I love everyone's bumps! So adorable.
Cinderella, what an adorable little guy your Henry is! Dont worry about the bump, it'll come! First bumps take forever for most women. For me, it was like 20-21 weeks when my first "popped". This time it was like 14 weeks, haha. Oh, and I thought I would be bummed that my second and final kiddo is a boy as it means no girls for me, but I have been SMITTEN with the experience of my first son. He is such a little lovey mama's boy and the sweetest most affectionate little thing. We are not the "boys will be boys, be a man, be tough" types at all with our kid so he doesn't act like people say little boys are usually. I think it's all in the upbringing. He is sweet, polite, thoughtful, clever, kind, and a little teacher's pet. I WILL say that boys are so much more physical than most girls, that's held true. He climbs me like a little ninja, and he loves with his whole body... no little henpeck kisses or side hugs here, he grabs your face and gives big slobbery kisses and squeezes his whole body against mine for hugs and snuggles. It's really the best. So I love that I get another sweet little boy. And there ARE a ton more clothes for girls, but we dress our son sweet and smart, not like in sports gear type outfits, so we get the benefit of him looking adorably cute too.
And yay for all of us being in second tri, like HLx mentioned.
And HLx, your pics just loaded for me so I had to come back and edit to say how adorable he is! I love his long little legs and toes! So precious!
I have 6 more days until my anatomy scan. I'm so ready to see this little boy again! I can feel him every day now, little wiggles and rolls, which is the best. It means I don't use my doppler at all anymore as I have constant reassurance that he's good and well in there.
Overall, I'm just feeling really lucky. After having losses and fertility challenges and so many friends who are desperately trying month after month, I feel so incredibly lucky to be having our second little babe and that so far everything has been normal and healthy. So this is a great stage for me! No more nausea, no major symptoms, can feel baby move, but not so big that I'm uncomfortable all the time. Lol.