January 2020 Garnets!!!

Welcome Pukite - I hope you get good results back soon.

I’ve got my scan in a couple hours. I am terrified I’m supposed to be working but I am just so close to tears I can’t concentrate on anything. I really don’t know if things are ok or not. My symptoms come and go, I’ve only had a little nausea the whole time. And because of last time - this feels so similar to before now, although was different to start with, and obviously last time was horrific in the end. I don’t think I could cope with another late loss, and I’m so scared something is wrong again. Driving myself crazy. I’ve also had my consultant appointment through and it’s not until August where I will be in the second trimester if I get that far. We were told we’d have so much more support and monitoring this time and I’m not sure how when we don’t get our first appointment til then! Although will be seeing the midwife beforehand. I guess they don’t want to waste their time on a pregnancy that might not last that long.
Keeping everything crossed for you Redhead, and you too Literati!! I am terrified of my next scan too so I can definitely relate.

Welcome Pukite! I'm also getting the NIPT because my last two losses were due to chromosomal abnormalities, plus I am 39 and DH is 48. Hoping we both get the reassurance we're looking for. I know I'll be a nervous wreck waiting for the results if we get that far.

Ashley I feel like I don't have room in there either, and I think that's why I got so violently ill the one time. Weird because I didn't start to run out of room for food with DS until the 3rd trimester.

Co_fostermom I think I will be brave and change my due date to January 23 if you don't mind updating the front page. I'm trying to get over the fear that I'll jinx myself by doing so...
Welcome, Pukite!

Red head - sorry you’re so so nervous! Didn’t realize we both have scans today! We can get through this together! Can’t wait to hear your good news! Try to take deep breaths. This is NOT your last pregnancy and there’s no reason to assume history will repeat itself.

Fit Mama - yes, update that due date! Sorry you’re feeling worried of jinxing things. I understand the feeling. And thanks!
Thank you all :)

Scan went really well - saw the heart beating away so fast and baby had a little wriggle. All looking perfect and right on for dates. Back in two weeks for our last one in the epu before our 12 week scan two weeks later. It’s a shame they don’t measure the heart rate in our hospital but it was so fast there was no way you could count it by eye, and the nurse (who literally does these all day every day) said it was a really strong healthy heart beat and not to worry.
I still am feeling anxious weirdly not sure why. Maybe I just don’t want to get my hopes up.

Literati hope yours has gone really well looking forward to your news too :)

Welcome Pukite!

So happy for you red_head! Glad everything was OK at your scan.

I'm back on anti sickness meds and now diagnosed with HG. Had a rough few days but the meds are kicking in now and I'm feeling much better. We travel to visit our family this weekend where we are announcing to everyone. So excited!
I'm so glad to hear that Red_head. Also, I know your words were meant in kindness and I don't take offense and I do thank you for sharing your concerns. I am preparing myself for either outcome, but I don't feel this is false hope. Even if I have lost the baby, I know something good is going to come of it. I've already had the idea of starting a miscarriage/ stillborn/ infertility research fund in her name if that happens. We'll see though.

Welcome Pukite! I hope all goes well with the test, but there is so much support out there and if you've been blessed with this child I know you'll also be blessed with the ability to parent that child. You've got this mama and we are so much stronger than we think. Every child is a gift. This journey was never meant to be easy but you can do this!

I'm having one of those days I wish I had stayed in bed, BUT on a positive note, I've made it to Friday without any bleeding or spotting. So either my body is trying really hard to hold onto a dead fetus or this baby really did come alive and is growing again. Let's see if we can make it to Tuesday.

Gosh it's been forever since I posted but ive been so poorly ive just not had the energy. Although I do try to read through every day to keep up with you all most days.

Co foster - Your positive attitude is amazing. I'm so sorry the scan didn't go as hoped but I really hope you get your miracle and you have better news at your scan on Tuesday. You really do deserve it :hugs:

Welcome Pukite!

Red_hesd - So happy your scan went well and baby is nice and healthy!

Motherofpugs - I'm totally with you on the HG. I'm still on two different antisickness meds and can just about get through each day. Glad the meds are starting to help for you, sounds like you have a very exciting weekend, hope you have a lovely time!

Literati - Hope all has gone well with your scan today!

Sorry for anyone I've missed!

AFM, Im 11+2 now, the HG has completely wiped me out so far. Everyday I just think I can't do this anymore, but I get through it and another day down. It's really strange though how much we wish away the sickness but as soon as a good day happens it sets in the panic. Today I've skipped my afternoon tablet and I've kept all food down which has been so nice to feel a little more normal but also really worries me.

The fatigue is still here most days, takes me a while to really come round in a morning then it hits me again about 3pm, by 8-9pm I'm out I can't force myself awake any later than that! Lol

My scan is on 2nd July so still a bit of a wait yet. I'm pretty nervous about it but also really excited to see how much baby has grown since our 7 week scan!
OnErth - Hopefully yes. My first was a very unpleasant hospital birth, planned a HB with second but got scared at last min and had him in the birth centre which was nicer but not perfect, then had two fab HBs and planned my last to be the same but unfortunately had to be induced by ARM due to labour not progressing and reduced movements, so had to stay in hospital (Although they were fab at keeping to my birth plan as much as possible, a really positive hospital birth, unlike my first!). Are you planning a HB?
My OB office called me and said my urine sample from Monday came back showing I have a UTI. How is this possible? I’ve had many UTI’s in the past and each one is extremely painful that it’s unbearable but I have no symptoms. Unsure if I should just take the antibiotics or not. I’m thinking I should just to be on the safe side but I just hate to take them if I don’t actually have one since I’m allergic to so many and don’t want to risk becoming allergic to another one. But I know UTIs are not something you should mess around with in pregnancy.
Can you maybe try and flush it through with loads of water and ask them to rerun it tomorrow or Monday if they aren’t available at the weekend? As it’s been around since Monday a day or 2 hopefully won’t make any difference. It might just be that the sample was contaminated or something? Although I know symptomless uti’s are common which is why they do the urine tests at every appointment, as you don’t know til it’s too late and then the harm can be done already. Hope it clear and up quick!
OnErth - Hopefully yes. My first was a very unpleasant hospital birth, planned a HB with second but got scared at last min and had him in the birth centre which was nicer but not perfect, then had two fab HBs and planned my last to be the same but unfortunately had to be induced by ARM due to labour not progressing and reduced movements, so had to stay in hospital (Although they were fab at keeping to my birth plan as much as possible, a really positive hospital birth, unlike my first!). Are you planning a HB?

Yes! This will be my 1s . 2 sections, then induced VBA2C. Im excited.
Ashley - sorry you have a UTI! That is really weird that you don’t have any symptoms of it, but I’d assume they wouldn’t have caught it if you didn’t. I hope you don’t end up allergic to any more antibiotics.

Red head - congrats on the good scan!

Afm - my scan went well! Baby was measuring exactly on track at 8 weeks 3 days. Due date stays at January 28. Heart rate was 186 bpm, so pretty fast! Another girl, perhaps? So happy and relieved that all is well! Feeling less nervous about symptoms now. Also, our ultrasound tech was amazingly nice, which made a big difference in making the experience positive! :)
Literati - That's great news about the scan!

Ashley - Sorry you have a UTI. Hope it clears up quickly for you.

OnErth - Oh well done for the VBA2C. Did that go ok for you? You will love your HB! By far the most amazing experience ive ever had. I had one in water and one out (last min puncture in my pool so not through choice!) And I'd 100% recommend a birth pool everytime! My labour was just so calm at home I actually gave birth without the midwife she didn't get to me in time, totally my fault, I left it too long after sending her home earlier in the morning, by the time I was asking for her to come back with gas&air I was fully dilated so she walked in a few mins after I'd delivered baby myself :dohh:
So pleased your ultrasounds went so well Literati and Redhead, such great news!!

Hope your uti clears up soon Ashley and you get a definite answer about whether you need antibiotics or not.

Having a tough day over here. First I found out that my aunt died. Not recently mind you, but about 6 months ago. Her narcissist of a husband (I cannot bring myself to call him my uncle) didn't think he needed to let anyone in the family know, but he did use her obituary to take potshots at my deceased grandparents and blame them for all her problems in life.

Then DH called to tell me he got in an accident on the highway with a semi. THANKFULLY he wasn't hurt but he could have been killed! The semi stopped all of a sudden and he hit it, so the accident will automatically be his fault. I realize it was an accident but he obviously needs to be more careful...he has a 3 year old and (hopefully) a baby on the way! I don't know how to say that without sounding like a shrieking nag though. :(
OnErth - Oh well done for the VBA2C. Did that go ok for you? You will love your HB! By far the most amazing experience ive ever had. I had one in water and one out (last min puncture in my pool so not through choice!) And I'd 100% recommend a birth pool everytime! My labour was just so calm at home I actually gave birth without the midwife she didn't get to me in time, totally my fault, I left it too long after sending her home earlier in the morning, by the time I was asking for her to come back with gas&air I was fully dilated so she walked in a few mins after I'd delivered baby myself :dohh:

Yes! It was a wonderful experience. I mean I was strapped to the bed and couldnt move, eat or drink for 14hrs but i loved laboring in the tub for a bit and having a vaginal birth.

I wasnt planning on a HB but after i talked to a midwife, i thought i can actually do this! Plus it's way cheaper. 3k vs 6k+. I do plan to get a tub and use it to my hearts content!

Any tips or tricks for me? Anything i should do or not do for a HB? There are HB meetings i plan to attend and I'm going to la leche league meetings too.
Ok. So I called to just request the antibiotic, but the nurse talked to the Dr who said I don’t for sure have a UTI That the bacteria per unit should be 100,000 or greater. Mine was 16,000 which isn’t normal but it could either be I didn’t do the clean catch correctly and the sample was contaminated or that I have a very mild UTI. They want me to go in first thing Monday morning and hold my first morning urine so that will be the sample they get. Hopefully I don’t have one! And hopefully I can hold my pee in!

Great news ReadHead and Literati!
Thank you red_head and Anababe. Anababe, I hope you get some relief soon! It's good that you can skip the afternoon tablet and still keep everything down. I figure we have to eventually chance it by reducing meds and seeing how things go, otherwise it's hard to tell when or if the sickness is easing up on its own. This is my first pregnancy so I have no idea what to expect but I'm hoping second trimester brings us some relief X

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