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Anybody testing Feb. 2nd or around that time

I want to see my ob/gyn. I talked to my husband about it but I just have to wait can't really do anything since right now we don't have insurance. I think it could be another whacky AF. the bleeding so far has been different then my AF with medium heavy bleeding then going back to light. I'm not worried or going to stress it though. I am just going to keep putting on pads and see how long it lasts. I may ovulate earlier than I really think.
I agree with sweetdot, if i missed a month of temping id be more stressed Temping does ease your mind alot, i mean you don't even have to do cv and cm checks just the BBT is enough to see a patten.
I tried to explain that o my husband but I guess he knows me more than myself lol. I guess he just wants us to do it old school way. Just have sex and if a baby comes then great if not then next time. Even though I think of ways but now I am going to support him and just TTC without any insight lol. I know the las time I seen my doc he said everything was normal and great the only thing I had was tiny cysts. He told me if I want a balanced AF I can take birth control but I tried for one week and stopped. I couldn't eat and all I did was sleep due to the pills.
:hugs: Mzswizz. So sorry you've had such a cruddy cycle. AF hung around a long time and then had the audacity to show up again instead of letting you ovulate!

My DH is in the same boat as yours, doesn't want me temping or anything to determine ovulation as he thinks it will cause me too much stress. at least my cycles are regular though with only a day or two variation. One thing he might agree to though is just letting you temp until FF confirms ovulation, so at least you know you've done it? I know I'd go crazy analysing what the temps do leading up to AF so wouldn't want to, but if I at least knew I'd ovulated it would just be a normal waiting game.

I hope you get some answers soon :hug:
Ndh, that's a good idea...

I'm thinking of switching to that
@NDH Thanks for your support. My husband just don't want me to turn back into being obsessed again which I thank him for because I was obsessed the last time. So I am just going to just wait this AF out and see what happens next month. But I do want to go to my doc and do a check up because I'm due for one.
AF is seriously back to how it use to be and then some. Both ovaries are cramping at the same exact time like someone is pulling on them ugh. Don't even get me started on the super heavy flow. You would think I need a blood transfusion with how much blood I lost and I even leaked out the night before last (sorry tmi). I also go through like 4 or more pads a day! My body is seriously working overtime. I guess its like throw everything out so we can start fresh. Maybe I needed this so my husband an I can finally see the BFP! bring on baby Clayton!!!

This is awful!

I really hope your right and your cycle is sorting its self out for a BFP!

I dont really know what to think about my chance this month....I had classic early symptoms, but the've all dried up...so I dont know what to think right now, couples with the fact that my DH and I are experiencing a LOT of stress right now due to personal circumstances...I'm already losing hope.

I got my classic mid LP dip yesterday, EVERY single month around cd 6/7 my temp dives and then recovers....yesterday my temp was 97.8...I checked it twice to make sure and today Im up to 98.6!

I know some women have these dips every month, but its so heartbreaking....

I know it's too early to test, but I really dont reckon much to my chances....
I'm seriously thinking about taking a long break on the TTC.....and waiting until the fall....

good luck ladies...
@sweedot awww :hugs:. I have been there with the stress of personal issues and also other people's stress and drama so I totally understand. We have been TTC for 8 months and around last year I was thinking about just giving up on hope of conceiving and just wanted to just don't go back until a year or so. But I just prayed to God and asked for strength to help me ge through this. Yesterday I had a deep prayer and when I was done I just sat there and cried because I thought that because I'm not conceiving that I'm a failure and that everyone else who I think shouldn't be pregnant was but I wasn't and something must be wrong with me. But I have faith and I am going to just leave it to God to handle our fertility situation. I know I can get pregnant because it happened once already so there's hope. If you need a break take it because trust me it might be just what you need to get a BFP. I'm done leaving it up to me and my DH to conceive I'm just going to let God handle it from here and out. Also after prayer now my AF has went to this which is how it use to be normally. So I know the power of prayer works. Just relax and enjoy life and if you need a break then take it so you can just worry about you and your husband.
:witch: got me. Kinda a relief, I think we're moving on to IVF. Too scary thinking it will probably be ectopic. Good luck for the rest of you ladies!
Hypns4life- good luck!!!!

I hope everything works out for you!!!!
ladies ladies....what's happening to our thread, all the PMA vanished, are there anymore out there still waiting to test?

im either 8 or 9 dpo....I'm testing Monday...anyone else joiniing me?
@hypns Good luck with your journey I hope you get the BFP you have been waiting for.

@sweedot I'm still here. I am on cd4. This morning, there wasn't really any more blood. My DH took off today because he felt he needed the rest which I agree. My DH surprised me because he started the BD today. After we were done, the bleeding was back but it only came when I went to the toilet and it came out with the leftover semen (sorry tmi). My husband really wants to have a baby now and I am happy. He is trying to do whatever it takes and I am thankful for that. Before I gotten pregnant we were 8 months into our marriage. Now it has been 8 months since we started TTC. So who knows maybe this could be our month. How are you feeling?
I'm 5dpo. I said I would wait until next Friday to test but I will probably cave before then.
mzswizz- thats good news...last month ur af lasted for like 8 days, so this is really good!

I am ok, feeling a bit down, in need of a PMA i think...lol....Im just not sure at all what to make of my symptoms, the thing thats really bothering me is the cramps, Im literally only 8 or 9 dpo at the most, so I shouldnt be starting AF until tuesday at the earliest...I just feel very bloated and crampy....

3 days ago I had horrendous cramps for about an hour or so, i've cramped pretty much all day today, so I dont know if Im starting AF early or what...theres no blood, no spotting and not much CM, so Im assuming im out this month, my cm is exactly like it is usually right before AF comes....

I was convinced a week ago that we had conceived, what with all the CM and the twinges and then the sore boobs too!!!! but we've had such a lot of stress this week that maybe i just was too stressed and it didnt implant or something...who knows.

I know they say, its not over until AF shows, and I know thats true, but I really dont think this is going to be a BFP for me....

my plan for next month is to throw out the OPK's and to not temp for a month, give my brain a rest, probably not come on here much either and to go walking with my DH every night....he is in training at the moment anyway....so....we could probably do with a break from the stress of TTC!

I know I COULD do with a rest from TTC!
@rachael don't cave into the test before then. Save as many tests as you can. You probably could start at 10dpo because some women get their faint positives at 10dpo. Good luck.
@sweedot I know how you feel. Sometimes a woman just knows if AF is coming or not it's just that feeling. I am completely leaving it to god to bless us with a child. As you can tell I took off the tickers related to my cycle and countdown til testing. I am just done with trying to figure out what's going on because obviously it's not working for me because I keep getting AF. So I am just relaxing and taking it a day at a time. AF is still going right now but it is not super heavy more like a lighter flow so far. I can't wait to get the new insurance and see my ob/gun because just so happens not only is he an ob/gym he is also a fertility specialist so yay for me. I can ask him questions etc and he should be able to help me. I say it would be nice to take a break. I think every woman needs a break from things so when you do try again, you will be better prepared and just ready to try. TTC has it's ups and downs and breaks are well needed. I say take your break have your fun enjoy life!! I know I did this month lol.
I'm testing on Monday but soooo nervous for a :bfn: I don't feel AF coming yet (last month I knew for a week she was on the way). I really want this to be my cycle at long last, and I'm worried that I want it so bad I'm projecting symptoms that aren't there (like a phantom pregnancy I guess). Dh said my boobs are bigger, and they are feeling a little uncomfortable in my bra today. My tummy is flatter than it's been in a long time (I usually have a bit of bloat, more so preceding AF). There's other stuff going on too but I don't know if it's all in my head. I did cheat and poas today (10dpo) but I couldn't bear to look at it past 3 mins when it was still drying. It looked pretty negative though.

I'm hoping a line shows up on Monday but so afraid it won't :cry:
@NDH & Anxiously good luck with your tests. It's not over until AF shows. I am on cd5. My AF decided to show 19 days after the last AF. weird I know but I'm use to it seeing that my hormones are not balanced.

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