't give a 2 week notice at this one, but it was either quit on good terms or a potential fight at work (I have a hard time not standing up for myself and it causes confrontation on occasion), I figured the fight would be worse :shrug: My oh gave me 110% support on it and is picking up some extra work for now (he didn't want me working nights anyways lol). I have faith that it'll all work out, but it's hard not to stress about it!

Where are you at in your cycle DD?

I think it's great that you did what is right for you! :) It will be interesting and fun to grow your home business - what an exciting opportunity! Plus, it's always great when you have your significant other's blessing and support... :)

I should be o'ing here pretty soon...cd 11 I think I'm at? So, it's predicted on Friday or Saturday. I figure if we BD every other day, we should be fine. Eh, we shall see. I'm not opking because those things drove me crazy. I had an "almost positive" for two days last time, then a rise in temp a day later (If I remember correctly), so I'm sure I ovulated, but never got the true positive. Bleh.

I'm excited and nervous! I am mostly excited to be home with the kids and oh more tho :) The business is exciting, but very scary to depend on! I have done a ton of marketing and "put feelers out" in these last 2 days and I think I'm going to be able to expand it and make it prosperous in the next few months:) Thank you for the kind words and support, it means a lot to me!

Yay for O!!! That's literally 1-2 days away, how exciting! Get bd'ing hun :haha: I am going to finish out this cycle with opk's and go from there. I think they might drive me more :wacko: than they do good. The "almost positive" is so confusing, especially when it doesn't progress, or is at an odd time in a cycle. I am envious of all of these ladies who use them and they work perfectly and are only dark when they're supposed to be lol. Nothing about ttc is simple...:dohh: I'm keeping it all crossed for a sticky bean for you in November! :dust::dust::dust:

It is scary, but good scary. We don't know until we try! I'm rooting for ya! :flower:

I will spread some :dust: for you as well my dear! :) I admire the women who get the perfect result with the opks. I took about 22 last cycle and had 2 kinda almost positive. I read so many stories about women who missed their surge, but still ovulated, so it's still possible. :shrug:
I'm testing tomorrow, 10DPO with a FRER. I had to pee twice as often today, and my breast are really sore, not a usual symptom for me before af since my miscarriage. I just have a feeling that this is the month.

My period is due Nov. 2nd, so with a 12 day LP would that mean the HCG would be apparent by then?

I will let you ladies know!

Hi Jenn! It all depends on implantation for HCG. It is usually detectable by a urine test 2-4 days after implantation. So if you don't implant until 11dpo, probably not detectable the next day. Unusual symptoms could be good, could mean you already implanted, but just keep in mind our bodies can be big pains in the arse while ttc lol. Good luck on your :bfp: and keep us posted! :flower:
Hello everyone I'm back on TWW row :) kinda excited too thought I might have to sit out this cycle due to DF being out of town, but he made it home today on O-day :) let the wait begin... Good luck to all of us waiting ones, and Congrats to the :bfp: recipients!!!!

Welcome back! :flower: yay TWW!!
Just out of curiosity....since I am so new to this world of trying for a baby...

How long have some of you been ttc? I've heard that trying fall pregnant is actually harder than some people realise, and that it can take up to 12 months (for a young, healthy couple) to fall pregnant.

Being naïve and ignorant, I always thought that falling pregnant would be fairly easy...until I started looking into it more.....

This is only our third cycle trying. It was pretty easy for me to conceive before, but I was also younger. I had my dd at 20 and my ds at 25. I had a mc about 3 mos before I conceived my ds. At that point I was totally naïve to all of this ttc stuff and just had sex when I wanted to and tested when I realized I was late for af. Now I'm obsessed, but I'm also 31 and my oh is 35, so I feel like time is running out. My oh has no kids of his own (tho he considers mine his:)) and I would love to give him one! It can certainly be stressful and emotional, so we don't force sex and we try and spend time just enjoying each other's company. He doesn't quite know how crazy ttc makes me lol, I don't want to stress him out too!

DD- I am at cd 12, had some almost positive opk's for a lot of days and now they're going light again. I've been super stressed since Sunday, so that may put o off a bit. It seems like I usually o between cd 19-24, so I'll just keep testing and hoping :wacko: I quit my job yesterday and I'm going to focus on the home business we have for now. That's the main source of my stress, it was a really hard decision, but I was getting screwed royally at work! So if I don't make enough working from home I'll have to pick up another job a few days a week, which may be hard because I didn't give a 2 week notice at this one, but it was either quit on good terms or a potential fight at work (I have a hard time not standing up for myself and it causes confrontation on occasion), I figured the fight would be worse :shrug: My oh gave me 110% support on it and is picking up some extra work for now (he didn't want me working nights anyways lol). I have faith that it'll all work out, but it's hard not to stress about it!

Where are you at in your cycle DD?

I think it's great that you did what is right for you! :) It will be interesting and fun to grow your home business - what an exciting opportunity! Plus, it's always great when you have your significant other's blessing and support... :)

I should be o'ing here pretty soon...cd 11 I think I'm at? So, it's predicted on Friday or Saturday. I figure if we BD every other day, we should be fine. Eh, we shall see. I'm not opking because those things drove me crazy. I had an "almost positive" for two days last time, then a rise in temp a day later (If I remember correctly), so I'm sure I ovulated, but never got the true positive. Bleh.

I'm excited and nervous! I am mostly excited to be home with the kids and oh more tho :) The business is exciting, but very scary to depend on! I have done a ton of marketing and "put feelers out" in these last 2 days and I think I'm going to be able to expand it and make it prosperous in the next few months:) Thank you for the kind words and support, it means a lot to me!

Yay for O!!! That's literally 1-2 days away, how exciting! Get bd'ing hun :haha: I am going to finish out this cycle with opk's and go from there. I think they might drive me more :wacko: than they do good. The "almost positive" is so confusing, especially when it doesn't progress, or is at an odd time in a cycle. I am envious of all of these ladies who use them and they work perfectly and are only dark when they're supposed to be lol. Nothing about ttc is simple...:dohh: I'm keeping it all crossed for a sticky bean for you in November! :dust::dust::dust:

It is scary, but good scary. We don't know until we try! I'm rooting for ya! :flower:

I will spread some :dust: for you as well my dear! :) I admire the women who get the perfect result with the opks. I took about 22 last cycle and had 2 kinda almost positive. I read so many stories about women who missed their surge, but still ovulated, so it's still possible. :shrug:

Thanks again! We will see, I don't think I have any o problems, it's like clockwork for me to get crazy bloated/uncomfortable/crampy/sore bbs/mild acne 2 wks before af shows, and I assume those things happen because I o and have the shift from estrogen to progesterone. And believe that those symptoms have never not happened in a cycle, I always have them for 13/14 days! They say a surge can happen in a matter of hrs, so it would make sense that women miss them! I have been using the opk's about every 12 hrs, so that leaves a big window...If you're only testing once a day, it's very, very possible to miss a surge and just catch the beginning and end of it (I think anyways, but I'm no pro lol). I was hoping it'd be easier lol :wacko:

If all else fails, I get another "real" job...I'm not really into failing tho lol
I have my doctor's appointment tomorrow, I'm hoping to feel some relief after it. I've had 2 wonky cycles since we've started to try for another baby. While I was diagnosed with polycystic ovaries, this cycle has just been awful, even though my doctor told me the cysts shouldn't affect us trying to conceive. AF was 2 days late, had brown/red spotting for 2 days, then for the past two days it's been heavy and a lot of jelly like mucus in the blood and quite a few jelly like dark clots. I've totally freaked myself out - convinced something is terribly wrong with me. I really hope I get some good news tomorrow, and we are cleared to try again when AF is gone. My husband isn't worried though, he recalls the doctor saying last month that because I probably had a cyst rupture last month that my next cycle might be a bit crazy, so maybe that's all this is. Still, can't help but worry. Sorry for the ramble, thanks for listening

hey Hun, how did ur doctors appointment go? Hope u got some answers?
I have my doctor's appointment tomorrow, I'm hoping to feel some relief after it. I've had 2 wonky cycles since we've started to try for another baby. While I was diagnosed with polycystic ovaries, this cycle has just been awful, even though my doctor told me the cysts shouldn't affect us trying to conceive. AF was 2 days late, had brown/red spotting for 2 days, then for the past two days it's been heavy and a lot of jelly like mucus in the blood and quite a few jelly like dark clots. I've totally freaked myself out - convinced something is terribly wrong with me. I really hope I get some good news tomorrow, and we are cleared to try again when AF is gone. My husband isn't worried though, he recalls the doctor saying last month that because I probably had a cyst rupture last month that my next cycle might be a bit crazy, so maybe that's all this is. Still, can't help but worry. Sorry for the ramble, thanks for listening

hey Hun, how did ur doctors appointment go? Hope u got some answers?

Just got back a little while ago. Feeling so much better! Explained to my doctor everything I was experiencing. He told me that this is normal due to one of my cysts rupturing last month, and also stress might have a lot to do with it too. He also told me that my ultrasound last month showed everything else was normal (other than the cysts), so that's good. He also said because I've never missed a period we should have no problem conceiving. I would have had PCOS when we had our son and it only took us 3 months to conceive him. I'm just feeling overall so relieved that nothing serious is wrong. Now just have to wait for AF to disappear so we can start trying again :)
DenyseGiguere: That's nice to hear dear. Good luck this cycle.
Let AF be over and then enjoy some stress free BD.
DenyseGiguere: That's nice to hear dear. Good luck this cycle.
Let AF be over and then enjoy some stress free BD.

Thanks hun! Yeah we're not paying attention to timing OPK's or anything this time around. I think when i start to relax we'll be pregnant in no time.
I have my doctor's appointment tomorrow, I'm hoping to feel some relief after it. I've had 2 wonky cycles since we've started to try for another baby. While I was diagnosed with polycystic ovaries, this cycle has just been awful, even though my doctor told me the cysts shouldn't affect us trying to conceive. AF was 2 days late, had brown/red spotting for 2 days, then for the past two days it's been heavy and a lot of jelly like mucus in the blood and quite a few jelly like dark clots. I've totally freaked myself out - convinced something is terribly wrong with me. I really hope I get some good news tomorrow, and we are cleared to try again when AF is gone. My husband isn't worried though, he recalls the doctor saying last month that because I probably had a cyst rupture last month that my next cycle might be a bit crazy, so maybe that's all this is. Still, can't help but worry. Sorry for the ramble, thanks for listening

hey Hun, how did ur doctors appointment go? Hope u got some answers?

Just got back a little while ago. Feeling so much better! Explained to my doctor everything I was experiencing. He told me that this is normal due to one of my cysts rupturing last month, and also stress might have a lot to do with it too. He also told me that my ultrasound last month showed everything else was normal (other than the cysts), so that's good. He also said because I've never missed a period we should have no problem conceiving. I would have had PCOS when we had our son and it only took us 3 months to conceive him. I'm just feeling overall so relieved that nothing serious is wrong. Now just have to wait for AF to disappear so we can start trying again :)

Good news. Now relax and ttc x
I have my doctor's appointment tomorrow, I'm hoping to feel some relief after it. I've had 2 wonky cycles since we've started to try for another baby. While I was diagnosed with polycystic ovaries, this cycle has just been awful, even though my doctor told me the cysts shouldn't affect us trying to conceive. AF was 2 days late, had brown/red spotting for 2 days, then for the past two days it's been heavy and a lot of jelly like mucus in the blood and quite a few jelly like dark clots. I've totally freaked myself out - convinced something is terribly wrong with me. I really hope I get some good news tomorrow, and we are cleared to try again when AF is gone. My husband isn't worried though, he recalls the doctor saying last month that because I probably had a cyst rupture last month that my next cycle might be a bit crazy, so maybe that's all this is. Still, can't help but worry. Sorry for the ramble, thanks for listening

hey Hun, how did ur doctors appointment go? Hope u got some answers?

Just got back a little while ago. Feeling so much better! Explained to my doctor everything I was experiencing. He told me that this is normal due to one of my cysts rupturing last month, and also stress might have a lot to do with it too. He also told me that my ultrasound last month showed everything else was normal (other than the cysts), so that's good. He also said because I've never missed a period we should have no problem conceiving. I would have had PCOS when we had our son and it only took us 3 months to conceive him. I'm just feeling overall so relieved that nothing serious is wrong. Now just have to wait for AF to disappear so we can start trying again :)

Good news. Now relax and ttc x

Thanks hun. Yes, I'm going to be much more relaxed this time around!
We are following the same approach. If nothing happens the we will TTC from January.
We are following the same approach. If nothing happens the we will TTC from January.

I hope we both get really lucky and it happens when we're both not trying :) That's what happened for us last time.

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