2 BUNS in the oven............thanksgiving testers!!!!

176 pages :shrug::shrug::wacko::wacko::wacko::wacko:. Congrats to all the :bfp:s. Welcome :hugs::hugs::hi::hi::hi: to all the new ladies . I am thinking about changing the title to thanksgiving as suggested by kk. Any other ideas for name title is welcome , if not we will be going for thanksgiving theme for november thread. All the ladies with :bfp:s , can u please drop a line with the dpo that u got the :bfp: and date so that i can update the front page. Thanks and lots and lots of sticky :dust::dust::dust::dust::dust::dust::dust::dust::dust::dust::dust::dust::dust::dust::bfp::bfp::bfp::bfp::bfp::bfp::bfp::bfp::bfp::bfp::bfp::bfp::bfp::bfp::bfp::bfp::bfp::dance::dance::dance::dance::dance::dance::dance::dance: for NOVEMBER.

Hoping November gives everyone a :bfp: to be thankful for!!
Just out of curiosity....since I am so new to this world of trying for a baby...

How long have some of you been ttc? I've heard that trying fall pregnant is actually harder than some people realise, and that it can take up to 12 months (for a young, healthy couple) to fall pregnant.

Being naïve and ignorant, I always thought that falling pregnant would be fairly easy...until I started looking into it more.....

First pregnancy: 1 month. Ended in MMC at 10 weeks.
Second pregnancy: 1 month. DD born 2/4/12:cloud9:
Third pregnancy: 1 month. We were not TTC, ended in MC at 5 weeks.
Fourth pregnancy: 2 months. Ended in MC end of last month.

So now I'm back! 8dpo today and hoping for a sticky :bfp: in the next couple days!

Good luck to you on your TTC journey!!
176 pages :shrug::shrug::wacko::wacko::wacko::wacko:. Congrats to all the :bfp:s. Welcome :hugs::hugs::hi::hi::hi: to all the new ladies . I am thinking about changing the title to thanksgiving as suggested by kk. Any other ideas for name title is welcome , if not we will be going for thanksgiving theme for november thread. All the ladies with :bfp:s , can u please drop a line with the dpo that u got the :bfp: and date so that i can update the front page. Thanks and lots and lots of sticky :dust::dust::dust::dust::dust::dust::dust::dust::dust::dust::dust::dust::dust::dust::bfp::bfp::bfp::bfp::bfp::bfp::bfp::bfp::bfp::bfp::bfp::bfp::bfp::bfp::bfp::bfp::bfp::dance::dance::dance::dance::dance::dance::dance::dance: for NOVEMBER.

Are you just going to change the name or start a new thread? I still like Thanksgiving....buns in the oven!!!! :haha: Hopefully this is a lucky month for all the ladies awaiting some :bfp:'s!!!!! Lots of baby dust :dust: to everyone!!!
Just out of curiosity....since I am so new to this world of trying for a baby...

How long have some of you been ttc? I've heard that trying fall pregnant is actually harder than some people realise, and that it can take up to 12 months (for a young, healthy couple) to fall pregnant.

Being naïve and ignorant, I always thought that falling pregnant would be fairly easy...until I started looking into it more.....

It took us 3 months to conceive our son in 2011. Luckily no problems at all during my pregnancy (other than awful morning sickness!) and he arrived 5 days late. We just started trying for #2 in September and it's been awful. One weird cycle, had to get an ultrasound due to some weird spotting and they discovered I had cysts on my ovaries. I don't think this time around is going to be as easy. But that's okay :)

Good luck TTC!
Just out of curiosity....since I am so new to this world of trying for a baby...

How long have some of you been ttc? I've heard that trying fall pregnant is actually harder than some people realise, and that it can take up to 12 months (for a young, healthy couple) to fall pregnant.

Being naïve and ignorant, I always thought that falling pregnant would be fairly easy...until I started looking into it more.....

It really depends on the individual, my sister got pregnant her first month what she considers "accidental" cause she was trying but not really... if I get a BFP then it'd be one month ttc for me as well. I wish all the best of luck to all you ladies though!
Just out of curiosity....since I am so new to this world of trying for a baby...

How long have some of you been ttc? I've heard that trying fall pregnant is actually harder than some people realise, and that it can take up to 12 months (for a young, healthy couple) to fall pregnant.

Being naïve and ignorant, I always thought that falling pregnant would be fairly easy...until I started looking into it more.....

Heya! I have been TTC for about 20 months now .. The first 12 months was pretty much not paying attention but no method of birth control .. kinda like the "if it happens it happens .. we would be happy" .. But since this past Feb. I have been paying more attention to ovulation and whatnot .. I already have 2 beautiful boys from a previous relation and my other half has to children from a previous relationship as well .. but we want one between us as well :) Good luck ladies .. On a side note .. i think my cycle is gonna weird this month .. Since about CD 10 .. i have been having cramping and ewcm .. very ovulation like .. which is weird because i have a 28 day cycle .. very normal/regular cycle .. and consistent .. but i swear it feels/looks like ovulation symptoms! Hmm i hope its not thrown off .. i like to think i have a chance of getting my :bfp: this month :) Have a good day ladies and lots and lots of :dust: and :sex:

Mizzy my last cycle I O'd early...and I have a 28 day cycle too, I O'd on CD 11 instead of 15.
Kk- did you get your bloods back hun? How are you feeling?

Got my results back today, I was 4 weeks 5 days (by my calculations) when I had it drawn my HGC level was 1860 and the nurse said that would make me around 4 weeks.

So waiting in insurance to come through then on to the next stage. Thanks for asking Lou Lou!
Kk- did you get your bloods back hun? How are you feeling?

Got my results back today, I was 4 weeks 5 days (by my calculations) when I had it drawn my HGC level was 1860 and the nurse said that would make me around 4 weeks.

So waiting in insurance to come through then on to the next stage. Thanks for asking Lou Lou!

Sounds good so far! :happydance: Thanks for posting that! I'm soooo happy for you Kk!!!!
Just out of curiosity....since I am so new to this world of trying for a baby...

How long have some of you been ttc? I've heard that trying fall pregnant is actually harder than some people realise, and that it can take up to 12 months (for a young, healthy couple) to fall pregnant.

Being naïve and ignorant, I always thought that falling pregnant would be fairly easy...until I started looking into it more.....

Heya! I have been TTC for about 20 months now .. The first 12 months was pretty much not paying attention but no method of birth control .. kinda like the "if it happens it happens .. we would be happy" .. But since this past Feb. I have been paying more attention to ovulation and whatnot .. I already have 2 beautiful boys from a previous relation and my other half has to children from a previous relationship as well .. but we want one between us as well :) Good luck ladies .. On a side note .. i think my cycle is gonna weird this month .. Since about CD 10 .. i have been having cramping and ewcm .. very ovulation like .. which is weird because i have a 28 day cycle .. very normal/regular cycle .. and consistent .. but i swear it feels/looks like ovulation symptoms! Hmm i hope its not thrown off .. i like to think i have a chance of getting my :bfp: this month :) Have a good day ladies and lots and lots of :dust: and :sex:

Mizzy my last cycle I O'd early...and I have a 28 day cycle too, I O'd on CD 11 instead of 15.

Ahh!! KK you give me so much hope! Mine is almost always CD 14 or 15 .. never this early or later than CD 15 .. So maybe this is a good sign? .. Hehe .. It may not be .. but i can hope right? .. Lol .. honestly after this long .. anything out of the norm can be reason for hope .. :p Lots of prays please and send some :dust: this way! <3 I also haven't been feeling well lately .. Well basically .. alot of draining in the back of my throat .. this may be a weird question, but could that cause more discharge as well? Like the ewcm I'm getting? .. i mean its all mucous so im not sure if increase of mucous in my throat can cause increase in mucous .. umm down there?... Meh just wanted to see what you ladies thought? .. although i doubt draining in my throat causes ovulation like cramps .. Lol .. Sorry about the rambling and questions .. Just not sure what to think and theres so many supportive ladies here .. and i would love to hear opinions .. <3
Just out of curiosity....since I am so new to this world of trying for a baby...

How long have some of you been ttc? I've heard that trying fall pregnant is actually harder than some people realise, and that it can take up to 12 months (for a young, healthy couple) to fall pregnant.

Being naïve and ignorant, I always thought that falling pregnant would be fairly easy...until I started looking into it more.....

Heya! I have been TTC for about 20 months now .. The first 12 months was pretty much not paying attention but no method of birth control .. kinda like the "if it happens it happens .. we would be happy" .. But since this past Feb. I have been paying more attention to ovulation and whatnot .. I already have 2 beautiful boys from a previous relation and my other half has to children from a previous relationship as well .. but we want one between us as well :) Good luck ladies .. On a side note .. i think my cycle is gonna weird this month .. Since about CD 10 .. i have been having cramping and ewcm .. very ovulation like .. which is weird because i have a 28 day cycle .. very normal/regular cycle .. and consistent .. but i swear it feels/looks like ovulation symptoms! Hmm i hope its not thrown off .. i like to think i have a chance of getting my :bfp: this month :) Have a good day ladies and lots and lots of :dust: and :sex:

Mizzy my last cycle I O'd early...and I have a 28 day cycle too, I O'd on CD 11 instead of 15.

Ahh!! KK you give me so much hope! Mine is almost always CD 14 or 15 .. never this early or later than CD 15 .. So maybe this is a good sign? .. Hehe .. It may not be .. but i can hope right? .. Lol .. honestly after this long .. anything out of the norm can be reason for hope .. :p Lots of prays please and send some :dust: this way! <3 I also haven't been feeling well lately .. Well basically .. alot of draining in the back of my throat .. this may be a weird question, but could that cause more discharge as well? Like the ewcm I'm getting? .. i mean its all mucous so im not sure if increase of mucous in my throat can cause increase in mucous .. umm down there?... Meh just wanted to see what you ladies thought? .. although i doubt draining in my throat causes ovulation like cramps .. Lol .. Sorry about the rambling and questions .. Just not sure what to think and theres so many supportive ladies here .. and i would love to hear opinions .. <3

no clue on the drainage to discharge question...our bodies are so weird you never know!

:hugs: FX for you this month!!
Just out of curiosity....since I am so new to this world of trying for a baby...

How long have some of you been ttc? I've heard that trying fall pregnant is actually harder than some people realise, and that it can take up to 12 months (for a young, healthy couple) to fall pregnant.

Being naïve and ignorant, I always thought that falling pregnant would be fairly easy...until I started looking into it more.....

Heya! I have been TTC for about 20 months now .. The first 12 months was pretty much not paying attention but no method of birth control .. kinda like the "if it happens it happens .. we would be happy" .. But since this past Feb. I have been paying more attention to ovulation and whatnot .. I already have 2 beautiful boys from a previous relation and my other half has to children from a previous relationship as well .. but we want one between us as well :) Good luck ladies .. On a side note .. i think my cycle is gonna weird this month .. Since about CD 10 .. i have been having cramping and ewcm .. very ovulation like .. which is weird because i have a 28 day cycle .. very normal/regular cycle .. and consistent .. but i swear it feels/looks like ovulation symptoms! Hmm i hope its not thrown off .. i like to think i have a chance of getting my :bfp: this month :) Have a good day ladies and lots and lots of :dust: and :sex:

Mizzy my last cycle I O'd early...and I have a 28 day cycle too, I O'd on CD 11 instead of 15.

Ahh!! KK you give me so much hope! Mine is almost always CD 14 or 15 .. never this early or later than CD 15 .. So maybe this is a good sign? .. Hehe .. It may not be .. but i can hope right? .. Lol .. honestly after this long .. anything out of the norm can be reason for hope .. :p Lots of prays please and send some :dust: this way! <3 I also haven't been feeling well lately .. Well basically .. alot of draining in the back of my throat .. this may be a weird question, but could that cause more discharge as well? Like the ewcm I'm getting? .. i mean its all mucous so im not sure if increase of mucous in my throat can cause increase in mucous .. umm down there?... Meh just wanted to see what you ladies thought? .. although i doubt draining in my throat causes ovulation like cramps .. Lol .. Sorry about the rambling and questions .. Just not sure what to think and theres so many supportive ladies here .. and i would love to hear opinions .. <3

YES!! I notice that if I have a cold around o time I get LOADS of ewcm externally and I usually only see it when I do an internal check. :)
Thanks for answering my probably very dumb questions Charlie. It makes sense about the clinic getting a 2 in 1 sale that way. X
Just out of curiosity....since I am so new to this world of trying for a baby...

How long have some of you been ttc? I've heard that trying fall pregnant is actually harder than some people realise, and that it can take up to 12 months (for a young, healthy couple) to fall pregnant.

Being naïve and ignorant, I always thought that falling pregnant would be fairly easy...until I started looking into it more.....

It really depends on the individual, my sister got pregnant her first month what she considers "accidental" cause she was trying but not really... if I get a BFP then it'd be one month ttc for me as well. I wish all the best of luck to all you ladies though!

This time around, we are in our fourth cycle of TTC. However, the first couple months we were just not preventing it, we weren't actively timing anything. This cycle we had sex everyday during my weeklong ovulation window, so I'm really hoping this is the month! So far I've been a bit weepy and lots of twinges in my lower belly, Im on DPO5, so technically I'm a November tester lol but I have long cycles (av 33 days)

We were TTC about 2 years ago, and I got pregnant the first month, MC at 5 weeks, then waited a cycle and got pregnant again the first month and that one MC at 9 weeks. And I'll say this: the 9 week MC was horrendously painful compared to the 5 week one and it really turned me off for TTC conceive but I feel I am emotionally healed enough now to start trying again! You can't let MC stop you from trying.
Kk- did you get your bloods back hun? How are you feeling?

Got my results back today, I was 4 weeks 5 days (by my calculations) when I had it drawn my HGC level was 1860 and the nurse said that would make me around 4 weeks.

So waiting in insurance to come through then on to the next stage. Thanks for asking Lou Lou!

yeaaaaa :happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance: that sounds great KK. thanks for keeping us updated x
Just out of curiosity....since I am so new to this world of trying for a baby...

How long have some of you been ttc? I've heard that trying fall pregnant is actually harder than some people realise, and that it can take up to 12 months (for a young, healthy couple) to fall pregnant.

Being naïve and ignorant, I always thought that falling pregnant would be fairly easy...until I started looking into it more.....

This is only our third cycle trying. It was pretty easy for me to conceive before, but I was also younger. I had my dd at 20 and my ds at 25. I had a mc about 3 mos before I conceived my ds. At that point I was totally naïve to all of this ttc stuff and just had sex when I wanted to and tested when I realized I was late for af. Now I'm obsessed, but I'm also 31 and my oh is 35, so I feel like time is running out. My oh has no kids of his own (tho he considers mine his:)) and I would love to give him one! It can certainly be stressful and emotional, so we don't force sex and we try and spend time just enjoying each other's company. He doesn't quite know how crazy ttc makes me lol, I don't want to stress him out too!

DD- I am at cd 12, had some almost positive opk's for a lot of days and now they're going light again. I've been super stressed since Sunday, so that may put o off a bit. It seems like I usually o between cd 19-24, so I'll just keep testing and hoping :wacko: I quit my job yesterday and I'm going to focus on the home business we have for now. That's the main source of my stress, it was a really hard decision, but I was getting screwed royally at work! So if I don't make enough working from home I'll have to pick up another job a few days a week, which may be hard because I didn't give a 2 week notice at this one, but it was either quit on good terms or a potential fight at work (I have a hard time not standing up for myself and it causes confrontation on occasion), I figured the fight would be worse :shrug: My oh gave me 110% support on it and is picking up some extra work for now (he didn't want me working nights anyways lol). I have faith that it'll all work out, but it's hard not to stress about it!

Where are you at in your cycle DD?

I think it's great that you did what is right for you! :) It will be interesting and fun to grow your home business - what an exciting opportunity! Plus, it's always great when you have your significant other's blessing and support... :)

I should be o'ing here pretty soon...cd 11 I think I'm at? So, it's predicted on Friday or Saturday. I figure if we BD every other day, we should be fine. Eh, we shall see. I'm not opking because those things drove me crazy. I had an "almost positive" for two days last time, then a rise in temp a day later (If I remember correctly), so I'm sure I ovulated, but never got the true positive. Bleh.
Hello everyone I'm back on TWW row :) kinda excited too thought I might have to sit out this cycle due to DF being out of town, but he made it home today on O-day :) let the wait begin... Good luck to all of us waiting ones, and Congrats to the :bfp: recipients!!!!

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