Moaning Minnies United!

I'd like to have 2 children... and if I got to pick, I'd definitely love to have a little boy first :) then a little girl second. I'd love for the big brother to be protective of his younger sister :)

Aww that would be adorable :) Was talking to OH earlier. He wants 2 children, which is a shame because I only want one! Also apparently we're keeping going until we have a boy. I told him he wasn't Henry VIII ;) that shut the silly fool up ;) x x xx
Aww dakron sweetie, I'm sorry you had such nasty partners. I think that you must be amazing for coping with all of that!

My aunt was recently in an abusive relationship and I've seen the effect that it has on her. She was with him for five years and has only just moved out and is picking her life up. Everyone suspected the guy but she always defended him and made excuses. She's still too shy to want to meet a new guy right away but I hope that she will. (Obviously I'm not comparing this to your situation darling, it's just that I've seen the sort of control that partners can have AND my aunt doesn't have children either.)

Anyway girlies.... Whereabout are you in your cycle. We need to write the testing dates on the intial thread post :)

it doesn't matter wether u were comparing situations hun, at the end of the day no woman deserves to be slapped about or worse, im sure your aunty will find someone, af started the friday before last, so that makes me bout cd9, i think due to start using opk tomoro xxxx:hugs::hugs:
Oooh good idea! Let me know how you get on with the OPKs :)

So af was due last night/this morning but no show yet. I think I'll probably get the witch tonight but fingers crossed, arms crossed, everything crossed she won't show!

I went on a fancy dress ride on my horsey earlier and have sprained my ankle. He fell over a rock, poor thing, but I was still on him and he landed on me! I'm lucky to have got away with such a minor injury but I hope it hasn't knocked anything. That was the first time that I've fell from him!

Anyway ladies how are you doing? Whereabouts are you in your cycle? Anyone in the DPO stage yet??! xxx
I'm out ladies :'( :'(

Feel like such a failure this morning, so want my :bfp:

But my OH has just driven down from work to give me roses and a hug. He said that we can carry on ntnp if we want to. I'm so lucky really, just want this so so badly.

How is everybody else?! x x x
Aww Im so sorry hunny!! :( :hugs: That is so sweet of your OH! Sometimes all it takes is a hug, but the roses sure help too! There is always next month :) Remember, like you always say... your body is getting that new egg all ready!! Time to start fresh! :hugs: it'll happen xxoo

Im CD18 today and I dont know if I OV'd yet. According to FF I havent OV'd yet so... guess not! But I do need 3 days of higher temps and yesterday and today they were higher, so maybe tomorrow will confirm that I OV'd this weekend sometime or maybe even today!

DH and I BD'd last night and am hoping to again tonight and every other night this week. Im just hoping I dont OV late again this month as DH is going away this weekend and I bet that is the time I am going to OV. *sigh*

Would be nice to be able to tell family that I am pg at Xmas... doesnt seem like its going to happen though.

Ok.. time to vent for a minute...

I'm so tired of this "pull-out" business. We talked about TTC and he doesnt want to actually TRY just yet because he wants us to buy a house first. But he full on knows the risks of us BD'ing without any protection or me not being on the pill or anything. I feel like Im getting mixed signals .. its like he doesnt want to "officially" try but he's ok if it were to happen. So why not just make it happen if it'll be ok!? Sorry ladies -- RANT OVER. Whats the big difference between TTC and NTNP anyway?! :p

Ugh... men. Whoever said we women are the complicated ones... apparently never dated a man. :p

I just want it to happen... :( My nephew is going to be 6 and my niece is going to be 4. My only sibling is my sister... and it would be nice if our kids werent so far in age. (my sister is 4 years older than me though...) My DH has no siblings... so our kids only cousins will be my sister's children. I feel like our parents are getting older and I'd really love for my children to be able to know my parents and his parents.

What is wrong with me today? I'm all emotional :p WTF. Ok, its 8:50am and I need COFFEE. LOL Snap me out of this funk.

Hope you both had a great weekend :) And D -- stay positive sweetie :) It'll happen for us when its meant to, right?

:hugs: and :dust: to both of you!
Ugh... men. Whoever said we women are the complicated ones... apparently never dated a man. :p

This is so true ^ Made my day!

Aww sweetie :hugs: I know it's difficult I feel the same with my OH. He's clearly ok with it but wants to not ttc because we're still young?! So if he thinks we're too young then we shouldn't be ntnp anyway but he wants to be a dad and I know that we're not! It's bloody frustrating. Grr.

All I know is that I'm becoming a nymphomaniac this cycle - talking :sex:, :sex: and more :sex:!

I'm an only child and I know it sounds so so immature but I want to get my :bfp: before my mother does! Can't keep on getting negs or af or both. I went to visit her earlier and she was moaning about how tired she was and all I was thinking (and this is terrible I know, I need a slap) was please don't be pregnant.

Spent a lovely day curled up with OH and I love him so so much but I'm just exhausted. I think tonight made me realise for the first time in a long while that I need to take a step back and not let ttc/ntnp/whatever we're doing take over. Still gonna go at it like a mad nympho rabbit on viagra on death row but only around OV time and then just act how I want and when I want until I get my bfp. Like stop avoiding going out with friends for a drink in the 2ww etc.

I so hope you catch the egg Paris! We need a bfp to bump up morale!! Just promise me that even if you move onto to the first tri threads that you'll keep me updated :) :)

But for now let's kick some ntnp butt! x x x
I hear ya on the frustrating part! :dohh:

DH and I are supposed to sit down and talk about what he wants and what I want and develop some sort of timeline. Im a little nervous to talk to him about it all ... but I am hopeful that it'll help.

And woooooooooooooah, bow chicka wow wow. LOL time to get your :sex: on, eh? :p I really hope you get your BFP!!! :) So does this mean you and OH will continue to NTNP? I remember you saying something about stopping for a while because of a holiday you'd like to take... Either way, I hope whatever you want, happens :) You deserve it!

Oh ya! I forgot that your mom was also TTC at the moment. Do you think she may be pregnant??? And dont worry about the "terrible" thought. Im sure that if your mom was to fall pregnant, you'd be happy for her. Just like when it happens to you (and it will! :hugs:) she'll be happy for you.

It sounds like you and your OH spent a lovely day yesterday! Its always nice to just have a "cuddle" day with your man. I love to snuggle too! (especially when its cold outside.. and winter is coming... plus I live in Canada! so we're always cold... LOL jk we dont live in igloos :p)

Anyways... I'm now on CD20 and Im pretty sure I OV'd on Monday, so I should be about 2DPO today. DH and I BD'd the night before O day, so I hope I'm in the running... FX!!!

How are you both doing today?
ahh girls hope your both ok, doodah, im so sorry that u didn't get the result we all want, it must be very hard with your mum ttc as well, i hope you get ur bfp 1st, try not to stress, princess said something bout u goin stop trying whilst goin on holiday, don't stop hun, the chances are you'll relax on holiday n then get home n find out your expecting, good luck to you both, im now 1dpo, well i think so anyway xxxxx
Will be keeping my eyes out for anything else and believe me you'll be getting the full end of the details lol.
Paris: I don't know. I think they're ntnp too, I just hope that they don't get very far. I don't think that my mum's resourceful enough to find out about OVing etc to help as I wasn't planned and am an only child, so I don't think she'd already know! I just saw the folic acid in the cupboard and asked her why it was there. Her and my stepdad (who's dad to me really) haven't ever had kids together and now I'm all grown up they want to try. Personally I think they've left it too late and prioritised everything else first but that's their decision.

It's soo exciting the start of the 2ww because you still have time to symptom spot etc. I guess that you and Dakron are OVing roughly the same time :)

Not gonna take it too seriously this cycle really apart from OV time. And the 2ww?? Not even thinking about it :blush: in theory anyway!

Not seeing OH tonight, he's working late shifts this week :( So I'm just catching up on my uni work which I should have done a long time ago!!

What plans have you guys got this week??

We're going to see a firework show on Saturday with a huge group of friends. Hopefully af will have cleared for then but she's heavy this month :( Then we're off to see the MIL and co on Sunday, I really love his family but my Oh is kind of a mummy's boy sometimes and despite thinking that it's a good thing I'm always the wrong one at their house ya know?

x x x x x
DH is gone to Montreal this weekend for a guys fun weekend. Its good :) He needs to do this stuff -- makes him happy and I like when he's happy. :) So I've got the place all to myself this weekend...(well me and the cat lol). I plan on doing a WHOLE LOT OF NOTHING. LOL! Im going to curl up the couch and watch a movie or two. I also just bought two books so it'll be nice to just laze around and read. :) Its so rare to have NOTHING to do on a weekend, so Im going to take advantage!

Its very exciting being in the TWW... its also a slow, painful hell. LOL JK! :p Waiting, waiting and more waiting! Im trying not to symptom spot at all -- its great actually... I havent really thought about it the past few days since I've been so swamped at work. Im trying not to stress myself :) Just staying happy and hoping for a BFP in a few weeks. Im not going to do any testing unless AF is AT LEAST 3 days late :)

DH and I :sex: last night and it was just for fun. :) And it was good too!! tee hee hee :blush: Should have jumped him this morning lol -- especially since I wont see him all weekend.

To be honest with you ladies, for a while I was a little worried that I wasn't OV'ing, but since I started charting my temps and using OPKs, I feel much better. Based on all my info such as temps, OPK, CM, etc... I definitely ovulated this month! :happydance:

I see alot of women posting in threads about having irregular periods and having PCOS. I was tested for PCOS a little over a year ago (did a vaginal ultrasound and other tests) and no "strings of pearl" type cysts were found on my ovaries. (THANK GOD!)

I really hope this is our month ladies! :) FX and :dust: to both you!
D -- my DH is a mommy's boy too. I mean, sometimes its very cute and I just love him for it... Other times, it's not so attractive :p
Do you both take folic acid now? I heard that its good take take even while TTC. I haven't started but am thinking I might...

What are your thoughts on it?
Aww that'll be nice. I know what you mean, as much as I love OH I also love when I have the house to myself for a few days. The sex having missed them is the best type!!

AF is still here and I hope that she's gone for Saturday! On the plus side I can have a few drinks with my girls and I couldn't have done that if I was pg I guess! That's the problem with being this age, all of my friends find it new and exciting to go out drinking. I grew up in a pub so have always seen it as nothing special ;)

Yeah the 2ww is a killer! Exciting of course and it get's me through ttc (for half the month I could be pregnant). If youre ticker is right then it's too early to even symptom spot! :hugs:

I haven't been tested for anything but I figure I'll give it a while yet. Do you have to have smears in Canada? Maybe at my next one I'll ask but that's a while yet.

Spontaneous sex is so much better!! I love it when me and OH just pash out somewhere. AF is killing me, we both just wanted to do it so badly the other night but :witch: was full flow. Think she's on her way out though now. Can't believe how long she's got since ttc. Makes me think I had a chemical in May because that month was so so painful and there were clots etc. Plus after then my cycle was lengthened and AF changed. Glad I don't know for sure though.

Yeah this so needs to be our month. Christmas :bfp: for the win!! xxxxxx
I took it for a while but after I realised I wasn't getting pg I stopped. I have it in my cupboard though ready for a bfp. Plus I take it occasionally in the 2ww.

It's a good idea I guess??
Oooh my girlfriend has just called me! Im going to an uber cool club with her tonight! PARTY!!

Sorry, my social life seems to have collapsed. I'm buzzing :) :)
hi girls, goodness it makes me laugh wen i read some of the things u write, sooo sweet, doodah sorry witch still with u, enjoy ur night out, princess i take follic acid, n have done every day since i concieved our 1st baby in 2008, sometime i forget, but i put that down to my age lol, hope your both ok, fx n lots of baby dust for us all xxxx
That's the best thing about bnb I think, having women around who know what you're going through and supporting you and making you smile :)

I'm just chilling at the house, OH has just gone to work so I'm just sat in PJs on his xbox haha ;)

Soo hungry but cba to make myself food, that would mean traipsing all the way downstairs haha!

How are you ladies today then?? x x x x

Oh and the witch has finally left the building!
Hope you ladies had a good weekend!!

I spent it mostly in bed sleeping. I was sick sick sick! It was like a flu and I had such bad chills. My boss and one of our law students were really sick last week, so I must have caught it from them :(

DH came home last night after his weekend away and I couldn't even really say hello cause I was sooooo tired. He seemed to have had a good time, so that's good :) glad he was away while I was sick. When I get sick, I want to be left alone lol

Sooo tired still... think I'll go back to bed for a bit!

How was the fireworks and visit with the OH's family??


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