Sticking Together Until We All Get BFP's!!!!

Snshine, in sorry hun. :(. I know your feelings of almost wanting to cancel ur appt. Its been a hard struggle for me, as it is for us all, and ive procrastinated appts because I was too overwhelmed to find out anymore bad news, u know? Maybe an HSG would help u...? One of ur tubes could have a SLIGHT blockage that could be cleared from the dye during the hsg. Just something to mention to ur doc if ur interested.
I'm currently on cycle #22 and my DS can def notice my depression sometimes and I hate that! My DS is 6, almost 7, and he wants a sibling sooooo badly as well and that makes me sad that I can't give him one yet. I keep telling him to pray to god and one day it'll happen. As u said, its hard to know what to say to a young child. I have faith it'll happen for you and I both. I had trouble conceiving DS as well. I tried for a baby a total of 2 1/2 yrs before Aiden was conceived. I believe coming off of b/c and cysts were my issues back then. Now its my only remaining tube being blocked :-\. I still have alot of hope that it'll happen for me though and same for you. Keep your head up hun. I def feel your frustration.
Whether you keep ur appt or not is 100% ur decision but I'd def think about keeping it, only so u can talk over options and such and maybe get an HSG to "clear the pipes" (thats how my doc described it lol). And IF DHs SA happens to not be perfect, I know fertilaid for men and quite a few other natural meds can help increase sperm count. Sometimes its a very easy fix.
Hopefully you'll feel better soon! About every 2-3 cycles, I start to feel down and like it'll never happen but i always manage to bounce back, and i know you will as well. You did this for 22 months with DS & that alone tells me your a very strong woman! Its not easy going through all of this but I believe we'll appreciate our LO's THAT much more just because we had to work sooo incredibly hard for them that we'll never want to miss a single moment, u know what I mean? Thats one of my little sayings that gets me through my days of TTC. Knowing a LO to love and cherish will come out of this long struggle is what keeps me going every cycle.
Anyway, enough with my I truly hope you feel better soon. I hope we all are relieved from this TTC pressure and sadness, asap! FX for this cycle!!! And LOTS of dust your way!

oh btw, do u temp?

Thank you. It is nice to be included in a forum where other people can understand what I am going through. There are so many people around me getting pregnant with their second babies, when their first baby just turned a year old. 6 people in a week and a half on Facebook announced their pregnancies and it just makes me feel like such a failure as a woman, you know? That my body is incapable of doing what it was made to do.

To answer your question, I used to temp. It affected my sleep and it drove me nuts because I would have great charts and then still get BFN.

DH and I went into TTC #2 with a laid back approach. But then each month, my body is throwing curve balls at me and it's hard to not get disappointed in the whole process. We have changed our eating habits, I started a prenatal back in March, tried baby aspirin half way through last month, even tried Mucinex this month and still no luck. I am from a fertile family. My sister got pregnant on the pill and I am the third child in my "oops" seeing as my mom only had half of an ovary due to a lot of issues.

To get a little more son has cystic fibrosis. He was diagnosed when he was 20 days old. We went through so much when he was a baby and DH and I never thought that we would have another just because of the plain and simple fact of the possibility of bringing another child into this world with the disease. (There is a 1 in 4 chance). We said when DH turned 4 we would talk about it, but then when my period was late at the beginning of 2014 and DH was about to turn 3, we had a change of heart. We didn't want CF affecting the family that we had planned for when we got married. And as crazy as it sounds...the day before I was to have my IUD out, I had a dream that I gave birth to a baby girl and that she didn't have CF. So, why God would change my heart and then put me through this is beyond me. Again, I know that I haven't been through half of what others TTC have, but I still have a hard time dealing with the reality of it all. I have been putting off too much in the off chance that I do become pregnant and I know I need to change that. Whether or not I keep the appt at the end of the month is still to be determined and it's something that I need to have a heart to heart with DH about. I will get through this, just as I have with everything else difficult in my life.

Very well said. I completely feel you. Dh and I weren't even thinking about TTC and then we had a "scare" and suddenly we both wanted a baby SO bad after that and we actually thought it'd be easy. LOL! So much for that!

And no matter how long you've been TTC, its hard! When you want something so badly, it can make time feel like it stops. I know I got just as sad when I was only at 4 cycles TTC as I get now at 22 cycles. Yearning for a baby stays the same.

I'm so sorry to hear about what you went through with DS. That couldn't have been easy for you as a mother. And poor DS :(. My heart goes out to your family hun.
I do believe there is a reason that you and DH decided to try for another and I think you'll get your answer soon with a big fat positive! :) I'm hoping this is the case for me as well! I was perfectly content with never having another child after my right ovary/tube removal and then one day it was like BOOM! Dh and i both wanted a baby more than anything. This couldn't have "just happened" for either of us. There's a reason our hearts turned back to wanting another. You'll be in my prayers that you get that healthy little girl that you dreamt of before you know it :). GL!

Oh and I completely know what u mean about everyone falling pregnant around u! All 3 of my bffs got pregnant and have now given birth during the time ive been struggling to get pregnant. :-\. It's very hard to watch and I don't think anything can turn that feeling off inside, other than a BFP. They actually called 2014 the "Baby Boom" because everyone was falling pregnant. Its hard not to feel jealous or hurt over other pregnancies while TTC. But baby dust is definitely in the air and I hope it reaches the rest of us soon! FX!
Hi ladies! :hi:

Just wondering if its normal not to have morning sickness yet??? The only symptoms im having is like period pains that come and go and lower back ache that comes and goes but that tends to be more In the evening.. I had an episode of the runs last night and just sorry tmi :haha:

And I have lots of cm and my nipples are larger and sensitive to the touch.... :blush: oh and breasts are veiny too :haha:

But other than that I feel good at the moment.. im kind of worried cause im not feeling or being sick and only tired more in the evening.. im scared to lose little one :(

I didn't have a.m sickness. Well I had it VERY minor for 2 wks but that was 7-9wks and then it 100% stopped and I had a very comfortable pregnancy. If it weren't for Aiden kicking when my belly popped and my sore nips, I wouldn't have even known I was pregnant. Not being sick is a good thing! Def don't let it worry you! Enjoy it :). Even if u had a.m sickness in previous pregnancies, (not sure if u had any) it can differ every pregnancy. I bet everything is just fine. My mother or sister didn't experience A.M sickness either and all pregnancies were completely healthy :)
Hoping this is taken the right way, but it feels like all of my waiting and heartache vanished with my BFP. You know how as a little girl, you longed for boobs or for your period? Felt weird that everyone got it before you? Then when you got it, you kinda forgot all that longing? Doesn't make it any less painful when you're going through it, but there's a light at the end of the tunnel

:shower: (well now I feel weird, but hopefully you get the point)
Ttc I'm so sorry for what your family is going through. I hope all turns out well.

Sarahlou - praise the lord if you haven't gotten morning sickness yet, it sucks!! I have heard that it doesn't really start until week 6 for a lot of women. 4 days or so before I got my bfps I started getting really sick. I thought it was a cold but it must have been the day of implantation.

To be honest being pregnant hasn't taken the pain away. I've blogged about this before (link in sig, subscribe if you haven't akready). Being pregnant is so much different than I thought it would be like and only intensified my heartache for my losses. I still get really sad/angry when others announce a bfp......others that haven't struggled. I just want to tell you ladies because I think we all believe that everything will change when we get pregnant but it doesnt.
Thanks ladies.... :flower: Think I should be thinking myself lucky that im feeling okay right now.... :thumbup::dohh:
A full house would be nice!

One full house with a royal flush coming up :hugs:

Well, I'm going to have a rough go of it for awhile. My mom just got diagnosed with cancer. I could use that good news BFP right about now. Any good news is welcome, after all. Frankly, though, my low post-O temps don't have me particularly optimistic this month.

I'm so sorry to hear about your mom and your dad as well :nope:

My post o temps in my BFP cycle never rocketed high like other ladies have on their charts so I worried about it as well but it worked out great for me. FX for you.

Good luck with the road ahead with your mum and remember we are here to support whenever you need us :hugs:

Hi ladies! :hi:

Just wondering if its normal not to have morning sickness yet??? The only symptoms im having is like period pains that come and go and lower back ache that comes and goes but that tends to be more In the evening.. I had an episode of the runs last night and just sorry tmi :haha:

And I have lots of cm and my nipples are larger and sensitive to the touch.... :blush: oh and breasts are veiny too :haha:

But other than that I feel good at the moment.. im kind of worried cause im not feeling or being sick and only tired more in the evening.. im scared to lose little one :(

Try to stay positive and not think of losing the pregnancy. Try and enjoy every minute of it!

My ms only started with light nausea round about middle of 5 weeks almost 6. Slowly picked up from there and only started going away at 13 weeks. Like Jess said, normally from 6 weeks for most women.
Im also eating when I feel hungry too this got to be a good sign... But hopefully if it does come around week 6 or so then at least I've had a few weeks feeling okay :thumbup:
I guess to clarify, I meant my BFP took away the heartache I felt with waiting for a BFP each passing month. The waiting and BFNs and countless OPKs vanished in my mind and I doesn't feel like years have passed, but I think about every single chemical on a pretty consistent basis. Nothing can take away the pain of a loss or the gutted feelings you've felt with seeing lines and then seeing them fade away.
I had a photoshoot this morning so I am super behind!! Trying to remember every post I wanted to respond to..

Sunshine I am so sorry :( I know how frustrating it is, truly, but you shouldn't give up hope. I know that's easier said than done! Just to jump in and play unsolicited doctor, do you by chance have any thyroid symptoms? What was your average BBT when you did chart? We tried for 6 months without a whiff of a BFP and then I got on Synthroid at about 5 dpo and BAM, BFP that month. I was also on progesterone cream, but my temps are super low and I have gained a ton of weight recently (not normal for me!!) so I pushed the thyroid meds with my doc (though I had "normal" labs) and I feel better and obviously one major symptom is gone. It's worth a shot, if you have any symptoms at least. Also.. I just went to my first doc appointment yesterday and they give us the option of being tested for being carriers of CF. Looking back, would you have been tested beforehand? Or were you?

SarahLou I don't have any real symptoms either actually! Definitely not much nausea - some food aversions here and there but not much. I've heard they don't start for probably another week or so. But I know.. I'd almost rather have MS than be totally fine and be like OMG do I have enough hormones in me?! Lol. But I know Jess will tell us we are crazy..

TTc so sorry to hear the news :(

Cutie I am with you!! There's something so joyful about this feeling right now.. though I am TERRIFIED of losing. But I just feel like :biiiiiiig sigh:. I feel like I'm glowing, I'm not even kidding! Luckily I'm on progesterone suppositories (omg.. can we just even.. can we even talk about those things?!) so hopefully I wouldn't lose because of that. I understand where Jess is coming from too, though, and I know that 7 months wasn't THAT long but you guys, I'm like.. a health food blogger! You know? We eat organic and we don't have any bad habits and I had nothing *wrong* with me (well, might have turned out as a thyroid problem due to screwing with my diet all the time.. possibly), and to go month after month with BFN after BFN, I would look around and see clearly unhealthy women with like five kids and go WTF!!!!! So I still am a little like peeved when I see a BFP announcement after like "omg lucky first try!". I still think it's a little rude, like I've said before, if I bragged about my LSAT scores for law school and all the schools I got into, because it was "sooooo easy" (it was way easier than TTC, let's be real!), people would be like "what a b*tch!" but apparently bragging about your ease of conceiving is like.. totally cool. Urgh.
Cheryl, one thing I've learned about some of those "lucky" BFPs is that some are definite 1st tries and some are women that may have been battling for years and maybe we just don't know it. I quickly realized that when I announce, there will be a lot of people that think oh look at her and will have no idea what I went through the past year. Re: the progesterone. I've got some tips on those if you want to DM me lol.
Hi ladies. Well, if I don't get AF today, I will be 2 days late, sorta more like 3 for my usual cycle length. I am never late. And I don't feel like I'm stressing, just want to know what's going on. I've been sleeping well, have really no symptoms of PMS or pregnancy, and temp did climb to 98.7 last week, but I think that's cuz I was sick. Now it's stuck in the low 98s, which is high for me. Baseline is 97.3. I took a Wondfo HPT on Sunday (14DPO) and again Monday afternoon (though this was after lots of fluids and peeing before) - both glaring BFNs. I am really worried I am either starting to have irregular cycles or that I am experiencing implantation failure :(. If anyone can offer any reassuring words, I'd appreciate it.

Oh, I contacted FF and had them put my subscription on hold. DH and I decided to take an official break until we go on vacation out of the country in May. But I may avoid TTC even longer, if not permanently. Clearly I obsess over the process too much - I may even be making my cycles go haywire over it!!
I had a photoshoot this morning so I am super behind!! Trying to remember every post I wanted to respond to..

Sunshine I am so sorry :( I know how frustrating it is, truly, but you shouldn't give up hope. I know that's easier said than done! Just to jump in and play unsolicited doctor, do you by chance have any thyroid symptoms? What was your average BBT when you did chart? We tried for 6 months without a whiff of a BFP and then I got on Synthroid at about 5 dpo and BAM, BFP that month. I was also on progesterone cream, but my temps are super low and I have gained a ton of weight recently (not normal for me!!) so I pushed the thyroid meds with my doc (though I had "normal" labs) and I feel better and obviously one major symptom is gone. It's worth a shot, if you have any symptoms at least. Also.. I just went to my first doc appointment yesterday and they give us the option of being tested for being carriers of CF. Looking back, would you have been tested beforehand? Or were you?

SarahLou I don't have any real symptoms either actually! Definitely not much nausea - some food aversions here and there but not much. I've heard they don't start for probably another week or so. But I know.. I'd almost rather have MS than be totally fine and be like OMG do I have enough hormones in me?! Lol. But I know Jess will tell us we are crazy..

TTc so sorry to hear the news :(

Cutie I am with you!! There's something so joyful about this feeling right now.. though I am TERRIFIED of losing. But I just feel like :biiiiiiig sigh:. I feel like I'm glowing, I'm not even kidding! Luckily I'm on progesterone suppositories (omg.. can we just even.. can we even talk about those things?!) so hopefully I wouldn't lose because of that. I understand where Jess is coming from too, though, and I know that 7 months wasn't THAT long but you guys, I'm like.. a health food blogger! You know? We eat organic and we don't have any bad habits and I had nothing *wrong* with me (well, might have turned out as a thyroid problem due to screwing with my diet all the time.. possibly), and to go month after month with BFN after BFN, I would look around and see clearly unhealthy women with like five kids and go WTF!!!!! So I still am a little like peeved when I see a BFP announcement after like "omg lucky first try!". I still think it's a little rude, like I've said before, if I bragged about my LSAT scores for law school and all the schools I got into, because it was "sooooo easy" (it was way easier than TTC, let's be real!), people would be like "what a b*tch!" but apparently bragging about your ease of conceiving is like.. totally cool. Urgh.

As far as I know I don't have any blaring thyroid problem symptoms. I was tested and told my levels were "normal". While I do have signs of thyroid stuff, that could also be due to other things, you know what I mean? So, I can't sit here and say it could be a thyroid issue. My temps when temping were normal. In the 98s.

As far as the CF testing goes. I was given the option while pregnant with my son and I did not have the testing. Nobody in my family has the disease, so I didn't even think twice about it. And the ironic part is even if I had been tested, it would have come back that I am a carrier, but the fact that my husband's mutation of the disease is SO rare, it isn't on the panel of genes that they test for. So, they would have told us we are all set. I had an amazing pregnancy with my son and enjoyed every single second of it, so not being tested is fine by me and I wouldn't have changed it because then I would have just stressed about the possibility. CF is a part of who he is, but it doesn't define him and although it threw a lot of road blocks in our way, he is thriving and doing well. He is my little miracle boy and we were 2 weeks away from an infertility appt when I got my BFP with him.
Starry I'd be tempted to say that you're only 6dpo looking at your chart.mits certainly a clearer temp shift than the one before.
Might be wrong
Starry I'd be tempted to say that you're only 6dpo looking at your chart.mits certainly a clearer temp shift than the one before.
Might be wrong

I can see why you might think that, but my charts are always triphasic (pre-O temps, post-O slight rise, then bigger rise around 6-9 DPO. I have never in my adult life had a period longer than 35 days, and that was back in my teens. Since my 20s, always 28-30 days, and the OPK test, CM, and big temp dip all point to almost-certain O where it shows... I kept taking the OPK until they went totally white. So I think my chart is right. I have always Oed day 13 or 14, confirmed by my doc. So unless something went incredibly awry this cycle... which I dread... my chart should be accurate. Thanks for the opinion though - maybe I am wrong.
sunshine ahh, your temps look nice then. Mine were always like high 96's follicular and like I've gotten to 98 ONCE. Like.. once. Ha!

Interesting about the CF testing. Obviously we wouldn't *do* anything if it came back we were carriers, and my husband is only like.. 1/4 Caucasian anyway so our odds are OK I guess. I think we'll skip it. How funny about your infertility appt.. I was slated to come in yesterday for fertility bloods and got to say.. Surprise! BFP!!
Well adoption seminar went awesome, dh and I have a lot of info to process and decisions to make. Its going to be a lot of work, and aftet all the work we put in to ttc its going to be hard to start over on a new road, but well worth it!!

Sunshine is there anyway that you can contact your new dr and ask for a SA now, that way when you go in they will have that info already? My dh has an extremely low count so I can give some advice on all of the research I have done if its needed!
Well adoption seminar went awesome, dh and I have a lot of info to process and decisions to make. Its going to be a lot of work, and aftet all the work we put in to ttc its going to be hard to start over on a new road, but well worth it!!

Sunshine is there anyway that you can contact your new dr and ask for a SA now, that way when you go in they will have that info already? My dh has an extremely low count so I can give some advice on all of the research I have done if its needed!

I'm so happy that it went well at the seminar!!! and bless you and your husband for wanting to adopt :hugs:

One of my friends has been struggling for more than 10 years (she is older than I am) to fall pregnant. Has had various ops etc etc and when I asked her about adoption it was completely out of the question to her.

Have you guys started on your weight training thingy yet?
Starry I'd be tempted to say that you're only 6dpo looking at your chart.mits certainly a clearer temp shift than the one before.
Might be wrong

I can see why you might think that, but my charts are always triphasic (pre-O temps, post-O slight rise, then bigger rise around 6-9 DPO. I have never in my adult life had a period longer than 35 days, and that was back in my teens. Since my 20s, always 28-30 days, and the OPK test, CM, and big temp dip all point to almost-certain O where it shows... I kept taking the OPK until they went totally white. So I think my chart is right. I have always Oed day 13 or 14, confirmed by my doc. So unless something went incredibly awry this cycle... which I dread... my chart should be accurate. Thanks for the opinion though - maybe I am wrong.
Ahhhhh fair enough if that's your normal pattern.
Machine caught up!
June, the process of TTC takes such a toll on your mentally and even physically. Try and make sure you put your SO first, and TTC second. That's the only thing that kept me going for over 4 years. And some cycles I would totally consume myself and ignore DH, and that's ok. It will happen and you can be selfish. But your relationship is most important, you need each other throughout this time. Sometimes a TTC break is needed, sometimes a good venting session together is what is needed, etc. I hope it's not longer before your BFP or any of you ladies get your BFP. :hugs:

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