Late July Testers! Let's wait together!

Wishn I have it in capsule form so it has no smell or taste!
No EWCM here either (yet). Though I'm never completely sure after BDing.... You know... It looks very similar.
I'm expecting to O around CD16, that's on Monday.
Excited about starting with OPKs today, yay!
I think I may have O'd SUPER early this cycle. But still showing fertile signs (ewcm and SHOW) so we'll keep BDing. I'm not sure what I should count as CD 1 as AF started in the evening and I think I may have O'd yesterday which would be CD 10 or 11.

I may also O today though, but that's still on the early side lol
I think I may have O'd SUPER early this cycle. But still showing fertile signs (ewcm and SHOW) so we'll keep BDing. I'm not sure what I should count as CD 1 as AF started in the evening and I think I may have O'd yesterday which would be CD 10 or 11.

I may also O today though, but that's still on the early side lol

I think generally if AF shows after about 5 then you count CD 1 as the next day. It can't hurt to just keep on BDing though!
Thanks yogi! AF came at 7, so I did count the next day as CD 1. Bah, that means I may have O'd on CD 10! Wth! Does anyone O that early? I feel like that's not a good thing! Here's to hoping I actually O today. CD 11 sounds better than CD 10!
Katy, I totally know what you're saying. I can't tell for at least 24 hours after BDing if the stuff is me or him! Especially if I fall asleep with all of it in there...ick.

Belle...that's a tricky chart. If you ignore those higher temps during AF it does look like you've had your temp shift already. But let the BD marathon continue until you're sure!

I took 1000 mg EPO capsule yesterday afternoon...gave me the worst pains. Maybe I will try taking it with food. Unless those were early O pains...who knows?
Thanks Wishn, my chart isn't the greatest lol. The unofficial coverline I keep in mind based on previous cycles is 36.7. generally once I cross that line it means I've O'd, which would suggest I O'd yesterday on CD 10. Ugh. I feel like that's too early and like I'm out for sure this cycle as a result.

I'm thinking about taking myo-insitol next cycle as I've heard it can delay ovulation for some ladies. My O could use a little delaying I think

Definitely take the epo with food! Sorry you seemed to have a bad reaction!
Belle- I don't think that's a bad thing to O early, it's better to have a long LP anyways to allow for implantation.

I have a totally TMI question for you ladies. We have always used condoms so I have really never dealt with the *ahem* ... leakage... after a BDing session. If I even sit up it all drips out. How long do you stay lying down afterwards, and how much is normal to fall out after? So sorry about the gross question!
Yogi, I think O'ing earlier just means AF is coming earlier, my LP will probably stay the same

I usually stay lying down for 20 minutes after! Or up to 30 if I can last that long lol

I usually get a little flow back immediately after he finishes, but I try to minimize that as much as possible. Eventually all of the fluid comes out because only the swimmers stay inside! Definitely gets messy lol, so I keep tissue nearby
Haha Yogi there is no such thing as TMI when TTC! If we BD in the morning, I would try to stay lying down for at least 15 min...longer if it's a weekend morning. If we BD at night, I try to pee first so that I don't have to get up again and then just go to sleep with all that lovely stuff in there. It can be pretty messy... a wad of tissue can make a good temporary 'plug'.

You can try putting a pillow under your butt with your legs up in the air to keep it from leaking out and give the swimmers a little gravitational help, but this might just be an old wives tale!

Apparently the highest concentration of sperm is in the first bit of ejaculate, and it comes out with so much force that some of them will start swimming into the cervix almost immediately. That reminds me, my DH and I are supposed to watch the "great sperm race" on youtube sometime.
Thanks ladies! That's good to know that the fluid is meant to come and that the swimmers still stay behind. I was worried that they were all getting flushed out when the fluid came out.

The Great Sperm Race is fantastic! I've watched it twice now, once with OH, once just on my own and both times I learned something new.
I will look for that great sperm race, sounds interesting!!! Yogi its perfectly normal for stuff to come out :) all of that extra fluid isn't meant to stay in!

Well I did a chart search on FF and it still shows 35% of all charts are pregnancy charts for CD 10 ovulation for people my age. So I guess I should stop stressing lol, it's obviously still possible! It also shows average time TTC is like 8.5 months, so I guess I'm still in the average range. I'm on my 9th cycle but my 8th month
6 dpo is still pretty early for getting symptoms!

I think no symptoms is probably a better sign as symptoms often just mean PMS lol
Hello everyone!

I have pcos with gluten intolerance and dairy intolerance, all around super duper!

I am on dpo3, we had clomid and metformin and are doing timed intercourse. I won't be able to test until the 15ish as I also had a hcg shot, fun times!

I had hot flashes yesterday morning and today, but I'm not sure if it has anything to do with pregnancy symptoms or the fact that I had dairy on Monday, lol!

I wish us all luck! Anyone testing on the 15th?
Hello wishin! :wave: I also have a dairy intolerance, isn't it just the most sexy of disorders to have?

Belle- I think you still have great chances even with the early O this month. Just keep on BDing to be sure!

jbuggx- 6 dpo does sound pretty early for symptoms. I think that most women don't even implant until at least 5 dpo, so probably wouldn't see symptoms until at least 8.

I'm still just waiting for AF to leave, she seems to be finishing up her business fairly quickly this month though so that's good news. I've had a few moments of slight panic when I think about the fact that this is no longer hypothetical, I am really going to try for a baby. I think that's pretty normal when TTC #1 though, to feel like you are certainly not adult enough for this. After so many years of trying really hard to not make a baby, it's hard to tell myself that this is allowed now! :haha:
Ah haha Yogi! When I first started TTC I felt exactly the same way! Like what we were doing was against the rules somehow lol.

Now it's taken so long I've almost kind of forgotten that the end result is (hopefully) a baby!
DH and I just watched The Great Sperm Race...funny and informative! It did say that dtd every 2-3 days is best when TTC. We are aiming for every other day. Go spermies, go! :haha:
Just watched the great sperm race too! It was awesome and actually quite funny! It's amazing any of them make it through.
When I watched that with OH we were betting on which spermie was going to win. I was rooting for the girl who almost made it.

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