LTTTC while feeling left behind Room - Welcome

Af got me..just started spotting and I cried during a diaper commercial yesterday. At least I'm still on schedule for fertile time during Mexico. On my way to a party....guess I'll drink it away
pooka - We'll mostly likely be transferring two. :)

A little update for you ladies ... I've been in bed since I got home from the procedure around 2 o'clock. I have been trying to sleep but it hasn't been great sleep ... it's been on and off and because I had a heating pad on me I've been hot and can't sleep when I'm hot. Figures! I just got up about 15-20 minutes ago to use the bathroom for the first time and it was horrible. Pain upon urination and I got this horrible hot flash ... probably due to the fact that I've had the heating pad on me for so long. I had a little bit of a panic attack that I had OHSS but I took my temperature and it's in normal range and I'm not having pain when I press on my belly so it's not that ... still drinking lots of gatorade and eating protein when I can ... I'd rather have carbs Trying to stay happy even though I'm in this pain, hopefully I'll start feeling a little better by tomorrow morning.
Gdane - sorry AF got you! :hugs: Have a GREAT time in mexico!

scerena - yes procedure is very nerving but you still do GREAT! If I can do it, anyone can :hugs:

pooka - I'm sorry you guys have gotten to the point of IVF but IVF has such good success rates it will be worth it!

phrum - yay for good numbers!!! Not being on progestrone must be nice :) I'm getting ready to do intramuscular PIO shots ... not fun but it has to be done! Good luck, I hope you get your bfp this cycle!

teddy - I'm glad everything looked great on your sono!
pook Great news that you dont need another lap hun :hugs: It is really good that your ob is focusing on your hubs considering that you ovulate :)

So we will be TWW buddies sounds great :happydance:

I have my follow up appointment with my fs on 15th nov, so not long after you :)
I hope the orientation isnt too far away so that you can get things moving along :hugs:

I have my 1st egg sharing counselling appointment on monday- I know all about the egg sharing but they will make sure me and oh know all whats to come and how we feel about it all etc- I hope I dont cry as I did on a normal fertility counselling appointment :dohh:

Sending plenty of :dust: your way :hugs:

Aw Thanks Scerena!! It was very comforting knowing with all my past problems that the dr wasn't worried on my end...I still feel bad for hubs and hope i qualify for egg sharing and the fs recomends good stuff for us..even if its icsi ...It will be so cool being cycle buddies with you!! How do you feel about the counseling session?? I was thinking about how all that would go for us myself, i think i will just be glad to help another family that is in the same first i didnt like the idea but it really doesn't seem to bother me now as if it were me i would hope someone would help us out!
I am anxious to get this started and get a bfp :haha::happydance:
awwww GDANE i am so sorry!!! Many hugs! Drink up girlie you deserve it!!! Text me if you want to talk anytime!!
Ash- hope you feel better2 is the perfect number!
Yeah I think two sounds good. I want two because I want twins or one. OH and I already talked about twins and even though it will be very hard, we are willing to do it and comfortable with it. so ... FX'd it works. I would just as happy if only one implanted as well. At this point I just want a healthy happy baby.
I was thinking the same or two I would be ok with, but more than two would sure be a handful!! Especially at one time...then again thats just how i feel about it!

I hope you get your bfp!
How did the meds/shots make you feel I didnt some during IuI's in the past but I get really bad PMS and am a little worried about how these hormones and such may affect me...
Yeah 3 would be craziness!

I did okay on the shots. I was a little more bitchy ... and snapped at my OH a little more than normal but honestly I was fine. The ER is what got me. I didn't even bruise from the shots so I was very lucky and fortunate. It seems very intimidating but it's really not so bad.
Wow, Ash! 25 eggs and getting two transferred. I am so excited for you and can't wait to see how it works out. I always thought twins would be okay, too.

Gdane, sorry about AF. Hope you enjoyed yourself at the party, though! That's the one benefit of AF -- at least you know you can have a few drinks. And, like you said, the timing in Mexico will be perfect! I know someone who could only seem to get pregnant when she went on vacation. So, I'm hoping that's what works for you, too.

Scerena, hooray being able to egg share!

Pooka, glad things are moving along for you and they have a plan for you and your guy.

No news from me until Monday. I'm trying to not think about it all too much and just focus on the weekend. :hugs: to all and I'm sorry for those of you I missed. :(
gdane I am so sorry hunni :hugs: it's never easy wether u expect the :witch: or not :hugs: try and enjoy your party and have a drink or few for me ;) really hope you get your conceived in Mexico baby :hugs:

ash thank you hun :) you have done great and I really hope that you feel better real soon :hugs:

pook your very positive attitude is lovely to see :) I have every faith your fs will help your oh, otherwise if Ivf/icsi is the option then you will still get your baby :hugs:
I haven't gave the counselling session much thought, but I think I might cry as I did on the normal fertility counselling- when they bring my long journey up it makes me emotional :(

I really want to help another lady who is in a worse position then myself- these ladies can range from- having chemo treatment to leaving ttc too late, early menopause etc... Giving someone the gift of life they thought they never would have is an amazing gift :hugs:

I can't wait to hear how it all goes when you speak with your fs :)

phrum thank you, it's my only option left how scary!! Gl Monday Hun :hugs:
Hope you have a lovely weekend :hugs:

Oh yeh ash & pook here they only allow two max transferred and if under 35 they recommend one- but I want two transferred if I have two good embies as it def would increase chances right, I too am happy for one or two :)
I have not had time to read though the posts. Just stopping by to say HI! I'm counting down to Tuesday! sorry about AF :(

I'm cheering each and everyone of you on!
It an be hard to keep up with everything! Remind me, Lekker: what's on Tuesday?
So, after not being able to sleep for longer than an hour at a time, I was FINALLY able to sleep for 5 1/2 hours straight after taking a pain killer (tylenol) from 2-7:30 ... so I feel pretty good about that. I woke up a few times in between but just to roll over ... well roll over as much as I could. I woke up this morning feeling a bit better, still sore down there and have to walk kind of hunched over because if I stand up tall I get this pinching feeling down there...not fun. I also just gave myself my first PIO shot. It wasn't that bad ... I've watched videos online about how to do it and it really was not that bad at all ... big pinch once it penetrated skin but after that easy. I honestly think the worst part is sitting there waiting for the medicine to go in ... since it's thick it takes FOREVER!

I think I'm going to try and take a 30 minute walk with my mom this morning because it says to take a walk and not sit around because then the oils sits but I'm not sure ... at this point I might not be ready to take a walk. I cannot wait to hear the fert report!! I'm so nervous about it but excited at the same time. Will update you girls when I know!
Okay so they called and out of 25 ... 10 fertilized without ICSI. Not really happy about it but oh well ... what am I going to do.
Gdane-so sorry AF got you. Man, life is so unfair. I hope you are doing well mentally and physically. When is your vacation scheduled?

ash-that's great that 10 fertilized so easily! how exciting!!! i'm glad you're getting some rest! Tomorrow is when they put the 2 back in?

pook-glad that you don't need another lap. That sucks that ivf is the best option for you but I think it is good to know your options. I give up on natural though. Either way, I hope it happens soon.

Hello to everyone else!! I finally got a new computer so i'm trying to catch up on peoples journals and the threads. I hope everyone is doing well. Hopefully we see some bfp's soon! I'm doing surprisingly well! i'm loving this all natural feeling! lol!

Scerena-i will definitely be moving on to the injectibles after the new year. Maybe February if it doesn't happen naturally. Do you have to pay for yours? that's the only thing really making me hesitate.
ash that's great news that 10 fertalized Hun :hugs: I hope your ET goes well hunni and glad you are managing to get some rest :hugs:

teddy :nope: I got three goes on the nhs as was clomid resistant... If I want more cycles I have to pay but they recommended the Ivf now... I can't get that on the nhs though :(
How much will the drugs cost you?? Can you find any cheaper?? Really hoping that you get your:bfp: Hun and dont need the injects :hugs:
Teddy I've heard injectable are cheaper online at like

I'm ok I guess. Just hope my body stays on track at least one more cycle. We leave for Minneapolis next Friday then leave for Mexico Dec 12th-19th.

Sorry I haven't written to anyone. Hope you all are well. All the girls that know me know that it takes me a few days to get over af. All this ivf talk really makes me want to talk trav into it. Grr
teddy - Uhm, not tomorrow, I wish! :haha: Tomorrow is day 2, Monday is day 3 ... so as of right now I'm going in on Monday but they will call me that day and let me know if it is going to stay day 3 or if we're going to push it back to day 5 which is Wednesday. I'm looking forward to the transfer though, now that they're fertilized all I want to do it have my babies in my belly!

scerena - thanks :hugs: How are you going?

As far as the 10 that fertilized without ICSI .. I was not happy about it at the time because I was just kind of in shock that we had 25 and only 10 fertilized but I e-mailed my doctor and he said that he's very happy with that and I guess it really is a good thing they fertilized naturally. I was hoping for more but am extremely grateful for what we were able to get! I won't hear anything more about the embryos until Monday unless something goes wrong with them tomorrow. So FX'd!
gdane I'm the same when af gets me :hugs: just take your time and we will all be here for you :hugs: I hope you start to feel better soon :hugs:

ash 10 is really good Hun :hugs: I'm doing good just in my crappy tww not really thinking about it much and preparing myself for af and my break really...

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