*** January Jellybeans 2015 *** - join & chat here :) 132 so far!

Can I jump in here? I just found out I'm pregnant with baby #2 on Wednesday. My first is only 8 months old so this was quite a surprise for my DH & I (especailly since I am [was] a RELIGIOUS pill taker... I NEVER missed a pill!!):haha:
But anyway I think I'm due around the 14th of January, but I'll update it when I get my 1st U/S done. :cloud9:

Congratulations on your little surprise!! And huge welcome to the group, my friend was a religious pill taker too and has a beautiful three year old now :)
SCgirl - I felt massive pangs on occasion on my right side. I too thought it had to be a sign of an ectopic but then they also started on the left (less frequently but no less intense). I wondered since we had been so lucky (sarc) all this time if I managed to end up with an ectopic on both sides. No joke, at times they took my breath away and left me doubled over.

My scan last Friday showed no ovarian cycts or ectopics, my ovaries were actually very quiet despite having done a retrieval just last month - but you see how that that did turn out for me :winkwink:

I'm sure everything is fine but do know it's so hard not to worry :hugs:
Can I jump in here? I just found out I'm pregnant with baby #2 on Wednesday. My first is only 8 months old so this was quite a surprise for my DH & I (especailly since I am [was] a RELIGIOUS pill taker... I NEVER missed a pill!!):haha:
But anyway I think I'm due around the 14th of January, but I'll update it when I get my 1st U/S done. :cloud9:

Welcome! My DD is three months old. Yay for early surprise babies! Lol!
SCgirl - I felt massive pangs on occasion on my right side. I too thought it had to be a sign of an ectopic but then they also started on the left (less frequently but no less intense). I wondered since we had been so lucky (sarc) all this time if I managed to end up with an ectopic on both sides. No joke, at times they took my breath away and left me doubled over.

My scan last Friday showed no ovarian cycts or ectopics, my ovaries were actually very quiet despite having done a retrieval just last month - but you see how that that did turn out for me :winkwink:

I'm sure everything is fine but do know it's so hard not to worry :hugs:

Haha- well what happened for you wouldn't be out of the question for me- I was already ovulating regularly (just super late, so poss not a good egg), and added 5mg letrozole (femara) this cycle... Guess we'll see!
Nausea def and been throwing up, its in my throat but won't come up. My doc said its good. But its not good when i just ate and it doesnt stay down. I cannot even take my meds because i feel awful
I got a phenomenal phone call just now.....my progesterone and estrogen levels are sky high so I get to stop my suppositories and patches *AND* I've been released to regular OB care by my RE!!!

You have no idea how excited I am, it'll be the first time I don't have to worry about a med schedule (aside from my nightly prenatal and rx folic acid) since MARCH!!!!

So thrilled to feel like a normal human being again, and just be in normal good ol ordinary (albeit high risk but who cares) care!!!!! :happydance: :happydance: :happydance:

Congrats!! that is sooo exciting :):happydance:

Oh dear, I have lost people's respect and have been called the "wh^^^" word.

Uhm....am I the only person who has no idea what a "wh..." is? Plus, to be honest, I don't get it. Why would anyone care if you had babies 2 months apart of 50 years apart. Am I missing something?
I assumed it ended in ore?

Although I agree- no idea why anyone would think that, or would think that it's any of their business!!

You're braver than I am (although I was worried id accidentally fallen pg again when DS was 1 month old which would have made then in the same year at school & I was worried what people would say for the rest of their lives).

Best of luck to you! & ignore nasty things people say- they clearly have nothing better to do!

Oh the hormones! Feeling so emotional today ladies! i think ive cried 5 times already!! A little back story: I have a 6 year old daughter from a previous relationship. Me and her father have not been together in years and we've always worked out visits and weekends and all that. He recently got a new girlfriend who has children and now apparently thats all the family he needs. He told me he doesnt want to see my daughter any longer and im struggling with what to tell her every time she asks about him. (tearing up writing this! lol) Shes old enough to realize hes not coming around anymore but not old enough to understand why he doesnt want to pick her up anymore. Thankfully my fiance loves her to death and she loves him and he has stepped right in as a father figure since day one so in the end i know at least she will have someone in her life but its so depressing. I'm not sure if anyone has been or is in a situation like mine but i'd appreciate any advice and support
Ditto! I am so emotional today, someone at work (they don't know I'm pregnant!) had her 20 week scan today and found out it was a boy and I kept almost bursting into tears!!
And I've been soooo sick, kind of threw up this morning (nothing in my stomach!) and had waves of nausea all day. I hope tomorrow is a non-sicky day...
Hey ladies- when does the nausea start? I've had a few episodes where I think if I don't eat soon I'm going to heave, but it's not started properly yet- I'm thinking it'll be another couple of weeks maybe? (I'm only 4 +2). So when did it all start for you?


Started 5 weeks 1 day for me now I'm in bed with my basin since
cheezytrish got it... ore!


Def pregnant! Ultrasound in 3 weeks.

Progesterone shots starting 16 weeks.
Oh the hormones! Feeling so emotional today ladies! i think ive cried 5 times already!! A little back story: I have a 6 year old daughter from a previous relationship. Me and her father have not been together in years and we've always worked out visits and weekends and all that. He recently got a new girlfriend who has children and now apparently thats all the family he needs. He told me he doesnt want to see my daughter any longer and im struggling with what to tell her every time she asks about him. (tearing up writing this! lol) Shes old enough to realize hes not coming around anymore but not old enough to understand why he doesnt want to pick her up anymore. Thankfully my fiance loves her to death and she loves him and he has stepped right in as a father figure since day one so in the end i know at least she will have someone in her life but its so depressing. I'm not sure if anyone has been or is in a situation like mine but i'd appreciate any advice and support

My daughter is 3 and her dad's not bothered with her for ten months now, he makes my blood boil, but like you my little girl has got my partner in her life and he does more for her than her dad ever has. You know what though, in the end it will only be the fathers that lose out, your daughter doesn't need anyone like that in her life,she's got all the love she needs with you Hun. I know it's hard but trust me, things will work out :hugs:
Hey ladies- when does the nausea start? I've had a few episodes where I think if I don't eat soon I'm going to heave, but it's not started properly yet- I'm thinking it'll be another couple of weeks maybe? (I'm only 4 +2). So when did it all start for you?


Started 5 weeks 1 day for me now I'm in bed with my basin since

Thanks for the reply :) sorry you're feeling rough! I'm looking forward to some more symptoms making it feel more real!

I'll just wait for you to say "told you so!" When I come back cursing those same symptoms I'm so desperate for now! Ha ha ha

cheezytrish got it... ore!


Def pregnant! Ultrasound in 3 weeks.

Progesterone shots starting 16 weeks.

That's what I said!!

Glad it's good news for you.
Love your baby's name btw- beautiful!

I just heard of a baby born early May called Astrid Bellatrix! What an amazing name!! I love beautiful unusual names- actually I love all things name related to be fair!! Lol

cheezytrish got it... ore!


Def pregnant! Ultrasound in 3 weeks.

Progesterone shots starting 16 weeks.

That's what I said!!

Glad it's good news for you.
Love your baby's name btw- beautiful!

I just heard of a baby born early May called Astrid Bellatrix! What an amazing name!! I love beautiful unusual names- actually I love all things name related to be fair!! Lol



Thanks! I ADORE unusual names. I think all my children will have names relating to nature.
Oh the hormones! Feeling so emotional today ladies! i think ive cried 5 times already!! A little back story: I have a 6 year old daughter from a previous relationship. Me and her father have not been together in years and we've always worked out visits and weekends and all that. He recently got a new girlfriend who has children and now apparently thats all the family he needs. He told me he doesnt want to see my daughter any longer and im struggling with what to tell her every time she asks about him. (tearing up writing this! lol) Shes old enough to realize hes not coming around anymore but not old enough to understand why he doesnt want to pick her up anymore. Thankfully my fiance loves her to death and she loves him and he has stepped right in as a father figure since day one so in the end i know at least she will have someone in her life but its so depressing. I'm not sure if anyone has been or is in a situation like mine but i'd appreciate any advice and support

I'm in a similar situation, except now that my ex husband has his fiancé he's dead set on playing house with the kids after being mia for nearly a year (again). There are many times he would ditch out of their lives completely. Would stop seeing them and even calling. As they got older they stopped asking because they knew why - he's an @**hole plain and simple. When they were younger I simply told them I had no clue what was going on. When he finally thought them worthy of a call again they'd ask him for an explanation and were never satisfied with his excuses.

I wish with this new girl in the picture that he'd go away forever but he's snipped and she has her own daddy abandonment issues. Seems now they've become obsessed with having them around. She actually pushed him so far and so hard that we ended up revisiting custody (they lost and things stayed exactly the same - judge literally rolled his eyes at "his" new requests after he never even reliably used the time he was already awarded pre new girl in his life).

I do understand why it makes you sad. When mine were younger that's where it sent me too. Now that they're a bit older it just pisses me off. The constant drama it brings into our lives....I can't wait until they're old enough to petition he courts to stop the ridiculous rollercoaster themselves. I will support them completely and give him the finger in good riddance.

Odds are this relationship won't stick and he'll be back to pawing at you for time again in no time - and all at the expense of your daughters emotions and your sanity. If he can walk away from his own child he'll undoubtedly walk away from this new fill in family he's got going on right now. Sad, but that's sort of the pattern for these jerks.

I'm so sorry you're left holding the bag. It's just not fair. You and your fiancé need to do your best to fill her life with happy times, experiences and loads of positivity and in the meantime tell her the truth. That you don't have a clue what's going on with him because really as mothers, it truly is impossible to comprehend how anyone could do such a thing :(
cheezytrish got it... ore!


Def pregnant! Ultrasound in 3 weeks.

Progesterone shots starting 16 weeks.

lol, ok, now I feel really naive - I didn't think of that one at all probably because it's SO STUPID - what the heck does that have to do with babies?! Stupid people on the stupid internet:gun: You are awesome! Ignore them.
Oh the hormones! Feeling so emotional today ladies! i think ive cried 5 times already!! A little back story: I have a 6 year old daughter from a previous relationship. Me and her father have not been together in years and we've always worked out visits and weekends and all that. He recently got a new girlfriend who has children and now apparently thats all the family he needs. He told me he doesnt want to see my daughter any longer and im struggling with what to tell her every time she asks about him. (tearing up writing this! lol) Shes old enough to realize hes not coming around anymore but not old enough to understand why he doesnt want to pick her up anymore. Thankfully my fiance loves her to death and she loves him and he has stepped right in as a father figure since day one so in the end i know at least she will have someone in her life but its so depressing. I'm not sure if anyone has been or is in a situation like mine but i'd appreciate any advice and support

I'm in a similar situation, except now that my ex husband has his fiancé he's dead set on playing house with the kids after being mia for nearly a year (again). There are many times he would ditch out of their lives completely. Would stop seeing them and even calling. As they got older they stopped asking because they knew why - he's an @**hole plain and simple. When they were younger I simply told them I had no clue what was going on. When he finally thought them worthy of a call again they'd ask him for an explanation and were never satisfied with his excuses.

I wish with this new girl in the picture that he'd go away forever but he's snipped and she has her own daddy abandonment issues. Seems now they've become obsessed with having them around. She actually pushed him so far and so hard that we ended up revisiting custody (they lost and things stayed exactly the same - judge literally rolled his eyes at "his" new requests after he never even reliably used the time he was already awarded pre new girl in his life).

I do understand why it makes you sad. When mine were younger that's where it sent me too. Now that they're a bit older it just pisses me off. The constant drama it brings into our lives....I can't wait until they're old enough to petition he courts to stop the ridiculous rollercoaster themselves. I will support them completely and give him the finger in good riddance.

Odds are this relationship won't stick and he'll be back to pawing at you for time again in no time - and all at the expense of your daughters emotions and your sanity. If he can walk away from his own child he'll undoubtedly walk away from this new fill in family he's got going on right now. Sad, but that's sort of the pattern for these jerks.

I'm so sorry you're left holding the bag. It's just not fair. You and your fiancé need to do your best to fill her life with happy times, experiences and loads of positivity and in the meantime tell her the truth. That you don't have a clue what's going on with him because really as mothers, it truly is impossible to comprehend how anyone could do such a thing :(

Thank you. I don't understand how anyone could just walk away without looking back from their children. Since the new girl came around we don't get along at all. I've asked him so many times to not take it out on her because he doesn't like me but he's just turned into this mean and hateful person. I will be glad if he's no longer around I just hate seeing that look on her face when she asks me why he doesn't want to take her anymore. And I'll be grateful when I'm no longer the bad guy. She acts out and gets mad at me because of him
Thank you. I don't understand how anyone could just walk away without looking back from their children. Since the new girl came around we don't get along at all. I've asked him so many times to not take it out on her because he doesn't like me but he's just turned into this mean and hateful person. I will be glad if he's no longer around I just hate seeing that look on her face when she asks me why he doesn't want to take her anymore. And I'll be grateful when I'm no longer the bad guy. She acts out and gets mad at me because of him

I promise that will pass. Don't speak bad about him in front of her and just stay neutral. Tell her you're sorry things are the way they are, but remind her they have nothing to do with you. You're the only one around so she's going to turn to you to vent those feelings. Again, it's not fair, but you're all she's got and she feels safe doing so (it's actually the sign of a great bond that however misplaced, your child knows she can trust you with her emotions knowing they will never push YOU away). Don't expect her to express the same with him, maybe even ever, as that safe bond will never be the same between the two of them as it is between the two of you.

As she gets older she'll better be able to separate you from him and be more in control of her emotions. In the meantime all you can really do is ride it out and separate yourself from him as much as possible. Remind her he has your phone number. He knows where you live. You wish things were different but you can't make them be different. Tell her you're sorry when she's sad and ask her if there's anything YOU can do to make her feel better about what's going on with HIM.

Other than that just give it time to evolve. That's about all you can do.

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