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POAS club for the 21st-31st August!

thanks butterfly... i know its early days yet. maybe being moody is a sign?! *runs and enters it as a sign* LOL ok, step away from ff... its hard not to get all crazy about ttc!
Hi We are TTC # 1, First cycle. Would you please put me down for the 29th? I'm going to try to last til then :) Thanks!
oooo..put me in for the 24th..i'll be 12 dpo then and hopefully with lots of symptoms that aren't in my head!!
good luck!!!

hannah, i've been moody too and emotional... but maybe it's just general pms
i think i'm always bitchy this time in my cycle, according to others of course.

ooh and twinges...must not forget about the twinges i've had...
stop SS'ing butterfly, stop it :p
ugh... feeeling worse as the day goes by... mood is even lower, and i couldn't eat my lunch which isn't like me... normally i can hardly wait to eat and tummy grumbles all morning! feeling like i might barf after a bagel now. hopefully this is a sign too... like you said though, last cycle i felt irritable and crabby before my af, but haven't usually felt that symtom before af. who knows!

welcome to the new ladies... good luck!
cinn - i hope my boobs aren't playing tricks on me either!!! dh thinks they look bigger and i def. notice they are sensitive/painful. arghhhh!!! so, is your hen night this weekend?

hen night is on the 19th september, a while to go yet! x x x x :hugs:
^^ oooh september, i thought it was august,... WTT untill then, what were you thinking, nobody in the TTC spirit can hold it for that long lol
Hello all

Firstly congratulations Mom2claire hope is a great sticky for you.

Two BFP's already and no-one was going to test until 21st - how great is that :happydance:

Well think :witch: is on her way as I have been having some cramps today and have been a bit moody - normal pmt symptoms lol. However in saying that I am also ss like mad - sore boobs, nausea, gass :blush: and severe tiredness. Three days to testing if :witch: stays away.

Had a brie and cranberry panini today for lunch as my swansong to my favourite cheeses incase I do get a BFP.

Glad to see all the PMA - keep going folks not long until testing.
Hey can you put me down for the 22nd :)

It'll be my first test, fingers crossed x
welcome to the new ladies!

curlew... that sounds soooo good! mmm... brie and cranberry...

ok i'm feeling a bit better now later in the day. not sure if its hormones or ttc-mania that's making my moods go all over the place... onwards!

cinn... i knew you wouldn't be able to stay away and wtt ;)

cinn... i knew you wouldn't be able to stay away and wtt ;)

hey the thought was there! hahahaaa

i was feeling really positive but now i am doubting that i am preg. :cry:
boobs are still swollen and i do feel tired but i think that might be the weather!?!?!?

or my mind playing tricks on me, the last thing i need is a chem preg. :dohh:

i soooooo hope we get our bfp's altogether same cycles and everything so we can all stay together and have poas club babies! lol :happydance:
^^ and then text eachother from the delivery room "i'm puuuuuuushing right now, you?" lol!!!
^^ ahahhaha... so funny!! that would be awesome... i'll miss you ladies if we don't all get our bfp's at the same time! i want to be bump buddies too!!
we still can be even if were like a cycle ahead of each other, just means that when we go up a trimester, one will be lagging behind! x x x x
of course this is all unneccesary to think about bc we're all pg right now!! yes! pma :):):) i've got it back! yeah...
yaaaaay welcome back hahahahhaaaa wanna help me hunt down the early bfps hannah???
ummmm.... ok, sure... if i understood what you meant??
well people sign up but dont update so i was checking out who has had a early witch etc x x x

cant believe im in the 1ww now! eeeeeeek

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