*** January Jellybeans 2015 *** - join & chat here :) 132 so far!

anyone else really grumpy today? my husband is driving me up the wall with the i need help too, and i need a nap too. i end up watching the 1year old, trying to clean the house, including his chores, work a full time job as an assiztant director of a nursing home, and help with taking care of my sick grandmother. this sounds awful, and i know its hormones but sometimes i dont sven want to be pregnant. ugh. hormones!

Hormones are tough, I feel so cross today and in such an awful mood all I want to do is sleep! It's such a gorgeous day outside too and I've stayed in all day, probably hasn't helped my mood but I had so much house work to do. I hope you feel better soon x
i had to be gone for two days this week and cleaned before i left, but came home to dishes in tbe sink, clothes, running over, and the yard a mess. im glad im not alone! after our arguement i went back to bed and he cleaned the kitchen. i have a few more to do today, then stuff all week to keep it clean. my sister and brother in law will be ghere friday(hopefullly the house wont look awful since i will be coming home from another 2day trip for work) :haha:

Hormones are tough, I feel so cross today and in such an awful mood all I want to do is sleep! It's such a gorgeous day outside too and I've stayed in all day, probably hasn't helped my mood but I had so much house work to do. I hope you feel better soon x

I haven't left the house all day too and feel a little bit disgusted with myself especially since its such a nice day. I just feel so icky!

I know what you mean, I can't wait for bed!
i just got up from a nap - its my only symptom:sleep:

Argh it must be a day for the hormones to be running wild!! I've just had a huge argument with my hubby over absolutely nothing!! & I totally started it, then I started crying, the boys started arguing over the play station so I started crying again!! Jeez I can't be doing with these hormones!! Pity I can't sit in the garden with a nice cold alcoholic drink :-( oh well looks like I'm sitting in the garden with a nice cold glass of juice, it's soooo not the same on a lovely day like today but never mind, the things we do to have kids xx
i want a large glass of wine!

Argh it must be a day for the hormones to be running wild!! I've just had a huge argument with my hubby over absolutely nothing!! & I totally started it, then I started crying, the boys started arguing over the play station so I started crying again!! Jeez I can't be doing with these hormones!! Pity I can't sit in the garden with a nice cold alcoholic drink :-( oh well looks like I'm sitting in the garden with a nice cold glass of juice, it's soooo not the same on a lovely day like today but never mind, the things we do to have kids xx

Hahaha! Oh what I'd do for a large glass if wine right now! I'm gonna enjoy my diet coke ;) me and hubby had an argument today too I shouted at him told him it's his fault none if my clothes fit and I hated him :haha: he laughed at me which made me even more angry lol! X

Totally feeling urgh today too. Need to do a food shop as we had no food, but I feel so sick I can't even decide what food we need, so asked my boyfriend to come and help "but I want to do my man stuff today with my mates" he came with me but was grumpy all the time. I got home unpacked put washing on cleaned out the animals and tidied, now heading to work, so so tired, I need a nap..... Xxx

I'm laura, I'm 21 from caerphilly, South Wales, UK.
I have a two year old little girl who's a monster.

I've just had a scan and confirmed that I'm 6 weeks 4 days pregnant!

Gives me an EDD of 5th January 2015.

Hello everyone! I just found out two days ago that I am pregnant with baby #2! Due on January 20, 2015(which also happens to be my mother's birthday!) DS is 19 months old and we wanted them to be fairly close in age. We are waiting a little to tell anyone, to make sure everything goes well, but it feels so great to be able to post it! I was actually very shocked to get my BFP this month, as this was our very first cycle TTC. :happydance:

I've been lurking but was scared to post until we got our first scan under our belt. We transferred two embryos April 17th, and both stuck! We found out today we are expecting TWINS!

Due date is January 2nd :happydance:

Can't wait to dive in and get to know you all better now!

Hi everyone! My name is laura, im 29 and I am expecting baby #2! I already have an amazing 2 1/2 year old boy named alex. My edd is january 18th :) the days are dragging by! I cant wait to get to 12 week mark! I look forward to getting to k ow you ladies better these next 8 months :)

Hi ladies, I'm going to tentatively introduce myself & stalk this thread for a bit :)

It's really early for me, got a BFP three days ago & just 14dpo today. All being well due date will be 25th jan.

I have a 20 month DS & had a natural mc in feb at 8 weeks although I think it started at 5. So I'll be more confident once we've had a scan to see that little heart beat! Please stick little jellybean!

So sorry for those who have had losses, it's so awful.

& congrats to all the new mummies-to-be :)

Hopefully look forward to getting to know you along the way


Hi everyone! All going well I should be due the first week of January. We're not entirely sure which date yet as I'm irregular and waiting for my dating scan.

Lucy xxxx

Lots of newbies :wohoo: welcome to the group ladies and congrats to you all! :flower:

Lucy, let me know when you have an EDD and I'll add you to the list. Alternatively, pick a day and I'll just pop you down on it and we can change it once you've had your scan :) x

Since I had a MMC in March I've been pretty nervous about this pregnancy. I do have a good feeling about it though. I tested at about 4 weeks 3 days and I got Pregnant 2-3 weeks on a clear blue digital. I tested this morning again (at 5 weeks 2 days) and I got 3+ weeks on the clear blue! I'm so happy the little bean is growing. It's going to feel like forever until my first OB appointment. Anyone else get there BFP after a MMC?

There's a few of us here :) I miscarried in January @ 6w, and then again in February @ 4+3 :wacko: hoping for a sticky this time! x

So this is a bit of a tmi post, buuuuut...

When dtd has anyone else been experiencing way more intense "o's"?

Not that I'm complaining...:blush:

Oh yes! It's all that extra blood we have rushing around, making everything more sensitive I think :lol: not complaining either!

Hey everyone, gosh, this group is massive! Hello and welcome to all the new ladies, I have missed so much by not checking this for 2 days!!

So... My private reassurance scan was booked for Tuesday coming. I woke up this morning however and just knew I had to have a scan today. I was so anxious and didn't wanna get out of bed. One of my friends is visiting tomorrow and she is 24 weeks and haven't seen her for ages so think this may have triggered more anxiety on my part...
Anyhows, I phoned the scan place and they managed to slot me in this afternoon...
I'm pleased to say all is well, saw a good strong little heartbeat and dating as I thought I should -6+4 - (I ovulate a bit later than average)
I have passed the point at which I miscarried in February and so I blubbed when I heard the hb... Dh was really emotional too- we were told to expect trouble conceiving after he had chemotherapy last year so finally life is getting better again
Know I'm not out of the woods yet but feeling really positive now :)
Hope everyone is well x

Fantastic news! :happydance:

Evening ladies :hi: hope you've all had a lovely day wherever you are! It's been a beautiful day here, the girls have been in the paddling pool in the garden and OH pottered about whilst I slept in my sun lounger for 3 HOURS!!! :rofl: I feel amazing now, just hoping I can sleep tonight. I'm sure I will!
Since I had a MMC in March I've been pretty nervous about this pregnancy. I do have a good feeling about it though. I tested at about 4 weeks 3 days and I got Pregnant 2-3 weeks on a clear blue digital. I tested this morning again (at 5 weeks 2 days) and I got 3+ weeks on the clear blue! I'm so happy the little bean is growing. It's going to feel like forever until my first OB appointment. Anyone else get there BFP after a MMC?

I had a mmc at 8 weeks in December. Currently 5+6 and very nervous!
Sounds like a great day lolly!

Has anyone got any good aversions? I can't eat a proper meal, I'm trying to eat one as we speak, beef hot pot and chips, and the chips are knocking me sick! What is going on? On the plus side I've lost 7 pounds from living off toast and crisps :haha:
No aversions but I'm kinda craving ice again (did with both of my daughters). Always good to have a non calorific craving :haha:
I've been having a slight aversion to food in general. Which is super odd for me. I just don't really want anything, and have to make myself eat... which is a pain, because since I don't want to eat, I don't want to prepare and smell things- which means fast processed meals.

I wish I could eat something easy like salads, but lettuce gives me major stomach issues and I'd be spending time curled up on the bathroom floor if I ate it!
I know I'm a few post behind everyone, but I'm not having dtd with my boyfriend till I know everything is okiee, we did it a couple of times but had such bad pain I'm too scared now. He has taken it well but isn't happy. Lol. Congratulations to everyone with btp in the last few days. Xxxx
Oooo mummy to be lucky you loosing weight, I've put on nearly a stone!! God knows how since I've hardly been eating with all this sickness but I do put on a lot of weight during pregnancy 4 1/2 stone with number 1 & 3 and 3 1/2 stone with number 2, luckily it did come off with them nearly straight away so I'm hoping for the same this time x
Is there any reason not to? Everything I've read says it should fine, so I figure if I'm going to m/c it'll happen either way...

I can't speak for others situations but do know many AR clinics ask their IVF couples to abstain in very early pregnancy, ours is one of them.

I think it has to do with the fact that for some women o can cause cramping and implantation problems. Especially those who have experienced multiple early losses before? I'm sure their success rates mean quite a bit to them and they want to stack their odds.

I'm not worried about it, but am going to continue following their instruction until I hear otherwise!
I can't bare to open the fridge, everything in it smells gross to me so I make Hubby open it and get whatever we need out of it. All I fancy these days is toast!

It's strange because at first I couldn't stop eating, I wanted everything, and I gained a bit of weight but just lately I hate food :haha:

hubby has some weird chocolate covered nuts on the kitchen side and every time I look at them I gag. Yak! Pregnancy does strange things to our bodies :haha:
Hey ladies, I was able to read all of the replies to me. Thank you all so much for being so concerned. To answer some of your questions, yes I was denied care. The reason i was denied care was not that they did not take my primary and secondary insurance. It was just that they did not take them together. Apparently a lot of places in my area (Cary, NC) are like that. The reason is, is that I have government insurance and a lot of places don't like taking it for some reason. I honestly think taking medicare and medicaid should be required since its given out by the government but alas here in the US its not and it makes no sense at all.. It is so messed up that barely any clinics take my government insurance.. So now the only option I have is to pay $300 extra a month for secondary insurance. I am getting it through blue cross blue shield and its called "medigap". I am so upset that I even have to have a 3rd insurance just to get treated.

Also congrats and welcome to all you lovely ladies joining the group :hugs: <3
oh my god! im gonna kill him! after everything this morning he goes rambling around in my car and nos the front fender is damaged ( this is the car we bought for me last week) there are 2 other cars in the drive way, why did he have to drive mine? he had a wreck yesterday in his old truck but its still driveable. it will cost 1000 dollars to fix mine. that pisses me off. plus i told him that we didnt neex to drive that one everywhere. i mean between me going to work and having to run places fof him and him driving it everytime im not it has 700 miles on it in a week.
oh my god! im gonna kill him! after everything this morning he goes rambling around in my car and nos the front fender is damaged ( this is the car we bought for me last week) there are 2 other cars in the drive way, why did he have to drive mine? he had a wreck yesterday in his old truck but its still driveable. it will cost 1000 dollars to fix mine. that pisses me off. plus i told him that we didnt neex to drive that one everywhere. i mean between me going to work and having to run places fof him and him driving it everytime im not it has 700 miles on it in a week.
Men are so thoughtless sometimes, take some big deep breaths Hun & count to 10 xx

Does anyone else think today is going soooooo slow?!?! Not sure if it's the heat, the argument, the kids arguing or what but I'm really wanting today to be over & it just isn't happening! I've not stopped today either so I thought it would've flown by but nope :-(
Really hoping tomorrow goes faster, scan at 9:30am Monday & it can't come quick enough, I've also given my hubby the job of phoning his mum tomorrow & telling her I don't want her to come to my scan with me, if hubby can't be there I'd really prefer to be on my own, I know it's just me being defensive but I don't want he to be there just incase they say anything bad, I know it's not likely but at this stage anything can happen am I being stupid??
Today's flying by for me, but then again the whole week has!

Hopeful, Arghhh men :grr: they really don't think sometimes!

Kiwi, that's awful. I hope it gets sorted soon :hugs: I am sometimes a little jealous, but I do think it's great how you ladies in the US get unlimited amounts of scans etc etc but in cases like this I'm just glad we have the NHS here and we don't have to worry about these things. So you won't get seen at all until the insurance is all up and running and accepted?
oh my god! im gonna kill him! after everything this morning he goes rambling around in my car and nos the front fender is damaged ( this is the car we bought for me last week) there are 2 other cars in the drive way, why did he have to drive mine? he had a wreck yesterday in his old truck but its still driveable. it will cost 1000 dollars to fix mine. that pisses me off. plus i told him that we didnt neex to drive that one everywhere. i mean between me going to work and having to run places fof him and him driving it everytime im not it has 700 miles on it in a week.
Men are so thoughtless sometimes, take some big deep breaths Hun & count to 10 xx

Does anyone else think today is going soooooo slow?!?! Not sure if it's the heat, the argument, the kids arguing or what but I'm really wanting today to be over & it just isn't happening! I've not stopped today either so I thought it would've flown by but nope :-(
Really hoping tomorrow goes faster, scan at 9:30am Monday & it can't come quick enough, I've also given my hubby the job of phoning his mum tomorrow & telling her I don't want her to come to my scan with me, if hubby can't be there I'd really prefer to be on my own, I know it's just me being defensive but I don't want he to be there just incase they say anything bad, I know it's not likely but at this stage anything can happen am I being stupid??

Nope that's totally understandable I think I'd be the same. Xx
The doctor only scheduled me for an early scan because I've already had 3 early losses, and wants to use it to confirm my pregnancy. As far as I know, they usually do the first between 8-10 weeks, and another at 20. Sometimes one around 32.

There are some places to get private scans where I live, but the earliest they'll do one is 11 weeks, and they want proof that you're under a doctors care and have had previous scans...
My mum offered to come with me but I said no to her for the same reason but with my mil she sort of didn't give me a choice, she just put me on the spot saying I'll come with you I'm off work so I felt abit like "oh ok" but I really don't want her too :-( once I get past 12wks then that's fine if she's off work as I'm sure I'll be having plenty, I had to with my last with number 2 son stopping growing for some unknown reason at 35wks so I'm guessing this time will be the same x
I don't know if I am being overly anxious but tonight I had some really bad cramps and something just feels different :( I am really worried, keep checking for any bleeding and there is none. Hope its my just being paranoid but i am so so scared :(
0203- i'm same day as you, and while walking down the hall i had a sharp stitch that made me stop in my tracks. been having some odd cramping today as well... hopefully everything is ok and this is normal for where we are!

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