EARLY September Testers

Hungry, I think after a while we just become realistic more than anything else. If thats the right word!? I think we learn not to obsess over every little twinge or take our charts too seriously. So glad I only temp to confirm OV now and that's all. We get to learn what is normal too.

I think I had the pinches etc even before my 2nd MC from what I can remember. I don't know about you though but it's really changed my cycle. Actually for the better. I had a 9-10 day LP before and now it's 12-13 days! I ovulate much earlier. So weird though as I seemed to fall pregnant faster with my short LP. No idea what that's about :wacko: Has your MMC changed your cycles part from more pinching etc?

We are off to Cornwall for a few days. Can't wait 😀 Wish I had this distraction every tww!
Hi everyone!

Trying, I think speaking about ttc with our dh's helps them and us understand what each other wants and feels. So glad u guys were able to do that! :hugs:

Omg! Cd15 for O even earlier than we hoped!! Woo hoo!!:happydance: when are u planning on testing? My beige tinted cm is gone since last morning, it's just a bit watery now. But that could still mean af is coming so I will just wait. 11dpo today- bfn. Af is due this Friday so I am really still happy that my luteal phase is holding out! Hope u have a wonderful trip to Cornwall!! :flower:

Hungry, thanks :hugs: I am still having super sore boobs! My kitten walked ever them just now and I had to hold back a yelp so as not to scare him! He usually likes to come and sleep on top of me poor thing, had to give him his eviction notice! Lol. Other than that I get the occasional cramp now and then nothin too hectic, and still feeling tired but that's about it. How many dpo are u now?

Psychochic, thanks for the info on the RLT! I would consider trying it after I do my cycle of Soy next cycle!

Mommyofone, wow! That was some positive!! Yay!!:happydance: hope u got a good lot of bd in and caught that eggy!!!:thumbup::flower:

Can't believe how quick this cycle has gone by. Can't believe Trying and Hungry are almost half way through their tww!!! Sooo hoping for some happy news by the end of August!!

Welcome Raine!!!:flower: lots of baby dust your way for this cycle :dust::dust:
Thanks Tesh :hugs: I feel so so much better for talking to him about it. Hoping it will make things easier for us both.

I am still shocked at how early I OVed! FF put it as CD14 but I went with 15 because of my CM pattern. But still so super early :happydance:

Tesh your symptoms sound very promising. I had something similar with one of my BFPs! However as we know sometimes it is that horrid AF, you can never tell! You are def not out yet! I have everything crossed for you! 😀
This cycle is going so quickly, I think I'm feeling more relaxed which is helping. I'm just fed up with the stressed look :haha: I have now learnt that it won't happen any quicker by getting stressed. It's very disheartening when AF arrives but I think we just find a way of coping and dont let it bother us as much anymore.
guys my temp went down today instead of up :( i don't even know what that means? does that mean i failed to O? i still have bad cramping like o and lower back ache. i am so confused. :cry: do i do another opk today? or what do i do?
Hey mommyxo. Please dont worry 😊 sometimes you get a temp dip the day of ovulation. Not all the time but sometimes. I have done in the past. Must mean you are ovulating today :happydance:
Do another OPK tomorrow and it should be fainter. Also your temp should rise tomorrow. As long as there are three temp rises after then you ovulated.
my temps normally dip before the o so having it go after the positive really freaked me out! and then i have my steady rise. this is just confusing me!
I think cycles can act outside of the norm from time to time. As long as as your BDing I wouldn't worry 😊
Thanks Trying :hugs: so today you would be 4-5dpo? It makes it easy to track your cycle cos it follows the days of this month! :haha:

Haha I agree, the stressed look so does not suit!:coffee: I agree that it's seems much easier now days ttc than it used to be. We do eventually come to terms with 'when it happens it happens'! That so used to annoy me when I used to hear that. But we get so obsessed with ttc it becomes hard to hear the truth. But better late than never! :thumbup: I also feel more relaxed. I'm even planning my next cycle! Lol!:haha:

Since its nearing implantation time for u I am sending extra baby dust your way!!!:dust::dust::dust:

Mummyofone, I agree with trying. If u got your positive opk yesterday, and it takes 24-48 hours from then until O, then a dip in temp today sounds right on track for O. Hoping your temps are nice and high tomorrow and continue to rise!!:flower:
Thanks Trying :hugs: so today you would be 4-5dpo? It makes it easy to track your cycle cos it follows the days of this month! :haha:

Haha I agree, the stressed look so does not suit!:coffee: I agree that it's seems much easier now days ttc than it used to be. We do eventually come to terms with 'when it happens it happens'! That so used to annoy me when I used to hear that. But we get so obsessed with ttc it becomes hard to hear the truth. But better late than never! :thumbup: I also feel more relaxed. I'm even planning my next cycle! Lol!:haha:

Since its nearing implantation time for u I am sending extra baby dust your way!!!:dust::dust::dust:

Mummyofone, I agree with trying. If u got your positive opk yesterday, and it takes 24-48 hours from then until O, then a dip in temp today sounds right on track for O. Hoping your temps are nice and high tomorrow and continue to rise!!:flower:

That's right :happydance: I love how my cycle is matching the days of the month! Wish AF would come on the 1st every month :haha: so much easier!

Oh I remember people saying that to me and they still do. I have taken their advice in a way. We have no control over it so I suppose what's the use in becoming stressed!?Still I have my 'googling' moments every now and again but not as often now. I think we are all guilty of that. Hehe. I will start planning next cycle soon as I always do before AF (or not). Really not sure what to do. I don't think I need soy as my body did very well this month on its own so will give it another chance. I have heard about Vit D3 helping too!? What are your plans if no BFP?

Thanks Tesh! I need all the :dust: I can get! Scary to think that would be soon if it happens. Eeek! Think last time I implanted late at 10dpo. I'm going to send some :dust: your way too! Really hoping you get that :bfp:
Hungry, I think after a while we just become realistic more than anything else. If thats the right word!? I think we learn not to obsess over every little twinge or take our charts too seriously. So glad I only temp to confirm OV now and that's all. We get to learn what is normal too.

I think I had the pinches etc even before my 2nd MC from what I can remember. I don't know about you though but it's really changed my cycle. Actually for the better. I had a 9-10 day LP before and now it's 12-13 days! I ovulate much earlier. So weird though as I seemed to fall pregnant faster with my short LP. No idea what that's about :wacko: Has your MMC changed your cycles part from more pinching etc?

We are off to Cornwall for a few days. Can't wait 😀 Wish I had this distraction every tww!

Trying, I guess I was just not very sensitive to it before. I never knew what my LP was before my first MC. Never felt a need to test with opk and keep track. Hahaa how things have changed...... But my cycle overall did change. I used to have a consistent 28 day cycle. After my first MC, it slowly trended to 25 days. And again after this cycle, it seems to have trended to 25 days by the 3rd cycle. Kinda makes a big difference those 3 days. I feel like I'm constantly on AF! And too little 'free' days in between Hahaa

We all need regular distractions to be honest. I wish ttc was simple like how it was the first time haha. Without opk and temping. Without remembering and taking note of anything. But on the bright side, we are more familiar with our body!
Hungry, thanks :hugs: I am still having super sore boobs! My kitten walked ever them just now and I had to hold back a yelp so as not to scare him! He usually likes to come and sleep on top of me poor thing, had to give him his eviction notice! Lol. Other than that I get the occasional cramp now and then nothin too hectic, and still feeling tired but that's about it. How many dpo are u now?

Do you usually get such sore boobs?? And feel tired??

Poor kitty. Must be wondering why there's no love!

I'm currently 7dpo. Just another 6 days to go.
Haha I def have my Googling moments esp in tww! :dohh: I believe knowing is better than guessing, even if that's exactly what it becomes anyway lol cos we never really know. I guess it's comforting to hear others experiences and also brings us back to reality in a way.

Haha glad I'm not the only one who starts planning for next cycle before tww is up!:haha: I have heard of D3! I need to do more research on it tho u never know what may work! After all we are TRYING to conceive so it's only normal we TRY. Lol! I plan to take soy again next cycle maybe day 4-8 for a stronger eggy. And I may use my soft cup after bd. Was supposed to use it this cycle but we were so rushed I forgot about it! I also plan on being more prepared with bd since I may ovulate early again!:happydance:

Thanks Trying! :hugs: although af may show up on Friday, I do feel very slightly hopeful as I am having extreme sore boobs, usually they are sore before af but not extreme like this. And also I am kinda hoping in the back of my mind that yesterday 10dpo once when I wiped tinged cm could have been implantation as I did cramp a bit yesterday. But! Time will tell. Either way I know I am not going to be disappointed whatever happens cos if it's bfp I will be over joyed but if not I will be super excited to try my soy again and anticipate early O! :happydance: if my af shows on friday like expected I would have a 24 day cycle for the first time ever! Certainly helps time go by quicker!
Hungry, thanks :hugs: I am still having super sore boobs! My kitten walked ever them just now and I had to hold back a yelp so as not to scare him! He usually likes to come and sleep on top of me poor thing, had to give him his eviction notice! Lol. Other than that I get the occasional cramp now and then nothin too hectic, and still feeling tired but that's about it. How many dpo are u now?

Do you usually get such sore boobs?? And feel tired??

Poor kitty. Must be wondering why there's no love!

I'm currently 7dpo. Just another 6 days to go.

Wow 7dpo I can't believe how quick it's going!

I have got sore boobs only a couple of times in 16 months ttc. And it also started 1dpo. But the norm is 4 get slightly sore boobs 2days before af, and they are gone by cd1. This time tho the pain is more concentrated in the nipples like a burning sensation and like they're about to burst sometimes!:wacko: but I am using natural progesterone cream once a day so it could be the progesterone. I don't usually feel tired at all in my Tww today I slept until 12pm after falling asleep last night at around 10pm! Again it could be the progesterone..

Also had a slight spotting when I wiped yesterday at 10dpo, and nothing after that or today it's mostly dry but if anything a little watery. Sorry for the tmi!

Are u having any symptoms yet or are u not symptom spotting this cycle? :flower:
Lol look at my chart this cycle! 7 days of flat temps it's starting to look like table mountain!! :haha:
well..guess I'll be joining you ladies here again..BD Monday night..softcup...coconut oil...left in overnight again...OPKing...so far nothing standing out...going to try to get BD in once more either tonight or tomm depending on what OPKs look like...trying for a girl so trying to stop BDing atleast a 2-3 days before O...goodluck ladies!! plan on testing Monday August 31st...it'll be a big day as I start my big online party then too...if I get a BFP no way I'll concentrate on my sales lol
Wow 7dpo I can't believe how quick it's going!

I have got sore boobs only a couple of times in 16 months ttc. And it also started 1dpo. But the norm is 4 get slightly sore boobs 2days before af, and they are gone by cd1. This time tho the pain is more concentrated in the nipples like a burning sensation and like they're about to burst sometimes!:wacko: but I am using natural progesterone cream once a day so it could be the progesterone. I don't usually feel tired at all in my Tww today I slept until 12pm after falling asleep last night at around 10pm! Again it could be the progesterone..

Also had a slight spotting when I wiped yesterday at 10dpo, and nothing after that or today it's mostly dry but if anything a little watery. Sorry for the tmi!

Are u having any symptoms yet or are u not symptom spotting this cycle? :flower:

Time is flying. Think it's cos we are all going through it together!!!! It makes it so much easier to have people talking about it :)

Is this your first cycle using progesterone cream as well? I think progesterone tablets do have that effect on some people and bloating as well. But who knows. They could also be bfp signs! We never know. Haha symptoms of everything are just too similar!

But wow. Your chart is a table top!!!!!
Not really symptom spotting. Did that too many cycles and I started noticing new symptoms and thought bfp haha but I think I was just reading too much into it. So this 2 cycles, my symptoms lists are getting shorter and shorter. Almost negligent this cycle actually Haha but I would say no symptoms for me this cycle as well. Nothing particularly strong so probably AF is going to show up.
well..guess I'll be joining you ladies here again..BD Monday night..softcup...coconut oil...left in overnight again...OPKing...so far nothing standing out...going to try to get BD in once more either tonight or tomm depending on what OPKs look like...trying for a girl so trying to stop BDing atleast a 2-3 days before O...goodluck ladies!! plan on testing Monday August 31st...it'll be a big day as I start my big online party then too...if I get a BFP no way I'll concentrate on my sales lol

Welcome HappiestMom! Good luck and let's hope for the bfp. Hahaa you might have to cancel your event if that happens!!
Welcome to the newbies that was me the other day hehe!!

Why why why do i do it to myself just been sat here watching bloody one born every minute and just feeling so down knowing it isn't happening for us!!! Xx
Haha I def have my Googling moments esp in tww! :dohh: I believe knowing is better than guessing, even if that's exactly what it becomes anyway lol cos we never really know. I guess it's comforting to hear others experiences and also brings us back to reality in a way.

Haha glad I'm not the only one who starts planning for next cycle before tww is up!:haha: I have heard of D3! I need to do more research on it tho u never know what may work! After all we are TRYING to conceive so it's only normal we TRY. Lol! I plan to take soy again next cycle maybe day 4-8 for a stronger eggy. And I may use my soft cup after bd. Was supposed to use it this cycle but we were so rushed I forgot about it! I also plan on being more prepared with bd since I may ovulate early again!:happydance:

Thanks Trying! :hugs: although af may show up on Friday, I do feel very slightly hopeful as I am having extreme sore boobs, usually they are sore before af but not extreme like this. And also I am kinda hoping in the back of my mind that yesterday 10dpo once when I wiped tinged cm could have been implantation as I did cramp a bit yesterday. But! Time will tell. Either way I know I am not going to be disappointed whatever happens cos if it's bfp I will be over joyed but if not I will be super excited to try my soy again and anticipate early O! :happydance: if my af shows on friday like expected I would have a 24 day cycle for the first time ever! Certainly helps time go by quicker!

Knowing is defintaley better I would say. It is nice to see what others have experienced. I like reassurance that it will all be ok. I like to read stories about successful stories about pregnancy after multiple losses. Nice to know it does happen 😊

I have done a bit of research on D3. I'm going to get some today and give it a go. Apparently it's good for recurrent losses and it can help with autoimmune disorders and is good for the immune system in general. A lack of D3 can be responsible for a lot of fertility issues in men and women. As we are trying as you say I think it's worth a shot. I will try anything! 😀
I think soy is def the way to go for you after your amazing results this cycle. If I go back to late OV I will be giving that a go too!

Your symptoms sound so promising this cycle! Especially the tinged CM and not having any since. I really hope that this is it for you! :happydance: if not then you know the soy works like magic, so you have that to focus on 😀 Almost Friday now! Your cycle has gone so quickly!!!!

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