Sticking Together Until We All Get BFP's!!!!

I'm sorry hun. :(. This sounds like how my period feels every damn cycle. I just had u/s's for It and all was completely normal so hopefully its just a heavy start to AF coming on. That's what's been happening to me every month. I literally cry and lay in bed for the first 2 days or AF now. Its bad. I know I had a cyst for a couple of those cycles.
Anyway I wish you the best and ill be praying for you. I'm very happy your going to the ER. They can usually figure out what's causing the pain, if there's a cause other then menstrual cramps. I NEVER used to have painful periods up until about a year ago. My doc said as we get older, it can, and usually will change for your personal self. I hope you get an answer today and I hope everything's ok with you! Also, mention the possibility of a cyst to them cuz horrible lower left side stabbing pain is what I felt when my cyst "burst" about 9yrs back. And even now when I have a cyst cyst (not just the one that forms when the egg is released after O but an "all the time" thing) it feels like stabbing pains, as well. Idk if ull even see this first but wanted to mention bringing that up but im sure they'll notice if you have one. Hopefully they do a scan. Again, best of luck! Feel better hun :(. I hate those stupid WalMart tests!!! I had a tough time the month they screwed with DH and I as well. Keep your head up and stay strong! I just pray ur a healthy woman and nothings wrong!!

Thank you so much. Yes I will mention cyst to him since my stomach has stayed swollen hard since around ovulation. Hopefully they find out whats going on...and yes I hate the Walmart tests I just got another line yesterday or should I say evap lol
Mommysylvia I hate to say it but that looks like the start of AF to me. I hope I'm wrong, but that's what it looks like to me. In your signature you say dd 1 and dd 2. Forgive me for being confused here as I thought you had 2 boys.

Mary everything is sounding great. I hope this is finally it for you. Now go get your bloods so we have something to oooo and aaaa about!

AFM still sick as sick could be. I thought the ms was supposed to be going away, not getting stronger! I'm just trying to make it to Tuesday because then I can go to Ob intake for fluids rather than the er.

Aww Jess, feel better!! My bff had AM sickness her WHOLE pregnancy with his baby boy :-\. I felt so bad seeing her, I can only imagine how ur feeling! I was lucky enough not to experience it too bad, YET. I have a feeling its going to be one of the things Ill have to deal with in my next pregnancy, but I'm def praying I get lucky again! lol. I really hope you feel better soon. I remember the two wks when I did feel sick while pregnant with widen CLEAR AS DAY because it was THAT bad. Its like a constant feeling in ur belly that u just cant shake!! :( Go away a.m sickness!!!!!

And ill def be going for my blood work tomorrow IF I can get there. We are being hit with a Northeastern storm and are expecting another 12-26 inches tomorrow. Ugh. I really hope I can get there or my HSG will have to wait another damn month. If I miss my bloods, hopefully I at least get my BFP this cycle so I won't need to worry about the HSG :). FX!

So what's ur opinion, do u think if I got bloods on day 9, do u think that'd be ok? I know 8dpo is fine with a 13 day LP but I'm not sure about day 9. I'm actually going to google it but still would like ur opinion :)


I think 9dpo is fine too. It's just a base to say 1. Yes you've ovulated and 2. If ovulation was strong. Hopefully you can get there tomorrow.

Mommysylvia I hate to say it but that looks like the start of AF to me. I hope I'm wrong, but that's what it looks like to me. In your signature you say dd 1 and dd 2. Forgive me for being confused here as I thought you had 2 boys.

Mary everything is sounding great. I hope this is finally it for you. Now go get your bloods so we have something to oooo and aaaa about!

AFM still sick as sick could be. I thought the ms was supposed to be going away, not getting stronger! I'm just trying to make it to Tuesday because then I can go to Ob intake for fluids rather than the er.

Oh my, lol I never even noticed I put dd on both. Yes I have two sons I don't know why I put that. Thank you for pointing that out! :)

Lol, I wanted to say something for awhile now but felt like a huge b!/$h saying something. It's got to be the teacher in me. I'm sorry you're in so much pain. I hope you figure it out soon!

I spent 3 hours puking :cry: I have a massive headache, am so nauseous and exhausted. I'm trying to settle things down but it isn't working out. Ronny said I'm no longer allowed to have cereal for dinner as I'm always so much worse the next day when I do that. I'll tell you what, pregnancy was grossly misrepresented.
@jrepp thank you...Once you said that I felt so stupid lmao It never crossed my mind that I did that. I guess I want a daughter really bad :)

Yup the nausea sucks I had it till 4 months really bad!

I'm filling up a super tampon every great so I really need to go to ER to see what's up because I've already been lightheaded
Do you have any pads you could use? I know they aren't comfortable but if your going in it will give the doc a better picture of how much your bleeding. With miscarriage 2 (Kenna and Mary probably remember this) I was going through a pad every 20-30 minutes. And by going through I mean bleeding so much the pad was drenched in blood and leaking through my clothes onto the bed. I'm nervous for you.
Jess when did your nausea start? Did I ask you this already (baby brain totally already started for me.. I have the weirdest freaking symptoms so far)?
Do you have any pads you could use? I know they aren't comfortable but if your going in it will give the doc a better picture of how much your bleeding. With miscarriage 2 (Kenna and Mary probably remember this) I was going through a pad every 20-30 minutes. And by going through I mean bleeding so much the pad was drenched in blood and leaking through my clothes onto the bed. I'm nervous for you.

No I used my last one yesterday I want to stop by a store before we go so I can buy some since they're probably going to check in there. Yeah I woke up today with it soaked through my pants
Jess when did your nausea start? Did I ask you this already (baby brain totally already started for me.. I have the weirdest freaking symptoms so far)?

It started about 4 days before my bfp, but at the time I thought it was a cold since Ronny had a serious cold going at the time. The cold meds really weren't helping much but it all made sense when I got my bfp. I would say it started with implantation and has since progressed to all day puking. Everyone says it goes away but I'm already into my fourth month and this is getting worse. I may have to call the docs but I'm really hoping to make it to Tuesday so I can be seen in Ob intaje rather than the er.
Do you have any pads you could use? I know they aren't comfortable but if your going in it will give the doc a better picture of how much your bleeding. With miscarriage 2 (Kenna and Mary probably remember this) I was going through a pad every 20-30 minutes. And by going through I mean bleeding so much the pad was drenched in blood and leaking through my clothes onto the bed. I'm nervous for you.

No I used my last one yesterday I want to stop by a store before we go so I can buy some since they're probably going to check in there. Yeah I woke up today with it soaked through my pants

:-\. I'm sorry hun. Now that I know its super heavy, it probably is very strong AF cramping. I literally cry monthly. Dh said I looked like the "I didn't know I was pregnant" women cuz I was holding my belly laying in my bed crying SO hard. I thought I was having an ectopic. This was last cycle. I know for me, the heavier AF is, the more I cramp. Also, the stress from wondering what's going on with you for the last wk or so could have def made for a heavier AF as well. I hope AF lets up very quickly for you so you can have a fresh start on a new cycle, and can start temping. That'll help you know exactly what's going on sooo much better. Good luck hun. I hope all is well in there! You'll be in my prayer's for a very healthy reproductive system and just good overall health.
Feel better. :hugs: The TWW can most def take a toll on you. I hope the next one is much easier for you!
Jess when did your nausea start? Did I ask you this already (baby brain totally already started for me.. I have the weirdest freaking symptoms so far)?

It started about 4 days before my bfp, but at the time I thought it was a cold since Ronny had a serious cold going at the time. The cold meds really weren't helping much but it all made sense when I got my bfp. I would say it started with implantation and has since progressed to all day puking. Everyone says it goes away but I'm already into my fourth month and this is getting worse. I may have to call the docs but I'm really hoping to make it to Tuesday so I can be seen in Ob intaje rather than the er.

Is it officially hyperemesis gravidarum?
Were going to hold off on TTC sadly. My husband doesn't like seeing me hurt every cycle that we've tried....until I find a gyno and have insurance we won't be trying anymore unless it happens unexpectedly.

Well I went to ER as some of you know, WORST HOSPITAL KNOWN TO MAN. Were in the middle of no where so the closest is a small hospital literally 1 floor. They took more than an hr to get to me. Then they didn't so an ultrasound because they only have the machine during the week (OMG!), they only did a yes or no blood test which only test 25 or higher. He said it could pass for negative or positive whatever that means. He said my urine was fine. Then he said he couldn't do any other tests on me because I need my own gyno to do that. Pretty much anything I asked he said I need my own doctor..... Then what are y'all? I mean cmon be more helpful! They didn't give me any pain meds and I was having excrutiating pains, I had a fast heart rate and was very lightheaded so they gave me an iv with fluids for about an hr. I just hate the fact that they couldn't check me for cysts or anything else except pregnancy. Where I live they will do anything they can to help you, not blow you off.

Bad experience.

Anyways they prescribed me provera to help with the bleeding and they diagnosed me with abnormal vaginal bleeding.
So sorry that you have to deal with not just the worst hospital but the worst staff as well... They should start closing that place if they won't serve you right.... :gun::ninja:

:cry: that you have to take a TTC break... But sometimes this is what we need and a surprise :bfp: comes along.... A break can make you relax a bit and like others said it helps with the fertility sometimes stress can make our body :wacko: and affects our reproductive system... I know relaxing is a bad advice as others claim but it isn't impossible... No one lives without relaxing even for a second.... <3 <3 <3 :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

Wishing you the best and a surprise :bfp: soon.....

So sorry that you have to deal with not just the worst hospital but the worst staff as well... They should start closing that place if they won't serve you right.... :gun::ninja:

:cry: that you have to take a TTC break... But sometimes this is what we need and a surprise :bfp: comes along.... A break can make you relax a bit and like others said it helps with the fertility sometimes stress can make our body :wacko: and affects our reproductive system... I know relaxing is a bad advice as others claim but it isn't impossible... No one lives without relaxing even for a second.... <3 <3 <3 :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

Wishing you the best and a surprise :bfp: soon.....


Thank you, yes relaxing should be good. I had too much stress these last few days but I feel a lot has been lifted off my shoulders now that I can just relax :) Don't get me wrong I want this baby so bad but waiting won't hurt....I'm 21 so I have some time lol I just wanted my own baby girl already. I'm still going to keep taking prenatal and eating better to get my body ready for TTC later. You never know it might be in 2 cycles because I'm very impatient lol
Baby Girl will soon come (when you least expect it :haha:). We were actively trying for some time but the month we got our :bfp: it was the time when we were like a little bit relaxed, i think :haha: I temped, i used different brands of OPKs (a lot of it), decided to just finish my fertilaid left over (we were planning to seek our FS help again the next cycle) and just go with every other day :sex: but it was when i got my positive OPKs when we BD'd daily, :haha:. Then i log symptoms but not really talked about it that much, was trying to relax, waited til 14dpo to test... I guess it was the other ladies here who got so stressed :wacko: during my TWW looking at my chart and they all wanted me to test because of my good looking chart :haha:. Although i felt like i maybe pregnant then, not due to symptoms but because of my temps i just don't want to admit it and get disappointed so i never tested early. Looking back it's been a crazy day when i did the test.

Edit: I really recommend you temping it helped me knowing my cycle.... :bfp: was on my 5th complete temping.
Were going to hold off on TTC sadly. My husband doesn't like seeing me hurt every cycle that we've tried....until I find a gyno and have insurance we won't be trying anymore unless it happens unexpectedly.

Well I went to ER as some of you know, WORST HOSPITAL KNOWN TO MAN. Were in the middle of no where so the closest is a small hospital literally 1 floor. They took more than an hr to get to me. Then they didn't so an ultrasound because they only have the machine during the week (OMG!), they only did a yes or no blood test which only test 25 or higher. He said it could pass for negative or positive whatever that means. He said my urine was fine. Then he said he couldn't do any other tests on me because I need my own gyno to do that. Pretty much anything I asked he said I need my own doctor..... Then what are y'all? I mean cmon be more helpful! They didn't give me any pain meds and I was having excrutiating pains, I had a fast heart rate and was very lightheaded so they gave me an iv with fluids for about an hr. I just hate the fact that they couldn't check me for cysts or anything else except pregnancy. Where I live they will do anything they can to help you, not blow you off.

Bad experience.

Anyways they prescribed me provera to help with the bleeding and they diagnosed me with abnormal vaginal bleeding.

I'm so sorry hun. I wish I could send the hospital staff here over your way! I want to scream at those people for u! Everything u asked for was very reasonable! Ugh! I'm sorry :(.

I do think taking a little break may be good for you and hey, u could start temping in the meantime, that way when u are ready to try again, you'll know your body/cycle much better! Its actually recommended to temp 2-3 months BEFORE TTC so that could help you work at that BFP, in a way, until you feel completely ready. Just a suggestion to help you conceive quicker when ur ready again!
Get as de-stressed as possible while your taking a break and pamper yourself! It can help your mind and body to relax and possibly even regulate. I had to take a 4 month break (NTNP) after finding out my remaining tube was blocked a year ago because I was soo devastated. I NEEDED that break, and it sounds like you do too. During my break, I found enzymes to HOPEFULLY help tubal blockage and ive been taking them for 11 months now. I started actively TTC again as soon as I felt ready, mentally. I had to tell myself before I started trying hard again that "its just not going to happen as quickly as I want it but it WILL happen!" That one tiny sentence helps me to prepare myself at the end of each cycle for AF to show, incase I dont see my BFP. Something for when u start trying again that may help you as much as it helps me is always plan ahead for the next cycle...that way IF AF were to show, ud already have a plan for the next cycle. Idk why but having that "plan" to move forward to helps me deal with the let down every cycle sooo much easier now, but its never EASY, just easier.

Anyway, I will be crossing my fingers that your heavy AF goes away for this cycle and your future cycles. Thankfully you have provera now, ive seen that help many women. By the time your ready again, I think your reproductive system will be much healthier & ready for your baby girl :).

Again, I'm so sorry the ER did NOTHING you requested. If it weren't for the provera, it almost would have been pointless to go there!! I agree with Daphne, they should shut that place down if they cant even do their jobs!!!! Is there another hospital near by in the case of an emergency? Just curious...
Mommysylvia, I'm so sorry for your pain and heartache + the hospital's lack of service to you! :hugs:

I agree with the other ladies NTNP might just work for you. Try and take some time for yourself as well hun, nice long bubble bath and some wine and chocolates. Some mommy time so that you can deal with the heartache of the past few cycles of ttc. Like Daphne said as cliché as people might say it is or as angry as some might get if you at least TRY just a little to be a bit more laid back your body will thank you for it. Stressing really isn't good for us (now I need to learn to listen to myself as well!)

When you do decide to actively try again I suggest you look into temping and using opks. You'll get to learn yourself so much better (like Aidensmommy knows herself :D ) and it def. does help when ttc. It worked for me 1st time.

Thinking of you and I hope you feel better soon :hugs:
I have a poll up on my journal if anyone wants to go and vote / predict baby's gender for me :D

Link to my journal is the animated pic in my signature. Thanks ladies :hugs:
Jess when did your nausea start? Did I ask you this already (baby brain totally already started for me.. I have the weirdest freaking symptoms so far)?

It started about 4 days before my bfp, but at the time I thought it was a cold since Ronny had a serious cold going at the time. The cold meds really weren't helping much but it all made sense when I got my bfp. I would say it started with implantation and has since progressed to all day puking. Everyone says it goes away but I'm already into my fourth month and this is getting worse. I may have to call the docs but I'm really hoping to make it to Tuesday so I can be seen in Ob intaje rather than the er.

Is it officially hyperemesis gravidarum?

Yes. :(

Were going to hold off on TTC sadly. My husband doesn't like seeing me hurt every cycle that we've tried....until I find a gyno and have insurance we won't be trying anymore unless it happens unexpectedly.

Well I went to ER as some of you know, WORST HOSPITAL KNOWN TO MAN. Were in the middle of no where so the closest is a small hospital literally 1 floor. They took more than an hr to get to me. Then they didn't so an ultrasound because they only have the machine during the week (OMG!), they only did a yes or no blood test which only test 25 or higher. He said it could pass for negative or positive whatever that means. He said my urine was fine. Then he said he couldn't do any other tests on me because I need my own gyno to do that. Pretty much anything I asked he said I need my own doctor..... Then what are y'all? I mean cmon be more helpful! They didn't give me any pain meds and I was having excrutiating pains, I had a fast heart rate and was very lightheaded so they gave me an iv with fluids for about an hr. I just hate the fact that they couldn't check me for cysts or anything else except pregnancy. Where I live they will do anything they can to help you, not blow you off.

Bad experience.

Anyways they prescribed me provera to help with the bleeding and they diagnosed me with abnormal vaginal bleeding.

I'm sorry you had such a crappy visit to the hospital. Try and look around in your area for a free/reduced price clinic. I know some offer a sliding fee scale to cash customers.

I have a poll up on my journal if anyone wants to go and vote / predict baby's gender for me :D

Link to my journal is the animated pic in my signature. Thanks ladies :hugs:

When do you find out? I'm guessing boy
I have a poll up on my journal if anyone wants to go and vote / predict baby's gender for me :D

Link to my journal is the animated pic in my signature. Thanks ladies :hugs:

When do you find out? I'm guessing boy

Thanks :hugs:
My 20 weeks scan is on 11 Feb 2015... 16 more days :dohh:

You should go to my blog and take the old wives tales tests I posted and repost them in your journal

I remember reading that one on your blog. I'll do that tonight and see what we come up with! I'm guessing boy as well because all the males in dh's family have male offspring so I'm thinking that it might just be a genetic thing :haha:

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