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Pma pma pma!!! 29/35 BFP so far!!!! They just keep coming!!!

I can see the line! I think you're onto a BFP Mrsturner!
OMG that is bfp!! Are the tests 10miu? I think mine tended to be darker on an evening then with a FMU! Maybe wait a couple of days and do FRER again. You are prob v.early like me!!! This is such exciting news!!! FX'd tightly for you!!! xx

It is a 10miu, but the one's i've done today are BFN. I will do another tonight and if thats BFN ill wait a few days. (if i can!!)

I need tonnes of baby dust!! I really realy hope this is finally it for me!! xx
You too Hula, i hope you get a sticky bean!!!!!! I cant help but be a bit excited! Im not going to change my ticker until im certain thought, just in case!
But if it is correct, our babies will be due within a week of eachother!! My due date will actually be DH'd 30th birthday! 28/10/11!! xx

Dolly, we've been trying since May 2010 xx
I did a test today and got a BFN! Not really a surprise since the PCOS diagnosis but doesn't stop me hoping that it would be a BFP!


How many dpo are you? When you off to the fertility clinic? xx

Well because I am not sure when I ovulate and been going by CM and previous cycles I have just tested 13 days after last DTD - can it work like that or am I being extremely thick? To be fair I probably didn't ovulate anyway! I am going Friday so not long to wait!

So happy for you about your BFP hulahoop! Looks like all your PMA paid off and your friend is smiling down on you from heaven xxx

I am not too sure, its confusing isnt it!! I really hope they give you the answers you need on friday chic.

Thank you, I know 1 week to the day she passed away I got my BFP. I really do feel like I have a guardian angel!! Its a bittersweet feeling ya know. I still cant believe she is no longer here, it is her funeral on wednesday and it is going to be so difficult! :cry: xx

Thank -you. Me too, have had sore boobs, spots, tiredness but it's obviously just stress! Kind of hoped that I would get my BFP before I had to go to the clinic!

I hope the funeral goes well on Wednesday xxx
Awww hula, Wednesday is gna be hard, I got a funeral too :-( at least you will get the chance to tell your friend the exciting news! :) lots of love Hun xxxx
well af was due today - no sig
however contantly thinking she here mild cramps and feeling wet.. when go toilet dry!

got pinching pains right of belly button every now n then, and feeling tired,, but not tested since 9dpo ... keep thinking she'll come late pma though
i think i'll be devested if she comes late
im always early or on time so its really scary..

but im getting feeling af is here really mild cramps so go toilet tissue test and not even a spot. really scared incase i wake up to find shes xome in the night :(

nervous as hell

Note to everyone DO NOT USE ALL YOUR TEST EARLLY as when this happens drives u nuts!!!
Good luck Gemma! Really hope this is it for you. Keep us posted!
Good evening ladies.
Please can I join you all. I feel in need of a lot of PMA at the moment... AF was due on Thursday/Friday (no show as yet) and DH is currently out of the country.

We think we hit the right time/date, but who can tell. I really should have POAS on Friday, but I was almost too 'scared' to do it. The box is now on the side in the bathroom, shouting at me, and at the moment, I still can't really face the result. We really want this, as we've been trying now for 10 months.

I need some courage to test and lots of fingers being crossed, please.
Well, :( I'm out now.

Not that surprised, I just would have liked to told my husband the news whilsst he's away. It would have been something wonderful to cheer him up when he's missing me so much. I almost wish I hadn't tested now.
Dragon Hawk - do it lady its the day before valentines so eather you have massive celebrations or spend the day getting spoilt silly... Good luck :D:D xxx

also i test the 11th March x

In tears right now. I feel emotionally sick right now. I always said that I wouldn't seek medical intervention in order for us to have a baby, but maybe DH and I are not meant to be parents.
Awww DragonHawk im so sorry! Seeking medical attention doesnt mean you are not ment to be parents... there are hundreds of people who go for medical help and never look back!! Im sure it will happen for you - also some peoples BFP doesnt show untill they are sometimes 15 days late... so dont give up hope untill AF showes!!! xxx Hugs xx
awww dragonhawk don't be sad!! It WILL happen for you!! Medical help is an amazing thing, the fact that we live in times where so much can be done to make peoples dreams come true is a gift on its own! your not out until AF shows up, so chin up, have a truck load of chocolate, a bloody good cry (it always makes me feel better!) and keep thinking positive!!

Dragonhawk, I am 22 and seeking medical advice. My gp has been amazing. It's def worth doing!!
They say it takes couples, on average, a year to conceive. Some people are so lucky and do it within the first few months! This group is all abot positive mental attitude Hun. So it might not have been this month, give it another damn good go next month! But always remember to have fun!!

When I first went to my gp, I said they I hadn't fallen pregnant in a year, I had two blood tests and an internal exam, which were clear, oh is doing sperm count next week! I don't regret asking go for help as she has been so so helpful! Incall here whenever I want to ask questions etc! It's great to know you have support.

A lady I worked with ttc for 10 years, first month using a clear blue fertility monitor, she fell pregnant! She now has 4 kids!!!

Please don't be down Hun. Your time will come, it just seems harder seeing success everywhere else and your wondering where your bump is! Well that's why we are all here for you!

I do have a question however for anyone who could answer, I'm 6/7dpo having on/off cramPs, come out in spots, very gassy, bloated and uncomfortable. Me and my oh were making relations this afternoon and he said I was very wet down there, what could that mean?!

Does anyone have any advice for a newbie... Is 11dpo on a 25 day cycle (Due for AF wed) too early to test?

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