Mind if i bark in.. new to this forum sites.. i am now 7 dpo and have a long wait ahead.. .af due on 20 Feb. Decided not to test unless i don't start af on 20 Feb.. hate hate hate waiting..

:hi:, yeah! Feel free to join in! I'm 7dpo too, and very sick of waiting. Testing on Wednesday!

Hey ladies I need some help so I am currently ttc #1 and have had normal 30day cycles ever since I got my mirena out in November. Yesterday af was supposed to show and she hasn't yet. I took a test today and it was negative I also check my cm and position. My cm is white and thick and my cervix is very hard to reach and soft almost blends in with the walls. The only pregnancy symptoms I've had are cravings and headaches which headaches are normal for me. I need some advice what do you all think....

I say wait a few days and test again! Good luck!

Ho hum, still waiting for ovulation to arrive. Getting jealous of all the ladies in the 2WW; I want to be there too :brat: :haha:

Once I'm pregnant I'm very chilled about it all, but trying to get pregnant makes me a psycho :blush:

UGH, the 2ww is driving me insane right now!! I am so ready to just know what it up, and move on. Even if AF shows, I am okay with that, as long as the wait is over!! LOL
Ho hum, still waiting for ovulation to arrive. Getting jealous of all the ladies in the 2WW; I want to be there too :brat: :haha:

Once I'm pregnant I'm very chilled about it all, but trying to get pregnant makes me a psycho :blush:

UGH, the 2ww is driving me insane right now!! I am so ready to just know what it up, and move on. Even if AF shows, I am okay with that, as long as the wait is over!! LOL
For me the 2WW is easier than when you're waiting to ovulate, because at least you're not on edge all the time wondering if it's happening or not. I don't symptom spot at all, so for me it's just a wait. But I'm not enjoying the whole OPK confusion that leads up to ovulation :lol:
Whoop whoop!!! Nice temp again this morning! And to top it all off I was actually able to fall asleep last night within a half an hour, as opposed to an hour and a half! After I took my temp, I got straight up and went to the computer to see where it would put me. I keep wondering if my chart is going to go tri. Don't think so though, as it is getting so close to when AF should come now. Having a tri chart would be pretty damn cool :thumbup:!

Woke up today (again), and boobs are hurting pretty bad. I hope it isn't AF trying to fly in early though...but it seems awful early. I can even feel it when I just move my arms around. Pretty crazy! I wonder when I would be able to get a BFP since I have a shorter LP. I am going to test at 10dpo, so with AF due the next day you would think it would be positive if I am indeed pg. But then you have tests that say you can test 5 days early ect. but I don't see anything turning into a positive this early in the game! I even poas this morning, and it was definitely neg. It was a Wondfo. I didn't expect it to be positive, was just testing my theory.

I had a chemical back at the beginning of 2010, and it was a pretty hard thing to deal with. We wanted a baby very badly. We tried again though, and I was pregnant with a sticky bean 2 cycles later! :)

I won't lie though, I do worry about miscarriage a lot. I sometimes think that I am really pushing my odds by having so many healthy pregnancies, that sooner or later it is going to really end in tragedy, and get scared to even take the chance. BUT, here I am...pushing through it. I just try to rationalize my fear. I will say that once I am pg again this time though, I will worry pretty badly until AT LEAST 12 wks along.
I think that about the odds pushing as well Sanrio. I've had two easy, healthy pregnancies and births that gave me my two amazing, healthy sons. The fact that it's proving so difficult to get pg and stay pg a third time is truly doing a number on me.

Mind if i bark in.. new to this forum sites.. i am now 7 dpo and have a long wait ahead.. .af due on 20 Feb. Decided not to test unless i don't start af on 20 Feb.. hate hate hate waiting..
Welcome! Pull up a chair and have some cookies while you wait :mrgreen: .

Hey ladies I need some help so I am currently ttc #1 and have had normal 30day cycles ever since I got my mirena out in November. Yesterday af was supposed to show and she hasn't yet. I took a test today and it was negative I also check my cm and position. My cm is white and thick and my cervix is very hard to reach and soft almost blends in with the walls. The only pregnancy symptoms I've had are cravings and headaches which headaches are normal for me. I need some advice what do you all think....
What kind of test did you use? Do you temp? Maybe you O'd later than you think?

Ho hum, still waiting for ovulation to arrive. Getting jealous of all the ladies in the 2WW; I want to be there too :brat: :haha:

Once I'm pregnant I'm very chilled about it all, but trying to get pregnant makes me a psycho :blush:
I hate the TWW and TTC can suck it too :haha: . I have now embraced my inner TTC psycho :thumbup: . So ordering at least 542,681 Wondfos next cycle so I can indulge pain-free,money-wise at least lol.

Soooo, I don't have a clue what's going on with me. AF due today and I have been spotting/bleeding :cry: but not the way I usually do. It looks like it keeps trying to stop so :shrug: . I was so upset earlier, I had to figure out how not to curl up into a ball of tears as I got kids to take care of lol. I am so beyond frustrated and just, sad. I don't understand why I'm not getting pregnant/staying pregnant when I've never had issues before :cry: .
YES omorfos....have some cookies. We have Chocolate chip, and peanut butter. :wacko:

SweetPotatoPi- Sorry to hear about the spotting chickadee. I'm not sure what it might be, your temps are still so high! How long have you been trying this time around?

I here for ya if you need to rant. :friends:

Well, even though my temp was up high today, I am feeling discouraged. I am afraid that AF is going to start, and not even because I wouldn't be pregnant, but because I am afraid that my LP is going to be really short or something. My boobs hurt when it comes to PMS, but not like this...so the more they hurt, the more I think AF is RIGHT around the corner. *SIGH* I guess only time will tell, but I am feeling pretty defeated right now, and don't know what to think. Ugh....so frustrating...someone pass the cookies.
Oh, where are you at in your cycle 7Gembob? Are you temping?

I'm due for af to arrive on valentines day. But if late I won't take a test until a week late. I learnt my lesson testing early. Obviously I'd be tempted but I wont. No not temping anymore just going with the flow. I always ovulate a few days after af so I know when peak time to try is. I got to obsessed ,like it was all I could think about it drives you insane hey as well as when you stop bc. So I'm getting on with my life as normal again and when it happens ill be over the moon. Eating healthy and exercise . Good luck to you :happydance:
7Gembob: Oh my goodness, I completely did not process the fact that you've lost a pregnancy (insomnia induced spaciness and children crawling on me didn't help *palmface*). I'm so sorry for your loss (((hug))). I was a wreck with mine.

LoveSanrio: Omg, yes! The temping anxiety is ridiculous right?! I'm thinking about stopping after Monday at 16 DPO if AF still, hopefully, hasn't shown. Oooh, I hope you guys have chocolate chip and peanut butter since those are my favorites :munch: . Oh, and while googling something I don't remember lol I got led to this thread that's all about early symptoms. Ha! How's that for me jumping into the deep end of the crazy? :haha: I've left the tab up and read there when I'm not doing the everything else under the sun I'm always doing lol.

We TOTALLY have chocolate chip and pb cookies! What kind of crazy people would we be without those?!

You're right, temping is stressful to the point that I want to stop as well, but I must admit sometimes I am glad I do it. Did you temp with any of your other kiddos? I didn't. I didn't OPK either, just kinda BD'ed, and hoped for the best. This time it isn't as easy because my husband works A LOT, so we have to time it a bit more. I'm hoping it doesn't take too long though, because I don't know how long I will be able to handle it all! I'm already flipping out!

OoOoOhhh!!! A symptom spotting thread! I'll be heading right over there AS SOON AS I post this. I embarrassed to admit how much time I spend on google every day looking things up about charts/symptoms/2ww ect.

I was teetering back and forth with symptom spotting as well, and was thinking this isn't going to be my month because when I get pregnant I break out so bad! And that is before I get a BFP, and so far no break out, so I don't think this is my month. Still hoping though! I will continue to symptom spot...it's like I always say...If you're gonna go swimming, you might as well get wet!! So I'm all in until the :witch: flies in!!!! WHOO HOO!! :wacko:
Oooh, this is going to be the best dark side ever :happydance: .

I started temping a couple of cycles before I got pg with my DS2. My chart for the cycle I got pg with him is incomplete. Don't remember why I stopped :shrug: . With DS1 I didn't know anything at all about temping, FAM, etc. We did the same as you guys, BD'd and hoped for the best! Happened the first month with him. Happened the first month with DS2 as well with sporadic BD. The fact that it hasn't been so easy really threw me this time and yes, I am indeed flipping out, stupid effing TWW :dohh: .

I also spend an embarrassing amount of time looking up TTC stuff, charts, etc. :blush: I can't help it! And I justify it to myself saying I'll stop when I'm good and knocked up. Well durh, of course I'll stop then, don't need to be all TTC obsessive when you're already preggo! :wacko: Strangely enough, all the looking stuff up helped me to keep the crazy in check for most of this cycle :haha: .

Hmm, if you are in fact preggers maybe it's a boy and you will have a breakout-free pregnancy? I'm super emotional, crying at everything, getting dizzy and crap, none of which happened with my boys. Maybe if I am this one is a girl?! Who the hell knows. I'll tell you what though, it's soooo much freer being all in after playing it safe all cycle! Let's go then :rain: .

Hell yeah! Nothing wrong with being a little crazy! It's part of my charm. :)

I didn't even think about that though, maybe this would be a boy! Haha!! That would be pretty amazing. I can't wait to see what my temp will do in the morning....ARGH....there I go again...setting myself up for a sleepless night! :wacko:

Last night I laid in bed, thought about my temps, then thought about rearranging the girl's bedrooms, then thought about where I would put what, then back to temps, then on to symptoms, how should I rearrange my living room? Would I have to call the cable company and have them drill a hole in another wall to run the cable line? Should I buy a new bookshelf? If I move the girl's bunk bed, should I rearrange their wall decals too? AAAAHHHHH!!! ](*,) :wacko: :dohh:

I can't wait for it to end, and to just be frackin' pregnant already!!! Then I can relax!!....next to the toilet...or a trashcan...LOL
Yeeeesssss!!! :haha: It's horrid! If I'm not passed out by 9 pm (which has happened quite a few times this past week), I'm just freaking awake with too many thoughts zooming through my head. Up by 5 every morning too. AF due today but no sign of her just yet so I'm knocking on every tree, chair, piece of paper, whatever, I see today, ha! 15 DPO and I was going to take one more temp tomorrow and stop but I just don't think I can do it. But how can I not? Ugh!

Oh, and sore BB's sound very promising! Your chart is looking fantastic :thumbup: .

7Gembob: Oh my goodness, I completely did not process the fact that you've lost a pregnancy (insomnia induced spaciness and children crawling on me didn't help *palmface*). I'm so sorry for your loss (((hug))). I was a wreck with mine.

LoveSanrio: Omg, yes! The temping anxiety is ridiculous right?! I'm thinking about stopping after Monday at 16 DPO if AF still, hopefully, hasn't shown. Oooh, I hope you guys have chocolate chip and peanut butter since those are my favorites :munch: . Oh, and while googling something I don't remember lol I got led to this thread that's all about early symptoms. Ha! How's that for me jumping into the deep end of the crazy? :haha: I've left the tab up and read there when I'm not doing the everything else under the sun I'm always doing lol.

I am ok thanks. I just think to myself I'm glad it happened so soon and not later on. That's the way I'm thinking now so carrying on as normal. People go through ten times worse and people deal with chemical mc differently. For a week I was a mess but got straight back on the wagon nothing will stop us trying. Thank you and don't worry I love to hear other people's stories there is no need to feel that way. Bring it on bfp x x:happydance:
So glad you're feeling good! Got my FX that the spotting is a good sign of a babe getting good and cozy in there! I m/c'd at 10.5 weeks last November and I still think about my would've been due date, what could have happened, how far along I would have been, the actual act of the m/c, etc. randomly. It will be interesting to see how I handle a pregnancy now! I very much want another baby but I would be a filthy liar if I said I wasn't terrified. I want my usual sicko preggie symptoms by gawd! :wacko: We definitely all handle pregnancy and birth loss differently; rough stuff it is.

Hi I dont know what to think did a test yday with 3mu , slight line on frer
Iv attached pics one is tweaked- I was either 6-9 dpo due to confusion with opk
Whats you opinions?
Thank you and baby dust all xxx
Hmmm, I can't enlarge the pics so not totally positive about the second pic but the tweak I can definitely see a line on!
Sorry to hear about your mc x
Whoop whoop!!! Nice temp again this morning! And to top it all off I was actually able to fall asleep last night within a half an hour, as opposed to an hour and a half! After I took my temp, I got straight up and went to the computer to see where it would put me. I keep wondering if my chart is going to go tri. Don't think so though, as it is getting so close to when AF should come now. Having a tri chart would be pretty damn cool :thumbup:!

Woke up today (again), and boobs are hurting pretty bad. I hope it isn't AF trying to fly in early though...but it seems awful early. I can even feel it when I just move my arms around. Pretty crazy! I wonder when I would be able to get a BFP since I have a shorter LP. I am going to test at 10dpo, so with AF due the next day you would think it would be positive if I am indeed pg. But then you have tests that say you can test 5 days early ect. but I don't see anything turning into a positive this early in the game! I even poas this morning, and it was definitely neg. It was a Wondfo. I didn't expect it to be positive, was just testing my theory.

I had a chemical back at the beginning of 2010, and it was a pretty hard thing to deal with. We wanted a baby very badly. We tried again though, and I was pregnant with a sticky bean 2 cycles later! :)

I won't lie though, I do worry about miscarriage a lot. I sometimes think that I am really pushing my odds by having so many healthy pregnancies, that sooner or later it is going to really end in tragedy, and get scared to even take the chance. BUT, here I am...pushing through it. I just try to rationalize my fear. I will say that once I am pg again this time though, I will worry pretty badly until AT LEAST 12 wks along.
I think everyone worries about mc and birth etc its in our blood as we all want every thing to be straight forward and perfect. But we learn to deal with these things that happen to us and realise they happen for a reason. Then soon the right baby who is ready for life will be there in our arms hey x
Mind if i bark in.. new to this forum sites.. i am now 7 dpo and have a long wait ahead.. .af due on 20 Feb. Decided not to test unless i don't start af on 20 Feb.. hate hate hate waiting..
Welcome! Pull up a chair and have some cookies while you wait :mrgreen: .

hahaha - what an irony - having tea time at work and reading your post with a cookie in my hand..
Soooo, I don't have a clue what's going on with me. AF due today and I have been spotting/bleeding :cry: but not the way I usually do. It looks like it keeps trying to stop so :shrug: . I was so upset earlier, I had to figure out how not to curl up into a ball of tears as I got kids to take care of lol. I am so beyond frustrated and just, sad. I don't understand why I'm not getting pregnant/staying pregnant when I've never had issues before :cry: .
I'm sorry :( You're still in with a chance, so don't lose hope until AF comes proplerly. I have two kids already, and both came with minimal TTC, so I'm worried that this time will be different. I'm worried that because it took ages for OH to come around to the idea of a third, and I kinda think that if it takes a while and if I get agitated by it, he'll want to give up altogether :shock:

I have my fingers crossed for you though :hugs:
Hey chicks! How are my fellow psychos doing today? Good I hope! :)

So had an increase in the chart today! It looks really pretty, but I don't expect it to stay up that high. 2 more days of it up that high, and it would be triphasic. Guess only time will tell!

Made myself a ham sandwich last night, and after I took a bite of it, the bread had blood on it. My gums were bleeding from eating soft, white bread! So weird! Not sure what to think of it! :wacko:
Your chart looks great LoveSanrio; very promising :)

Not sure what to make of the blood though; perhaps go to see the dentist if it continues; they say to get bleeding gums checked out.
Your chart looks great LoveSanrio; very promising :)

Not sure what to make of the blood though; perhaps go to see the dentist if it continues; they say to get bleeding gums checked out.

I had it with my other pregnancies, just later on. If I'm not pregnant, I will definitely have it looked at, but I know I don't have any teeth issues. I've never even had a cavity at the age of 30 believe it or not! Only thing I've ever had to have done was get my wisdom teeth removed...ugh...that was AWFUL.
Hey chicks! How are my fellow psychos doing today? Good I hope! :)

So had an increase in the chart today! It looks really pretty, but I don't expect it to stay up that high. 2 more days of it up that high, and it would be triphasic. Guess only time will tell!

Made myself a ham sandwich last night, and after I took a bite of it, the bread had blood on it. My gums were bleeding from eating soft, white bread! So weird! Not sure what to think of it! :wacko:

My gums have also bleed! I've that it can be an early symptom for pregnancy! It only happened once but it was a good amount. Also, it never happens to me. Weird.
Sweet potato I use the early pregnancy strips so it should be one of the first to pick it up... I don't temp but i do use opk and they said i o'ed around the 22nd... Still no period still neg. test
Sweet potato I use the early pregnancy strips so it should be one of the first to pick it up... I don't temp but i do use opk and they said i o'ed around the 22nd... Still no period still neg. test

What color handle do the early pregnancy strips have? I have the pink handled ones with HCG written all over the pink part. I read that those aren't for early detection, and are useless unless AF is late. Anyone know anything about this?
I have the same ones lovesanrio. I am curious about this as well.
Sweet potato I use the early pregnancy strips so it should be one of the first to pick it up... I don't temp but i do use opk and they said i o'ed around the 22nd... Still no period still neg. test

What color handle do the early pregnancy strips have? I have the pink handled ones with HCG written all over the pink part. I read that those aren't for early detection, and are useless unless AF is late. Anyone know anything about this?

They are the blue handle ones. From earlypregnancytest.com... I was thinking today like the two week wait isn't hard enough???! Now I have to wait even longer hahaha
Hello lovelies! Been MIA but have been wondering how everyone is doing. My girly demon is busy beating me about the head and body :wacko: and I'm pulling myself out of :sad2: :hissy: :sad1: mode and prepping to dive right into this cycle. Will be back to catch up with you all! :flower:

Sanrio, just glanced at your chart and it looks awesome! My turn for a blown mind chick :) . FX! :dust:

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