Aw sorry liz & redrose Just did a brief catch up - and not sounding good, but no AF could also mean a hidden bfp - fingers are all crossed, i have heard random stories where bfp hasnt shown till week 8/9 - just due to low risin hcg.
Interesting that you mention low progesterone - this is what im looking at atm - after just over a year of ttc with irregular cycles, light AF and no bfp. Had some bloods done and had a level of progesterone id expect for day 2 or 3 - on day 9 of my cycle. But my gp is no help, and i dont know much about progesterone levels - maybe one of you ladies could pm me and help??
In terms of today being my test day - AF still hasn't shown, but i have a horrible cold; so maybe its saying away coz im unwell? Who knows - as i said, my body has irregular cycles. But this month did have a lot going for it - so who knows. Time will tell i guess - going to give it a couple more days before i test I have no tests currently, need to buy some more - but because i have none handy i don't feel the anxiety to test. Will keep you all updated thouh
BFN this morning on FS and FRER.... Looks like I'm out.... Spotting is also dark tek with clots, but super light, not even close to AF??? So I'm clueless.....
I guess? But seems like everyone on here who's gotten a BFP got it at 8 or 9 DPO, maybe AF is just early this cycle? But I've never had it a week early before....
I've never gotten a positive before 10 DPO. With my first pregnancy, I tested at 10 DPO and got a BFN. Tested again the next morning at 11 DPO and got a faint but obvious BFP. So you're def not out yet. Yeah not sure what the bleeding is about sorry .
Hey, depending on o time and rising levels of hcg, you might not get a positive until after 16 dpo... I just posted up a testing time info in the tww section.
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