Moaning Minnies United!

And FX for you! Im so happy to hear that youre in this month! Jump on that OH of yours again tonight :p

If you do get your BFP... are you still going to move away?
We need to move south for OH's work really. He's a med student so is kinda taking any placement he can at the minute and has been offered a really good one. If I do get my positive then we're gonna move still, but it will be later and it just means he'll have to commute back and forth and it's a few hours away.

I'm sure that everything will be awesome :) I think you'll get your bfp by new years sweetie! At the very lastest a January positive! Sooo happy for you. I actually grinned and went all soppy to OH when I read you were actually trying.

My OH is good on his timing too, I think he came in me the other night because he knew that if it wasn't now it would be a year or maybe two before we tried again :'( Let's hope that this we did enough now!

I heard the other day that cough medicine thins the ewcm to make it easier for the swimmers to get through. Another bnb lady told me this and I thought it was quite interesting! Was gonna give it a go next time but obviously not now so just putting it out there. Don't know how much truth is in it anyway ;)

:dust: :dust:

Dakron, where have you gone?? xx
Wow! A med student :) Good for him! (and you!) Thats impressive. Glad to hear he was offered a great placement.

Ive heard that too about cough medicine... but Im not really one to take medication "just because"... so I highly doubt I'd try that. Im thinking of maybe getting preseed for this month, just to try. I dont really have an issue with my own EWCM but Ive read that preseed helps "keep it in there" and no dripping. LOL We'll see. I really dont want to spend the money on it though, so I doubt I'll get it. Just an idea!

So... I found out why my temps were high and why I've been getting hot flashes.

Went to the clinic this morning and I've got a kidney infection!! :( I feel ok though so its not a bad one, thank goodness. So now I've got to take these massive horse pills for the next week. I told the Dr. that I am due for AF any day (supposed to be today, but nothing yet) and that I am hoping to TTC this next month. He did say that these pills will be out of my system by the time I start trying again, so no worries.

He did do a pg test, just to be sure and BFN! :) So Im glad I didnt waste money on tests and Im also glad that this infection acted out now... rather than later.

So Im on the mend and should be good by the time DH and I need to start trying!!
Wow :) I bet you're glad that got sorted then. It's great to get answers at least :) I was looking for pre-seed the other day but I couldn't find any in my pharmacy. Never mind though because we're giving up after this round!

I think next month will be your lucky month :) I hope so anyway. Even if I'm not trying I'll pop on often to check up on the progress!

Hopefully af will show then soon and that way you can get on with trying to bake a baby.

Can't believe that I'm in the 2ww again, already. What with my friends scare and everything it seems like I've never left it. OH well :) I'll symptom spot away to my hearts content because I'm gonna miss doing that!

I'm spending the weekend at OH's grandma's place. I've only met her a few times. I think she likes me so it's not awkward but the other family type thing never seems to be that enjoyable. Plus no-one knows we're ttc still! It's kinda nice having it that way though because it's our little secret. I don't know how our family would react to be honest though about it. My mum wouldn't be thrilled because she was 22 when I was born and told me to wait, she wasn't in my situation though so it balances I think.

Got any fun stuff happening this weekend??

x x x x x
Ya, hoping for AF feels so weird LOL But it was a day late last month, so if not today, then most definitely tomorrow. :)

YOU BETTER POP ON TO CHECK ON PROGRESS!! What the hell woman?! lol :p We've been in this together from the start! :) Even if you'll be WTT (if you dont get your BFP this month!) I'd love to be able to share news with you :hugs:

Nothing fun planned this weekend, but next weekend is our mini holiday so I'll be gone for 4-5 days! :) Very excited! My DH has been so sweet lately, even though he is going through a tough time at work. :( I feel so lucky to have him :) He really is a special man.

Are you happy to be spending the weekend at OH's grandma's place? It seems like you get to spend alot of time with his family. That is really sweet :)

Is your mom still TTC?
hello girls, sorry i had a bad week last week, on a couple of accasions over the last 6 wks, iv seen blood in my bra, only a little bit, but still worrying, so last wk i finally got an appointment at the hos, i went on thur morn, my paper work said i was seeing a miss verik or something like that, when i got to the hos on the notice board it said she was on holiday, i was abit annoyed to say the least, then i found out that i was to see a man, oh boy did i lose it, im not a prude by no means but the idea of a strange man touching my bust really upset me, he came in n said something to me, unfortunatly i was rather a mess n didn't get wat he said so asked the nurse, n she said he had said "i would have to go home if i didn't want to be seen by him", between my h n the nurse they persuaded me to allow him to examine me, i had tears streaming down my cheeks has he press my boobs n then hate to admit this but he squeezed my r nip, then he stood back n said there's nothing there. get dressed, i sat up n grabbed my bra, i felt to humiliated as i felt he was calling me a liar, anyway fortunatly that morn i had worn a white bra, in the cup of the r side was a blood stain, so i basically flung my bra at him n said wats that then, the nurse spoke to him then turned to me n said i should get dressed n go down to xray for a mammogram n a scan, so still in tears i got myself sorted n h n i made our way to the other end of the hos, the mammogram was sooooo painful, the nurse was very kind, then had the scan, the nurse did my r side went backwards n forwards then asked if she could do the left to compare, i knew then that she'd found something different. after we were told to go away n return in 2 hrs, we did, saw the same dr, unfortunatly still couldn't quite understand wat he was telling me, so wen he wen i got the nurse to explain, she said they found a lump behind r nip, she said they would call me n make an app for me to go bk for a needle biopsy, then will have to wait 3 wks for the results, then go bk again 10days later for another mammogram, iv heard absolutly nothing since.

Then to top it all the fri before last i rescued a little cat, i found her down the alley nr my house, she was skin n bones, n her fur was all matted, i picked her up, took her home, took one of my own cats bed n put it near the radiator, i bought her the best food, n liquidized it so i could syringe feed her, i brushed her till her fur was smooth, my hubby had to shave her belly cos it was so matted, but we got her sorted, as by the sunday she was staggering around my kitchen n eating on her own, but unfortunatly it wasn't to last by the thur she had stoped eating again made an app at the vets for her for the fri, they asked me to leave her there, so they could do blood tests, an hr later got the call i'd been dreading, she had kidney failure n they said the kindest thing i could do was hav her put to sleep, it broke my heart, i cried so much. god only knows wat i'll be like wen i ever have to say goodbye to my own pets, xxxx

This wk well bloody af arrived yesterday in full flow n absolute agony, so back to taking clomid but hospital have upted me to 100mg, so fx for this mth, good luck girls, so sorry to go on xxxxx
Wow :) I bet you're glad that got sorted then. It's great to get answers at least :) I was looking for pre-seed the other day but I couldn't find any in my pharmacy. Never mind though because we're giving up after this round!

I think next month will be your lucky month :) I hope so anyway. Even if I'm not trying I'll pop on often to check up on the progress!

Hopefully af will show then soon and that way you can get on with trying to bake a baby.

Can't believe that I'm in the 2ww again, already. What with my friends scare and everything it seems like I've never left it. OH well :) I'll symptom spot away to my hearts content because I'm gonna miss doing that!

I'm spending the weekend at OH's grandma's place. I've only met her a few times. I think she likes me so it's not awkward but the other family type thing never seems to be that enjoyable. Plus no-one knows we're ttc still! It's kinda nice having it that way though because it's our little secret. I don't know how our family would react to be honest though about it. My mum wouldn't be thrilled because she was 22 when I was born and told me to wait, she wasn't in my situation though so it balances I think.

Got any fun stuff happening this weekend??

x x x x x

hunny, im not sure if you can actually buy pre-seed over the counter, iv tried locally, ended up buying from amazon, bout £13 should arive over the next couple of days, so will be prepared for trying again this mth, xxxx
YOU BETTER POP ON TO CHECK ON PROGRESS!! What the hell woman?! lol :p We've been in this together from the start! :) Even if you'll be WTT (if you dont get your BFP this month!) I'd love to be able to share news with you :hugs:

This made my cry :cry: I'm a wreck. I just love you ladies so much and of course I'll pop on - paris I'mma stalk you on here! Oh please please let me get my :bfp:
Paris - it's ironic isn't it that when you want the witch to show she doesn't. But when you want her to stay away she's everywhere.

Your OH sounds awesome. I think we're all lucky ladies to have such lovely OHs. Have a nice relaxing weekend... I suggest hot baths and PJ days and chocolate because you have to milk this af because I bet you won't be seeing her again for 9 months!

Yeah I'm happy to spend time there. The way I see it is that I don't have lots of my family anymore as we've never been that close - my dad lives in America, my mum and I only get on because of my stepdad and my grandma has passed away. They're my family too I guess. They have been since I was a geeky little 15 year old girl! Do you see lots of your OH's family?

I'll be honest I don't know about my mum. I don't want to ask because if she is then I know I'll never go on the pill and throw a tantrum. Only kidding but I would rather just not know what's going on and let the pieces fall where they may. I actually counted the folic acid tablets in her cupboard last week and she's only used 6 since June and she is drinking wine so she can't be too serious!

Dakron - I'm sorry you've had such an awful week. That dr sounds like a real prick. (Scuse the french.) I have absolutley everything crossed for you sweetie that your results come back okay. Does it hurt when it bleeds?? At least you've been to see him and you'll get results soon. :hugs:

It's so easy to get attached to pets isn't it? I rescued a flipping pidgeon that had been hit by a car and was sobbing when he died! At least you did the best that you could hun :flower: I'm sure she's in animal heaven chasing that pidgeon and having a great time. At least she's out of pain now.

Every cloud has a silver lining chick, hopefully the clomid will get you your :bfp: wouldn't it be amazing if we all got one together eh?

It would my my month, in fact my year, life even if we all got our 2012 bumps. Praying for a second line this cycle :)

:dust: :dust: :dust:
Im so sorry that you are going through such a rough time dakron :hugs: I hope you get your results quickly and that its nothing too serious. Keep us posted! And I am sorry about the little kitty. You have such a big heart! Take comfort in knowing that you made the little kitty's last days so much more pleasant. Someone loved her (you!) and she got to experience that love before she unfortunately had to pass on. You are a great woman! I have a 2 year old kitty that we rescued from the shelter. He's my little monkey and I just love him to bits, so I totally understand. I hope he stays with me forever :) hehe

So... Only on day 2 of antibiotics and WOW, do I ever feel better already. My low grade fever finally broke and is gone. Im still pretty tired though, but that is one of the side effects of the antibiotics. I'm at work today and its only 9am right now... ugh, 7 hours to go! I hope I make it! I just want to crawl under my desk and nap! LOL How odd would that be? I wish I was on England time... it would be 2:14pm rather than 9:14am! lol *sigh* Isn't it wild that you ladies are 5 hours ahead of me? I have friends in the future... how cool! LOL :p

AF finally arrived this morning too... so, YAY! A few more days of the witch and then its time to officially TTC #1. Im so excited to actually be trying. I knew my DH has been thinking about it lately but I never thought he'd be telling me he was be ready this early. Either way, I am so happy right now! And whats even better is that we have our mini holiday next weekend... what perfect timing. :happydance:

I don't see alot of DH's family but that's only because they still live in DH and I's hometown. We moved away, about a 5 hour drive. So we really only see them when we go back home to visit or on holidays. It's hard to get up there as often as we'd like, since we both work full-time. I do like his family though -- they are so different from mine! It's nice to have a variety though. :) My mom, sister and her kids (my niece, 3, and nephew, 5) still live in our hometown as well. So it's nice -- when we go home, we both get to see our families. My dad lives about an hour away from where I am now, so he is my closest family!

Is everyone getting excited for Xmas? :)
The time difference is crazy! When I was visiting the states this summer it was weird calling the OH because he was ahead of time. He'd tell me what he'd been doing that day and I'd just say... well it hasn't happened here yet!

I'm glad you're feeling better sweetie! Did you expect for them to tell you sonething like that when you went to the doctors? I've got to make an appointment soon to get back on bc. Hopefully I'll make it so that they can do bloods aswell!

I'm so excited for you! I was bouncing up and down yesterday and OH asked why and I just said paris is officially ttc. I talk to him like you're all girls that he knows personally haha ;) AF will clear soon enough and then your OH is gonna be hit with a lot of :sex: I'd imagine... That's the best thing about ntnp/ttc - the amount of action that we all get in the bedroom!

That sounds like a good balance of family time.Do you find it hard being away from your family a lot? His is closer than ours so we see them more but it's pretty even really. Do you get on with them? I know some MILs can be awful! Mine's okay actually but I think she still wants OH to be her blue eyed little son and he is such a mummy's boy! I don't mind because I think it's adorable that they're close but also it can make me feel a little pushed out whenever we have differences of opinion as he'll usually side with her! Kinda mummy knows best type thing!

I can't wait for xmas. It's my best friends birthday on wednesday so I use that as my timeline to start xmas shopping. So this weekend I'll start the shop. Have got to buy for his pregnant cousin to -.- She's 21, about to have her 4th child with the 3rd guy! No judgement to her ya know but still...

How about you, what are your christmas plans?? x x x
I was the same way when I was in Paris in March of this year! lol My DH didnt come (I went with my mom! best trip ever) and whenever we spoke, it was always around 9pm Paris time.... which meant it was only 3pm here. LOL My day was getting ready to end and he didnt even have dinner yet! LOL So awesome.

I wasnt sure what to expect when I went to the clinic. I noticed I was feeling off and my temperatures were so high, I had a low grade fever for 3-4 days. I knew AF was on her way and I wasn't pg, so I thought it was best to be checked out. There is a clinic right across the street from my work, so I decided to go there yesterday before I came to work. Its strange though because I didnt really have any signs of a kidney infection but my lower back did have a dull ache, right abouts where my kidneys are, so it makes sense now that I look back on it. I'm just glad these antibiotics are working and my fever broke! My temps could have also went down since AF came, but who knows! Either way, I am just glad I no longer have that fever. Was getting a little nervous :(

Definitely will be getting in alot of :sex: this next month. I dont think I am going to do any opks or anything... I'll keep temping though. Hopefully I get my :bfp:!! :)

Have you started symptom spotting yet?? Anything to report?? :p

I do get along with DH's family but it wasnt always that way. We've had our moments where we fought and brought our families into it... but we were so young and foolish then :p Now that we're fine and more mature, we're all just one big happy family. LOL! I do find it hard sometimes being away from my mom and my sister and the kids, but I can't just stay in a city for family. I love my job and I get paid well... I would never get this type of money in my hometown! We'd eventually like to move back home, but we'll see on what happens in the future! The hardest part is every time I see my niece and nephew, they have changed so much! Eventhough its only been a few weeks or a few months. I love those two kids so much... wish I could be around them more.

I'm so excited for Xmas too! Its always such a great time of year -- something just FEELS different. I dont know how to explain it :) hehe I need to seriously get a move on with shopping. This time last year, I was almost done! Ugh -- so behind!

Hope you have a great time at OH's grandma's this weekend!! :)
doodah, no hun no pain from boob, but since the bloody mammogram iv been uncomfortable, although women have said it's to b expected, a friend of mine couldn't wear a bra for 3 wks, cos she was in so much pain. we have 3 dogs (2 staffies n a boarder collie who my husband got me after i lost baby no5), we also have 3 cats, it would be absolutly fantastic if we all got bfp by xmas, i wouldn't tell anyone not even hubby, would just wrap up a pair of baby's booties, n hopefully watch his face break into a big grin xxxxxx
paris, that made me laugh wen u said wow i got friends in the future lol, i hope us 3 stay friends, i made friends a few wks ago, with 2 girls we were all waiting for bfp, they both got their's obviously i didn't, that was it they moved off the forum n haven't heard from them since, although i suppose mayb they feel bad, cos i got left out, but im really made up for the pair of them,( im also jealous), hope you have a lovely wkend, enjoy n make the most of your dh, not on bnb lol xxxx
Hell yes we best all stay friends. You ladies have kept me sane! And even if I do/don't get my bfp this is my favourite thread ever - it's the first thing I check on when I sign on here always ;) I'll be hoping and wishing for you two to get your 2012 bumpies!

So it's 3dpo... So many symptoms already but even I know that it's too early for anything so they don't count. Only weird thing really is that we were having sex last night and it began to really hurt as if the top of my vj was all swollen (sorry if that's tmi). When we stopped it just felt as if someone had tightened my uterus up and I could feel it all pulling and pinching. Hoping this is a good sign and not a medical condition. I asked OH and he said it didn't sound like anything serious haha. It's weird having your own personal medical professional ;) And then I had a really vivid dream where I tested at 3dpo and it said pregnant. Not falling for it though and caving!

Christmas is going to be amazing. Although I'm going to my mum's without OH for dinner and staying over because OH has volunteered to work across xmas because the pay is good. A bfp would be the best present ever though!

How do you ladies feel today? Hope af isn't too bad for you paris :flower: and I hope you get results soon dakron! x x x
hi girls, well im on day 3 of 100mg clomid, n how im writing this is beyond me, got a really bad headache n my eye's r jilling me, twice the dose,twice the bloody headache, i'll get back to u both in a couple of days, good luck to u both xxx
Hope the headache goes away!!

Off to see Breaking Dawn tonight with OH, my best friend and her boyfriend. Should be a laugh but Bella in it gets a bfp so hopefully I won't be too jealous ;) xxx
Hey ladies :)

Yesterday I was aching soo bad down there. (And tmi warning) it wasn't like my vj it was more like my uterus was all swollen. Am hoping that it's a symptom because I could barely sleep it was so sore. Might ask my doctor about it or something. I can't believe that I'm only 4dpo! Seems like ages and ages and ages.

We've just got back from OH's grandma's. She was lovely and I think she's twigged that we're ttc because she kept hinting about being a great grandmother ;) aww.

I was watching a documentary about a 63 year old woman who was pregnant. It was so inspiring but I can't believe how much people were judging her.

So what's going on with you ladies? I'm guessing you're both preparing for OVing soon! Have you got your vitamins yet paris? Soo excited for us all!
Hey ladies :)

Yesterday I was aching soo bad down there. (And tmi warning) it wasn't like my vj it was more like my uterus was all swollen. Am hoping that it's a symptom because I could barely sleep it was so sore. Might ask my doctor about it or something. I can't believe that I'm only 4dpo! Seems like ages and ages and ages.

We've just got back from OH's grandma's. She was lovely and I think she's twigged that we're ttc because she kept hinting about being a great grandmother ;) aww.

I was watching a documentary about a 63 year old woman who was pregnant. It was so inspiring but I can't believe how much people were judging
So what's going on with you ladies? I'm guessing you're both preparing for OVing soon! Have you got your vitamins yet paris? Soo excited for us all!

yeah im waiting for ov, proberly bout 5days to go as i ov on day 10 last mth, got my pre-seed although bit confused about how to use it, last day tomoro of clomid thank god, have been unable to drive for the last 2 days cos of bad vision, feeling bit better today, love to u both xxxx:hugs:
:haha: the pre-seed confusion sounds so like me -I wouldn't have a clue either!!

Sounds awesome - We're all in exciting places right now I guess. I'm glad to hear that you're feeling better. Was the bad vision from headaches or just another symptom??

OH just hugged me and I grinned like a mad woman and when he asked why I said 'it's cd 4 and my boobs are killing.' I don't think that he understood why that makes me happy!
Sounds like it may be a good sign D :) fingers crossed!!!

I had a migraine yesterday and was stuck to my bed all day :( was horrible. I was throwing up and everything. Thought my head was going to explode. So I guess you and I were both victims of the headache dakron!!

So D -- how was breaking dawn?? I'm not really into the twilight stuff but may watch it when it comes out on bluray :)

I'm still visiting with the witch and I always OV on CD18-CD21 so I've got a few weeks to wait still. Stupid 35 day cycles!! But it's worth it :) no rush.

Hope your weekends were great!!

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