Sticking Together Until We All Get BFP's!!!!

Ttc really does torture our minds and hearts, I wish I could make you switch off til your bfp but that just wouldn't be true ttc practice! You WILL get your bfp, but one thing I have definitely found is distracting myself lots has helped the tww pass more quickly and less symptom spotting. That's why I also didn't want to temp but that's just my decision and I would get too stressed analysing. Last month I was stupidly obsessed with ttc, this month I moved house and was distracted. I definitely vote distraction for you ttc's next cycle! Good luck Mary, just remember we're either feeling or have felt exactly the same anguish as you whether it be every flippin af or just a few x And yes those tests were cruel. Obviously the sensible thing to keep us sane would be to wait til af day to test but that's not going to happen unless you're REALLY distracted! Maybe you need a little weekend away? :)

I totally agree. Last cycle I was 100% distracted and the tww was a breeze BUT I didn't have any BIG stand out "symptoms". This tww I was in bed with the flu so it was impossible for me to stay busy and ny chart played tricks as well as a test :-\. That's one thing I have learned how to do all this time is to stay busy. I also dont come on the threads for parts of the month or I know ill start thinking crazy lol. It'll happen has to. Thank u for ur support!
I want to thank YOU ALL for the support this TWW and just this a.m as well. Ur all amazing.
Its like I got sick at the absolute wrong time this month (right at 4dpo, which is a known sign that I couldn't block out!). Ugh. I've been doing so good NOT symptom spotting and then this happens. Grr. Maybe ill still get a surprise this cycle but if not, I am DEMANDING my repeat HSG. I already had to pay $1000 for the u/s I DID NOT WANT and that was my docs reasoning for not doing the HSG yet...she said "I'm not sure if ur insurance will cover and its about $1000." So I agreed to the u/s and got hit with a $979 bill in the mail a wk later!!!! I soooo would have rather had my HSG for that!!! It almost feels like the whole universe is against me getting pregnant right now. I know thats not true but it just feels that way at times :-\. Gee, I cant wait to get out if this slump! The good thing is, ill prob feel better about it by the time AF starts for another fresh, positive cycle :). FX for good things to come, soon!!!
And a return thank you for your support!

Hoping they can get the hsg lined up for you but I'm secretly hoping you don't need it :)
I'm with Dani.... hoping for a BFP first and if not then HSG :hugs:

:) I am DEFINITELY with both of u!!! I'm hoping I see a bfp before the HSG as well! If not, I at least want to know how much my tube has opened! I know its open more than it was at my Last HSG, I just KNOW it but, idk by how much. I just got off the phone with my OBs nurse and she's going to schedule another u/s for this cycle to make sure I dont have cysts BEFORE o. And she's going to TRY and get me my HSG scheduled but it'll depend on what the doc says. I basically told the nurse that if she doesn't do it, ill find a better doctor who will. And I also explain how a repeat is VERY common and that she can call some specialists herself and they will agree. I'm praying this time they say yes! Since the u/s would be this cycle to check for cysts, IF she agrees on the HSG, the hsg would be in very early Feb. I cannot wait to just KNOW what's going on and if its bad news, we can move onto trying out surgery for my tube. Her not doing the HSG already has been making time literally stop as I wait.
Like u ladies said, I hope for a BFP beforehand but ill be very happy to be able to TRULY make a plan to lead me to my BFP, IF I dont get the best of news. I just gota keep my faith! :)
Ok - finally got crosshairs today. It was bothering me that I did not adjust two temps which I believed followed 1DPO like I have always done before. Both times I had woken up hours earlier than my usual temp time; once I was able to go back to sleep though restlessly for a couple hours, the other I tossed and turned from 4am until I got so annoyed I got up and went to work 1 hour earlier than usual... I read in FF this month that it recommends recording the temp you take at the off time and not adjust, but I know my body and that makes the real temp wrong. So, I adjusted the temps with the online tool but didn't make them quite as high - averaged real temp and proposed adjusted. Then BAM, it puts me at DPO. I really am convinced what my chart says at least in terms of O time is right, esp. since I spotted yesterday and had such HORRIBLE cramping the day I Oed and then again a couple days after. Still a bit of brownish pink when I wipe today. I have NEVER spotted mid-cycle, except once a little red blood after sex. So... I'm officially in the window and virtually "symptom free" which is also strange cuz my boobs almost always get swollen and sore around 4DPO. I guess it's possible I'm really only 3DPO and the spotting, cramping were other things but I like my crazy chart as it is and will just indulge the (possible) fantasy...
Im so sorry mary, frer sucks now. I had evaps two months in a row :(. Sorry!
Im so sorry mary, frer sucks now. I had evaps two months in a row :(. Sorry!

They truly do! I'm sorry you had to experience their mean tricks as well. I always get evaps on FRER and THOUGHT I learned what they looked like but this evap was unlike any other! I still cannot believe it. I didn't bother testing today and wont be unless AF doesn't show! I'm sure she will be here tho...
So i just got some good news...My OBs doing my u/s to check for pre-O cysts this coming wk and then as long as all comes back well, she SAYS she'll go ahead and do my HSG the next cycle, so def Feb if all looks well u/s wise. FX!! She better really do it this time! That'll give me about 40 more days on the stronger dose of my enzymes and im hoping if there's any blockage left, the dye will be able to push through this time. I know there's a chance it wont work for me but I just have a good feeling and either way, it'll get me out of this limbo of not knowing. The repeat HSG is def worth a shot in my eyes! I had the #2 on my most recent fortune cookie (lol) so maybe it stands for the second month of the That's when my HSG should be so its possible that cycle #23 could be the lucky one! Im still secretly praying for a surprise bfp now but I also told myself that im most likely out, that way ill be over this cruel cycle the day AF shows. Im def glad they finally said they'll do it tho! Now I actually have some plans set to help us with TTC so we know which direction we need to go in next. Thats a great feeling!
Ok - finally got crosshairs today. It was bothering me that I did not adjust two temps which I believed followed 1DPO like I have always done before. Both times I had woken up hours earlier than my usual temp time; once I was able to go back to sleep though restlessly for a couple hours, the other I tossed and turned from 4am until I got so annoyed I got up and went to work 1 hour earlier than usual... I read in FF this month that it recommends recording the temp you take at the off time and not adjust, but I know my body and that makes the real temp wrong. So, I adjusted the temps with the online tool but didn't make them quite as high - averaged real temp and proposed adjusted. Then BAM, it puts me at DPO. I really am convinced what my chart says at least in terms of O time is right, esp. since I spotted yesterday and had such HORRIBLE cramping the day I Oed and then again a couple days after. Still a bit of brownish pink when I wipe today. I have NEVER spotted mid-cycle, except once a little red blood after sex. So... I'm officially in the window and virtually "symptom free" which is also strange cuz my boobs almost always get swollen and sore around 4DPO. I guess it's possible I'm really only 3DPO and the spotting, cramping were other things but I like my crazy chart as it is and will just indulge the (possible) fantasy...

I have a feeling you may really be 5dpo and Oed the day of that big dip. I'm just guessing this based on ur chart and the fact that u had a positive opk the day before that huge dip could mean O occurred that day. It wont be much longer til we know! Hopefully we find out when u oed by either a earlier or later than expected sticky BFP and not ur LP! FX FX FX! Come on 2015 BFPs, start rolling in! We need to start the 2015 "baby boom!" lol :). 2014 was called "the baby boom" and It drove me nuts when u heard it on the news, as I was clearly hoping to be apart of that "baby boom" Its so crazy how many ladies like us are ttc right now! Maybe baby fever is contagious right now :haha:

Ok - finally got crosshairs today. It was bothering me that I did not adjust two temps which I believed followed 1DPO like I have always done before. Both times I had woken up hours earlier than my usual temp time; once I was able to go back to sleep though restlessly for a couple hours, the other I tossed and turned from 4am until I got so annoyed I got up and went to work 1 hour earlier than usual... I read in FF this month that it recommends recording the temp you take at the off time and not adjust, but I know my body and that makes the real temp wrong. So, I adjusted the temps with the online tool but didn't make them quite as high - averaged real temp and proposed adjusted. Then BAM, it puts me at DPO. I really am convinced what my chart says at least in terms of O time is right, esp. since I spotted yesterday and had such HORRIBLE cramping the day I Oed and then again a couple days after. Still a bit of brownish pink when I wipe today. I have NEVER spotted mid-cycle, except once a little red blood after sex. So... I'm officially in the window and virtually "symptom free" which is also strange cuz my boobs almost always get swollen and sore around 4DPO. I guess it's possible I'm really only 3DPO and the spotting, cramping were other things but I like my crazy chart as it is and will just indulge the (possible) fantasy...

I have a feeling you may really be 5dpo and Oed the day of that big dip. I'm just guessing this based on ur chart and the fact that u had a positive opk the day before that huge dip could mean O occurred that day. It wont be much longer til we know! Hopefully we find out when u oed by either a earlier or later than expected sticky BFP and not ur LP! FX FX FX! Come on 2015 BFPs, start rolling in! We need to start the 2015 "baby boom!" lol :). 2014 was called "the baby boom" and It drove me nuts when u heard it on the news, as I was clearly hoping to be apart of that "baby boom" Its so crazy how many ladies like us are ttc right now! Maybe baby fever is contagious right now :haha:


I agree, either I am 7 or 5 DPO... DH and I wonder if I might have released 2 eggs though so not sure how that would affect anything. Either way, I have to just assume AF isn't "late" until 3 days after FF says she's due (based on me 'being 7dpo today'). Stupid waiting. I'm still just really thrown about the spotting and those bad cramps I had on the 30th - never had anything like this.
I'm having an irrational panic moment today. My DH is convinced I'm pregnant because my boobs have changed so much, but now I'm panicking that I'm not, and we'll both be disappointed. Oh, the fun of the TWW!
I'm having an irrational panic moment today. My DH is convinced I'm pregnant because my boobs have changed so much, but now I'm panicking that I'm not, and we'll both be disappointed. Oh, the fun of the TWW!

How many DPO are you? Do you have a chart?
Mary so sorry about the stupid test :( fx you get the BFP soon, I was so nervous and excited hoping this was it.
I'm having an irrational panic moment today. My DH is convinced I'm pregnant because my boobs have changed so much, but now I'm panicking that I'm not, and we'll both be disappointed. Oh, the fun of the TWW!

How many DPO are you? Do you have a chart?

I'm not charting, because I can usually feel it when I ovulate. I'm about 10dpo at the moment. To be honest, I think I'm just having a hormonal day.
Hi all I've been stalking for a bit and wondering if I can join you all? Looking for some support as things are weird for me....

This is my 5th cycle TTC #1. I unfortunately don't have a lot of hope for this cycle (I should be ovulating in the next day or two here.....if I am ovulating...) because I think I am having some hormonal issues going on :wacko:
I am not one who gets PMS (maybe somewhat sore boobs but nothing else) and the past two months my PMS has been crazy (sore boobs, emotional, nauseous) which of course leads me to thinking I'm pregnant....
The sore boobs have continued post PMS week (not nearly as sore but still sore)
The WEIRDEST thing though is that yesterday I noticed that I am lactating a bit from my right nipple!! only like a drop and only when I squeeze it fairly firmly (to be clear I didn't figure this out by randomly squeezing my nipple I noticed it was a bit wet and then squeezed....) but still I am super concerned about this and freaking out with this combined with the sore boobs....and also what has been an almost constant pain on the right side of my pelvis....
I have a dr apt next week so I'm hoping she will send for some tests...I'm wondering if I have a cyst? but that doesn't explain the random lactation I don't think?

Gah! I'm so frustrated and confused :cry:
Hi startd... Did you test yet? How long is your usual cycle?

Temp dropped AGAIN today at 8DPO, maybe 6 if FF got it wrong. I am actually wondering if I really Oed at all this cycle :( I think I'm out - there is just no trace of a thermal shift. Really frustrated.
Ok - finally got crosshairs today. It was bothering me that I did not adjust two temps which I believed followed 1DPO like I have always done before. Both times I had woken up hours earlier than my usual temp time; once I was able to go back to sleep though restlessly for a couple hours, the other I tossed and turned from 4am until I got so annoyed I got up and went to work 1 hour earlier than usual... I read in FF this month that it recommends recording the temp you take at the off time and not adjust, but I know my body and that makes the real temp wrong. So, I adjusted the temps with the online tool but didn't make them quite as high - averaged real temp and proposed adjusted. Then BAM, it puts me at DPO. I really am convinced what my chart says at least in terms of O time is right, esp. since I spotted yesterday and had such HORRIBLE cramping the day I Oed and then again a couple days after. Still a bit of brownish pink when I wipe today. I have NEVER spotted mid-cycle, except once a little red blood after sex. So... I'm officially in the window and virtually "symptom free" which is also strange cuz my boobs almost always get swollen and sore around 4DPO. I guess it's possible I'm really only 3DPO and the spotting, cramping were other things but I like my crazy chart as it is and will just indulge the (possible) fantasy...

I have a feeling you may really be 5dpo and Oed the day of that big dip. I'm just guessing this based on ur chart and the fact that u had a positive opk the day before that huge dip could mean O occurred that day. It wont be much longer til we know! Hopefully we find out when u oed by either a earlier or later than expected sticky BFP and not ur LP! FX FX FX! Come on 2015 BFPs, start rolling in! We need to start the 2015 "baby boom!" lol :). 2014 was called "the baby boom" and It drove me nuts when u heard it on the news, as I was clearly hoping to be apart of that "baby boom" Its so crazy how many ladies like us are ttc right now! Maybe baby fever is contagious right now :haha:


I agree, either I am 7 or 5 DPO... DH and I wonder if I might have released 2 eggs though so not sure how that would affect anything. Either way, I have to just assume AF isn't "late" until 3 days after FF says she's due (based on me 'being 7dpo today'). Stupid waiting. I'm still just really thrown about the spotting and those bad cramps I had on the 30th - never had anything like this.

Your exactly right with assuming AF isn't late yet until those extra 3 days have passed. That'd be great if u released 2 eggs. I think two eggs can only release within 24hrs so maybe u released one very late on the evening of the first suspected O day and very early in the a.m for the next suspected O day....We'll never know the answer to this for sure but I like to think about all the things that could be going on in there lol :).
Also, one cycle I had BAD o pains and spotting as well. My doctor informed me that this can be quite common at O time and is just from the "rupture" of the egg and she also said it can happen before O, during O, or after. If its was more of a pink color, it was probably right with O or RIGHT after, if It was More brownish, its probably from your ovary going crazy before O because the brown blood usually means "old" and the pink/red blood usually means "fresh". Of course this can differ for all of us, I just wanted to share some more of this TTC info I have filled my brain with! Lol! But anyways, spotting at O could just mean u had an extra strong O for ur BFP if its not a common thing for u! :) You never know! : FX FX FX!

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