Sticking Together Until We All Get BFP's!!!!

My very first cycle off BCP, I tried temping before I ovulated and after ovulation, and my chart wasn't very clear and I stopped because it was stressing me out. Then I didn't temp at all and I was hoping to just get pregnant. So yeah Cycle 6 was my second time ever temping but I consider it the first time, since Cycle 1 was like an experimental period. Vaginal temping for the win, ya'll. Try it out!

However, I ordered a new BBT, the one they recommend in Taking Charge of Your Fertility (I also ordered that book, I want to actually read it even tho I know lots of tidbits already)- mine sucks because I can't hear the beep and there's no backlight, and it doesn't remember my last temp. So I look forward to trying out a couple new things. Last night DH was teaching me some techniques for cutting vegetables (he is a chef) and he said "See, we have to make good use of the time you have while you're not pregnant"... lol. I agree! Trying to make the best of it and learn all we can before a baby comes home.
Good morning girls!:happydance:

I just got back from work and I have to catch up on everything here before I go to bed;):coffee:

aidensmommy: your EX is horrible!!! :growlmad: I hope he will suffer for that:hugs: oooh, and I wanna puppysit too!!! I love puppies!

megamegan: where in NY are you? if we are close enough we can go for a coffee date:happydance:

Wishing: you do get up early!!! I love early mornings...especially in the summer. I go to the beach very early to watch sunrise.

Hey girls: besides TTC, how is everyone doing?

I started new job almost 3 months ago and I DO NOT like it almost at all...job would be OK, but people I work with are not that great and also, I don't like working nights. For some reason my body cant get used to it.... school is going well...lots of work, loots of work:nope: I don't know if I mentioned, I am working on my master degree in psychology....
Wishing, I bet ur temps are going to be much better to interpret this cycle! I cant remember if u answred the other day, are u temping vaginally this cycle? Or r ur temps just calming down completely on their own so far?

Vaginally temping! Already seems so stable, very excited for the future of my chart now :)
Lol, I definitely do get up early. I'm awake for over 12 hrs by the time I get off work. Blah! Funny part is, I don't even need to work as DH makes great money. But an extra $40k a year isn't a bad thing :) I keep joking with DH that we need to hurry up and conceive so that I can give birth and not come back to work! Haha :)

Ugh, that's no fun ibeach. :( I hope things get better for you at work. It's very hard to enjoy other aspects of your life when you are unhappy with your job. And, we love to go to the beach early as well! But they stopped allowing pets on the beach and have made it so we have to pay to park at any...almost not worth it anymore :(

Starting my robitussin today! Very glad to as my CM is so thick and yucky! Like BD was kinda gross last night as my arousal fluid was being diminished by this yucky pasty stuff. Sorry tmi there lol! Hoping it will be nicer so the little swimmers can have a fighting chance! I know it's the clomid doing it, so at least I know why I have it!
My very first cycle off BCP, I tried temping before I ovulated and after ovulation, and my chart wasn't very clear and I stopped because it was stressing me out. Then I didn't temp at all and I was hoping to just get pregnant. So yeah Cycle 6 was my second time ever temping but I consider it the first time, since Cycle 1 was like an experimental period. Vaginal temping for the win, ya'll. Try it out!

However, I ordered a new BBT, the one they recommend in Taking Charge of Your Fertility (I also ordered that book, I want to actually read it even tho I know lots of tidbits already)- mine sucks because I can't hear the beep and there's no backlight, and it doesn't remember my last temp. So I look forward to trying out a couple new things. Last night DH was teaching me some techniques for cutting vegetables (he is a chef) and he said "See, we have to make good use of the time you have while you're not pregnant"... lol. I agree! Trying to make the best of it and learn all we can before a baby comes home.

this is very true! Its funny how couples ttc end up in the kitchen more often together! Lol. Dh and I have been cooking together more then ever. Its partially for bonding time but ive also been eating healthy/trying to gain weight. Its def been helping! Ive gained 8lbs in the last 2 months! I used to eat TONS AND TONS of junk trying to gain weight and it didn't work but since I started eating healthier, its slowly packing on! Its weird how that can work! My BMI is now at a more healthy level and that was one of my OBs biggest concerns (minus my tube) so at least I have one if those taken care of :-) anyways, got off I have the same type of thermometer as u it sounds like. Mine does beep but it doesn't do anything else. I want a new one as well! Mine says it saves the last temp but the box is a liar! Lol. I do like mine tho because its cheap and at least beeps lol. And omg ive been wanting to read that book too! I hear about it all the time! I wonder if WalMart has it. I want to go buy it today now :-P. And ur bbt ur first cycle off bcp was probably all wacky due to ur hormones getting back to normal. I hear alot of women say they had crazy charts the first couple cycles so its good u gave ur body time before u really started temping :-)

I wonder when the puppy sitting will start...idk if its tonight or tomorrow! I hope its tonight lol. It'll be my baby for the next week while aidens at school and then I'm sure he'll be aidens baby once he is home from school lol :-) that puppy is going to be getting lots of love from all of us baby crazed ppl in my house, that's for sure! Lol
Wishing, I bet ur temps are going to be much better to interpret this cycle! I cant remember if u answred the other day, are u temping vaginally this cycle? Or r ur temps just calming down completely on their own so far?

Vaginally temping! Already seems so stable, very excited for the future of my chart now :)

I am too! I feel like u haven't truly been able to tell when u oed for a while due to wacky temps, I'm excited to see when it'll be and how the rise.looks! Ill be stalking ur chart all month! :-D
Lol, I definitely do get up early. I'm awake for over 12 hrs by the time I get off work. Blah! Funny part is, I don't even need to work as DH makes great money. But an extra $40k a year isn't a bad thing :) I keep joking with DH that we need to hurry up and conceive so that I can give birth and not come back to work! Haha :)

Ugh, that's no fun ibeach. :( I hope things get better for you at work. It's very hard to enjoy other aspects of your life when you are unhappy with your job. And, we love to go to the beach early as well! But they stopped allowing pets on the beach and have made it so we have to pay to park at any...almost not worth it anymore :(

Starting my robitussin today! Very glad to as my CM is so thick and yucky! Like BD was kinda gross last night as my arousal fluid was being diminished by this yucky pasty stuff. Sorry tmi there lol! Hoping it will be nicer so the little swimmers can have a fighting chance! I know it's the clomid doing it, so at least I know why I have it!

Robitussin is a great aid for you! I read from many different women and articles that clomid can cause thicker and hostile CM but the Robitussin usually does the trick for the women I read about and pre-seed. How many times/day are u going to take it?
iBeach- Didn't you say you are in LI? I'm in upper Westchester but I go to Manhattan and Queens every once in a while for various things... it would be so cool to meet up! I think it's so awesome that you're working on your masters for psychology. I used to love psychology but it started to freak me out a bit when it got too deep. What kind of job would you like to find after school?

Aidensmommy, I just bought the new BBT on Amazon and it was only $10... same price as the sucky one I bought from the drug store. And yes you're probably right about temps being crazy after birth control, so I am glad I waited.

Guys I just wanna do one more plug for these vitamins I am taking. I am suddenly very optimistic about life in general because I'm realizing that TTC has already made me a smarter and happier person. That is because of a couple things: I am thinking about caring for my body in a better way and really working on my relationship with DH to make sure we are going to have a happy home for a baby. Part of the health change involved me starting these vitamins. I have NEVER felt more energy and vitality. My brain fog is gone most of the time now and I do not need naps in the middle of the day anymore- something I've done my entire life. My whole life. Afternoon naps. Now I lay down and realize I don't need one. I still like to have alone time after work or socializing but I don't need to sleep to recharge. I noticed the biggest change when I started the New Chapter Co-enzyme B Food Complex. The Perfect Prenatals are wonderful, they have made a huge difference in my immune system. Today I started taking New Chapter Fish Oil/DHA because I realized the prenatals don't contain DHA.... and I had bought them for DH already so I just decided I'll start them too. If you can, try out these prenatals. On Amazon they are $38 for 192, which is a 2 month supply if you take the recommended daily amount. That's $19/month with free shipping, or less if you do subscribe-and-save. And less if you don't take 3 per day, which is the recommended amount. I started with 2 per day but now I do 3 per day and I like it better. Ok all done now, I just wanted people to know how good I feel from these vitamins, especially the B complex. :)
I took b6 but I never actually tried b complex. I think I'm going to give it a try. I too get very tired mid day and need a little nap almost everyday and sometimes in the tww I end up napping more. Ive always thought it was due to my depression disorder but maybe the B complex will still help with that. I could def use some energy! And I agree about prenatals, ive almost been sick a few times (as in having a cold) but it doesn't go further than a runny nose for a couple days and then I'm back to normal! My colds usually last at least a month! I wish I took vitamins all my life lol. Dh actually plans on continuing the vitacraves even after we get our BFP. He seems to like them alot :-)
Good morning ladies! Aidensmommy we are dog sitting the rest of this week too!! Nothing like puppy love! I just found out that my nephew is going to come spend a few days with us in a few weeks! His mom is dropping him off!! We are going to the zoo yay! Hes just so cute I could bite his handsome little face!
Lol I always tell my son that "I could just bite ur cheeks!" lol he's got the cutest cheeks and dimples :-) he's going to be a ladies man, that's for sure.
Haha it reminds me of that move 'what to expect' when that man says "I love my baby so much, im scared im going to eat him" cracks me up!
we really have the exact same cycles huh?! The vitex may make mine a couple days longer now but so far its been almost to the exact date for O and everything for us. That doesn't happen much on here! Lol. I'm too am having a weird CD1. I have the WORST cramps EVERR! I usually hardly cramp during AF but the past 2 cycles it keeps getting worse. That's another reason I started the vitex is for all the PMS cramping, bloating, and irritability that I get & for my cystic breasts of course :-) I hope I'm lucky and it kicks in in the 10 day lol. Even if I don't get my bfp, just having a tww without 10+ cysts in my breast would be great! I hope u feel better and ur body stops messing with you soon!! Are u trying anything new this cycle?

Yeah we do seem to have the exact same cycles lol. I hope the vitex helps you out with all your symptoms. I hate af and her playing with our minds. Thankfully my breasts are not a sore today (so far) so hopefully they stay that way. As for trying anything new I got some digital OPKs to try and I'm thinking about looking into Maca root.
Lol, I definitely do get up early. I'm awake for over 12 hrs by the time I get off work. Blah! Funny part is, I don't even need to work as DH makes great money. But an extra $40k a year isn't a bad thing :) I keep joking with DH that we need to hurry up and conceive so that I can give birth and not come back to work! Haha :)

Ugh, that's no fun ibeach. :( I hope things get better for you at work. It's very hard to enjoy other aspects of your life when you are unhappy with your job. And, we love to go to the beach early as well! But they stopped allowing pets on the beach and have made it so we have to pay to park at any...almost not worth it anymore :(

Starting my robitussin today! Very glad to as my CM is so thick and yucky! Like BD was kinda gross last night as my arousal fluid was being diminished by this yucky pasty stuff. Sorry tmi there lol! Hoping it will be nicer so the little swimmers can have a fighting chance! I know it's the clomid doing it, so at least I know why I have it!

Robitussin is a great aid for you! I read from many different women and articles that clomid can cause thicker and hostile CM but the Robitussin usually does the trick for the women I read about and pre-seed. How many times/day are u going to take it?

I found an article that states to take 2 teaspoons 3 times a day for the 5 days leading up to ovulation. I will continue taking until O is confirmed. :)
Lol, I definitely do get up early. I'm awake for over 12 hrs by the time I get off work. Blah! Funny part is, I don't even need to work as DH makes great money. But an extra $40k a year isn't a bad thing :) I keep joking with DH that we need to hurry up and conceive so that I can give birth and not come back to work! Haha :)

Ugh, that's no fun ibeach. :( I hope things get better for you at work. It's very hard to enjoy other aspects of your life when you are unhappy with your job. And, we love to go to the beach early as well! But they stopped allowing pets on the beach and have made it so we have to pay to park at any...almost not worth it anymore :(

Starting my robitussin today! Very glad to as my CM is so thick and yucky! Like BD was kinda gross last night as my arousal fluid was being diminished by this yucky pasty stuff. Sorry tmi there lol! Hoping it will be nicer so the little swimmers can have a fighting chance! I know it's the clomid doing it, so at least I know why I have it!

Robitussin is a great aid for you! I read from many different women and articles that clomid can cause thicker and hostile CM but the Robitussin usually does the trick for the women I read about and pre-seed. How many times/day are u going to take it?

I found an article that states to take 2 teaspoons 3 times a day for the 5 days leading up to ovulation. I will continue taking until O is confirmed. :)

ok that's what i was going to recommend to you :-) cuz even if the CM looks EW when u do a check, they tell u to take more than one dose a day to thin out the CM up in ur cervix so it stays a good environment for the spermies to survive in :-). I just started taking the correct dose starting last cycle because I read a pretty good article on it :-P
we really have the exact same cycles huh?! The vitex may make mine a couple days longer now but so far its been almost to the exact date for O and everything for us. That doesn't happen much on here! Lol. I'm too am having a weird CD1. I have the WORST cramps EVERR! I usually hardly cramp during AF but the past 2 cycles it keeps getting worse. That's another reason I started the vitex is for all the PMS cramping, bloating, and irritability that I get & for my cystic breasts of course :-) I hope I'm lucky and it kicks in in the 10 day lol. Even if I don't get my bfp, just having a tww without 10+ cysts in my breast would be great! I hope u feel better and ur body stops messing with you soon!! Are u trying anything new this cycle?

Yeah we do seem to have the exact same cycles lol. I hope the vitex helps you out with all your symptoms. I hate af and her playing with our minds. Thankfully my breasts are not a sore today (so far) so hopefully they stay that way. As for trying anything new I got some digital OPKs to try and I'm thinking about looking into Maca root.

I keep hearing about maca root and I want to try it. I have to look into it more. I need to find a good enzyme for scar tissue damage. Idk where id get them tho.
I'm hoping that we are all going to see our bfp's soon! We haven't had much luck these past few months! :(
Here's some info on Maca Root...
I took 1800 mg/day until O, then 600mg/day until BFP!
Hi ladies.... home from work... that little bit of brown spotting is completely gone, now only creamy CM, and no AF. Did a Wondfo just because, still negative of course. I know AF is coming but this is a strange one for me. I guess... there's the tiniest chance it might not come... trying so hard to push away that thought, tho. Stay away, hopeful thoughts!! Lol. The disappointment is too much and I already went through it yesterday so let's get a move on, aunt flo!!!

Hi ladies.... home from work... that little bit of brown spotting is completely gone, now only creamy CM, and no AF. Did a Wondfo just because, still negative of course. I know AF is coming but this is a strange one for me. I guess... there's the tiniest chance it might not come... trying so hard to push away that thought, tho. Stay away, hopeful thoughts!! Lol. The disappointment is too much and I already went through it yesterday so let's get a move on, aunt flo!!!

:hugs: FX!!!!

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