teddy sorry af showed her face

I am glad you had counselling today, so is this cycle going to be a natural cycle???
Sending tons of

your way Hun
Counseling is really really helping. I highly recommend it to everyone! i would be a complete mess without it! Yes, this cycle is completely natural...well except for supplements lol. i'm taking
bcomplex 100
apple cider vinegar pills 2x a day
and the thyroid med.
I also bought some detox and womens health tea to try but i haven't had any yet. I'm scared! i hate hot tea, lol!
Hi girls!
I got back from Singapore this morning! It was a really great time, even though it was a work trip (I have a great job). You'll never guess what happened while I was there -- I Oed! I couldn't believe it! CD 23 or so. And it the strongest ovulation I think I've had -- loads of ECM (I've only got this one or twice in the past year) and I felt like BDing with every guy there (LOL -- and really sorry for the TMI). Hubs and I BDed when I got home, but I'm pretty sure we were too late. Anyway, I am just so excited that my body is doing something!
I thought of you all while I was there and couldn't wait to check back and see how everyone was doing. It's nice to see more people on here and to get to know more people.
Teddy and Pooka, I also have the spotting problem. It was better when I was using progesterone cream, but the FS also thinks it might be endo. In any case, I'm using it again now that I've Oed (and I stopped the vitex and EPO) so we'll see what happens. But glad you're feeling better and that the counseling helped, Teddy.
I hope you were able to get in a good one anyways! thats hilarious that you wanted to BD anyone in sight! i guess that part is working! I have taken progesterone pills for 2 cycles now and it did not make any difference with my spotting!

Neither did the estrogen that i tried last cycle

My dr is thinking i might have a polyp now. I know i don't have endo because i had a myomectomy in March to remove fibroids and there wasn't any endo so i'm curious to what my problem is.
Teddy: Hi sweety. How are you? I see therapy was good. I'm thinking of calling today. So is DH going to your sessions now or just some of them. I think DH needs to go as well but I don't want to talk everything in front of him. I have found a lady that I think I want to use but I don't know how he would feel having a lady.
AFM: I think I'm in the 2WW. Temps are rising. I had a positive opk in the evening on Friday and then a neg opk Sat. morning and then a positive Sat afternoon. Really weird for me. I'm hoping its like someone told me that the morning was a false neg due to low Lh in my urine. So anyways..I had to pull out the thermy (I didn't want to) and seem to have temp rises. I'm keeping up the BD for a bit to be sure. It didn't try to come out the gate and then go back. Anyways other than that just trying to make it through the day.
Dh only went to the most recent one since i started. He didn't really offer much input but it did open up communication for us and that helped. I don't think he is ready yet, so he will be staying home for a while, lol. Did you ever make an appt? When i was there with the therapist, i didn't hold anything back since dh was there. I figured he might as well know exactly how i feel and what i'm going through and how therapy is helping me.
So are you officially in the tww now? i will be sending prayers your way
All of the medical terminology and explanation is too hard to understand and even explain...but it all boils down to my husband not being a candidate for clomid or testosterone and he suggests that medicine isn't going to do it based on the results....his s/a was a higher but still no where near as high as it should be but there was also more volume and what not so that makes sense...he said that medication wouldn't help...Scerena, did you husband have his lh and fsh and all that checked? IF so was it normal??
He suggests we go to start iui or ivf...he also said that he wanted hubs checked for sleep apnea as it could cause problems with testosterone levels....i had sleep apnea as an infant myself..and hubs could have it I suppose but he said that getting that fixed wouldn't guarantee a high sperm and testosterone either....
ugh I am totally bummed! I don't see why no medicine willhelp, he explained it all but i just don't full get it
Sorry your appt didn't go as well as you had hoped.

Sometimes i think they (drs) cancel out any thought of supplements and vitamins and just try to make money by going straight to ivf or iui. Do you have any idea what your plan is? How is your OH reacting to the news?
Gdane-I hope you are feeling better now? thinking of you
krystinabe-thats awesome about ovulation! just think, if you get pregnant, you can tell your child that they are a hurrican baby! lol!
lekker-good luck with the job opportunity. I hope it works out for you

Do you have any idea what you are going to do about ivf?
scerena-I love that statistic article that you posted earlier! How are you doing?
I'm sorry if i missed anyone and i hope everyone is doing well!
AFM- My doctor has scheduled me a sonohysterogram this thursday to check my uterus for a polyp or something. He is not happy that i'm still spotting even after all the progesterone and estrogen. I hope that a don't have a polyp. I'm not looking forward to another surgery if that is the case

Other than that, i'm going natural this cycle and its a big relief!