Sticking Together Until We All Get BFP's!!!!

So I officially took a vitex capsule so no turning back now! Lol :-)
Yay hope it does good for you!!! Its really just cool to see your insides :)the pain comes and goes quickly with spotting for a day. Its quick. Oh im so excited for you! I wish you were getting it tomorrow
Good luck aidensmommy I hope everything works out well and you'll get that sticky bean in no time!

Wishing I feel really good about you this cycle! Try and stay positive and not stress too much! I say that but then I stress like crazy! Easier said than done I know, but we can at least try!

I'm really frustrated and have no idea what's going on with my body. So Af started today full red flow, took a test just to see anyway BFN. But here's the thing my breasts are so sore, aching and burning, itchy nipples. This is very weird for me as my breasts hardly ever hurt at all and definitely never this much. I actually have a heating pad on them because they are bothering me so much. I tried to look it up on Doctor Google but I can't find anything. All the comes up is sore breasts are a sign of pregnancy, no duh! or woman have sore breasts on their period another no duh! But thats the thing I never do! My boobs only ever hurt if I'm wearing a bra to long and thats not the case today cus I have the day off and have been at home so no bra at all lol. I don't get it at all. So I hit the age of 30 and all of a sudden my boobs start hurting during my period! So confused!!!:shrug:

Sorry I know that was ranty but sigh...:wacko:
SweetMelodies my boobs have always hurt before aunt flow. Sometimes so bad that just wslking(because I am big chested and they move every time I move) and just in the last year I would have a cycle or two where they didn't hurt at all. I think our bodies just change.
SweetMelodies I'm SO glad you posted that, I was about to say the same thing. My boobs never ever hurt even a tiny bit. Yesterday I got some shooting pains and today many more and overall they just feel weird and sometimes painful and tingly. Its a first for me. I fully expect AF tomorrow bc I had brown CM today, my sure sign of AF. But my boobies are talking to me!!! Lol. It's all so confusing. Guess there's a first for everything.
Good luck aidensmommy I hope everything works out well and you'll get that sticky bean in no time!

Wishing I feel really good about you this cycle! Try and stay positive and not stress too much! I say that but then I stress like crazy! Easier said than done I know, but we can at least try!

I'm really frustrated and have no idea what's going on with my body. So Af started today full red flow, took a test just to see anyway BFN. But here's the thing my breasts are so sore, aching and burning, itchy nipples. This is very weird for me as my breasts hardly ever hurt at all and definitely never this much. I actually have a heating pad on them because they are bothering me so much. I tried to look it up on Doctor Google but I can't find anything. All the comes up is sore breasts are a sign of pregnancy, no duh! or woman have sore breasts on their period another no duh! But thats the thing I never do! My boobs only ever hurt if I'm wearing a bra to long and thats not the case today cus I have the day off and have been at home so no bra at all lol. I don't get it at all. So I hit the age of 30 and all of a sudden my boobs start hurting during my period! So confused!!!:shrug:

Sorry I know that was ranty but sigh...:wacko:

we really have the exact same cycles huh?! The vitex may make mine a couple days longer now but so far its been almost to the exact date for O and everything for us. That doesn't happen much on here! Lol. I'm too am having a weird CD1. I have the WORST cramps EVERR! I usually hardly cramp during AF but the past 2 cycles it keeps getting worse. That's another reason I started the vitex is for all the PMS cramping, bloating, and irritability that I get & for my cystic breasts of course :-) I hope I'm lucky and it kicks in in the 10 day lol. Even if I don't get my bfp, just having a tww without 10+ cysts in my breast would be great! I hope u feel better and ur body stops messing with you soon!! Are u trying anything new this cycle?
SweetMelodies I'm SO glad you posted that, I was about to say the same thing. My boobs never ever hurt even a tiny bit. Yesterday I got some shooting pains and today many more and overall they just feel weird and sometimes painful and tingly. Its a first for me. I fully expect AF tomorrow bc I had brown CM today, my sure sign of AF. But my boobies are talking to me!!! Lol. It's all so confusing. Guess there's a first for everything.

yes there is! I remember cycle #5 of trying (other than my chemical cycle #4) was my first cycle I had sore bbs and ive had them since. I got so excited cycle #5 thinking it has to be it bcuz of how bad my bbs hurt but turns out its probably been from cystic breast that seemed to have appeared every tww ever since the chemical :-\. Its awful sometimes!! I hope ur spotting is just the IB I always hear about the day before AF is due. If u miss AF tomorrow, u should try another frer to see if that shows anything. My fingers are still crossed for you!
Thanks aidensmommy, I will update when I'm 100% sure. Earlier today I had light AF cramps along with my spotting, now no cramps but I think that's normal until AF officially starts the next afternoon. I still feel like my body feels different from normal, but I'm trying so hard not to get my hopes up anymore. I am definitely curious to see what my temp does, too. If it doesn't dip tomorrow, that will be strange but since it's my first month charting, I don't know what is normal for me. All I know is, sore boobs is not normal. It sorta makes sense that yours started after your chemical, because your hormones had probably shifted since you got pregnant, but I have not been pregnant yet and the only thing I did differently this cycle was start Maca root supplements. You mention your cysts a lot... how do you know they are there? Do they feel like lumps?

I was all "I'm taking a break" and here I am going on again. I just love you ladies and I don't want to miss anything. Hehe.
U know mega, ur chart will really make me mad if u dont get ur bfp! Its like a perfect chart and that's just not nice:-\ Ive literally been waking up every a.m waiting to see ur temp and test results because i had that much faith that it was ur month. I am almost thinking about not temping after i have definitely oed next cycle just to stop the temping obsession i have. I like wait for the next a.m to come all day long just to see if my temp goes up lol. I feel like stopping after O might be good for me for just one cycle. Idk if ill be able to stick to it because my curiosity always seems to get the best of me! Lol. But if u get AF, that'll be another reason i may want to skip temping after O next cycle. I would have been so excited and then let down with a chart like yours. Its not fair sometimes! Ugh. Listen to me vent about YOUR chart! Lol it shows how excited i get for u ladies! :-P
Thanks aidensmommy, I will update when I'm 100% sure. Earlier today I had light AF cramps along with my spotting, now no cramps but I think that's normal until AF officially starts the next afternoon. I still feel like my body feels different from normal, but I'm trying so hard not to get my hopes up anymore. I am definitely curious to see what my temp does, too. If it doesn't dip tomorrow, that will be strange but since it's my first month charting, I don't know what is normal for me. All I know is, sore boobs is not normal. It sorta makes sense that yours started after your chemical, because your hormones had probably shifted since you got pregnant, but I have not been pregnant yet and the only thing I did differently this cycle was start Maca root supplements. You mention your cysts a lot... how do you know they are there? Do they feel like lumps?

I was all "I'm taking a break" and here I am going on again. I just love you ladies and I don't want to miss anything. Hehe.

lol I know it is impossible for me to stay away from u ladies! And I can tell my cysts are there only after O. Within 1-5 days after O I end up a bunch of little pea sized lumps and they hurt SO bad! Its like a stabbing/burning sensation. It hurts so bad that I cant wear a bra my entire tww and I do not have big bbs WHAT SO EVER so that's probably another reason they are so noticable to me. I originally found 2 from doing a self breast exam because my bbs were hurting in mainly just one area itd burn and the rest felt fine. If u want to check for them, just dont push too hard and slide gently around ur bbs and that's how u feel them if closer to the surface of the skin but to feel the ones a little deeper, u just push down a tiny bit harder. I freaked when I first found them and went to the docs and she just felt them and sent me on my way. This was Nov and ive asked about an u/s on them multiple times and nothing yet so I'm going to bring it up at my HSG since that doc seems to know and listen to my needs better. I pray this isn't what is going on w ur bbs because it really is so terribly uncomfortable at times! They disappear the day AF shows though and are gone until O. Before I started temping, that's how I actually confirmed O for a couple months lol that was the only good thing..i guess!
Hahaha you are so funny (about checking for my temps!)!! Well I don't even know what's up with the last few days of temps. I had a couple wonky nights of sleep, where I would get up and then fall asleep and then take my temp at a later time, hence the open circles... and one night I had the heating blanket on a low setting because I woke up cold a few hours before morning... that kind of thing. So I recorded those temps keeping in mind they could be off, but they ARE still way above cover line so... yeah I don't know. I suppose many ladies get a huge drop the day of AF and not before. That could be me, or maybe I messed up my temps these past few days and it would have been lower, or maybe I'm pregnant because my boobs are freaking going nuts on me right now. Lol. I'm serious guys, it's like shooting pains, like it feels like shots of cold water going through them and then it subsides a little, then comes back... wth...

My sister told me she had a 4 day "period" along with a week of sore boobs before she got her positive test. She tested many times with FRER and didn't test positive til a week late with her first baby- but that 4 day bleed made her think she wasn't pregnant... guess it was implantation.
Yay I'm puppy sitting for a friend this week! This makes me so happy because first off, its a tiny blue eyes terrior mix and second, it'll keep me busy! :-) I needed this right now! Lol :-P
Hahaha you are so funny (about checking for my temps!)!! Well I don't even know what's up with the last few days of temps. I had a couple wonky nights of sleep, where I would get up and then fall asleep and then take my temp at a later time, hence the open circles... and one night I had the heating blanket on a low setting because I woke up cold a few hours before morning... that kind of thing. So I recorded those temps keeping in mind they could be off, but they ARE still way above cover line so... yeah I don't know. I suppose many ladies get a huge drop the day of AF and not before. That could be me, or maybe I messed up my temps these past few days and it would have been lower, or maybe I'm pregnant because my boobs are freaking going nuts on me right now. Lol. I'm serious guys, it's like shooting pains, like it feels like shots of cold water going through them and then it subsides a little, then comes back... wth...

My sister told me she had a 4 day "period" along with a week of sore boobs before she got her positive test. She tested many times with FRER and didn't test positive til a week late with her first baby- but that 4 day bleed made her think she wasn't pregnant... guess it was implantation.

same thing happened with my sister and quite a few friends. My sis was the only one in my family that had IB so I know it doesn't run in mine but it could run in yours. I always always test the day after AF stops w a cheapie just to make sure it was true AF lol. I know to many ppl this actually happened to so I just have to check haha so if u do get AF and have a cheap test lying around, test after to ease your mind :-) especially if ur temps are still like that!
Aidensmommy, do you drink a lot of caffeine? My breasts used to get painful lumps and my doc told me to lay off the caffeine. So I started cutting back and now I'm down to 1 cup of coffee and no other caffeine. My lumpy breasts disappeared!!! I've also noticed that the pain during my TWW (the overall soreness) has definitely minimized as well! Sorry, just sharing my experience. :) yours are hormone related, just wanted to say that if you do drink caffeine, maybe try cutting back!

And yay on puppy sitting! Sounds adorable!!!

Megan, I actually check about a dozen charts every morning to see how you ladies are doing, lol! I'm glad to see you on here, I've felt like leaving out of disappointment but then I have no one to talk to! I can talk to DH but he doesn't experience the same sense of failure as I do (or doesn't seem to show it, makes it hard for me to talk to him). I hope that if this is AF, she's gone very quickly! :)
Aidensmommy, do you drink a lot of caffeine? My breasts used to get painful lumps and my doc told me to lay off the caffeine. So I started cutting back and now I'm down to 1 cup of coffee and no other caffeine. My lumpy breasts disappeared!!! I've also noticed that the pain during my TWW (the overall soreness) has definitely minimized as well! Sorry, just sharing my experience. :) yours are hormone related, just wanted to say that if you do drink caffeine, maybe try cutting back!

And yay on puppy sitting! Sounds adorable!!!

Megan, I actually check about a dozen charts every morning to see how you ladies are doing, lol! I'm glad to see you on here, I've felt like leaving out of disappointment but then I have no one to talk to! I can talk to DH but he doesn't experience the same sense of failure as I do (or doesn't seem to show it, makes it hard for me to talk to him). I hope that if this is AF, she's gone very quickly! :)

I used to drink alot of it back before November when I went to the docs for the cysts lol. Plus I just stopped drinking caffeine to help conceive in general but it hasn't done a thing for me :-\. My doc said it could help or it might not help at all. I'm assuming since it didn't help at all, its prob my hormones being a little bit off. Hopefully the vitex takes care of it! :-) ive even been drinking decaf coffee and omg my inlaws got me a cup of reg by accident yest and I was shaking like crazy! Lol it had been about 2 months since I had a regular cup of coffee! My hands would not stop shaking! :-P
Oh no mega! I cant believe ur chart!!!! I'm sorry :-( I really and truly thought u were going to get a late bfp! Maybe your just now getting an implantation dip! LoL
Wishing, holy cow you wake up early!!! Well I am relieved to see my temp dropped all the way to cover line today. I just wanted a clear answer and I got one. It is amazing how our bodies work. I didn't know how temping would work for me and I'm so glad I tried it out. From now on, I will probably keep temping all the time, but I know now that I shouldn't expect it to drop until the day of AF... and will only consider it a good sign if it stays up past a missed period date. So yay! Answers.

Yeah I will stick around to keep in touch with this thread. I was so bummed out for a few hours yesterday but I think I only get stressed during the last week of my cycle, at least about TTC, so staying on here the rest of the time won't stress me out as long as I also stay busy with other stuff.

The good news is, last night DH asked me "how long have we been trying?" and I said about 6 months, and he said "That's nothing!" and I was glad he said that because usually he seems disappointed... maybe he asked Dr. Google what is a normal time frame to get pregnant, or maybe he talked to some people at work about it. Either way now I feel a little less like my body is failing him. Most likely I will ask my doctor at my upcoming Pap smear appt if she thinks we should get a sperm count test done or anything... she might go ahead and do it for me. That would put my mind at ease because I feel like my cycles are regular and nothing seems to be wrong for me at least on the obvious side of things. I would be glad to know the same for him too.
lol Aidensmommy... I'm quite sure all signs are pointing towards not being pregnant this cycle... now we know I might get really high temps and it means nothing until the day of AF! Ohhhh welllll. It's ok.
lol Aidensmommy... I'm quite sure all signs are pointing towards not being pregnant this cycle... now we know I might get really high temps and it means nothing until the day of AF! Ohhhh welllll. It's ok.

I wish my temp was more predictable. Mine goes up and down and u never know which way its going to go in the end! I love temping all month to know what my body is doing so even tho I always say I'm going to take break w temping after O, I never can! Lol. It gets stressful to me only in the sense that I obsess about my temps sometimes lol. I will be shocked if I actually can take a break from temping...ud think id want to after O for one cycle to be able to sleep an extra hr but nope, not me lol.
was this ur first cycle temping at all or just vaginally? I cant seem to remember right now! :-P
Wishing, I bet ur temps are going to be much better to interpret this cycle! I cant remember if u answred the other day, are u temping vaginally this cycle? Or r ur temps just calming down completely on their own so far?

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