*** January Jellybeans 2015 *** - join & chat here :) 132 so far!

Kiwi - how rude of your doctor! That's great news that everything is perfect, I bet your over the moon. I hope you get to see some pics of baby at your next scan :) xx

Hope everyone is feeling good this morning/evening/afternoon <3

Thank you so much! :hugs:
My next appointment is actually in about 6 hours. I know it was originally going to be a blood test but I am hoping I can convince them to do an ultrasound as well!

I hope your appointment goes well :) it may be to early for them to see anything on ultrasound hun but fingers x. I was 6w3d when I had mine and they saw nothing but the sack so they had me to an internal one and there was little bump and the heart beating it was amazing. Small but amazing :) Maybe ask them for an internal one :)

I am hoping they will at least let me hear the heart :). I did not get to when I was in the ER and it really made me sad. I will probably set another appointment for a couple more weeks out.

Hope you get your ultrasound I will be looking out for your pics ;)

You ladies are so amazing! :hugs: <3
First thing I am going to do when I get home is update you wonderful ladies on anything I can! xx
Wow I'm really going to have to hire an assisantt to keep up and update this thread for me when I have busy days!!

So anxious - Strangely, I'm finding this exhaustion so much harder to deal with than newborn, sleepless nights exhaustion! Dunno if the difference of actually having a baby to keep my eye on constantly and who's cluster feeding for the majority of the day is something to do with it or not! I'll manage either way. Getting an old hand at this baby business now ;)

for those of you who were pregnant before- when did you start getting cravings? my guess is 2nd tri?

i'm worried about how those will be- because i crave foods pretty bad as it is (one of those things that usually changes with my cycle). Right now all I want is pizza. not just any pizza- greasy pizza that you have to fold in half or eat with a fork / knife.... (but if I eat that now, I'll be suffering in a few hours- I get horrible heartburn early pregnancy. and gas and bloating. sigh.)

god help my husband (and me) if this bean sticks a few more months, and I find out what real cravings are! :haha:

I got cravings around the beginning of second tri I think with both daughters. Luckily it was only ever ice, bottled water and a wedge of lemon to go with! I've already started salivating over the idea of drinking that all though, so maybe I, getting the same craving and it's coming earlier this time!?

I'm leaving you ladies! My little baby grew wings on Monday. Xx

So sorry to hear this hun :hugs: take care of yourself xx

Hi there :)
I'm due around 16th Jan xx

Welcome and congrats! :happydance:

I've started to miscarry, bleeding started a few hours about and already in so much pain.

You all made me feel welcome in the short time I was here, thanks for that. we are no longer going to pursue pregnancy but I wish all of you the best for the future.

I'm so sorry Miss Zoie :( I hope you get a bfp soon xx

Just peeking in and saying hello! :)

Every time I got morning sickness it was just nausea. Like when you have the flu and need to vomit. Other than that it was just an "off" feeling.

My 1st scan is tomorrow. Soooooo. Nervous. My bp keeps sky rocketing and putting me on the verge of a panic attack.

And I can't wear my pants. :-/ I've gained no weight but my pants don't fit. How's this even possible!?!

I've downgraded to stretchy leggings now, the bloat that's going on is just ridiculous!

Had my dr.'s appointment today, everything was fine. I am to get my bloods done and an u/s at around 10-12 weeks. Thus the waiting game begins!

Roll on Thursday! :dance:

Well my HCG doubled to 227. My progesterone is kind of low at 8 but she said it's okay. I have an ultrasound on Monday at 9:30. If there is anything there then I'll get progesterone supplements and have a repeat ultrasound in a week or two. I'm not getting my hopes up though until I see a baby. So for a crazy rollercoaster timeline:

May 2 - BFP
May 4 - Spotting
May 5 - Beta at 20
May 7 - Beta at 22. Was told to expect miscarriage.
May 9 - Beta at 20.9. Was told 100% miscarriage.
May 11 - Beta at 41. Still thought to be miscarriage.
May 12 - Ultrasound showed nothing other than a very thick uterine lining. Discussed options and scheduled a uterine lining biopsy to make sure the pregnancy wasn't ectopic or in an unknown location.
May 13 - Beta came back at 111. It had almost tripled and my doctors were baffled. No idea what's going on.
May 15 - Beta is at 227.
May 19 - Next ultrasound

Wow Shilo, what a roller coaster indeed :hugs: I still have everything crossed that your bean is a fighter and is holding on to stay x

I'm due Jan 16th! Hooray!

Welcome and congrats! :yipee:

I'm so bloated I wore my maternity pants to a conference today. TIM ALERT:anyone else having bad diarrhea. My stomach cramps so bad I think I'm having a miscarriage, but no bleeding-just diarrhea. I have no other symptoms. I sometimes wonder if I'm really pregnant.

I go from struggling with bowel movements to having to rush off to the loo at a seconds notice :blush: no idea what's going on with my body!

Hello ladies, I had a little scare tonight but it ended up turning out really well in the end. I noticed a tiny bit of spotting, it was pinkish and it only showed up a tiny bit on the toilet paper (not in my pantyliner which I wear them every day). Anyway, naturally I got really upset. So I first started with my doctor who never returned my call, then I called a few other places and only 1 doctor called me back. When i talked to him on the phone he was really nice at first, he sounded concerned but he also kept sounding like I was doomed. After he found out I was not a patient of his (or rather a patient of the place he works at) he started to act really rude. Saying things like "then why are you calling me then?". It made me so upset that a doctor would be so insensitive to me when I all I wanted was professional advice. He suggested that I not go to the ER since "there is nothing they can do" already dooming me as if im having a miscarriage. Well shortly after I got off the phone with him I decided to go to the ER anyway. Turns out it was a great choice! I am not having a miscarriage after all. I got to see how far along I am and it was around 7 weeks, so right on track! I also got to know that there is a baby, and my little bean has a heartbeat!! The heartbeat was 140. The doctor was a female and she was very nice (in the ER room). She told me that spotting in the first trimester is considered "threatened miscarriage", but that a lot of woman have it and go on to have happy healthy babies! She also was able to do blood work and check my cervix. Everything looked great! It's too bad they could not let me hear anything or see anything since it was the Emergency Room but at least I got to know the numbers when the doctor came in to give me the results. I also found out that I seem to have a weird blood type (O positive). Which I never knew about till just now. Either way, my baby is healthy, I am healthy, and everything seems to be going great! Just thought I would share this wonderful news with you wonderful ladies. xx

Oh and in about 7-8 hours from now I will be at my real doctors appointment and hopefully this time I can see some pictures and get more information on my baby!! <3

OMG kiwi, how rude of that doctor. That's totally disgusting, I hope you can put in some sort of complaint about his terrible attitude. I guess you get rude and awful doctors everywhere but here in the UK our health care is automatically free (paid by worker's taxes) so I'd hit the roof if any doctor spoke to me like that, all because he personally wasn't getting my money direct! It makes you wonder how some of these arseholes decided to get into this profession to start off with :wacko: anyway, I'm so glad all is well with your little bean :hugs: x

How scary but I'm glad it worked out well for you kiwi

I had my booking in appointment yesterday :) 5 weeks until next midwife appointment and it seems so far away. I'm really trying hard to persuade husband to let us have a private early scan.

Still have no pregnancy symptoms but have a rotten cold :(

Rotten colds are a great pregnancy symptom! Ok they're not actually great to have :lol: but it's still a symptom, take it!

how far gone are the ones without tickers with symptoms? :) x

How do you get tickers? Lol

Click on a ticker and it'll redirect you to the site to make your own :) pop in your EDD, it'll give you the link to your personal one to put in your BnB signature (you want to choose the UBB code :thumbup:).

Sorry if I missed anyone again :dohh: catching up on nearly 13 pages is not easy!
@Lolly, thanks so much hun! :hugs: I was wondering the same thing after I got off the phone with him. I was so upset and focused on my little bean that I did not act like I normally would have and told him off for being such an ass.
I'm so sorry to hear that xMissxZoiex, so heartbreaking. So sorry for the other losses too (I'm on my phone and haven't figured out how to do multiple quotes).

Good luck to the ones who have scans on monday :)

Well Alex had a better night last night but still quite snotty.
I'm going to phone the midwife later this morning to get the ball rolling, I will probably have an appointment in the clinic by my house (probably next week) who will do my weight and height etc and sort my booking in appointment.

Tonight we are going for a meal for OH's cousins birthday and tomorrow we are picking up our new car from blackpool so going to spend the afternoon there :) I love blackpool, if it's not too windy might take Alex on the big wheel even though I am such a wimp!!

Oh I love Blackpool too!! I hope the sun comes out for you :)

Me too :) my dad said it's meant to be nice at the weekend so fingers crossed. We haven't been since we've had Alex and I miss it, it's where me and OH got engaged, he proposed up the tower...on the glass floor! Yikes lol.

I'm so sorry to hear that xMissxZoiex, so heartbreaking. So sorry for the other losses too (I'm on my phone and haven't figured out how to do multiple quotes).

Good luck to the ones who have scans on monday :)

Well Alex had a better night last night but still quite snotty.
I'm going to phone the midwife later this morning to get the ball rolling, I will probably have an appointment in the clinic by my house (probably next week) who will do my weight and height etc and sort my booking in appointment.

Tonight we are going for a meal for OH's cousins birthday and tomorrow we are picking up our new car from blackpool so going to spend the afternoon there :) I love blackpool, if it's not too windy might take Alex on the big wheel even though I am such a wimp!!

That sounds like a fun day! I am going in for my appointment at 9am EST, then after that I am going out to eat with DH and his mama. We are going to this smoke bbq place (southern pork bbq). It is going to be so yummy!! My mouth is watering thinking about it lol. After that, DH's mom and me are going to go get a pedicure! I think I might get a light rose pink color this time.

Yours sounds like a nice day too. Ooooh it does sound yummy :)
hope your appointment goes well and do update us :)
I'm so sorry to hear that xMissxZoiex, so heartbreaking. So sorry for the other losses too (I'm on my phone and haven't figured out how to do multiple quotes).

Good luck to the ones who have scans on monday :)

Well Alex had a better night last night but still quite snotty.
I'm going to phone the midwife later this morning to get the ball rolling, I will probably have an appointment in the clinic by my house (probably next week) who will do my weight and height etc and sort my booking in appointment.

Tonight we are going for a meal for OH's cousins birthday and tomorrow we are picking up our new car from blackpool so going to spend the afternoon there :) I love blackpool, if it's not too windy might take Alex on the big wheel even though I am such a wimp!!

Hi Welshgirl :) Congrats and welcome, I haven't said that yet lol
I don't know how to do multiple quotes either and I am on the computer. I am hopeless at this haha! Have a fabulous little trip :)

Thank you. Well I managed to do 2 quotes on one reply and missed out yours! I'll get there eventually haha.
We will have a great trip aslong as it's dry lol
Multi quotes are simple and would probably really help the thread to stop moving so fast! Click "multi-quote" on each post you want to quote and then when you get to the last post, just click on "reply with quote" and it'll have copied all of them into your reply box :thumbup:
Multi quotes are simple and would probably really help the thread to stop moving so fast! Click "multi-quote" on each post you want to quote and then when you get to the last post, just click on "reply with quote" and it'll have copied all of them into your reply box :thumbup:

Thank you..I wasn't too sure how I did it to be honest I just played around haha
Haha I think that's how we all discover it at first! :lol:

Hope you all have, or have had, a lovely day :) the sun is shining here and I'm in such a good mood. Not only did I win a changing bag this week but I have just won a limited edition hood for my pushchair for dirt cheap on eBay :yipee: I'm sad and love my pushchairs lots so this is big news haha!
I've seen on facebook that it's nice where I live but when I look out the window it's cloudy but maybe because we live up in the hills lol.

I'm planning on Alex having a nap soon so I can have a shower and wash my hair for tonight, or ask my dad to come down to watch him then we will go up there so Alex can play in the garden (OH has half dug our back garden up as there were bricks and all sorts in the grass and tools in the path!)

So I rang the midwife, she was like congratulations do you want to book an appointment (no I just wanted to tell someone lol) anyway, I have an appointment on the 27th at 3:45pm.
Welsh girl - that is so cute of your OH!! I've been up the tower and it's beautiful, although I hate heights!!

Yay for mw appointment!!! :happydance:
Ladies, advice or reassurance please! I'm 6 weeks Sunday and have NO symptoms. After mmc in Dec I'm convinced I'm mis carrying again. No bleeding or cramps and strong line on test, am I just being silly?
Kiwi im glad everything turned out ok.. :D x

Hall exactly as Sethsmummy said.. follow the instructions then copy and past the code into your signature :D

I had broken sleep last night.. kept waking up sweating buckets.. does anyone have that? im dozing back off to sleep now.. lol only been awake 3 hours!!
flatshoes my daughter was pregnant last yr and made me jealous at the time as she had NO symptoms at all.. None! all the way through pregnancy.. she only knew she was pregnant from getting fatter lol..

I used to be ill from around 6ish weeks... it wasnt until I got pregnant these few times that I have remembered my old symptoms and got new ones.. but in 5 pregnancies since last oct.. I have had diff symptoms with each pregnancy.. so every pregnancy is different.

If you are concerned maybe speak to dr? good luck :)
Ladies, advice or reassurance please! I'm 6 weeks Sunday and have NO symptoms. After mmc in Dec I'm convinced I'm mis carrying again. No bleeding or cramps and strong line on test, am I just being silly?

It is perfectly natural to worry. I know I do all the time lol. What you could do is try to go in for an early scan. From what I have been reading you can sometimes pick up the heart beat at 5.5 weeks. At least this way you will get some peace of mind.

Kiwi im glad everything turned out ok.. :D x

Hall exactly as Sethsmummy said.. follow the instructions then copy and past the code into your signature :D

I had broken sleep last night.. kept waking up sweating buckets.. does anyone have that? im dozing back off to sleep now.. lol only been awake 3 hours!!

Thanks hun :hugs:
Sorry you are having such trouble sleeping.
Ladies, advice or reassurance please! I'm 6 weeks Sunday and have NO symptoms. After mmc in Dec I'm convinced I'm mis carrying again. No bleeding or cramps and strong line on test, am I just being silly?

I'm totally with you, although I'm really trying my hardest to stay positive. I had a mmc in march and I'm terrified, although I started with brown spotting last time so I had some indication. But honestly try stay positive or you will drive yourself insane :hugs:
Flat shoes, you're not being silly hun. This is an anxious time for all of us :hugs: don't measure your pregnancy on symptoms, or lack thereof, though. Not everyone gets them, some people get them really mildly that they barely notice or some get them later on with a vengeance! Exverything else sounds great so try not to worry :)
Kiwi im glad everything turned out ok.. :D x

Hall exactly as Sethsmummy said.. follow the instructions then copy and past the code into your signature :D

I had broken sleep last night.. kept waking up sweating buckets.. does anyone have that? im dozing back off to sleep now.. lol only been awake 3 hours!!

I had broken sleep too but not for sweating, for hubby taking up the bed and nicking the covers, in the end I went in with my daughter :haha:
Haha.. well we woke up this morning and the duvet was upside down and I had the buttons by my face! God knows what I was doing with it in my sleep lol
Devastated.. just gone to loo and started bleeding :cry: im gonna leave this page.. devastated!!

take care girlies x
Devastated.. just gone to loo and started bleeding :cry: im gonna leave this page.. devastated!!

take care girlies x

So sorry to hear this hun :(. Is it a lot of blood or just spotting? If it is just spotting you might not be out yet! I really hope that is what it is xx

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