Spring/Summer IUI support thread

Awe November. I'm sorry to hear that. Hopefully everything gets worked in time.

toddmommy: Oh that is frustrating. it could still be left over from trigger. are the two tests the same sensitivity?
Popping in for a little moral support. Just got my :bfp: OPK tonight and called my RE. She's on call but couldn't access the schedule for tomorrow so one of the nurses will have to call me back first thing in the morning to schedule our first IUI tomorrow. I'm so nervous! :happydance:

OH is being a bit irritated about the fact that he will have to leave work for a couple hours for the appointment (at least just to make his contribution anyway). He still doesn't really grasp what a big deal this is. :dohh:

Not really sure what to expect tomorrow... Any advice is appreciated.
Hi Inkedlady88! I had my first IUI 3 weeks ago and it was pretty quick and painless! I think the most awkward part was racing through traffic to get my husbands sperm to the office in time lol they wash the sperm and basically get all of the good swimmers. I was showed the sperm on a microscope screen, pretty cool! The actually procedure is just a small cramp as the catheter goes in and then I really didn't feel much else until she pulled it out a minute later. Laid in the office for about 15 minutes and was on my way for a normal day, no restrictions. I am now pregnant, 5 weeks and had my first ultrasound yesterday. It absolutely can happen on the first try! Not always the case of course but good luck!! Let us know how it goes for you
Oh my gosh.. finally got a call today to say that everything has been sorted out. :happydance:

The sister clinic will be expecting us, our sample will be shipped.. all we need to do now is the legal paperwork and monitoring scans at the hospital and get them to send them over..

I finished my meds yesterday and just hope theres a good follie or two growing...

Phew I can finally relax now!
November: That is fabulous news!!! I can't believe it is finally going to happen for you. I can't wait to see your bfp!! How many of your family know you are doing this? will you be planning a big surprise to tell them?

Welcome Inked! How did your IUI go? Will you be testing early or waiting to see if af is late?

AFM: I got spotting today!! So happy. The fertility doc also called to go over the IUI procedure. It got me excited to do this again. so I have talked to hubby and we are going to take a good hard look at our budget. I'm also only working about 20 hours a week right now but I could easily work 40. But it's been nice to not really have to. But double the money is nice. and I just got a small raise. We would have most of the amount in one week if I worked 40 hours.

time to not be so lazy and complacent and work full time now.

so it looks like IUI is back on. I am spotting more regular as the night goes on so I should expect af tomorrow or Saturday. The IUI should happen on Aug 30 or 31st.

They want to go by OPK's. I am to use clear blue or first response (regular not digi) and do it with fmu. I have never got a surge with fmu. Always around 7pm. And before the mc I was lucky and surged the day before I ovulated. Now I surge the same day. They didn't understand how I knew that. I told them I temp. So I would get the surge, and the next day I would get the temp spike. I know I ovulate on cd 19 or 20. I asked if I could just book it for a specific day since I know when I ovulate. They said that yes, it is possible as I am the paying customer but they really do want to try and rely on the opk.
IUI went okay. It was a little painful as she had to wiggle the catheter to get it through my cervix. Didn't exactly get the best news as far as OH's semen analysis after the wash though.:nope: His sperm count after the wash was only 2.2 million with normal motility, which is pretty bad. My RE was actually surprised as his overall count had dropped from 59mill pre-wash, to 50 mill. Going to be starting OH on Vitamin C, COQ10, and L-Carnitine to try to help his count and motility in the event that this IUI doesn't work. Our Doctor believes we should try at least a couple more times if this one didn't work, and then reevaluate from there. So either this will work, or OH will have to see a urologist or we have to do IVF.
Ladies who have been monitored...

How often did you have to go in to have an ultrasound?

My next two IUIs have to be monitored since last cycle my opk never detected a surge. I'm wondering when they will start monitoring and how often?
KBP:. I had a baseline US on CD3, then monitoring on CD10, CD12 trigger on CD13 and IUI CD14 & CD15. Technically I was monitored 3 times including the first scan at the beginning of my cycle.

I tested BFN for me today. It's 9dpo for me. It's really hard for me to stay optimistic at this point. I keep referring to DS. I had a good line 9dpo with him including digi. I'm extremely bummed. My hormones are all over the place, I keep taking it out on DH. Next IUI might not happen because it'll be around the time I start working again and I cannot take off in the morning for IUI. Unless they make accommodations for me to come in at a later time. I think they do all IUI's around 930ish am and I can't come in until after 330. If they don't do late IUI then I'll have to skip next cycle. Sorry I feel like I'm just ranting now....
Aayla - I can't believe it either, I'm super excited. We haven't told many family members. They know TTC is in our plans but not when.. we want to surprise them. I've told my youngest sister but she's sworn to secrecy haha

I've got a little plan in mind for telling wifey if/when we get a BFP I'll have to be a bit sneaky with testing so I can get it all set up 😉

I'm soooo happy you're also going for IUI this month too.. I will have everything crossed for a BFP for you sweetheart :hugs:

KBP - although I'm yet to have an IUI done I had a 'dummy' medicated run last cycle. I started being monitored from CD10 then again every other day until my follicles were the required size for trigger or OPK xx
cd 1 today! So excited! Hubby was told what day he has to take off from work. thankfully it is only one day. He works graveyard so he needs to take off the night before the IUI. I will be booking it for cd 19. I will still use opk's just in case O wants to come early but it's not likely. I just hope she isn't late.

So the IUI is happening Aug 30.
Just popping in to see how everyone is doing. Glad you got that all sorted out november. Good luck. I have issues with cysts after a medicated cycle too so I know how annoying that is.

Happy fishie. 9 dpo is still so early. I didn't get clear positive with my first until 12 dpo. Baby dust coming your way.

Inkedlady. While 2.2 is low I can assure you the vitamins do work. My dh was about 6 to 8 mil post wash when we had our dd. But this time years later he's always been over 18 mil. Even had a 24 mil once. I'm a firm believer in vitamins. I started taking more vitamin d myself and I have so much more energy now.

Afm. We are still on a break. I had my hysteroscopy. Right tube is clear and cervix is dilated but now the re thinks my uterus is mis shaped and referred us for surgery and ivf. I don't really trust her tho so we had an mri last Wednesday and have an appointment with the surgeon next wednesday. Depending what he says we might either be having surgery or changing doctors. I really don't want to switch as I like the nurses and the crnp but I really can't stand the re.

Good luck ladies I'll drop in again soon
I tested out trigger no line by 5dpo. Yesterday 9dpo bfn. Today I decided to test again. So there is a clear line! I'm so nervous. I really hope it's not the trigger still. Could it be?
Happyfishie- I don't know how long trigger usually takes to leave but from those tests it looks like a clear BFP on the far right test!!!

Sprite30- thanks for checking in, let us know how everything goes for you. I really hope you can get back to TTC real soon :hugs:

AFM- I got a call from the sister clinic, they have copies of my notes and are awaiting my shipment lol monitoring scans start on Monday

Eeek!! So nervous!!!
question for those who have done IUI. I think i have explained a little about this but to reiterate.... They want me to test LH with OPK's with fmu and call them by 8:30am if it is positive so I can go in on the same day as my surge and do the IUI.

Normally I have never got a positive in the morning and only at night and I usually surge the same day that I ovulate. (at least after the mc). I have tested 3 times a day and my positive always seems to show up at 7pm and I must ovulate sometime after that as my temp will spike the next morning. But there have also been cycles where I never caught the surge at all but I did ovulate as shown on the 7dpo Progesterone test.

What I am worried about is that I will get a positive in the evening, do the IUI the next day but have missed ovulation.

My question: Do I book the IUI for the day before I think I am going to ovulate, the day I think I'm going to ovulate or just risk it with the OPK's (chancing that I never catch the surge at all).

edit: before the mc I ovulated on cd 17. After the mc, for 3 cycles I ovulated on cd 19, and for 1 cycle I ovulated on cd 20 (at least according to FF based on temps, it is possible it was cd 19).
Happy, I believe that is you bfp! When ever I tested out the trigger it's been long gone by 8 dpo like stark white no questions about it. So at 10 dpo that looks very promising.

November. That's wonderful.

Aayla. I wouldn't want to rely on opks alone at all. I have only ever gotten a positive with smu so the whole fmu wouldn't work for me either and when I do get a positive. It's gone by 2 pm the same day. They aren't doing ultrasounds at all? My clinic does ultrasounds. They track the size of the follicles and how many. And I take a trigger when I am.ready. seems like alot of pressure to be put under.
Aayla I would probably do them fmu and at night and if you get a positive opks at night call the next morning.
happy: that looks like a bfp to me

November: yay!! it's going to happen so soon! How long until you do the iui?

Sprite: I'm not being monitored at all. To add ultrasound and shots it jumps in price by another $2000. So all we are paying for is the sperm wash.

and it's all we can afford for this cycle as we have the trip to vegas next month. But if we miss it or it's a BFN then I will look into some extra stuff for next cycle.
I tested super early this morning. Another bfp, I think it was slightly darker. Digi was positive. Beta is Wednesday morning. I can't wait! I still can't believe this happening! Do you think they'll see me before my scheduled bloodwork? Wednesday will be 14dpo.

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