***November 2019 Babies!***

@HLx I definitely think it's a little boy too!! But I can't wait for the surprise.
I'm so jealous of much movement you're feeling. I'm still only getting little flutters and obviously DH won't be able to feel anything.
Anyone else having their first and still not feeling much?

I've had the worst cramps in my legs. Waking me up at least twice a night. I was told to try more fluid which I did and it didn't help. I tried a cushion under my feet last night and it helped a bit, but still getting cramps. It's like my calf muscle totally spasms and the pain is terrible. It's still sore when I get up in the morning. Anyone else have this or have any suggestions?

I'm having my first as well but she moves ALL the time! She was deep down in my lady parts kicking yesterday and I couldn't take it, make me jump so hard, lol funny sight to see though. I had started getting cramps in my leg at night as well, I'm upped my water intake and started eating at least 1 banana every day, the potassium helps. If one doesn't help, do 2 until it stops.
I'm getting cramps in the top of my right leg just above the inside of my knee, it is awful at the moment! Don't know whether its from the sciatica or the trouble I'm getting in my tailbone and right hip, but it's all connected and I wish I could just chop my right leg off at the moment! Baby has switched positions so I'm guessing hes maybe on a nerve as well! Stretching my leg feels like I've severely pulled a muscle while exercising, but I haven't exercised since long before I got pregnant, my 2 children are all the exercise I need hahaha!

Anyway... 21 weeks and my bump is growing outwards so much! I'm also now starting to pile the weight on elsewhere now! I joke that my bump looked like Dr Eggmans head.....

Loving these 20wk scans ladies! Mine’s a week today and I can’t wait! All my tests have been low risk and he looks physically fine on scans so I’m not overly worried, just can’t wait to see him!

He’s kicking a tonne right now, the kicks started in earnest at 17wks and are just getting stronger and more frequent since! He always seems to be in the same position, legs to the left of my belly button and arms/elbows to my right! If I’m laying still you can see my belly jumping, it’s my absolute favourite!

I’m using my Dads name as middle name, he got all teary when I told him. Baby is also keeping my surname so will have nub Dads full name. I think he’s already nub dads favourite grandkid

I officially got diagnosed as Hyperemesis, luckily never needed hospitalising and managed through new meds. I’m still really retchy in the mornings but it’s no where as bad as it was.

I was getting really proud of my bump, sticking it out everywhere... only took a picture today at work and sent it to my sister and she laughed at me (in jest, not meanness) because I’m still so small. No one at work has guessed I’m pregnant and my uniform isn’t forgiving (when I’m not in my fleece). If it wasn’t for the kicking, I don’t think I’d feel pregnant. (Ignore my very masculine uniform!)

Glad everyone’s doing well! We’re really getting there!

@Cinderella- omg your so tiny! I was exactly like that on my first and then out of no where you just inflate! I've had to buy whole new wardrobe just for this pregnancy, I'm so much bigger than I was this early on my other two:( I'd say enjoy being little still, just means you get to fit into your normal clothes for longer hahaha!
And while everyone is complaining about the heat, I simply can't get enough of it hahaha <3

And while everyone is complaining about the heat, I simply can't get enough of it hahaha <3

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You look fab!!!

I was at the doctors today and I have a urine and kidney infection. So I'm feeling sorry for myself. I'm just so tired and hoping these antibiotics kick in asap because this uti is going to break me soon.
On a plus note, I'm feeling movement now which is amazing. It's not strong enough for DH to feel but I'm definitely feeling it at the same time each evening. And I have an extra scan tomorrow so hoping baby is in a better position for measurements and pictures.

Hope all you ladies are keeping well.
So my two-year-old has fifth’s disease and apparently if I catch it I can pass it on to baby boy and I’m freaking out a little bit. I messaged my mom to see if I had it as a kid which would make me immune but she hadn’t heard of it so probably not. So glad I have an ob appointment tomorrow morning.
You look fab!!!

I was at the doctors today and I have a urine and kidney infection. So I'm feeling sorry for myself. I'm just so tired and hoping these antibiotics kick in asap because this uti is going to break me soon.
On a plus note, I'm feeling movement now which is amazing. It's not strong enough for DH to feel but I'm definitely feeling it at the same time each evening. And I have an extra scan tomorrow so hoping baby is in a better position for measurements and pictures.

Hope all you ladies are keeping well.

Oh no hun kidney and urine infections are awful anyway let alone when your pregnant! I hope you feel better soon! I almost always get a load right after each other during 3rd trimester, along with the lovely thrush hahaha praying it stays away!

I'm glad your feeling movement now! Wont be long and your hubby will feel it! Good luck at your scan! I have a consultant appointment later I'm hoping he scans me they usually do, I want to see baby again! Haha x
So my two-year-old has fifth’s disease and apparently if I catch it I can pass it on to baby boy and I’m freaking out a little bit. I messaged my mom to see if I had it as a kid which would make me immune but she hadn’t heard of it so probably not. So glad I have an ob appointment tomorrow morning.

Good luck hun, let us know how you got on. Is fifths disease like slapped cheek disease, I don't know if that's the actual thing but I've definitely heard of fifths disease before x
Yes slapped cheek and fifths are the same virus. It’s named 5ths bc it’s the 5th most common childhood virus, slapped cheek bc the cheeks turn bright red after the contagious period.
I thought so! I remember it from when I was pregnant with my son, my friend who was due around the same time as me was around her friend who's son had it and she was worried as she was pregnant, and I was also around her a lot as we worked together, I'm pretty sure we both had a blood test done and everything was fine, I hope everything's okay with you
Baby doing well. Measuring exactly 22+1 as expected. Everything looks good, baby was so active!

Awwww look at that little face!!!! What a cutie already! Any pictures of full body? I really want to have another look at this nub ;) hahaha so happy baby cooperated this time! <3
Thank you @HLx <3 no full body ones sadly, I wanted another look at the nub too!
I'd put money on baby being a boy still anyway ;) <3
Aww, you guys all look wonderful! And Cinderella you are still so tiny but it'll happen out of the blue one day. I wonder which week will be your week for belly explosion! HLx, I'm like you, so much bigger this time. Although you look lovely! Love your maternity summer dresses.

Guys I have gained 13-14 lbs so far. Eek! I need to slow this runaway train down, lol.
Other than that, all is well here. Just a very active little boy in there. My son is beginning to have an awareness that there's a baby in my belly. The other day he wanted to be picked up and I was rubbing my belly and told him I'd pick him up after I finished cooking. He came over and made grabbing motions all around my belly and I asked him what he was doing and he said "I'm getting all the babies out of there. No more babies in TUMMY!" Haha. He is a little less than 2 yrs 2 mos, and I didn't think he really got it, but apparently he does and he's not a fan. Lol.
@MissDoc - I've spent so much money on new dresses this summer, I thought I'd make do with last years... apparently not! I tried on nice floral dress with buttons down the front, took the tags off and popped 2 buttons as I breathed out... oh my word lol baby is measuring almost 2 weeks ahead now, so I'm kind of praying he isn't a chunk like his dad was as a baby.... my lady parts will not allow it!!! Omg your sons so funny! No more babies hahaha! I'm sure he will adore his little brother when hes here, it's a strange time for little ones when they don't really understand. My daughter was 2 years 4 months when my son came along, and I'm so grateful she was maternal from then on it made my life easier... it's harder now with her being 7 and shes not impressednl with all these brothers! She even said to my son earlier in the middle of a squabble... the baby will be so much better than you, your just a pain in my ass! I said you cant say that about your brothers that's naughty!.... I then turned around and said, ALL little brothers are a pain in the ass! Not my best parenting skills, but the girl was right at least hahaha! Shes going to put her foot down so much with her brothers, shes a bossy little madam as it is! <3
HLx - you were right! I kind of pooped two days ago. It’s still not huge but definitely has a roundness to it now that I can’t breathe in!

I had my 20wk ultrasound yesterday and got bad news. I wasn’t even worried going in because he seemed so fine on the 16wk gender scan. But he’s got a large cystic mass coming out of his posterior right lower pelvis area. The tech wouldn’t say anything about what it might be, just referred me to John Radcliff in Oxford for more testing. She said they’d call pretty quickly but so far haven’t and I’m going insane. He’s also measuring small (10oz) and has short femurs. The size and femurs wouldn’t necessarily mean anything bad, but with the mass it could point to a syndrome rather than just a fluke mass. I’ve googled to within an inch of my life (I actually find it helps me) and have an idea of two things it could be. One not so bad, he’d just have it removed at birth, the other could mean life long spinal/bladder/bowel problems. Either way, it’s likely I’ll have to have a caesarean at Oxford and he’ll have to have surgery almost right away. It’s been a pretty crappy 24hrs since I found out.

He’s still the cutest thing I’ve ever seen though. He was moving and kicking all over the place, was even sat on his hands at one point!
HLx - you were right! I kind of pooped two days ago. It’s still not huge but definitely has a roundness to it now that I can’t breathe in!

I had my 20wk ultrasound yesterday and got bad news. I wasn’t even worried going in because he seemed so fine on the 16wk gender scan. But he’s got a large cystic mass coming out of his posterior right lower pelvis area. The tech wouldn’t say anything about what it might be, just referred me to John Radcliff in Oxford for more testing. She said they’d call pretty quickly but so far haven’t and I’m going insane. He’s also measuring small (10oz) and has short femurs. The size and femurs wouldn’t necessarily mean anything bad, but with the mass it could point to a syndrome rather than just a fluke mass. I’ve googled to within an inch of my life (I actually find it helps me) and have an idea of two things it could be. One not so bad, he’d just have it removed at birth, the other could mean life long spinal/bladder/bowel problems. Either way, it’s likely I’ll have to have a caesarean at Oxford and he’ll have to have surgery almost right away. It’s been a pretty crappy 24hrs since I found out.

He’s still the cutest thing I’ve ever seen though. He was moving and kicking all over the place, was even sat on his hands at one point!
I'm so sorry to hear that, I hope you get the answers you're looking for. Hopefully you get a call very soon and they can do the tests you need. I bet he was absolutely adorable though, and nice that he was so active. Please keep us updated x
HLx - you were right! I kind of pooped two days ago. It’s still not huge but definitely has a roundness to it now that I can’t breathe in!

I had my 20wk ultrasound yesterday and got bad news. I wasn’t even worried going in because he seemed so fine on the 16wk gender scan. But he’s got a large cystic mass coming out of his posterior right lower pelvis area. The tech wouldn’t say anything about what it might be, just referred me to John Radcliff in Oxford for more testing. She said they’d call pretty quickly but so far haven’t and I’m going insane. He’s also measuring small (10oz) and has short femurs. The size and femurs wouldn’t necessarily mean anything bad, but with the mass it could point to a syndrome rather than just a fluke mass. I’ve googled to within an inch of my life (I actually find it helps me) and have an idea of two things it could be. One not so bad, he’d just have it removed at birth, the other could mean life long spinal/bladder/bowel problems. Either way, it’s likely I’ll have to have a caesarean at Oxford and he’ll have to have surgery almost right away. It’s been a pretty crappy 24hrs since I found out.

He’s still the cutest thing I’ve ever seen though. He was moving and kicking all over the place, was even sat on his hands at one point!

I'm so sorry about this hun, but I think 100% any illness or disability is only as bad as you make it, showing him lots of love and affection and he will grow up to be an amazing young man regardless of the issue. My friend little one has down syndrome, and I know some people get quite sad if their babys been diagnosed, but honestly hes the most normal, down to earth funny little guy regardless of of his disability hes still doing absolutely amazing in school and has so many friends, and hes super gorgeous and quite the charmer! I'm his girlfriend apparently! I know it's a slightly different issue to yours but honestly, I think your baby will be fine regardless of the outcome of the syndromes or issues he may face early on, it will make him a little fighter that's for sure! <3

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