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Decembers Little Darlings Testers Thread [50 Testers: 15 BFP's, 1 Angel]

Miss406 that just made me well up, I too got out of a domestic abuse relationship last year, your story there got to my heart. Bless you.
On the up side of life lol, your digi looks like mine the day you said it will be tomorrow and you were right
Miss406 that just made me well up, I too got out of a domestic abuse relationship last year, your story there got to my heart. Bless you.
On the up side of life lol, your digi looks like mine the day you said it will be tomorrow and you were right

Thank you! I was actually quite ill when I left him, I'm actually really proud of where I am today :)
I forgot I advised you on yours :lol: :oops:
Problem is, I've had FIVE days of these now, getting a bit sick and tired of seeing it! I just want a solid smiley.... :lol:

On a more serious note, the ovaries take it in turns to ovulate, the last cycle I had from my left I did NOT ovulate. My AF was 17 days late because I didn't ovulate. That's the cycle I had my betas done. Strangely, if I don't ovulate now - it's a sign some things going a miss with my left ovary... :shock:
Miss - thanks for the tip about the sale on FRERs, but unfortunately we don't have Boots in the US! I wish we did because I would stock up! I don't know how many cycles I will try with progesterone. I kind of want to stop trying in a few months. I don't like obsessing every month and then being disappointed. Maybe relaxing is the key??? I don't know! Sorry about your OPKs...that happened to me this cycle...I usually O on CD15 but this month I didn't until CD19. I think I have a lazy ovary as well because every couple cycles I'll have an extra long one when generally they are 27-29 days long.
I know!! I thought... What kind of thread have I got myself into :haha:

Ok, I think we should do favourite black and white photo. Here's mine. It's the sand ceremony we did on our wedding day :) :) :)

My older children aren't biologically my DH's and we really wanted to do something to celebrate the blending of our family so each one of us poured sand into a vase to signify the blending of our family. It was a lovely special moment. We had a good giggle too!

I love the story behind your black and white hun. Well done on removing yourself from an abusive situation. You're a brave lady that's for sure :hug:
All - I'm 5DPO here...no symptoms, not even sore boobies! I'm on progesterone this month for the very first time and I thought I would have sore boobs from it, but I don't feel any different. Last cycle I was not on progesterone and I had very sore boobs from 4DPO until I got AF.
Just bought my HPTs today :happydance::happydance:Still embarrassed buying them in the pharmacy even though I'm 28 years of age :haha: now that I have them I don't know if I'll be able to hold out until Monday for testing :dohh:
MJsBabyShaw ~ You're welcome, what a bummer they don't have any shops out your way. I know what you mean, I think if it doesn't happen this cycle I am going to quit with everything, temping, OPK's, everything. It's so disheartening and disapointing. Funny you mention that because I swear I have something wrong with my left ovary, The last cycle I didn't ovulate at all from this ovary - AF was 17 days late! Will keep testing, probably have to stock up on sticks for next cycle! :shock:
Perhaps every cycle is different? Keep an eye out for sore boobs though, did you ovulate later than you usually do whilst on progesterone?

Embo78 ~ Oh my goodness - I hope you don't mind but I might have to steal this idea! My ex husband fathered 5 of my children, and a silly immature man fathered #6, now my Fiancé has taken on all 6 children as if they were his own - I'd love to do something similar!

Thank you :hugs: It was an aweful situation to be in but I've survived, we all have and that's the main thing. I live in the UK and did something called 'The Freedom Program' It's aimed at anyone who is in (or just come out of) an abusive relationship. I learned that in the United Kingdom we have over 1,000 pet rescue centres, only 200 refuges for women and only 3 for MEN. This disgusts me because although I am an animal lover, where are the shelters for abused people?
Just bought my HPTs today :happydance::happydance:Still embarrassed buying them in the pharmacy even though I'm 28 years of age :haha: now that I have them I don't know if I'll be able to hold out until Monday for testing :dohh:

Woo hoo! Which ones did you buy? Is AF due Monday? Any symptoms yet? Oh - so many questions! :haha:
Must admit I'm 29 and still get embarassed. Just keep thinking of the cashier talking to herself 'Oh, wonder if she's knocked up then?' :haha:
Take part in our photo competition and blast the POAS addiction out of the pee pot :haha:
You should absolutely steal it Miss. It sounds like the perfect thing for your family too. I'll root out the passage our wedding co-ordinator read out as we poured if you like :thumbup:
You should absolutely steal it Miss. It sounds like the perfect thing for your family too. I'll root out the passage our wedding co-ordinator read out as we poured if you like :thumbup:

That would be awesome thank you!
Do you have that jar framed and put somewhere special, on show? Such an awesome idea! Was it coloured sand or just ordinary sand? I'm totally stealing it, would love the children to pick their favourite colour, then dye their little sand box with that colour of theirs, then join the sand into the jar to make a pretty rainbow shape :) :haha: Am I getting too ahead of myself here? :lol:
We have it on our dresser in the living room pride of place. We all had a colour each to pour in :thumbup: We each poured about half in and then we all poured the rest in at the same time. Got some beautiful photos too. I'll have a look for you when I get home from work. :)
Our sand didn't quite fill the container so we brought some sand back from our honeymoon (we took the kids with us!!) and topped it up with that :)
OK not my personal pic as my phone is new but love this


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Favorite B&W photo featuring DH and our oldest


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My FF is confusing :oops:


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OK ok haha here is dd at 9months


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