EARLY September Testers

Laughing at the bd 3 days in a row is killer comment! Agree! We did it 4 days a row and I'm still tired days later lol stressful planning days. What made it worse this cycle is did not get to have as much fun as ds got a cold sore at play gym the passed to me. I would not even kiss during bd and then I totally would not let him put his mouth down there lol it was horrible. Kids are filthy little monsters lol!

Oh it is. Some nights we just do it for the hell of it. Not exactly fun :wacko:

Haha yes def more PMS for you, but great the cycle is over with quicker :) love the idea of an early O too. Really hope I O earlier again next cycle!

Haha in terrible. I Can't control my hormonal outbursts at all. Lord help everyone when I finally do have a proper pregnancy :haha:

Yes unfortunately I can cramp up to a week before AF is due. Cramps now gone and got the awful backache instead. My CM is becoming wetter too which is a sign that AF is just around the corner. I'm guessing she will be here by Friday, Sat latest. Really hoping for a 28 day cycle again as nice and easy to keep track of :) Which day you reckon your getting AF?
Laughing at the bd 3 days in a row is killer comment! Agree! We did it 4 days a row and I'm still tired days later lol stressful planning days. What made it worse this cycle is did not get to have as much fun as ds got a cold sore at play gym the passed to me. I would not even kiss during bd and then I totally would not let him put his mouth down there lol it was horrible. Kids are filthy little monsters lol!

Wow! 4 days! Your going need the rest of the month to recover :haha:

Ohhh noooo cold sores are evil! Haha. Hopefully it didn't stop the sperm meeting the egg :) hehe
Laughing at the bd 3 days in a row is killer comment! Agree! We did it 4 days a row and I'm still tired days later lol stressful planning days. What made it worse this cycle is did not get to have as much fun as ds got a cold sore at play gym the passed to me. I would not even kiss during bd and then I totally would not let him put his mouth down there lol it was horrible. Kids are filthy little monsters lol!

Wow! 4 days! Your going need the rest of the month to recover :haha:

Ohhh noooo cold sores are evil! Haha. Hopefully it didn't stop the sperm meeting the egg :) hehe

I know they are so gross! My husband NEVER gets as well as the two other kids. But it seems my oldest gets them easy and has gotten off a walmart shopping cart once.. school 2x and now the play gym. Just horrible he always passes to me! I had not had one since I was a child until he started getting them UGH. Really kids are so full of germs! lol
This was this AM OPK...how freaking positive is that...and yes we did it last night...and then....slept with softcup in lubed by coconut oil.... I prolly wont test till Sept 1st now which will be 8dpo just incase to test for twins again but :happydance: just glad I feel like I have a chance now...


  • aug 2015 positive opk.jpg
    aug 2015 positive opk.jpg
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Can't use bnb on my computer anymore- seriously screwing it up. So if I miss posts sorry :( will do my best with my phone
Haha BD >3 days in a row really tires out DH but I can probably keep going! This past weekend I had a little constipation (sry tmi) and was really uncomfortable yesterday so I was bummed thinking I wouldn't be able to catch the egg but thankfully it got better at night and was able to BD.

I was also watching a show called "catastrophe" about a woman who gets accidentally pregnant. It's a comedy and pretty funny, but she was drinking and smoking. She does get chastised by others but I suppose it wouldn't be comedy without the irreverence for rules. Anyways nowadays whenever there's pregnancy on TV I pay extra close attention because all of a sudden it's relevant now. hehe..
This was this AM OPK...how freaking positive is that...and yes we did it last night...and then....slept with softcup in lubed by coconut oil.... I prolly wont test till Sept 1st now which will be 8dpo just incase to test for twins again but :happydance: just glad I feel like I have a chance now...

O yeah that is most definitely positive!

Wait is there a way to test for twins? How?
haha no actual way to test other than a scan but with my singleton girl I got my BFP on 11dpo and even then it was super super almost not there faint...and my levels were only 17...with my twins I had a BFP at like 8/9DPO that was obvious and then my 11dpo levels with them were 54.....so if I test early again and get a positive at like 8-9dpo im going to be freaking out and preparing myself to see twins again at my first scan lol lol... :rofl:

Oh it is. Some nights we just do it for the hell of it. Not exactly fun :wacko:

Haha yes def more PMS for you, but great the cycle is over with quicker :) love the idea of an early O too. Really hope I O earlier again next cycle!

Haha in terrible. I Can't control my hormonal outbursts at all. Lord help everyone when I finally do have a proper pregnancy :haha:

Yes unfortunately I can cramp up to a week before AF is due. Cramps now gone and got the awful backache instead. My CM is becoming wetter too which is a sign that AF is just around the corner. I'm guessing she will be here by Friday, Sat latest. Really hoping for a 28 day cycle again as nice and easy to keep track of :) Which day you reckon your getting AF?

Bd becomes technical definitely not fun. But when ttc you can't exactly be spontaneous Hahaa it becomes a bit technical esp while waiting to O and when O is confirmed.

Try EPO? I don't know if that's what's caused my O to be earlier or it was coincidental. The cycle it shifted back to CD 11 was the cycle I started taking EPO till O is confirmed. But it could also just be my body adjusting back to before the MC. Funny how the first one seemed to mess up the body more.

Oh trust me! I'm horrible with PMS. I become such a bitch and super short tempered. Hahaa I totally lose my patience for things but mostly towards DH! Hahaa not other people. And I kinda just like being left alone during the few days before AF and first 3 days of AF.

You're just 1-2 days behind me. I'm due for AF on Thursday. So just 2 more sleeps and she should be here. Zzzzzz but it's ok I guess it means I can go on a holiday!!
Laughing at the bd 3 days in a row is killer comment! Agree! We did it 4 days a row and I'm still tired days later lol stressful planning days. What made it worse this cycle is did not get to have as much fun as ds got a cold sore at play gym the passed to me. I would not even kiss during bd and then I totally would not let him put his mouth down there lol it was horrible. Kids are filthy little monsters lol!

ajr hahaaaa this really made me laugh out loud about the no kissing whilst bd'ing Lol!
Hello! Mind if I join?

My DH and I have been trying for our first for over a year, and now we're at the stage where I'm doing Clomid and additional follicle stimulating hormone shots to get me to ovulate good eggs. I got pregnant in May, but it ended in a MC at 8 weeks. This is our first cycle after that that we've been able to try, and I'm feeling hopeful!

I'm 4 dpo right now. Good luck, everyone!

Oh it is. Some nights we just do it for the hell of it. Not exactly fun :wacko:

Haha yes def more PMS for you, but great the cycle is over with quicker :) love the idea of an early O too. Really hope I O earlier again next cycle!

Haha in terrible. I Can't control my hormonal outbursts at all. Lord help everyone when I finally do have a proper pregnancy :haha:

Yes unfortunately I can cramp up to a week before AF is due. Cramps now gone and got the awful backache instead. My CM is becoming wetter too which is a sign that AF is just around the corner. I'm guessing she will be here by Friday, Sat latest. Really hoping for a 28 day cycle again as nice and easy to keep track of :) Which day you reckon your getting AF?

Bd becomes technical definitely not fun. But when ttc you can't exactly be spontaneous Hahaa it becomes a bit technical esp while waiting to O and when O is confirmed.

Try EPO? I don't know if that's what's caused my O to be earlier or it was coincidental. The cycle it shifted back to CD 11 was the cycle I started taking EPO till O is confirmed. But it could also just be my body adjusting back to before the MC. Funny how the first one seemed to mess up the body more.

Oh trust me! I'm horrible with PMS. I become such a bitch and super short tempered. Hahaa I totally lose my patience for things but mostly towards DH! Hahaa not other people. And I kinda just like being left alone during the few days before AF and first 3 days of AF.

You're just 1-2 days behind me. I'm due for AF on Thursday. So just 2 more sleeps and she should be here. Zzzzzz but it's ok I guess it means I can go on a holiday!!

Haha oh definitely! I wait for my opk to turn positive then poor DH gets pounced on :haha:

Oh what is EPO supposed to be for? Does it balance the hormones? I like the idea of soy too. I will see how next cycle goes as I am happy to OV CD 14/15 but if any later then be good to try something :) Will continue with my Vit D still.

Haha ohhhh yes I can be awful during AF. I also get so sleepy and dont want to do anything at all. Shame this weekend is a busy one grrrrr.

Ohhhh where you going to go on the your holiday? :) You deserve a break after all this ttc. It's a full time job!

I am up mega early today. Keep having baby dreams this week. Last night I dreamt that my SIL was pregnant and I was so angry and was crying my eyes out. I just couldn't be happy for her. I was like she's only doing it because we were ttc, she already has kids, why can she just fall pregnant so easily etc. such an awful dream :( I feel like a right old cow even though it was only a dream haha
Hello! Mind if I join?

My DH and I have been trying for our first for over a year, and now we're at the stage where I'm doing Clomid and additional follicle stimulating hormone shots to get me to ovulate good eggs. I got pregnant in May, but it ended in a MC at 8 weeks. This is our first cycle after that that we've been able to try, and I'm feeling hopeful!

I'm 4 dpo right now. Good luck, everyone!

Welcome michellebelle!
So sorry to hear about your loss. Hope this is a lucky cycle for you :flower:
Hahaha how ditsy am I! I meant august :dohh: :haha: Oh Tesh that would be fab if its baby brain already! I will be testing at 15dpo as unsure when AF is coming. Also the earliest I've ever got a BFP is at 15dpo anyway :flower:

Hungry- I have heard about the stress thing but never took much notice. Women do fall pregnant in stressful situations but I guess it would be much harder!?

Haha I also stopped in away out of rebellion 'Im not pregnant so why should I take you'. Also like you I wanted to free my mind and didn't want to think about etc. The folic acid was a reminder of that. I also hid away all of my pregnancy books. They have made and appearance again now :)

Thank you much :) I don't know how I did it. needs so much will power. Ive still got 6ibs to go, but I am sure that I will get there very soon!

Thats a good way in thinking that you could be half way :) Its like we are waiting but we just don't know how long we are waiting for. 7-8 months is average my book says, just some take less some take longer. Theres no right answer when it comes to TTC. We may take ages to fall with our first baby and the second it may happen very quickly! I took 4 months with my early MC/Chemical then 3 months after that to get my blazing positive, so 7 months to get what I thought was a strong bean.

I am feeling out too already. Unsure why. We should give ourselves a chance, but i know we are so used to AF popping up!

Test- I am so sorry that AF is coming :hugs: :hugs: I had really high hopes for you this cycle. But a 13 day LP is amazing! :amazing: You have the soy and Vit D next cycle, great things are coming your way! What Vits is your DH going to take?

I bought my Vit D today and have started taking them :) I got the Vitabiotics 1000 IU (25ug) unsure if you have these in SA? i got a middle of the range dose as didn't want anything too high, also didn't want to lower range either. Just assumed somewhere in the middle be good!

Def stay here with us! You will be preparing for O again already before you know it! Our next thread will have to be Late September Testers as most of us are testing at the end of this month now :)

I'm baaack!!:wave:

Sorry I have been mia! Have been busy moving apartment bleh :wacko: have had a lot to catch up on!

Trying, firstly I love how u call me 'test' instead of tesh in the above post!:haha: I think it's the poas addiction :winkwink: it's still sooo early for u :hugs:, keeping my fingers crossed. But I felt EXACTLY like u do my last cycle. Our symptoms are almost identical! I am really hoping it means more for u :flower: your should be 10dpo today am I right? I am half way thru my soy! Can't believe it.. By this Saturday gonna start bd! Time is flying. By this time next week I should be ready to O!

This cycle I'm doing the soy again as well as omega 3 and 6 and also the D3! Got dh on all of that as well except the soy!:haha: I do get vitabiotics here:thumbup: but it was nearer for me to get the solgar brand which is what I am using for the soy.

I think I am only gonna test if af is late this month. Wonder if I keep to my word! Lol! :dohh:

Welcome to all the new ladies!!! Really wanna see some bfps on this thread now!!!!
omg I hate that I totally tested and I hate even more that I totally can see a super SUPER squinter! I'm only 6dpo(I think!? I'm pretty sure at least!?) and it's way to early so am afraid it's a fluke. (fingers crossed it's not!!!)
(xposted in my other thread)
Might try and join here too? Am on the Aug testing thread, but that's only because I like to test early :winkwink:

6DPO today and would love some testing/TWW buddies! :hugs:

GL to all - Ready for some BFPS :thumbup:
Might try and join here too? Am on the Aug testing thread, but that's only because I like to test early :winkwink:

6DPO today and would love some testing/TWW buddies! :hugs:

GL to all - Ready for some BFPS :thumbup:

good luck to you too! I am 6dpo as well. Our charts look a bit similar. Your dip yesterday was bigger then mine though, but still a bit similar!
Might try and join here too? Am on the Aug testing thread, but that's only because I like to test early :winkwink:

6DPO today and would love some testing/TWW buddies! :hugs:

GL to all - Ready for some BFPS :thumbup:

good luck to you too! I am 6dpo as well. Our charts look a bit similar. Your dip yesterday was bigger then mine though, but still a bit similar!

yes they are :flower: It's my first month temping and I think it's stressed me out way more. I've hardly had a rise in temp but FF finally gave me my CH today. I moved them to the day before when I felt super strong O pain. but glad to have a 6DPO buddy with a similar chart? how early will you test? I know I'll cave on Friday....:dohh:
I tested today :dohh: :blush: I posted ^ a few posted. I def see a squinter.. just to early and hoping not a fluke. Will see in a few days!

Might try and join here too? Am on the Aug testing thread, but that's only because I like to test early :winkwink:

6DPO today and would love some testing/TWW buddies! :hugs:

GL to all - Ready for some BFPS :thumbup:

good luck to you too! I am 6dpo as well. Our charts look a bit similar. Your dip yesterday was bigger then mine though, but still a bit similar!

yes they are :flower: It's my first month temping and I think it's stressed me out way more. I've hardly had a rise in temp but FF finally gave me my CH today. I moved them to the day before when I felt super strong O pain. but glad to have a 6DPO buddy with a similar chart? how early will you test? I know I'll cave on Friday....:dohh:

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