Spring/Summer IUI support thread

oooh trigger is tomorrow? How exciting!! and yeah..the nurses are quite used to hormonal women. :haha:

AFM: I'm just plugging along. I started my provera in order to make sure af comes on time. When I'm not on letrozole she doesn't come because of the pcos. So i take it for 7 days and af should happen 2-3 days after my last pill. I'm on day 2/7 now. So af should happen around the end of next week. And then IUI should happen around Aug 23/24. so I'm just here :coffee:
Glad to hear you rescheduled todmommy. Iui ' s are putting a financial stress on us too. We're both working but it's cutting into my saving majorly. As I've sent over 6k since january. The only good thing about that is that I met my max payout so all bloodwork/us would be free and I'd only have to pay the 650 for the sperm wash and insemination. And ironically now that we get to that point the re puts a halt on everything and says I need robotic surgery that she couldn't fix my misshapen uterus. So I'm getting a second opinion. I'm losing faith in my re. She wants to move on to ivf right away but my issue.is.with my uterus and retaining menses so ivf would be a long shot and honestly I'd rather.waste some money on iuis that don't work out then to go to ivf spend 20k and that fail. I.wouldnt be able to deal with that.

The whole process is so stressful especially when you throw in your hormones.my nurse is used to me questioning every little thing by now. The only thing letting me be strong right now is the fact that we already have one baby. Otherwise I'd be a total wreck. I hope your trigger and iui goes.well. sending baby dust your way
Aayla - so glad to hear that you'll soon be on the way to IUI soon ❤

Todmommy.. glad to also see you are going for it 😉

As for me.. nothing looked much different this past Monday so I'm still unsure why my opks were so positive. I went back yesterday and the hospital found that I had unexpectedly ovulated from BOTH follicles 😮 the nurse suggested I talked to wifey about the possibility of twins!!!! Eek!!

So we're going for our screening tests tomorrow and I go for my 'day 21' test on Tuesday morning & get the results the next day..

As long as my progesterone levels are good.. the hospital will book my provisional IUI date.. I could just burst with happiness after months of bad news :happydance:
Aayla it sounds like thing are headed in the right direction :flower:

Sprite the 2nd opinion definitely sounds like a good idea. Why would she go forward with the other IUI's if she didn't think it would work with surgery :shrug: and why go to ivf under the same conditions. Seems silly to me.

November that is wonderful news!!

My ultrasound wasn't exactly what I was hoping for but definitely better than last month! We had 4 follicles 2 were too small, 1 was at 15 (I think) and the doc said that one was on the cusp so it may or may not release, and we had one at 17 that was labeled very favorable! It was a different doc that was filling in for mine and she didn't give me the sizes so it was based on what I could tell in the short time I saw the results haha but last month the only one close enough to mature was a 15 so I'm very happy we have one at the proper size. She actually said the words "we could be looking at multiples" :cloud9: It just makes me happy hearing those words :haha: IUI is tomorrow at 3:00. Our doctor didn't do a SA on DH since he already has a child but his son is almost 8 so it's been a long time so I am very interested to see what his swimmers will reveal tomorrow!
oooh november.. that would be wonderful if you had twins!!

toddmommy: good luck tomorrow with the IUI. FX and baby dust to you!!

So day 3 is done and the anti-depressants seem to be helping keep the craziness of the provera at bay. Only 4 more days of the provera.
Hopefully those 4 days go fast for you!!

My poor DH is so unhappy about today. I tried to talk to him about it last night but I don't think it helped. As soon as I started telling him all the details about tomorrow he got upset and said he wished me would have just done the medicated cycle and that it is a waste of money. I reminded him most of the cost comes from things we were already doing with the medicated cycles like ultrasounds, appointments, etc. I asked him if his contention was coming from the actual part of the performance for him and he admitted it was. He feels humiliated that he has to walk his sample into the clinic and let people "examine" it. I told him that people get the same brown bag for poo samples so someone could think it is sh*t and not semen, I don't think I was helpful :haha: I did let him know how much I appreciate it though and that if the iui works he will never remember the awkward walk and if it doesn't work he will have a happy wife who knows we gave it our best. I am just praying all goes smoothly for him, I wish I could take it for him but I am at work until 2 and it has to be there at 1:30 so it's not a possibility :nope: He already gave me his "price" for this though so that is easier on my part, he wants to spend $200 on a new rifle and then he won't complain about any of it :rofl:
Well the iui is officially complete! I am just laying here waiting out my 15 minutes before I can leave. I didn't feel any discomfort which was wonderful and DH's count was 275 million after the wash with 98% motility :dance: I am so relieved and excited!
Yay Toddmommy!!! FX and lots of sticky baby dust to you.

will you be testing early? You got the trigger right? if I am right, will you be testing that out or will you be waiting it all out and testing in 14 days?
Hi ladies, I also came to join the party, or in other words seek some comfort in this process. We have been TTC #2 for about 19 months now. I turned 35 in March and I'm completely nervous about my age factoring in all this. We have male infertility factor along with my age. This is my first IUI cycle. Yesterday was my cycle 10 day ultrasound and I had one 13mm, and two 11mm follicles. I go back for more monitoring tomorrow. I hope they tell me I can trigger tomorrow since I feel like my ovaries are growing by the minute. Seriously very uncomfortable. I'm really hoping this works but I'm almost preparing myself that it might not. After being disappointment month after month, it's hard to remain positive.
Aayla I haven't decided yet. Last month I tested it out which was nice knowing that it was out of my system but at the same time felt like a waste of tests. I am low on wondfos and only have two answer tests so I might wait. I got 4 false positives on FRER last month so those don't get to be involved this month haha.

Happyfishie it is really so hard to stay positive. I can't give much advice because I'm not very good at it haha. Honestly this cycle I had a drink almost every night and it wound me down and improved my mood and outlook :)

Stupid FF is putting me at 5dpo which is just silly. I hope that it finds the right day but I don't think it will because my chart suggests O the day before trigger, which would be impossible since I had an ultrasound that day after and know that I hadn't O'ed. I had cramps that were doubling me over yesterday pretty much all evening. Is that normal of the iui? They are gone today
Happyfishie: Welcome!!

todmommy: That is weird that FF would put it there when they have the option for IUI under BD. You would think that would shift stuff around. But your cross hairs are dotted so maybe it will fix itself. Otherwise just do a manual override. I am not getting triggered but i will be waiting it out as well when the time comes. I have got my hopes up too many times on indent lines. I have the old style frers here and they just aren't what they used to be. I will be getting a blood test from the doc, as it is their procedure, so I will just wait for that.
Hi ladies-

I'm due for my Second IUI after clomid days 3-7

You know how you are suppose to refrain from intercourse before your IUI? Well we will be using a frozen sample this time so is there any reason to abstain from intercourse?

Thanks :)
Hi ladies-

I'm due for my Second IUI after clomid days 3-7

You know how you are suppose to refrain from intercourse before your IUI? Well we will be using a frozen sample this time so is there any reason to abstain from intercourse?

Thanks :)
Aayla that is nice that they make it protocol to do a blood test. Mine only does them if you get a positive at home. Mine weren't even indent lines they were pink like completely visible and pink no squinting. It was the most disappointing thing ever. They really have gone down the toilet since switching designs.

KBP I don't think there would be any reason to abstain with a frozen sample. I'm not 100% sure but I thought the reason for abstaining was to give the best sperm count :shrug:
From what I have researched the abstaining is because of sperm count. you want to be sure there is enough guys to survive the wash. But if you are using frozen then abstaining isn't an issue.
Just got back from monitoring. I have two 17mm follicles and one 14. They said if my bloodwork doesn't show LH surge today then I can trigger tomorrow! I'm excited, a little impatient, but excited. lol do you think the 14mm will mature by trigger time? Does all three have a chance? I don't know how this works
Thanks ladies

Just had my ultrasound, only 1 folli at 14.

Last time I had 3!

Getting blood work to make sure I'm not surging, and if not next IUI most likely in the next few days.

So lots of BD since we are using frozen sample!
Mind if I join in? OH and I will be doing our first IUI this month as long as I O before he has to head out of town for 3 days this month. We've been trying for #1 for exactly a year now and have since been Dx'd with PCOS/luteal phase defect for myself and poor motility and morphology for him (although my RE isn't too worried about the morphology). This is my fourth cycle on Clomid and I won't be monitored this cycle, just using OPK's to confirm O.
Welcome to the new ladies! I've been trying to lay low during my TWW as the anxiety was killing meeee! I took a test at 9 and 11 days post my IUI and I included the picture of the results. I can't fathom that these actually look positive! Doc told me to test on Tuesday, two more days from now, and then call them if it's positive so I can do the blood test. I'm going to do the digital "pregnant" or "not pregnant" test Tuesday so the result is not up for debate. Very cautiously optimistic!


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Welcome inkedlady :wave:

Oh my gee linds those are definitely positive :dance: no squinting required!!

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