January 2020 Garnets!!!

Thank you everyone so much for all your kind words.

Maybe I'm in denial, but I just can't let go of it yet. I told my doctor I want to wait another week, continue meds, and if nothing happens I'll go in for another ultrasound early next week. If there's no change or progress than I'll schedule a d&c. I don't know if it's denial or if it's intuition, but I just don't think this is over. Anyway, my doctor was really supportive and said she would help me "execute that plan." Even if she's thinking she knows the outcome already, at least she's willing to let me wait and see. She was an infertility patient herself, so she does understand what I'm going through.
You never know! Crazier things have happened.

Im having anxiety lately. " we are going to go and the baby wont have a heartbeat". Seriously, I need to STOP. DH said I'll always have anxiety this pregnancy and I said that it's just that weird in between time and its annoying!
I know how you feel OnErth but take solace in the fact that I just basically filled that statistical quota with my scan yesterday based on how many of us are still on this thread. So statistically speaking, it's highly unlikely you'll have problems, especially since your first scan went well.
I know how you feel OnErth but take solace in the fact that I just basically filled that statistical quota with my scan yesterday based on how many of us are still on this thread. So statistically speaking, it's highly unlikely you'll have problems, especially since your first scan went well.

Hugs and fingers crossed for you!
You never know! Crazier things have happened.

Im having anxiety lately. " we are going to go and the baby wont have a heartbeat". Seriously, I need to STOP. DH said I'll always have anxiety this pregnancy and I said that it's just that weird in between time and its annoying!
Me too. But I’ve had it off and on this pregnancy. Doesn’t help that last night I had a dream that I went to my next ultrasound and the lady doing it said baby’s heart rate is 38 bpm. Not a good dream! But I also a had a dream last night that I had a gender reveal party and it was a baby boy. Just all around kind of weird dreams. I think my anxiety must be causing more dreams about losing this pregnancy. Also, the fact that I’m not in my 20’s anymore like I was with my first 3 kids has me worried about the increase of risks. That and it took me long to get pregnant this time so I just worry it’s my only chance
Cofostermom unfortunately the statistics don’t really seem to hold true - after 6 years infertility, 3 unexplained miscarriage and an explained “bad luck” second trimester loss, I’m very aware statistics don’t mean anything. There’s always the chance - which will hopefully work in your favour. Is it possible you did ovulate late? When did you you get your bfp? I’ve got everything crossed for you.

OnErth I’ve been having the same intrusive thoughts. Constantly checking for blood. It makes me worry it’ll be a self fulfilling prophecy. I did have a lovely dream a couple nights ago the baby came early, and we went home on Christmas Day, but we didn’t have any baby booties or socks, and everywhere was shut for Christmas so we just had to keep these tiny perfect feet warm with our hands. I do seem to be able to visualise this baby more, or at least the things I want us to do, the way they’ll laugh at their daddy and pull his beard, that sort of thing. I really hope this is the one for all of us, so much.

I’m 8 weeks today. Feels like a milestone but I’m not sure why! My bump is very obvious now I’m hoping the bloat will go soon and it’ll fade a bit, as I really don’t feel comfortable announcing until I’m about 20 weeks at least after last time. When is everyone else planning to announce, and do you know how you’ll do it? Xx
@red_head 8 weeks is a good milestone to reach - definitely worth celebrating! We're telling family at 12 weeks, so this weekend, and then not putting anything public or on social media until after the 20 week scan.
Thank you everyone so much for all your kind words.

Maybe I'm in denial, but I just can't let go of it yet. I told my doctor I want to wait another week, continue meds, and if nothing happens I'll go in for another ultrasound early next week. If there's no change or progress than I'll schedule a d&c. I don't know if it's denial or if it's intuition, but I just don't think this is over. Anyway, my doctor was really supportive and said she would help me "execute that plan." Even if she's thinking she knows the outcome already, at least she's willing to let me wait and see. She was an infertility patient herself, so she does understand what I'm going through.

Sorry your scan didn't go well cofostermum. I'm glad you have a supportive doctor- I think it's good to hold on to hope and it's nice that your doctor is on your side. Good luck this week, we are here for you if you need an outlet. Will be thinking of you xxx
Cofostermom unfortunately the statistics don’t really seem to hold true - after 6 years infertility, 3 unexplained miscarriage and an explained “bad luck” second trimester loss, I’m very aware statistics don’t mean anything. There’s always the chance - which will hopefully work in your favour. Is it possible you did ovulate late? When did you you get your bfp? I’ve got everything crossed for you.

OnErth I’ve been having the same intrusive thoughts. Constantly checking for blood. It makes me worry it’ll be a self fulfilling prophecy. I did have a lovely dream a couple nights ago the baby came early, and we went home on Christmas Day, but we didn’t have any baby booties or socks, and everywhere was shut for Christmas so we just had to keep these tiny perfect feet warm with our hands. I do seem to be able to visualise this baby more, or at least the things I want us to do, the way they’ll laugh at their daddy and pull his beard, that sort of thing. I really hope this is the one for all of us, so much.

I’m 8 weeks today. Feels like a milestone but I’m not sure why! My bump is very obvious now I’m hoping the bloat will go soon and it’ll fade a bit, as I really don’t feel comfortable announcing until I’m about 20 weeks at least after last time. When is everyone else planning to announce, and do you know how you’ll do it? Xx
We may be crazy but we have announced it on facebook already. We just couldn't hold it in so we told everyone on Facebook. We told our kids with a giant cookie to try and soften the blow for them. My son wasn't pleased, my daughter just wanted to eat the cookie. I'll post the pic xx

Screenshot_20190619_120720_com.android.gallery3d.jpg Screenshot_20190619_120800_com.facebook.katana.jpg
Motherofpugs I think that’s a good idea - I do feel like after the 20 week scan you can relax a bit so we’ll probably do the same.
Sophie that’s really sweet! That’s a lovely day to announce on xx
Red_head - I didn't ovulate this cycle. I had a frozen embryo transfer - so timing/ embryo age calculation and everything is pretty spot on. I got my first faint bfp on Mother's Day and my first blood draw on May 16th. Hcg levels were I think 64 that day and then the following Monday had gone up to 485 which was excellent doubling. But I had excellent doubling with my first mc as well, though that ended completely on its own and lasted less than a day.

I'm definitely not ready to give up hope. I felt more pregnant yesterday than I have in weeks. My bbs especially were really sore and there was lots of activity in my uterus yesterday. My back being stiff is also something new that started yesterday morning. I realize hcg can still cause all of these things having experienced it with my first, but I truly feel this isn't the end to her story. Just deep down in my heart, this isn't how this baby's story ends.

I'm sorry to everyone who is dealing with anxiety. Pregnancy really is hard sometimes.
Sorry to everyone who’s dealing with anxiety. I’ve definitely felt unsettled the last few days, but all I can do is wait. My first prenatal is today, so hopefully I can book my ultrasound soon.

Sophie - great announcement! Nothing wrong with telling people early if you’re excited.

Red head - I agree that 8 weeks feels like a milestone. I hit that yesterday, and it feels good, but it’ll feel a lot better once I’ve had an ultrasound if it goes well.

Motherofpugs - sounds like a good plan. I like to wait until 16+ weeks to announce on fb. I’m also hoping to wait until 15 or 16 weeks to tell work. I worry about being discriminated against and being laid off otherwise. It’s not supposed to happen, but it does.

Yellow moon - how are you doing?

Co foster - that is confusing with all the symptoms you’re having. I hope you’re right that this baby’s journey isn’t over.

Afm - I’ll update after my prenatal appointment in a bit.
Red_head - I didn't ovulate this cycle. I had a frozen embryo transfer - so timing/ embryo age calculation and everything is pretty spot on. I got my first faint bfp on Mother's Day and my first blood draw on May 16th. Hcg levels were I think 64 that day and then the following Monday had gone up to 485 which was excellent doubling. But I had excellent doubling with my first mc as well, though that ended completely on its own and lasted less than a day.

I'm definitely not ready to give up hope. I felt more pregnant yesterday than I have in weeks. My bbs especially were really sore and there was lots of activity in my uterus yesterday. My back being stiff is also something new that started yesterday morning. I realize hcg can still cause all of these things having experienced it with my first, but I truly feel this isn't the end to her story. Just deep down in my heart, this isn't how this baby's story ends.

I'm sorry to everyone who is dealing with anxiety. Pregnancy really is hard sometimes.
If your hcg was only 64 on the 16th May isn't there a good chance that everything is OK but still early? Surely you would only just be pregnant by a week or so with hcg 64? I don't want to seem like I'm giving you false hope but I'm really hoping everything works out for your little girl xx
Red_head - I didn't ovulate this cycle. I had a frozen embryo transfer - so timing/ embryo age calculation and everything is pretty spot on. I got my first faint bfp on Mother's Day and my first blood draw on May 16th. Hcg levels were I think 64 that day and then the following Monday had gone up to 485 which was excellent doubling. But I had excellent doubling with my first mc as well, though that ended completely on its own and lasted less than a day.

I'm definitely not ready to give up hope. I felt more pregnant yesterday than I have in weeks. My bbs especially were really sore and there was lots of activity in my uterus yesterday. My back being stiff is also something new that started yesterday morning. I realize hcg can still cause all of these things having experienced it with my first, but I truly feel this isn't the end to her story. Just deep down in my heart, this isn't how this baby's story ends.

I'm sorry to everyone who is dealing with anxiety. Pregnancy really is hard sometimes.

Hi sweety I hope u dont mind me jumping in. I was so sad to read about ure scan and I really hope u dont mind but I'm a Christian and I prayed for you last night and ure baby.
I've been following your journey on here for a while because u were with me in the Feb test thread and u was always so nice.
Just wanted you to know u are in my thoughts and I'm praying that this pregnancy will be healthy and that the scan was just way out for some reason. [-o<
If your hcg was only 64 on the 16th May isn't there a good chance that everything is OK but still early? Surely you would only just be pregnant by a week or so with hcg 64? I don't want to seem like I'm giving you false hope but I'm really hoping everything works out for your little girl xx

Her hcg was that then. She was 8 weeks pregnant or so and went for scan. Baby was 6wks and no heartbeat. She had a medicated, assisted cycle so her dates are spot on.
Sorry to everyone who’s dealing with anxiety. I’ve definitely felt unsettled the last few days, but all I can do is wait. My first prenatal is today, so hopefully I can book my ultrasound soon.

Sophie - great announcement! Nothing wrong with telling people early if you’re excited.

Red head - I agree that 8 weeks feels like a milestone. I hit that yesterday, and it feels good, but it’ll feel a lot better once I’ve had an ultrasound if it goes well.

Motherofpugs - sounds like a good plan. I like to wait until 16+ weeks to announce on fb. I’m also hoping to wait until 15 or 16 weeks to tell work. I worry about being discriminated against and being laid off otherwise. It’s not supposed to happen, but it does.

Yellow moon - how are you doing?

Co foster - that is confusing with all the symptoms you’re having. I hope you’re right that this baby’s journey isn’t over.

Afm - I’ll update after my prenatal appointment in a bit.

Hey literati :-) I'm good thanks, I finally got my scan date (28th June) I'll be 13 weeks by then, typical of the NHS to leave it till the latest. They say between 11 and 13 weeks. I've been away in Germany for work, it was sooo tiring but it was quite nice. I'm really glad to be home now and catching up on rest.

Sickness is fading a bit now too, right on time!

How are you? Hope your prenatal goes well!

Really nice announcement Sophie! I'm gonna wait till my scan and then start telling people I think. Not sure how I'm going to do it, its exciting though!

Hope everyone is feeling Ok- I know it's really hard to in these early stages, I feel like I've been vacant from the planet the last two months, I'm looking forward to start catching back up with people once I get some energy back and start feeling less stressed and anxious too.

Had my first prenatal today and got my ultrasound booked for this Friday at 3 pm. The prenatal didn’t provide much for reassurance because she didn’t do a pelvic exam to check the size of my uterus, which I was expecting. So I guess I’ll have to wait until Friday to see. In light of the recent bad news on this thread, I’m definitely feeling a bit of dread and anxiety about it, especially because my symptoms have been so mild this time around. :(

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