Sticking Together Until We All Get BFP's!!!!

My friend is irregular but she knew something is up so she took HPTs when she never had period in 2 months... she waited til the third month still no af so few more HPTs still negative... That's when she decided to get checked... I didn't believe so much with "I didn't know I was pregnant" til it happened to one of my friends... :D

it was literally the same exact thing with my friends first pregnancy. Its pretty cool to know you have a friend that happened to as well....its so uncommon but it def happens! Are u sure u don't live in NH & our friends are really just the same person...? Lol :rofl:
It happened to my mom as well with my sister. She didn't find out she was pregnant until 5 months when she demanded an ultrasound
My friend is irregular but she knew something is up so she took HPTs when she never had period in 2 months... she waited til the third month still no af so few more HPTs still negative... That's when she decided to get checked... I didn't believe so much with "I didn't know I was pregnant" til it happened to one of my friends... :D

it was literally the same exact thing with my friends first pregnancy. Its pretty cool to know you have a friend that happened to as well....its so uncommon but it def happens! Are u sure u don't live in NH & our friends are really just the same person...? Lol :rofl:

:haha: Im sure we're talking about different person.... She said the only odd thing was the no af for 2 months because even though she's irregular she always have period every month but cycle days are changing (like me). She didn't gain weight nor have any cravings.... Oh, by the way, i only found out about her story when i saw her post that she had a son... :haha: She kept it the whole time :haha:
5 months???!!!!???? Whoo..... That's hard..... I'd be so worried if i found out that long and be thinking about any meds i took that might affect the baby...
AFM today, I have a sharp pain in my left hip bone area and still sore bbs. I'm a bit crampy but not too bad, atm anyway. I have and have had a killer headache too. Why must we ensure these symptoms if no BFP?! Please symptoms, come with a sticky BFP this cycle! :)
I woke up this a.m with a really bad ear ache :(. I am praying that I'm not getting an ear infection!! I haven't had one in YEARS but I know my allergies have been crazy so that may be it. I went to bed and felt fine but when I woke up, alls I could feel was my ear ringing in a veryyyy uncomfortable way. It hurts :-\. FX I just slept on my ear wrong (lol) and hopefully its nothing! Its pretty deep in there so I doubt I slept on it wrong though, darn it!
5 months?! Just goes to show how little damage we can do? Truly our bodies miracle. I'd be going bat shit crazy though freaked out that I did something wrong! I hear all these stories on TLC, but didn't know they happened to real people.
5 months?! Just goes to show how little damage we can do? Truly our bodies miracle. I'd be going bat shit crazy though freaked out that I did something wrong! I hear all these stories on TLC, but didn't know they happened to real people.

LoL! Right?! When I first saw that show years ago I was like "HOW?! That does NOT happen!!" and then It happened with my friend at the beginning of her pregnancy and then my friends SIL had her period every month, bfns, and found herself at the ER due to bad nausea and was told she was approximately 4 1/2 months pregnant. Thankfully she found out before actual birth! She did gain a tiny bit of weight but she thought it was from eating because she struggled with weight loss in the past and the fact that her "period" would literally come every month on day 28, like clockwork made her think there was no way she was pregnant. I guess she was wrong about that one! Our bodies truly are amazing and it usually tells us what we need to be healthy in pregnancy through making us crave the things that contain the vitamins and such that we need, u know? Even not pregnant this happens. Its crazy what our bodies are capable of! It makes me proud to be a woman :)
Well said! I've never been more proud to be a woman. Our body is freaking amazing! Apparently mine is finding nutrients in everything with carbs in it :rofl: but I didn't eat many before so maybe my body is telling me it needs them.
Well said! I've never been more proud to be a woman. Our body is freaking amazing! Apparently mine is finding nutrients in everything with carbs in it :rofl: but I didn't eat many before so maybe my body is telling me it needs them.

lol! :rofl: Your body very well could need some! I read that we need SOME carbs in our diets so Eat up!! :) Enjoy being able to blam bad eating habits on being pregnant! Lol You have every right to eat ALL the junk you want! "The baby wants it!" lol. Thats something I said very often while pregnant with Aiden :haha:
Thanks for all the info ladies and stories...I still have hope that I could be, but then I have a feeling I'll start around next week since it will be 32 days. I'm so irregular just two cycles ago I had a 25-28 day cycle. And from my app it shows I have LP's from 6-12. I never hit past 13 yet. I've had creamy cm since O everyday...but today its watery so I'm getting worried that the witch is coming soon.

In a week IF she doesn't come ill buy a FRER. Until then its just these leftover evap giver hpts lol, and in 2 weeks if she doesn't show (or sooner if I can't wait) I'll go to ER to get my blood drawn.
Thanks for all the info ladies and stories...I still have hope that I could be, but then I have a feeling I'll start around next week since it will be 32 days. I'm so irregular just two cycles ago I had a 25-28 day cycle. And from my app it shows I have LP's from 6-12. I never hit past 13 yet. I've had creamy cm since O everyday...but today its watery so I'm getting worried that the witch is coming soon.

In a week IF she doesn't come ill buy a FRER. Until then its just these leftover evap giver hpts lol, and in 2 weeks if she doesn't show (or sooner if I can't wait) I'll go to ER to get my blood drawn.

Good luck hun. I really hope the best for u! I too get watery cm right before O (I was told by my doc that its due to estrogen increasing again to bring on AF) BUT again, ive also seen this plenty of times with BFPs. Although I do tend to get crazy w symptom spotting, ive realized that NOTHING is a great indicator other then an actual BFP. It stinks noticing all these symptoms right when we start TTC.

Also, so you know, ur app is more than likely incorrect about ur LP, mine certainly was. The apps think everyone has a "textbook" cycle when in reality, most of us dont. If you only have an LP of 6 days, that'd be very bad and LPs dont differ by more than a day or two. I DEF think temping will help u learn soooo much about your cycles...Stuff that you never thought you'd learn about what your bodies doing. With a 25 day cycle and a normal LP of 11-16 days, U could usually expect to O between CD 9-15 and with a 28 day cycle and healthy LP, O would usually be between CD 12-17. Remember are just guesses based on a 11-16 day LP but I figured itd help u get a better idea of how our cycles really work. All and all, the day we O predicts when AF will show because the length of time between O and when AF is due again Never changed (other than by 1-2 days at times). If you only had a 6 day LP, there more then likely wouldn't be enough time for an egg to attach properly and such & with u saying ur LP was 12 days before too, its impossible to have LPs differ so much, u get what im saying?

If AF shows, def pick up that thermometer girl and I bet you'll see a BFP much quicker. If you tend to BD every other day every cycle any how, youd most likely get pregnant without charting, you just wouldnt know when AF is due or if you have an LP defect and such so temping helps to prevent confusion like your having now. I wish there was more I could say to help u with THIS particular cycle :-\. At least if the evil witch shows, you'll know much more to start the new cycle. And btw, u can start temping at CD3-4 when AF isn't AS heavy and if you use the fertility friend app, (in my siggy u can look at mine) you'll just need to enter ur temp/cm and symptoms every day and FF will tell you when you have passed O after 3 high temps. From what I know about ur cycles so far, id say u tend to O between CD10-19, again depending on ur LP length and when ur body Os that particular cycle. The length BEFORE O can vary every cycle but the time after O until AF shows wont ever change. I really hope this helps and im sorry it I repeated myself at all. I kept trying to think of better ways to explain how our bodies/cycles truly work. It honestly took me to chart for 2 months before I really understood the whole LP thing. I too used to believe my LP varied from 10-15 days but I now know an LP wont change like that unless there's a cyst involved. I had a cyst 3-4 cycles back and it caused AF to show 4 days early but thankfully, my early AF that cycle was my cyst dissolving. The cycle before that one, I had a longer LP and I believe that was my cyst starting to shrink...maybe its cyst related this cycle for you? Idk but I do know it'll be much easier to give you a GOOD, more definite answer when I have ur temps to look at....Yes, I'm obsessed with looking at peoples charts! Lol :) I like to talk ppl in to temping because I know it'll help them, and also it feeds my temping addiction! Lol
Good luck hun. I really hope the best for u! I too get watery cm right before O (I was told by my doc that its due to estrogen increasing again to bring on AF) BUT again, ive also seen this plenty of times with BFPs. Although I do tend to get crazy w symptom spotting, ive realized that NOTHING is a great indicator other then an actual BFP. It stinks noticing all these symptoms right when we start TTC.

Also, so you know, ur app is more than likely incorrect about ur LP, mine certainly was. The apps think everyone has a "textbook" cycle when in reality, most of us dont. If you only have an LP of 6 days, that'd be very bad and LPs dont differ by more than a day or two. I DEF think temping will help u learn soooo much about your cycles...Stuff that you never thought you'd learn about what your bodies doing. With a 25 day cycle and a normal LP of 11-16 days, U could usually expect to O between CD 9-15 and with a 28 day cycle and healthy LP, O would usually be between CD 12-17. Remember are just guesses based on a 11-16 day LP but I figured itd help u get a better idea of how our cycles really work. All and all, the day we O predicts when AF will show because the length of time between O and when AF is due again Never changed (other than by 1-2 days at times). If you only had a 6 day LP, there more then likely wouldn't be enough time for an egg to attach properly and such & with u saying ur LP was 12 days before too, its impossible to have LPs differ so much, u get what im saying?

If AF shows, def pick up that thermometer girl and I bet you'll see a BFP much quicker. If you tend to BD every other day every cycle any how, youd most likely get pregnant without charting, you just wouldnt know when AF is due or if you have an LP defect and such so temping helps to prevent confusion like your having now. I wish there was more I could say to help u with THIS particular cycle :-\. At least if the evil witch shows, you'll know much more to start the new cycle. And btw, u can start temping at CD3-4 when AF isn't AS heavy and if you use the fertility friend app, (in my siggy u can look at mine) you'll just need to enter ur temp/cm and symptoms every day and FF will tell you when you have passed O after 3 high temps. From what I know about ur cycles so far, id say u tend to O between CD10-19, again depending on ur LP length and when ur body Os that particular cycle. The length BEFORE O can vary every cycle but the time after O until AF shows wont ever change. I really hope this helps and im sorry it I repeated myself at all. I kept trying to think of better ways to explain how our bodies/cycles truly work. It honestly took me to chart for 2 months before I really understood the whole LP thing. I too used to believe my LP varied from 10-15 days but I now know an LP wont change like that unless there's a cyst involved. I had a cyst 3-4 cycles back and it caused AF to show 4 days early but thankfully, my early AF that cycle was my cyst dissolving. The cycle before that one, I had a longer LP and I believe that was my cyst starting to shrink...maybe its cyst related this cycle for you? Idk but I do know it'll be much easier to give you a GOOD, more definite answer when I have ur temps to look at....Yes, I'm obsessed with looking at peoples charts! Lol :) I like to talk ppl in to temping because I know it'll help them, and also it feeds my temping addiction! Lol

Yes I definitely want to chart soon, we shall see what next week brings.... It just all depends when we can go to a Walmart to buy the thermometer since its an hr away :/ I just have the biggest feeling I am but then I have a little doubt. Thank you so much for the advice :)
Its a crazy blizzard here in NH last night onto today! Geesh! I knew it felt a little colder when I woke up and then I looked out the window and was like WOAH! Thats alot of snow!!

I'm breaking out so bad this cycle. I truly hope my HSG works if my BFP isn't first!! I have great feelings about it :). I honestly feel that I know my cycles so well now that id have a BFP within a month or two with an open tube. I wish I could have done the surgery months ago without any worry of completely losing my remaining tube and I bet id have a BFP by now. The hardest part of ATTC is learning your cycles, for sure, or regulating them if you have PCOS/irregular cycles.

Mommysylvia, I was just thinking, u mentioned irregular cycles, a natural herbal supplement that u can order off of amazon for pretty cheap works wonders in helping to regulate a cyst and it can even help with cysts. My herbalist told me that no matter what, vitex will even out your hormones to make your cycle more predictable and she said sometimes it might mess up a cycle for 1 cycle (it didn't for me or a few other ladies ive recommended it to though, it worked great) but my herbalist said "Sometimes it takes one wonky cycle on vitex while its doing its job in regulating hormones." I was worried about taking it because I knew I didn't have irregular cycles so I thought it'd mess things up, I was just oing really early and wanted to O a couple days later and it helped me to start Oing CD12 or later. :) I wanted to share that with you as well for your next cycle, if no BFP this one that is.
Lots of sticky dust to you!

PS. I just saw that u mentioned chemicals. I'm sorry uve been through that as well, I know how hard it was for me. Knowing this info, I hope u start charting even more now. As I said earlier, a LP shorter then 10 days can make it VERY hard for an egg to properly implant and temping will help you know for sure if this is a concern for you. IF u do really have an LP defect, its easily fixible and you can get progesterone cream for cheap online, just ask a doctor how much they recommend first if you don't go to the docs urself. Spotting is a sign of this too. My heads all messed up from ur There's so many different possibilities, when I consider everything you've told me about this cycle and previous cycles. The next wk seriously couldn't go by any quicker!!! My AF is due in a wk and I am more excited to see what happens with ur cycle then my own!!!! Lol! At least I have a big distraction but id much rather you get an answer sooner then a wk from now. If today is CD 28/29, AF may be truly due tomorrow-Monday so maybe ull see a better line with the WalMart tests still, since those tests truly can take up to 13-16 dpo to actually show a definite line, I don't think ur out yet. Some women do say they get very early BFP's with those test but more than often, I see ladies complain that the tests don't show BFP even though frer shows a pretty dark BFP so like I said the other day, I see many many women say those tests are good for progression AFTER 15/16dpo. If it took that long for me with those tests, id be 2-3 days late for AF before id get a BFP, u get what I'm saying? And I'm happy to see your taking temping into consideration!! :) yay!

Wow, ive been busy with all these books to you! Lol. I don't feel its fair for me NOT to share what ive learned with you! :haha: Hope I'm not over flowing ur mind with all of this info at once!
Def keep us posted! Stay away Witch!!! No :af: aloud!!!!
Mary you're so freaking awesome. Just thought I'd tell you that if you haven't heard it today. ;)
Mommysylvia, ur children are beautiful BTW! I wish my phone would allow me to attach photos onto this site and I don't have my laptop running so I usually just have Kenna (Wishing) post my pics for me when I really need to show u girls something lol :). I noticed ur new pics and couldn't resist commenting.on them! :) Cant wait to see how adorable your 5th addition to the family is! FX not much longer! ;)
Ugh I just noticed I was going by what my stupid app* said. My last period was 12/25 and I'm on cd31 so AF was suppose to show already (unsure because I'm irregular) or tomorrow she should show....if she even does. Let's pray not....

Hopefully I don't have a problem with my LP. Well for right now were just seeing how things go with TTC of we really are having problems for months then I will try taking all the stuff you mentioned but I definitely want to chart.

Thank you so much! Yes I would love to see yours :)
Okay ladies I'm sorry I keep posting.

I started having pains and dark blood with a big snotty ewcm piece that is brown....
If someone is fine with it could I private msg you the TMI picture so you can try to help me see what it is. I'm thinking its not good :(

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