EARLY September Testers

Hey Mybabies, that's awesome! Hope it's going well for u so far!

I have 3 subjects left to go to complete my degree in marketing management. Can't wait for it to over!!!!

Yeah its going well stressful tho as i work full time nights have two kids a hubby and home plus study full time and ttc #3 so lots going on here #MadWoman

Congrats on having 3 left too do you will be finished before you know it xxx

WOW... Seriously hats off to u lady :huh::thumbup: that is incredible.

And ttc #3! :wacko: How long have u been trying now?

Awww thank you. I've always wanted a family just lucky i met my husband when i was young so we got a head start :D

We have been trying 13 months now, i had a chemical pregnancy in January so had a few months of not trying but not preventing either. How about you? xx

Mybabies, and you're only 24! Awesome! I think at 24, I was just interested in working, earning money and spending it. I don't even think I could have been a mom back then. But then, maybe I would have been less stressed about TTC! Might have been a lot easier. Who knows! im sure you're setting a very good example to your kids. They should be proud of their mom.

Awww thank you :hugs:

Haha omg, I am trying to keep up with all these posts! Can u believe we are all online at the same time?? :haha:

Hungry, YAY for confirming O! And u are absolutely right about temps not mattering after confirming O. It can be different every cycle or even stay the same. I am a firm believer that temps mean little or nothing once O is confirmed. So 3 dpo, I am 7dpo, and Trying will soon be 1dpo! :hugs:

And Mybabies we will still be waiting to see how u turn out :flower:

I do hope our little group is still around whatever the outcome... :friends:

Well I am here to stay and hopefully we will all move up to the first trimester group together :D xxx
Mybabies, that is truly lovely that you and your DH met each other so young. :flower:

I met my DH when we were 21. We're both 27 and will be married for 3 years next Jan. Been ttc #1 for 16 months now! Kinda felt alone in it until 2 months ago when dh really opened up to trying, and bnb of course! Now, I don't mind how long it takes as long as it happens!
Mybabies, that is truly lovely that you and your DH met each other so young. :flower:

I met my DH when we were 21. We're both 27 and will be married for 3 years next Jan. Been ttc #1 for 16 months now! Kinda felt alone in it until 2 months ago when dh really opened up to trying, and bnb of course! Now, I don't mind how long it takes as long as it happens!

We have been married 4 years on Thursday goes so fast!!!

TTC can be a lonely place but these kind of forums defo help :) Xx
This thread moved fast today!!! Took me a while to catch up.

Welcome mybabies! Hope this is your lucky cycle! I can't imagine doing what you are doing. Taking care of the family and studying. That's amazing how you manage it all.

Trying, that's great! Sounds like your DH is on the bandwagon. I try not to tell my DH when I'm Oing as I find it stresses him out. So sometimes it's a bit tough to get as many sessions in as possible. But you know sometimes if it's going to happen it will, even if you get 1 session in! Right?

We used to SMEP but it didn't ever work hahaha the times I got pregnant, it was just random times. :dohh: it can get tiring if every month becomes a bfn and you've been SMEPing. That's when It all becomes a routine. I just trust that if it will happen, it will happen. So these past 2 months, I try to get one in at least the night before my positive opk or the day of Opk. Also my way to be less stressed out. You might be just 3 days behind me this cycle!

Tesh, so FF confirmed my O today even though I tested almost 3 hours earlier than normal. For some reason I noticed the past 2 cycles my sleeping pattern goes out the window during the tww! I wake up multiple times during the night but I temp the moment I feel I can't fall back asleep. So today I'm 3dpo! I'm thinking it's not important whether I get accurate temps now in a way. As long as FF confirms O after 3 days.

I don't think I will test until AF is late. Don't want to waste sticks even though I'm cool with seeing BfNs nowadays. I'll just keep myself in suspense. I guess unless I have some really obvious symptoms, otherwise no point wasting them. Too lazy to get ICs either. I'll just cheer you on as you test tomorrow onwards :yippee:

Hey Hungry!
Yeah he is sometimes but he does get very stressed out which is why I have to hide the OPKs and the thermometer :wacko: So sometimes BD can be tricky. I have heard that it only takes the one time, so maybe it does!?
Yeah SMEP can be to scheduled I think. I did t start it as early as recommended as I feel it would be too much, plus I normally ovulate later. It's weird the months I got BFPs we had Sex loads. Now we seem to have sex loads and nothing. Maybe we should be more relaxed if this cycle isn't successful. I think BDing day before OV and day of OV is def a good way to go as they are the most important! :hehe:
Yes I prob won't be far behind you now :happydance: how long is your LP normally?
Ive had a chemical before and was in really bad pain this isn't like that just normal cramps so hopefully not. Think it was just a evap line it was grey but had colour to the side of it the grey part only come up later on. Just seems like its never going to happen i try my hardest not to get my hopes up every month but drives me mad come af due day/testing day! Xx

We'd sounds like an evap from what you have described. Ohhh I know that feeling oh so well :hugs: each month you get all this hope then it's ruined by the evil AF turning up. I used to cry my eyes out but as time passes it is getting easier I would say. Ttc can really take over at times. Especially the TWW. Really not looking forward to it again x
Trying, that is AWESOME!! :yipee::wohoo:

So glad u got in an afternoon bd! Haha your DH is so funny! :haha: what is it with men and food seriously, my DH is the same. They can be bigger babies than babies sometimes! lol

I think when they feel relaxed and we take the stress out of ttc for them they sort of feel more at ease. And THAT puts US at ease! :haha:

So glad your DH is relaxing a bit more. I can tell my DH is disappointed when af comes around, but he gets over it quickly as do I now, and is ready waiting with a glass of wine for me :wine: hehe

I am finishing my degree in Marketing Management. 3 more to go hope its quick. Have done my diploma in graphic design and my diploma in advanced media and tech, so wanted to finish a degree lol I am weird. :wacko:

I know it will be bfn tomorrow cos I am starting way to early, but I will be the first one to test so will def update :thumbup:

Haha I can't wait for u to O!! :happydance: lol - again if I read that anywhere else but here I would think that sounds crazy :laugh2:

Oh wow I'm still replying to messages!!! This thread is on fire this eve! :happydance:
Tesh my DH is very strange indeed! I'm a bit bonkers too so it works :haha: still smiling about today's shenanigans.
I think it is better when they are at ease as it does help us too. I can get very stressed. When I see that positive OPK I panic incase I run out of time to BD.
Hahahaha you and the wine 😂 love it! Like you I also get over it quickly now. I try not to let it take over my life as much (obv this can be tricky some days).
Wow! You have done loads! That's awesome! Bonkers, but awesome! 😀 such an achievement. Will you be getting a graduation!?
Please update even though it is super early! I can't wait for the updates! I love POAS news!!!
Thank you and yes it would sound completely weird anywhere else :haha: luckily on B and B nothing is weird! 😊 I have had some cramps today so guessing OV is very very near! Feels bit like AF cramps and I had pinching yesterday so hoping it's happened already or will be tomorrow! Can't wait for temps! Eeek!!!!
Trying, that is AWESOME!! :yipee::wohoo:

So glad u got in an afternoon bd! Haha your DH is so funny! :haha: what is it with men and food seriously, my DH is the same. They can be bigger babies than babies sometimes! lol

I think when they feel relaxed and we take the stress out of ttc for them they sort of feel more at ease. And THAT puts US at ease! :haha:

So glad your DH is relaxing a bit more. I can tell my DH is disappointed when af comes around, but he gets over it quickly as do I now, and is ready waiting with a glass of wine for me :wine: hehe

I am finishing my degree in Marketing Management. 3 more to go hope its quick. Have done my diploma in graphic design and my diploma in advanced media and tech, so wanted to finish a degree lol I am weird. :wacko:

I know it will be bfn tomorrow cos I am starting way to early, but I will be the first one to test so will def update :thumbup:

Haha I can't wait for u to O!! :happydance: lol - again if I read that anywhere else but here I would think that sounds crazy :laugh2:

Oh wow I'm still replying to messages!!! This thread is on fire this eve! :happydance:
Tesh my DH is very strange indeed! I'm a bit bonkers too so it works :haha: still smiling about today's shenanigans.
I think it is better when they are at ease as it does help us too. I can get very stressed. When I see that positive OPK I panic incase I run out of time to BD.
Hahahaha you and the wine 😂 love it! Like you I also get over it quickly now. I try not to let it take over my life as much (obv this can be tricky some days).
Wow! You have done loads! That's awesome! Bonkers, but awesome! 😀 such an achievement. Will you be getting a graduation!?
Please update even though it is super early! I can't wait for the updates! I love POAS news!!!
Thank you and yes it would sound completely weird anywhere else :haha: luckily on B and B nothing is weird! 😊 I have had some cramps today so guessing OV is very very near! Feels bit like AF cramps and I had pinching yesterday so hoping it's happened already or will be tomorrow! Can't wait for temps! Eeek!!!!

Haha I do love me my wine :thumbup:

Yep I will be getting my second grad next year april. Our school and university years start Jan/Feb and end Oct/Nov. Not too sure how it works in UK? I know there are A levels but not sure what that means! :dohh:

i also panicked when I got my positive opk this cycle! :haha: I smsed dh straight away and told him it's on! haha. I just managed to get in bd day before, day of and day after O. But my cervix never went soft or open like it usually does at O. Strange... maybe the soy? :shrug:

8dpo fmu = BFN as expected so early. Will be testing for fun from now until af. I am def gonna do the soy again next cycle as I really did not mind an early O! The next time around I am gonna be more prepared with bd tho.

Yay can't wait for temps either! Keep us updated!!! :flower:
Hey Hungry!
Yeah he is sometimes but he does get very stressed out which is why I have to hide the OPKs and the thermometer :wacko: So sometimes BD can be tricky. I have heard that it only takes the one time, so maybe it does!?
Yeah SMEP can be to scheduled I think. I did t start it as early as recommended as I feel it would be too much, plus I normally ovulate later. It's weird the months I got BFPs we had Sex loads. Now we seem to have sex loads and nothing. Maybe we should be more relaxed if this cycle isn't successful. I think BDing day before OV and day of OV is def a good way to go as they are the most important! :hehe:
Yes I prob won't be far behind you now :happydance: how long is your LP normally?

How do you manage to hide the thermometer and take your temps in the morning without him knowing? Mine beeps when it's done and i try to chuck it under the blanket as fast as I can do I don't wake my DH up hahaha
Starting SMEP according to the schedule is too early even though I O early. Can't imagine how it is for you. You kinda lose rhythm as it really becomes too scheduled and it gets boring! I could only SMEP a few cycles then it got too much for me. Considering how long it's taking for a BFP, I can't imagine continuing down that path.
My LP is 13 days if I count O day as the day after my positive OPK. So I'm due on 27 August this cycle. Did you say what your LP is? Do you know when you are going to be testing yet?
Haha I do love me my wine :thumbup:

Yep I will be getting my second grad next year april. Our school and university years start Jan/Feb and end Oct/Nov. Not too sure how it works in UK? I know there are A levels but not sure what that means! :dohh:

i also panicked when I got my positive opk this cycle! :haha: I smsed dh straight away and told him it's on! haha. I just managed to get in bd day before, day of and day after O. But my cervix never went soft or open like it usually does at O. Strange... maybe the soy? :shrug:

8dpo fmu = BFN as expected so early. Will be testing for fun from now until af. I am def gonna do the soy again next cycle as I really did not mind an early O! The next time around I am gonna be more prepared with bd tho.

Yay can't wait for temps either! Keep us updated!!! :flower:

It's still early! Don't give up hope :) though I feel out still hahaha
Trying, that is AWESOME!! :yipee::wohoo:

So glad u got in an afternoon bd! Haha your DH is so funny! :haha: what is it with men and food seriously, my DH is the same. They can be bigger babies than babies sometimes! lol

I think when they feel relaxed and we take the stress out of ttc for them they sort of feel more at ease. And THAT puts US at ease! :haha:

So glad your DH is relaxing a bit more. I can tell my DH is disappointed when af comes around, but he gets over it quickly as do I now, and is ready waiting with a glass of wine for me :wine: hehe

I am finishing my degree in Marketing Management. 3 more to go hope its quick. Have done my diploma in graphic design and my diploma in advanced media and tech, so wanted to finish a degree lol I am weird. :wacko:

I know it will be bfn tomorrow cos I am starting way to early, but I will be the first one to test so will def update :thumbup:

Haha I can't wait for u to O!! :happydance: lol - again if I read that anywhere else but here I would think that sounds crazy :laugh2:

Oh wow I'm still replying to messages!!! This thread is on fire this eve! :happydance:
Tesh my DH is very strange indeed! I'm a bit bonkers too so it works :haha: still smiling about today's shenanigans.
I think it is better when they are at ease as it does help us too. I can get very stressed. When I see that positive OPK I panic incase I run out of time to BD.
Hahahaha you and the wine 😂 love it! Like you I also get over it quickly now. I try not to let it take over my life as much (obv this can be tricky some days).
Wow! You have done loads! That's awesome! Bonkers, but awesome! 😀 such an achievement. Will you be getting a graduation!?
Please update even though it is super early! I can't wait for the updates! I love POAS news!!!
Thank you and yes it would sound completely weird anywhere else :haha: luckily on B and B nothing is weird! 😊 I have had some cramps today so guessing OV is very very near! Feels bit like AF cramps and I had pinching yesterday so hoping it's happened already or will be tomorrow! Can't wait for temps! Eeek!!!!

Haha I do love me my wine :thumbup:

Yep I will be getting my second grad next year april. Our school and university years start Jan/Feb and end Oct/Nov. Not too sure how it works in UK? I know there are A levels but not sure what that means! :dohh:

i also panicked when I got my positive opk this cycle! :haha: I smsed dh straight away and told him it's on! haha. I just managed to get in bd day before, day of and day after O. But my cervix never went soft or open like it usually does at O. Strange... maybe the soy? :shrug:

8dpo fmu = BFN as expected so early. Will be testing for fun from now until af. I am def gonna do the soy again next cycle as I really did not mind an early O! The next time around I am gonna be more prepared with bd tho.

Yay can't wait for temps either! Keep us updated!!! :flower:

Hey Tesh!
That's exciting having another grad coming up! :happydance: bet you can't wait for that! Yeah we have A levels here. That's what you get when you a are in college. Degree is university levels. GCSEs are what you get when you leave school :thumbup:

Haha good you managed to pounce on DH! Now you know how early you OV on soy you can be way more prepared next cycle. Fingers crossed that you won't need to be as you will have a BFP! Strange about cervix. Maybe it was the soy? I don't know much about cervixs as I don't examine mine. Wouldn't know what to even look for.

Ahhh a BFn at 8dpo is not surprise. It soooo early. Plenty of time yet! 😊 Glad you had a POAS moment though! I can't wait to POAS! :haha:
Well OPK is stark white now. I still have EWCM today so will try get DH to BD again later. Luckily he is off work tomorrow so could try get another one in then for good measure. Temps have not risen yet so guessing OV will be today. Def best get BDing tonight!!!
Hey Hungry!
Yeah he is sometimes but he does get very stressed out which is why I have to hide the OPKs and the thermometer :wacko: So sometimes BD can be tricky. I have heard that it only takes the one time, so maybe it does!?
Yeah SMEP can be to scheduled I think. I did t start it as early as recommended as I feel it would be too much, plus I normally ovulate later. It's weird the months I got BFPs we had Sex loads. Now we seem to have sex loads and nothing. Maybe we should be more relaxed if this cycle isn't successful. I think BDing day before OV and day of OV is def a good way to go as they are the most important! :hehe:
Yes I prob won't be far behind you now :happydance: how long is your LP normally?

How do you manage to hide the thermometer and take your temps in the morning without him knowing? Mine beeps when it's done and i try to chuck it under the blanket as fast as I can do I don't wake my DH up hahaha
Starting SMEP according to the schedule is too early even though I O early. Can't imagine how it is for you. You kinda lose rhythm as it really becomes too scheduled and it gets boring! I could only SMEP a few cycles then it got too much for me. Considering how long it's taking for a BFP, I can't imagine continuing down that path.
My LP is 13 days if I count O day as the day after my positive OPK. So I'm due on 27 August this cycle. Did you say what your LP is? Do you know when you are going to be testing yet?

Hey Hungry!
I dont know how as mine beeps too :haha: I normally go I the bathroom and shut the door. He must think why the hell is she shutting the door! If he catches me one day I will just have to come clean.
Yeah I can see SMEP becoming very tricky. Just gunna see how we go for a bit. If it's too much the. Will just do every other day.
Ohh I'm def not far behind now. I think AF be due on the 30th. My LP is normally 13 days but was only 12 last cycle :wacko:
Hats off to you girls being able to temp and do ovulation sticks id get way to obsessed with them lol.

Can't wait to start BD'ing again hate when im on af as feel like i'm doing nothing. Does that sound dumb? X
They can get obsessive but it just makes me feel like I'm doing something. I never used to temp but since my 2nd MC I'm desperate to be pregnant again, especially as my was to be due date is approaching. He first one has been and gone but praying that I am pregnant again before the second. Time is really running out.
I know exactly what you mean. When your BDing it feels like your doing something about it. However I am feeling more relaxed when I have AF now I must say as it's nice to have the break :happydance: x
They can get obsessive but it just makes me feel like I'm doing something. I never used to temp but since my 2nd MC I'm desperate to be pregnant again, especially as my was to be due date is approaching. He first one has been and gone but praying that I am pregnant again before the second. Time is really running out.
I know exactly what you mean. When your BDing it feels like your doing something about it. However I am feeling more relaxed when I have AF now I must say as it's nice to have the break :happydance: x

Yeah the break is nice too ha ha!! I work nights so getting the chance to BD can be difficult we have to try fit it around my shifts ha so romantic eh? :haha: xxx
That must be very tricky at times mybabies! Very romantic :haha: we struggle with the romance part especially when I OV during the working week x
Hey ladies!
Well I think today was OV day as been very crampy and bloated. Be interesting to see what FF thinks in a few days. Managed to DTD again. I just told DH I thought I was OVing today and he was like ok let's do it! :happydance: I elevated my hips again so hopefully it helps (it may not but worth a go!)
We found out someone else we know is pregnant today. Maybe that spurred DH on as I think it makes him sad that we lost our beans. Hopefully we get a little bean of our own again soon :flower:
How is everyone doing!? Tesh I expect a test update in the morning :haha:
That must be very tricky at times mybabies! Very romantic :haha: we struggle with the romance part especially when I OV during the working week x

Yeah it can be, using the app and seeing I'm probably ovulating on the week i work most of can be very frustrating because I just feel like giving up you know?! I knew ttc weren't easy but arghhh! Xx
Hi ladies I'm not sure if i'm testing in sept or the last few days of august yet cause i don't have a confirmed o but may i join you all?
Hi all,

May I join? We weren't actually planning to try, but it all got a bit spontaneous and here we are...

Despite my numerous fears, I'm feeling a bit excited too.... :shrug:
I'll tentatively mark here even if I get my BFP I'll still cheer you all on. My AF is supposed to show on the 27th but lets hope it doesn't.

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