*** January Jellybeans 2015 *** - join & chat here :) 132 so far!

Hi! I am Stacie, 24. I have a little girl who just turned 2! And I am roughly 6 weeks 2 days along! According to my app my due date is January 12th! But I have my first apt tomorrow so we shall see!! :)

Congratulations and welcome to the group!! :hugs:
SCgirl, what's velveeta shells?

Hi! I am Stacie, 24. I have a little girl who just turned 2! And I am roughly 6 weeks 2 days along! According to my app my due date is January 12th! But I have my first apt tomorrow so we shall see!! :)

Welcome to the group and congrats :happydance:
You ladies are on the ball! I can't keep up! lol. But managed to skim a few pages, congrats sunshine85 on your good news...I'm sure that will help keep you smiling until your next appointment.

I have my dr. appt this week for blood work to confirm my pregnancy. I've taken my own tests, but until the Doctor confirms I don't think it will feel real. She's been away for the week so this is my first chance. I'm very excited! :)
SCgirl - I "turned" allergic to raw apple during my first pregnancy. Warmed cider, applesauce, jellies and apple pies are fine but give me a raw apple and the EXACT same thing happens to me. No vomiting, but loads of GI pain, nausea and raging diarrhea the next day or so. I don't get most of the initial physical symptoms like itching in my mouth or throat but my doc said it's called OAS (oral allergy syndrome). Often hits someone for the first time in spring and fall as it can be triggered during high pollen seasons (and during early pregnancy when immune systems can be a bit compromised). Raw apples are an incredibly common fruit to tip it off with and that's exactly what I thought of when I read what you experienced.

mrs.humphries - I'd be so ticked if I were you!!! :(

dawny - all that sounds just awful....do you have a good source of support for you in those moments so you don't have to feel so frazzled all alone? I agree with the others, shame on the girls at work for doing that to you but you certainly can't be fired for being a bit off in early pregnancy. I would speak to management and demand they shut their mouths. You don't need to deal with that kind of drama.

missy - I have crippling nausea near 24/7 but also an overwhelming desire to eat non-stop. It's an awful balancing act. The preggie pops really help me, and believe it or not forcing myself to eat does too. Doesn't seem like it would but it really does.

Welcome Stacie! :flower:
SCgirl, what's velveeta shells?

Heaven in a box lol

(It's just boxed cheesy noodles, but super yummy ones because the cheese is creamy instead of powdered).

Highly processed fake yellow cheese (actually, it might be one of those with the dyes they can't sell overseas. ah, america.:dohh:). but yes, what she said!

Haha! It still sounds amazing :) I'm sure it's fine to eat! As long as there's no rW or unpasteurised egg in there, you eat your heaven in a box until your hearts content! :lol:
I'm abit worried tonight ladies, not with anything pregnancy related but my youngest son has come out in spots that look a lot like chicken pox :-( he has already had them so I know it's very rare to get them again but I've had them twice & so has my eldest son, I should be immune to them shouldn't i? I'm not too sure on wether it's dangerous when pregnant or not? X
As long as you've had them before you should be fine mrs.humphries! :thumbup:
I'm abit worried tonight ladies, not with anything pregnancy related but my youngest son has come out in spots that look a lot like chicken pox :-( he has already had them so I know it's very rare to get them again but I've had them twice & so has my eldest son, I should be immune to them shouldn't i? I'm not too sure on wether it's dangerous when pregnant or not? X

If you have defo had chickenpox then you will have lifelong immunity and there is nothing to worry about. If there is any doubt at all that u have had it, u need a blood test to check your antibody level and hence call your mw.
Hope your son gets better soon!
I've Definatly had them twice!! 1st time when I was in school & 2nd time when my eldest son had them so fingers crossed I'm immune! I'm hoping he gets up in the morning & they've disappeared but they do really look like them :-( x
Wow Dawny, what a day! :hugs: I'm glad that your scan went well and that bean is doing good too. When will you get your results back for the infection? Crazy pregnancy hormones turn the best of us into wrecks hun :) you're not alone! Don't let work or your colleagues stress you out, you can't get sacked for being a bit grumpy! x

And you certainly can't get sacked for being pregnant! They'd have a law suit on their hands! Try not to stress- that sound like an awful day but sounds like your jellybean is doing great :)


SCgirl - I "turned" allergic to raw apple during my first pregnancy. Warmed cider, applesauce, jellies and apple pies are fine but give me a raw apple and the EXACT same thing happens to me. No vomiting, but loads of GI pain, nausea and raging diarrhea the next day or so. I don't get most of the initial physical symptoms like itching in my mouth or throat but my doc said it's called OAS (oral allergy syndrome). Often hits someone for the first time in spring and fall as it can be triggered during high pollen seasons (and during early pregnancy when immune systems can be a bit compromised). Raw apples are an incredibly common fruit to tip it off with and that's exactly what I thought of when I read what you experienced.

mrs.humphries - I'd be so ticked if I were you!!! :(

dawny - all that sounds just awful....do you have a good source of support for you in those moments so you don't have to feel so frazzled all alone? I agree with the others, shame on the girls at work for doing that to you but you certainly can't be fired for being a bit off in early pregnancy. I would speak to management and demand they shut their mouths. You don't need to deal with that kind of drama.

missy - I have crippling nausea near 24/7 but also an overwhelming desire to eat non-stop. It's an awful balancing act. The preggie pops really help me, and believe it or not forcing myself to eat does too. Doesn't seem like it would but it really does.

Welcome Stacie! :flower:

Thank you. I have calmed down abit since we have spoken to my mum over the phone. I will tell the girls at work tomorrow and if things don't improve we have decided I will leave when my probation is up. I don't know about the infection, ill add it to the very long list of questions I have for the midwife. My boyfriend has been amazing, my mum is brilliant but she lives 2 hours away so I have to talk to her on the phone and boyfriends mum is okiee, but it's hard, so I'm hoping over time my support network will sort it's self out, but I have found this forum amazing. Thank you all xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Always here to help and/or chat :):hugs:

What the others said mrs humphreys :thumbup: hope you're son is ok bless him x
Ladies! My level went from 11 to 30 in a little less than 48 hours.

My ER ob says it's not a good number?? And to follow up with my midwife tomorrow. Sent me home with "Complete Miscarriage"

I've only had one time where I was spotting and it was only a few drops. And my levels went up.... Does he not want me to get my hopes up or am I missing something? I thought that change was good.
Hi everyone! I'm new to this site, but loving all the chat so far! My hubby and I just found out we are pregnant about a week ago, and I'm 5 weeks today :happydance: we'd been casually trying for 4 years, and just had a miscarriage around christmas, so I'm thinking sticky sticky thoughts! My hcg levels were nice and high last week though, so I'm feeling good. I was on clomid and had an iui done this cycle, so our due date is January 20 :thumbup: I've asked my doctor if I can have an ultrasound this week to see if we've got a singleton or multiples, and I can't wait because the suspense is killing me!:blush:
Oh and to thosevibes, I would think that your levels going up is absolutely a good sign. It means a pregnancy is progressing, no? Keep us posted, sticky thoughts to you!!
Hi ladies.

I've had one of the worst days. I've been doing a job today in Nottingham, we got there at 11 I really needed to pee but when I went there was pinkish blood in my knickers, I ran out to the girl I was working for and had to tell her I was pregnant and that I found blood, I was in hysterics, we phoned my doctor but being 2 hours away nothing they could do so they sent me to A&E. we were fast tracked, my urine still said positive, they did bloods which said the same but I have an infection somewhere in my body (they don't know where and didn't try and look for it) they did a scan and I'm measuring exactly what I should. I have been crying all day worrying and then crying cos I was happy but had let the girl I was working for down. Then on my way home one of the girls from my day job called me to say all the girls in the office have been talking about me and suspect me tone pregnant and if I'm not that I'm just grumpy and not interested in my job so they will sack me, my friend lied to the girls saying she didn't know anything, and has asked me to tell them tomorrow....

Omg I got home and was crying in hysterics my boyfriend has had to tell my mum I'm pregnant over the phone because I wouldn't stop calling for her...

All I want to do is cry and sleep...

I don't know what to do....

I'm so sorry for such a long message...

Hope everyone has had a good day...

Lots of love xxxxx

Aww Dawny :hugs: def rest & relax hun....let the other stuff go for thr rest of the night. Hope you feel better soon and glad to hear your scan went well xx
Ladies! My level went from 11 to 30 in a little less than 48 hours.

My ER ob says it's not a good number?? And to follow up with my midwife tomorrow. Sent me home with "Complete Miscarriage"

I've only had one time where I was spotting and it was only a few drops. And my levels went up.... Does he not want me to get my hopes up or am I missing something? I thought that change was good.

I always thought it was about the rise, not the number?

As long as you're doubling every 48 hours I've only ever heard that's a great thing. How far along are you are you, do you know?

Did they check estrogen and progesterone levels by chance?
You attach a bottle to the pump and store it in there, take it out with you.

You can also freeze milk! I think you can get special bags to put it in :)

Thanks so much! :hugs:

I loved breast feeding. Besides pregnancy it made me feel like an amazingly beautiful woman. :)

The medela electric pump is amazing. Just found out that insurance covers a new one since my model is from 2006. >.<

I stored it in freezer sealed baggies so when I worked the sitter or DH had lots of milk to use. Some now attach to bottles an. Some you have to pour into the bottle. It's a matter of shopping around to what suits your needs best. I can't wait to see all the amazing upgrades 'they' made since my youngest is now 6!!!

My heart races uncontrollably as well. I worried about it at first since I have hypotension and that was an oddity for me. But all is normal in the crazy land of pregnancy! But always get it checked if unsure!!!

Happy Monday Ladies!!! I hope the day brings you nothing but Joy!!!

Thank you so much for the reply! :hugs:

Kiwiberry - My insurance company provided a Medela Purely Yours with my first two and I *loved* it. It worked so so well for me.

I was not a public nurser either so it was a God send :winkwink:

When I'd pump I'd store in bags in the freezer. If I knew I was headed out I'd pull a couple bags out to thaw for the following day. Always kept a few in the fridge but most of my stash was kept frozen. My pump came with bottles and a cooler/thermal carrying bag so I'd throw either the bags in there or if I was really on top of things I'd prep the bottles before I left. My kids drank it warmed or chilled, they really didn't care. If your peanut prefers warm I'd leave it in the bags in a thermal bag with an ice pack and just heat by running warm water over the bag before you'd empty into a bottle and feed. That's also how I handled my bf-ing daycare babies.

I largely followed LLL guidelines for storage:
Pumped bm is good:
"•at room temperature (66-78°F, 19-26°C) for 4 hours (ideal), up to 6 hours (acceptable) (Some sources use 8 hours)
•in a refrigerator (<39°F, <4°C) for 72 hours (ideal), up to 8 days (acceptable if collected in a very clean, careful way)

•in a freezer (-0.4 to -4°F, -18 to -20°C) for 6 months (ideal) up to 12 months (acceptable)"

Thanks a lot hun for the very helpful advice. I think i understand it a bit better now! I feel so much more confident bf now that I have you ladies to provide such awesome advice.

Hey my jellybellies!

Just left the high risk ob.

He told me it won't hurt to kerp taking my progesyerone/baby aspirin regimen.

Also I am measuring 6w4days, so on target. He said numbers look great and since he sees a nice strong hb they won't do any more bloods.

I go back to see him in four weeks. But go see,my NP in two weeks, unless I panic and go in next week. Lol. 7 weeks 4 days furthest I ever made it so...

I pray everyday. Anyway, wanted to update

Glad to hear everything is going just great! :hugs:

That's great news!!! I go for my first ultrasound tomorrow. I'm soooo excited!!! :happydance:

Eww feel so yuk past 2 days all ive eaten is ginger nuts and water :( anyone else

Good luck hun! :hugs: I hope everything is great for you and your little bean! Show us some pictures if you get some!

Hi ladies.

I've had one of the worst days. I've been doing a job today in Nottingham, we got there at 11 I really needed to pee but when I went there was pinkish blood in my knickers, I ran out to the girl I was working for and had to tell her I was pregnant and that I found blood, I was in hysterics, we phoned my doctor but being 2 hours away nothing they could do so they sent me to A&E. we were fast tracked, my urine still said positive, they did bloods which said the same but I have an infection somewhere in my body (they don't know where and didn't try and look for it) they did a scan and I'm measuring exactly what I should. I have been crying all day worrying and then crying cos I was happy but had let the girl I was working for down. Then on my way home one of the girls from my day job called me to say all the girls in the office have been talking about me and suspect me tone pregnant and if I'm not that I'm just grumpy and not interested in my job so they will sack me, my friend lied to the girls saying she didn't know anything, and has asked me to tell them tomorrow....

Omg I got home and was crying in hysterics my boyfriend has had to tell my mum I'm pregnant over the phone because I wouldn't stop calling for her...

All I want to do is cry and sleep...

I don't know what to do....

I'm so sorry for such a long message...

Hope everyone has had a good day...

Lots of love xxxxx

Awww sweetie :hugs:, I am so sorry that happened to you. That sounds like a really rough day and I hope by the time you see this that you will be feeling at least a little better. Spotting can be normal, so just keep that in mind hun. Also, they can't fire you for being pregnant. What I would do is call them up and tell them whats going on so they are not left in the dark about it anymore since apparently your friend was incapable of doing it.

Hi! I am Stacie, 24. I have a little girl who just turned 2! And I am roughly 6 weeks 2 days along! According to my app my due date is January 12th! But I have my first apt tomorrow so we shall see!! :)

Welcome to the group Stacie!! :hugs: Also congrats on your :bfp:!!!

I feel awful today!! Nausea has def kicked in. I'm pretty sure I have the flu in top of it, dh out of town til Fri and I'm supposed to be helping my sister with a garage sale. Normally I get to sleep a bit later as dh usually takes the older 3 to school in the am, but its up early for me everyday. I don't sleep well anyway, so this week should be interesting.

Hope everyone else is having a good day.

Sorry you are feeling so bad :hugs:. I hope you feel better soon!

As for me ladies, I found out the insurance companies are punching holes in Obama Care. If I do not sign up for insurance during their "Application Period" then they can deny me for being pregnant. Which is what they did. Not to mention, the guy DH was talking to on the phone (rep from insurance company) treated him like complete crap. I doubt that agent even had any clue about Medicare or how it worked. So I only have 2 more options left. I am going to try and call State Farm since DH's mom has a good reputation with them and see if there is anything they can do. If it checks out like I think it will, we are going to just have to pay out of pocket for that remaining 20% + deductibles. We calculated it out, and even if we did get approved for Medigap we would still end up paying just as much money for the supplementary insurance t hat we would if we just foot the bill. The last option, which is the option I dislike the most is falling back on DH's mom. They are fighting with me right now to accept the fact that we should just pay for it. I barely let his mom spend $20 on me let alone $6,000+. I am having a really hard time dealing with this and what I might end up having to do is just swallowing my pride and doing whats best for our little bean.

Any advice from anyone that has medicare or knows anything about it would be so awesome! Sorry for the long post ladies. I know it was a lot to read lol

Mummy to be: I am glad to hear everything is going ok for you after your doctors visit. Are you feeling any better? Did they say why your heart was a bit faster?

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