Good luck with your scans Ashley and Fostermom and anyone else who has one today! Can't wait to hear about them!
That wedding sounds like a nightmare Redhead, glad it's in the past. Who doesn't even serve water?!
The doctor put my on Diclectin because my all day nausea was making it very hard to cope (DH nicknamed me Diminished Capacity Mommy lol) and it seems to have gotten rid of the all the day nausea. However last night I over did it with a big dinner and woke up at night and got violently sick, think food pouring out of through my nose in addition to my mouth (sorry for the disgusting visual). And the pain from the stomach acid was pretty bad too.
Can anyone reassure me that this is "normal", albeit very unpleasant? I was never sick like this with DS so this is new territory for me and I can't help but worry that it isn't good for the baby.