EARLY September Testers

Hungry, that makes a lot of sense. I wonder which is harder actually falling pregnant or resisting the urge to symptom spot! :haha: I am hopeless at both it seems so far! :dohh:

Psychochick, I can only hope it was implantation spotting on 10dpo as I did cramp that night. 13dpo today, had cramps last night, nothin much today, so waiting for af to make her arrival. Boobs also feel slight less sore which is a sign af is on her way for me!

Mybabies, I got so consumed with ttc that in the beginning of this year my husband and I decided to get a kitten! He is the most darling thing ever, and behaves so much like a child.. It's almost enough to keep my broodiness in check! Almost! :haha:

Borr.dg, thanks! We gotta stay positive! :thumbup: and realistic too at the same time I think
So ladies before af got here I decided to get rid of this blue dye test I have had for some time. I hate blue dye tests but figured wth I might as well get rid of it.

So as has happened before in my experience, I got a faint line, it has blue colour in it. Only thing is it showed up within two mins. I still don't trust it one bit tho! Lol

So I took a pink dye one too just in case, and after the test limit got an indent. :dohh: lol!

But I figure it's time this thread had more pics so here we go! Not sure of the order of how the tests will load, but I think first one is the blue dye normal pic. Then second one is a bit enhanced so u can see that nasty let down blue line a bit better. Third one is the pink dye indent.


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AHHHHHHHH Tesh! I saw this and got all excited!!!! The blue one does look like a BFP! However as we know blue dye is so unreliable! Boooooooooo!
Please let this be a BFP!!!!!:happydance:
Any signs of AF? If no AF will you test again tomorrow!? Im on the edge of my seat here! :haha:
Hi Hungry
I think having a loss does make us want to understand more about our own bodies. I don't know about you but I feel like I have to do anything in my power to help things along.

Seems like having a MC can definaltey change cycles. It's strange how our body reacts. I don't think I OVed the first two cycles after. When I had my ovulation bleed a couple of cycles back, I think that was my body telling me that everything was finally back to normal.

I wish ttc was more simple. Never ever thought it was like this at all. Never imagined having a MC, let alone 2. I'm sure you were the same. However it was made me a much stronger person and I will appreciate having a baby so so much! The struggle will be worth it 😊

Agreed! Just wanna understand how our bodies work is definitely a new for me. You know there are so many stories of people who stop temping and using opk and that's the cycle they get pregnant haha.

I don't test the first cycle after my MC because I could be testing for forever. As your cycle takes a while to return as well, I would have no clue when O takes place.

Good your cycle is back to normal. And your body is reverting to normal. Your time could come soon :)

I never imagined I would be one who would have to go through this. And like you said, twice!!!! I thought I was healthy. I work out regularly for the past 10 years. Never thought my body would fail me. But you're right, we have become a stronger person. I think for me after the second one. First one I cried so much. And took many months to get back to normal.

Still no symptoms for me. Haha like every other cycle thus far.

I hear of that too. When couple 'stop trying' they get a BFP. I don't see how that could happen if you don't know hen OV is etc. I feel like i have to know and be a crazy etc lady :haha:

I dint test first cycle post MC either and I stopped my folic acid as i wanted a huge break from the whole thing. So glad I did. I knew my cycle would be messed up anyway so didn't see the point in doing OPKS until we started etc again.

Really hope it is soon for both of us. I think 5 cycles is enough recovery time. Just need my body to comply now!

I am the same as you. I work out, I am now almost back to my weight where I am happy (I've just lost 16.5 ibs) I don't smoke and rarely drink now. Yet my SIL smokes and she did throughout her pregnancies and she has 5 healthy children! :ohh: It has taken me until now I would say to be at peace with it all. Only over the last few weeks have I began to accept and move on.

Same here symptom wise. Feels the same as any other cycle. But I'm only 6-7dpo so too early yet still :flower:
can i be added to sept 2nd for testing? i think i'm finally in the tww!
Trying and Hungry, just been reading your posts and u both are truly strong!! :hugs::hugs: and having the courage to continue through this whirlwind off trying to conceive, and still be so helpful to others and determined, I really take my hat off to u both :flower:

Trying, the D3 seems like just what I may need! I definitely am gonna start taking it after I do my Googling :thumbup: for next cycle! It definitely can't hurt! Thanks for telling me about it!:flower: and I will definitely keep up with the soy!:winkwink:

Af due tomorrow can't believe how soon! Update on testing today is 12dpo - bfn. I am soo happy about my luteal phase tho that I don't even care if she shows up tomorrow hehe. IF she doesn't show up, I will prob try and test again on Saturday.

Hungry, u are absolutely right, having u ladies to share with during this tww has been so awesome and such a support. It has made me so much more calm this cycle and just wanna send a big thanks to u all:flower: this month is almost over! I wish I could not symptom spot, how do u do it??? Haha I have no control. :wacko:

Mybabies, I think we all have baby on the brain and just can't help ourselves but immerse ourselves in everythin baby:haha:

Welcome Happiestmom and sending lots of baby dust your way this cycle :dust::dust:

Thanks Tesh :hugs: I love helping others, I think sharing advice and experiences is so valuable. I also take off my hat to you. 16 months of TTC is a long time, yet you remain positive and support everyone else. You are an inspiration to us all :flower:

Yay for D3! :happydance: I am picking up some today! So glad you are carrying on with the soy. It works wonders! If I find out about anymore magic potions I will let you know :dance:

Welcome to any new members!!! :hi:
Hey ladies!!! :hi:

I am updating the front page, so if you would like me to add your test date on then let me know and I will do this for you

xx :flower:
Yeah I know what you mean. I kind of feel that way about TTC too where some women clearly have terrible habits, but somehow get pregnant super easily. I mean I can't complain yet because it's not as if I've been trying that long but still I can't drink alcohol and I'm not even sure I can drink green tea because of the caffeine, and then I read about women just getting accidentally pregnant even though they've been eating/drinking all sorts of crap and I wonder why I even bother.

I'm early in the cycle, CD9, gonna start OPK tomorrow and probably gonna O the weekend or monday, and then the dreaded TWW will start. Trying to have fun BD while I can!!!

Pretty excited to see how everyone else does though, seems like everyone else is testing already. :dust:

I don't drink alcohol but i do drink green tea. About a glass a day. I think that's still within the normal range even if one was pregnant.

It was very sensitive after my loss.. when i saw people who weren't trying were getting pregnant .. and those who were pregnant smoking during their pregnancy and threatening to abort their child… it made me feel a bit jealous at how it was so simple for them and so difficult to lose the baby.. whereas I was doing all i can to keep the baby and i lost them. But I'm over it now. It is what it is.

I think we are mostly in the late august testing timeline.. hahaha… i guess since we were all in the first few days of august, it would end up this way. It's coming to the exciting part for you!! :happy dance:

Hungry, that makes a lot of sense. I wonder which is harder actually falling pregnant or resisting the urge to symptom spot! :haha: I am hopeless at both it seems so far! :dohh:

I think they are both difficult in their own way. haha.. falling pregnant is a challenge on its own it seems for us :cry: but i think with that comes with wanting to symptom spot as we all secretly wish that this was the lucky cycle.. that every cycle we get our bfn… it will be our cycle. It takes a lot of will to not think of either… A LOT of willpower. and that's why we have each other. :hugs:

I hear of that too. When couple 'stop trying' they get a BFP. I don't see how that could happen if you don't know hen OV is etc. I feel like i have to know and be a crazy etc lady :haha:

I dint test first cycle post MC either and I stopped my folic acid as i wanted a huge break from the whole thing. So glad I did. I knew my cycle would be messed up anyway so didn't see the point in doing OPKS until we started etc again.

Really hope it is soon for both of us. I think 5 cycles is enough recovery time. Just need my body to comply now!

I am the same as you. I work out, I am now almost back to my weight where I am happy (I've just lost 16.5 ibs) I don't smoke and rarely drink now. Yet my SIL smokes and she did throughout her pregnancies and she has 5 healthy children! :ohh: It has taken me until now I would say to be at peace with it all. Only over the last few weeks have I began to accept and move on.

Same here symptom wise. Feels the same as any other cycle. But I'm only 6-7dpo so too early yet still :flower:

I guess the point is.. when you are enjoying it and relaxing through your cycle, your body just conceives! something to do with stress levels? It's like how people quit their job and suddenly fall pregnant when they have been trying for ages before that. Stress i think really plays a big part without us realising it.

I did the same as you! every time i had my MC, i stopped folic acid.. haha it's like an act of rebellion. I refuse to take all these that remind me of the pregnancy .. or trying to get pregnant. I just wanna free my mind!!!

WOW!! you lost 16.5lbs! good job!!!!!! that must have taken a lot of hard work and perseverance.

Considering it took me 8 months the last time. I'm about halfway to that point haha.. so from here on out? 50% chance?

I'm pretty sure i'm out.. i'm more than halfway through my tww.
Hey ladies!!! :hi:

I am updating the front page, so if you would like me to add your test date on then let me know and I will do this for you

xx :flower:

Trying, you put yourself down for 30 Sept! jumping the gun already??
Trying, haha sorry!:hugs: how lovely if it were really positive but I never EVER trust blue dyes as I know too well about their evil ways:growlmad:

Oh Trying I do hope the D3 works!! :hugs: and yay for more magical positions!!! Love it!

Trying, borr.dg and psychochic I had af cramps last night so expected her in the morning. No cramps today and she hasn't appeared yet. BUT I have had a 13LP before so I will give it one more day and if she doesn't show I will test on Sunday 15dpo. Not getting my hopes up tho cos as I post this she will prob appear lol:dohh:

Have a terribly sore throat that I got up with this morning:wacko: hope I'm not getting sick AGAIN :growlmad:

Hungry, I think Trying wants to wait until 15dpo to test? Trying is that right? :flower:
Oh I'm so blind! Lol didn't see 30 September thought I saw 30 August haha:haha:

Trying I do hope you've started with the pregnancy brain!! :winkwink: haha
Ladies I'm out. Just started brown spotting :witch: should be here by tomorrow as expected! Yay for 13 day LP!! :hugs:

I am thinking of taking the soy 4-8 this cycle. And going to be taking D3! Gonna put dh on it too :thumbup:

I am holding thumbs for all of u!!! And stalking all of u still of course :hugs:

Hahaha how ditsy am I! I meant august :dohh: :haha: Oh Tesh that would be fab if its baby brain already! I will be testing at 15dpo as unsure when AF is coming. Also the earliest I've ever got a BFP is at 15dpo anyway :flower:

Hungry- I have heard about the stress thing but never took much notice. Women do fall pregnant in stressful situations but I guess it would be much harder!?

Haha I also stopped in away out of rebellion 'Im not pregnant so why should I take you'. Also like you I wanted to free my mind and didn't want to think about etc. The folic acid was a reminder of that. I also hid away all of my pregnancy books. They have made and appearance again now :)

Thank you much :) I don't know how I did it. needs so much will power. Ive still got 6ibs to go, but I am sure that I will get there very soon!

Thats a good way in thinking that you could be half way :) Its like we are waiting but we just don't know how long we are waiting for. 7-8 months is average my book says, just some take less some take longer. Theres no right answer when it comes to TTC. We may take ages to fall with our first baby and the second it may happen very quickly! I took 4 months with my early MC/Chemical then 3 months after that to get my blazing positive, so 7 months to get what I thought was a strong bean.

I am feeling out too already. Unsure why. We should give ourselves a chance, but i know we are so used to AF popping up!

Test- I am so sorry that AF is coming :hugs: :hugs: I had really high hopes for you this cycle. But a 13 day LP is amazing! :amazing: You have the soy and Vit D next cycle, great things are coming your way! What Vits is your DH going to take?

I bought my Vit D today and have started taking them :) I got the Vitabiotics 1000 IU (25ug) unsure if you have these in SA? i got a middle of the range dose as didn't want anything too high, also didn't want to lower range either. Just assumed somewhere in the middle be good!

Def stay here with us! You will be preparing for O again already before you know it! Our next thread will have to be Late September Testers as most of us are testing at the end of this month now :)
Ladies I know this is not TTC related but any idea why my profile picture won't show? I def have one but it won't show up in the thread? :wacko:
here are my opks from CD13 till today (CD15am) was CD14s positive or is todays positive? CD14PMs were with dilute urine because I drank alot...trying to hold it and no drink to get a good sample again for about an hour from now to see what it looks like...


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here are my opks from CD13 till today (CD15am) was CD14s positive or is todays positive? CD14PMs were with dilute urine because I drank alot...trying to hold it and no drink to get a good sample again for about an hour from now to see what it looks like...

Hey Happiest!

I would say definitely CD15 was positive!! :)
CD14AM and CD15AM are the exact same when you put them side by side now that htey are both dry....so I wasnt sure if yesterday was start of surge and today is just continued or what..

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