OMG Ladies, you can all talk! Sooo many pages to catch up on today
love it!
Wow, that took me awhile to read through everything.
Praying for everyone to have their happy and healthy 9 months.
Just curious if anyone is getting a cold?? I have been sneezing non stop with a sore throat, on top of nausea I am feeling pretty terrible.
Colds and blocked noses are an early pregnancy symptom
had them with both of my daughter's pregnancies
Had my follow-up blood test today. Probably won't hear results until tomorrow. Asked about blood pressure, since it was just as bad this afternoon at school (158/92). She thinks it's stress, but wants me to monitor it over the next week. If it doesn't improve, I'm to see an internist. She said since it's going down when I'm relaxed at night, it's probably ok. (It had already gone down some when they took my bp at the dr office- despite my white coat syndrome haha)
I'm 14dpo today, and this is my first pregnancy getting something above 1-2, so I'm thrilled! (The frer was fmu, the cbd was 4pm)
So pleased for you!
fantastic line on the FRER
Well, I spoke too soon. Less than 2 hours after the blood test, I got a call from the dr. office. My hcg was 179, so it didn't quite double, but they said it was definitely good. (puts doubling time ~50.81hrs) (hcg was 93 at same time on mon)
Here's what surprised me- they want to do an early scan to confirm the pregnancy. So- I've got an appointment on 5/22 (6w1d). Doubt we'll be able to see much, but that's something to look forward to! Fx the bean makes it that long (and maybe 7 months after that!)
I'm sure everything is just fine but I have everything crossed for you anyway x
Hi everyone. Im a little nervous about joining but i have high hopes this time.. i cant be that unlucky...right. 5w2d today following 2 previous mc in aug 13 and feb14. Praying this one sticks. Wish i could fast forward to may27th for first scan. Last mc in feb i went for my 8w scan and went to the toilet before starting and started bleeding. Coulnt believe it. Anyway hoping to get to know you all and good luck everyone. X
Oh and imdue jan 5th i think can you add me. Xx
Welcome and congrats hun
wishing you a very h&h 9 months! x
Okk ladies soo here's how my day went. This morning I had very very light spotting. I called the doctors and told them about the spotting. I also told them how I was wondering if I was further along because i was soo big. They had me come in for an early ultrasound in which they seen one sac and the embryonic pole. She said it's still early for them to see anything really esp since I'm only 5 weeks and 6 days. They drew blood and said they'll get back to me by tomorrow. So hopefully everything is good.
Okay thee end
Sorry to hear about the spotting hun, hopefully it's stopped now? It is still early days, but great they saw the sac & pole. Fx'd for your beta results
Progression pictures, 11dpo and 15 dpo. Couldn't help myself
Fantastic progression Tui
Hi. Please could you add me? My due date is 14 January. Thanks! xx
Welcome & congrats!
My hcg went from 20 at 12DPO to 22 at 14DPO. They basically said I can expect to start bleeding any time now. They are also concerned about possible ectopic. I go back on Friday for another beta if I have not started bleeding yet just to see what's going on. They said they had one case of this happening where it didn't result in a miscarriage but I know not to get my hopes up. That would be a one in a million.
I know technically it was not a baby yet but I feel like it was. It's a little person we created that I will likely never get to meet or know. I'm devastated and feel like I'm losing a child no matter how early it is.
So right now I'm in limbo... just waiting to see what happens and if by some miracle this is a viable pregnancy. Though that is unlikely.
Shilo I'm so very sorry
It doesn't matter how early you are, this is your baby and you can and should grieve however you like. I really do hope that your little bean stays with you. Thinking of you hun xx
I have everything crossed for you shilo
I thought it would be safe to get a 3+ on a CB digital today, I'm 5w+2 but it still says 2-3 weeks. Should I be worried?
It should've but they're only a rough estimate hun, maybe take one in a couple of days time? So long as your standard tests are progressing and everything else is fine I wouldn't worry
Good luck mrs, I'm sure everything will be fine, at least you will know tomorrow either way.
Ok so I've seen my MW and she was lovely, she said she could book me a scan in a couple of weeks if I wanted it but I said no, I said I wanted to get past 8 weeks first (that's when my last mc was) so she said she's going to book my dating scan in the mean time and she is going to come to my house at nine weeks to see how I'm feeling and see how things are going etc, and if In the mean time I feel like I need a scan then I have to ring her and she will get me one.
She spoke to me about mc and things and was genuinely very nice, I feel a bit better for her chat. X
Ahhh so glad you got a lovely mw
it really does makes the world of difference!
Mrs humphreys your bump does look quite big already! Being your 4th baby though you're bound to show earlier and I get quite bad baby bloat, not as big as yours I might add, but it might just be that! I think girls have quite a high hcg level usually, so you could just be carrying pink this time
Sorry if I missed any one out, or any questions... Had a busy couple of days and hadn't managed to get online
not much to report from me.... I'm still eating for 6 and still as tired as ever!