Sticking Together Until We All Get BFP's!!!!

Well this er doc just told me his job is to take care of me if its life threatening even if I have pain he said I need an ob gyn to give me a sono. Oh well...

grr! This makes me mad!!! I found out about my cyst in the ER! Same with my tube when it was removed! I dont get why they won't do a simple scan! I want to slap those docs in the face! If you get a shot at another hospital, dont even mention that ur TTC...just say ur sexually active and you have no way of seeing a doctor and you've had pain ans abnormal bleeding. As long as ur not specifically requesting certain testing and your just guiding them by telling them where your pain is, I know all the hospitals I've ever been to would check you out in a heart beat. I don't get how that doc could even act like it wasn't an emergency WITHOUT LOOKING AT U! How can he even rule out an emergency?! Ugh. I'm sure all these thoughts went thru ur head and ur even more frustrated than I am about it. I will say though, there are some natural remedies/herbs that can help with cysts, cramps, and just everything that has to do with PMS. You could try one of the remedies and see if it helps. I know herbs/enzymes have done wonders for my body, hopefully more wonders than I even know about yet! :).
Anyway, I hope ur cramping goes away soon! Sometimes when our cycles are a little longer than usual, it can cause a heavier AF with lots of cramping :-(. Hopefully all lets up soon and your back to feeling comfortable! Last night I had BAD cramps (and I thought I was getting lucky with NO cramps this month! Ugh!) and the cramps were SOOO incredibly bad that dh and I almost went to the ER as well. They'll radiate from my belly, to my back, down to my thigh, and it even feels like my cervix is throbbing at times....its so strange but I was just checked out via u/s and they said all looks completely okay...hopefully your just experiencing something similar. I was so afraid of ectopic pregnancy last night but since the pain is gone this a.m, I know thats not what was causing the cramping, thank god...I keep getting off track! FEEL BETTER VERY SOON!!!! FX u feel better and get a surprise BFP during your little break :) FX!!! :dust:
I definitely like to think that is a sign, Mary!

Over here, I really think I will O very soon. I was hoping it would hold out until Monday. Even though I know I am supposed to wait until Monday to BD, if I get a positive opk on Sunday I maaaay bd then, just to give me a chance this cycle! I hate the idea of a wasted cycle. I guess I will just see what my body does and how it feels.

ooo nice dip today! I have a feeling today is O for you! :) FX! Cant wait to see ur temp tomorrow!! I'll be stalking!!! :dust:
I definitely like to think that is a sign, Mary!

Over here, I really think I will O very soon. I was hoping it would hold out until Monday. Even though I know I am supposed to wait until Monday to BD, if I get a positive opk on Sunday I maaaay bd then, just to give me a chance this cycle! I hate the idea of a wasted cycle. I guess I will just see what my body does and how it feels.

ooo nice dip today! I have a feeling today is O for you! :) FX! Cant wait to see ur temp tomorrow!! I'll be stalking!!! :dust:

Thanks! I'm thinking it may be too. If so, happy to not be Oing on cd26 or later, like I have been! And husband and I BDed last night, so happy to have a chance this month!
Your bump is like massive for 14 weeks!! I would love love love a nice bump right after the first tri :D

:cry: I know!! I'm going to be a freaking elephant by the time third tri hits!! I Keep looking at the ladies in the July thread and my bump is so much larger than women in there 17 and 18 weeks. I'm even bigger than a friend on fb that's 28 weeks along. I think it's just because I have a short torso but geez!

I definitely like to think that is a sign, Mary!

Over here, I really think I will O very soon. I was hoping it would hold out until Monday. Even though I know I am supposed to wait until Monday to BD, if I get a positive opk on Sunday I maaaay bd then, just to give me a chance this cycle! I hate the idea of a wasted cycle. I guess I will just see what my body does and how it feels.

ooo nice dip today! I have a feeling today is O for you! :) FX! Cant wait to see ur temp tomorrow!! I'll be stalking!!! :dust:

Thanks! I'm thinking it may be too. If so, happy to not be Oing on cd26 or later, like I have been! And husband and I BDed last night, so happy to have a chance this month!

That's a huge dip! Hopefully you see an even bigger rise tomorrow. Are you going yo try to get one more in tonight?
I may. Kinda depends how the evening goes. But if not, I will tomorrow, even though it may be a little late. I'm not too optimistic about this cycle, and will probably be scheduling an appt with a fertility doctor soon (and my husband will get a SA). I think we may have other issues than our timing! So I feel pretty casual about this cycle.
No + opk for me yet. I was hoping cd15 ovulation would become the norm for me after last month's early O. Fingers crossed it won't be long, although OPKs are totally blank
That's how I was with my October cycle after hubby's performance issues on key days.....14 weeks later loo at me
That's how I was with my October cycle after hubby's performance issues on key days.....14 weeks later loo at me

Haha, yes! Who knows, maybe my lack of optimism will actually result in a BFP.
No + opk for me yet. I was hoping cd15 ovulation would become the norm for me after last month's early O. Fingers crossed it won't be long, although OPKs are totally blank

Hopefully it shows up soon! I hate the wait for O.
Wow. For the last few months, I've only had 3-4 fertile days according to my monitor. Looks like this month my body is gearing up early. I hope it's a good sign of a great egg!
So, DH and I decided to take a break until at least this summer. The TTC journey was making us both obsessive and frustrated. We just want to have more fun and relax. So, our plan is to avoid intercourse during my fertile window (or use a condom if we want to DTD during that time). To keep track, I am still doing basic charting (bbt when it's convenient - I don't temp every day if I want to sleep in, etc.) and OPKs only if we want to get busy and it might be entering a fertile time - if the result is -, we don't worry).

I've always had very regular 29 day cycles, give or take a day once in a while. And I have always Oed end of day 13 or beginning of day 14.

Well... last cycle I was 2 days late. Then this cycle, along comes CD11 and we are in the mood. Took an OPK and it's negative, although pretty distinct line. I'm like, it's fine, let's not worry about protection. I got up immediately after to pee. The test is now almost +, so I was like, crap. Thinking it's almost my surge. But oh well... until the next 4 days, all of which the OPKs faded to totally no line around the day I always O. And temping confirmed it - I Oed 2 days early... you guessed it, on CD11! OOOOOOOOPSIE.

So, I still think the chance is so slim but it's possible we conceived, so I will be hanging out here a bit this cycle for support and to just follow you gals. The fact that we've TTC so hardcore for 8 cycles with no luck combined with the fact that I didn't lay there after and we used a bit of reg. female-pleasuring lube (it doesn't have spermicide but I know anything but sperm-friendly ones like Preseed can inhibit conception) makes me think - it couldn't happen. BUT... my breasts are killing me and I could literally sleep all day. So, who knows. Time will tell. AF is due next Wed., 2/11, but that could be off too because of how my cycles are off lately.

Baby dust to all - you can have mine! Of course we'd be happy if it turns out I did conceive, but we truly just want a simpler beginning to the year and I want to enjoy our vacation in May with no complications factored in. Aka, I want to drink and not worry about healthcare situations.
Don't stress, June! Just take it one day at a time, and I wouldn't worry until if AF is late. Chance are, you will worry for nothing. You could just be a bit tired and achy too because you're fighting a tiny cold. That's definitely happened to me before. And if it does happen this cycle, then you guys got pregnant without all the stress which is great! I will be pulling for whichever you're hoping for!
Good luck hun! I'll keep my FX that you guys get that BFP
:dust: :dust: :dust:

I hope it gets here real soon! FX for you!
:dust: :dust: :dust:


FX for you as well! I hope you do get a great egg and perfect timing!
:dust: :dust: :dust:

I'm sorry that you guys have had such a rough time! I hope that you do get your BFP this time around! You'll go into 2nd trimester when you go on holiday and even though you wont be able to drink it is a nice time for a babymoon :happydance:
:dust: :dust: :dust:
I realized that if I do O today, I could test the morning of Valentines Day. Then either I will have a nice surprise for the husband or I will drink lots of champagne and wine :)
Well this er doc just told me his job is to take care of me if its life threatening even if I have pain he said I need an ob gyn to give me a sono. Oh well...

grr! This makes me mad!!! I found out about my cyst in the ER! Same with my tube when it was removed! I dont get why they won't do a simple scan! I want to slap those docs in the face! If you get a shot at another hospital, dont even mention that ur TTC...just say ur sexually active and you have no way of seeing a doctor and you've had pain ans abnormal bleeding. As long as ur not specifically requesting certain testing and your just guiding them by telling them where your pain is, I know all the hospitals I've ever been to would check you out in a heart beat. I don't get how that doc could even act like it wasn't an emergency WITHOUT LOOKING AT U! How can he even rule out an emergency?! Ugh. I'm sure all these thoughts went thru ur head and ur even more frustrated than I am about it. I will say though, there are some natural remedies/herbs that can help with cysts, cramps, and just everything that has to do with PMS. You could try one of the remedies and see if it helps. I know herbs/enzymes have done wonders for my body, hopefully more wonders than I even know about yet! :).
Anyway, I hope ur cramping goes away soon! Sometimes when our cycles are a little longer than usual, it can cause a heavier AF with lots of cramping :-(. Hopefully all lets up soon and your back to feeling comfortable! Last night I had BAD cramps (and I thought I was getting lucky with NO cramps this month! Ugh!) and the cramps were SOOO incredibly bad that dh and I almost went to the ER as well. They'll radiate from my belly, to my back, down to my thigh, and it even feels like my cervix is throbbing at times....its so strange but I was just checked out via u/s and they said all looks completely okay...hopefully your just experiencing something similar. I was so afraid of ectopic pregnancy last night but since the pain is gone this a.m, I know thats not what was causing the cramping, thank god...I keep getting off track! FEEL BETTER VERY SOON!!!! FX u feel better and get a surprise BFP during your little break :) FX!!! :dust:

Yes I was very upset because the other hospital I went to last time (they take too long to go to you) gave me an ultrasound right away no questions asked. Ugh they must have made a new rule and the one I went to. But good new is hubby bought me a bbt thermometer today WOOOOO I'll start charting tomorrow morning :) is it best oral or vaginal to check it? During this wait I'll be more relaxed and get to learn about my body more
LADIES: This is not TTC related please let me know if not allowed.

Every little bit counts....
If you have a Facebook can you please go to this page and like it also the picture of my two good friends. They're engaged and are of the few entered in this contest to win a video of their wedding day! Its so amazing that someone would give that away. Theyre so close to first place already! I've known them for a long time and they really do deserve it! It would be greatly appreciated. Let me know if you did. Thanks in advance...
Here's the link
Just checking in. I am 6 DPO today. Yesterday and the day before I was woken early by horrible ovary pains and a pain in my back (kidney area?) It came and went all day, so I took Tylenol and that helped a little bit. Pain isn't nearly as bad today, so I'm wondering if I had a cyst? Also have broken out a little bit on my jaw line and I was in a horrible mood yesterday (poor DH and DS!) But what I am noticing is the lack of sore boobs like I normally have right after O. Usually that is my sign that I did O and they get larger and more sore up until AF. Other than that, that's really it. Usually I have a bunch of stuff going on by now, but not too much...making me feel like I'm kind of out!
Just checking in. I am 6 DPO today. Yesterday and the day before I was woken early by horrible ovary pains and a pain in my back (kidney area?) It came and went all day, so I took Tylenol and that helped a little bit. Pain isn't nearly as bad today, so I'm wondering if I had a cyst? Also have broken out a little bit on my jaw line and I was in a horrible mood yesterday (poor DH and DS!) But what I am noticing is the lack of sore boobs like I normally have right after O. Usually that is my sign that I did O and they get larger and more sore up until AF. Other than that, that's really it. Usually I have a bunch of stuff going on by now, but not too much...making me feel like I'm kind of out!

A lack of symptoms doesn't necessarily Meagan your out right away. I didn't have any noticeable symptoms, including sore breasts, until I started feeling like I was getting a cold at 7dpo. Perhaps the difference in symptoms is a sign.

Well this er doc just told me his job is to take care of me if its life threatening even if I have pain he said I need an ob gyn to give me a sono. Oh well...

grr! This makes me mad!!! I found out about my cyst in the ER! Same with my tube when it was removed! I dont get why they won't do a simple scan! I want to slap those docs in the face! If you get a shot at another hospital, dont even mention that ur TTC...just say ur sexually active and you have no way of seeing a doctor and you've had pain ans abnormal bleeding. As long as ur not specifically requesting certain testing and your just guiding them by telling them where your pain is, I know all the hospitals I've ever been to would check you out in a heart beat. I don't get how that doc could even act like it wasn't an emergency WITHOUT LOOKING AT U! How can he even rule out an emergency?! Ugh. I'm sure all these thoughts went thru ur head and ur even more frustrated than I am about it. I will say though, there are some natural remedies/herbs that can help with cysts, cramps, and just everything that has to do with PMS. You could try one of the remedies and see if it helps. I know herbs/enzymes have done wonders for my body, hopefully more wonders than I even know about yet! :).
Anyway, I hope ur cramping goes away soon! Sometimes when our cycles are a little longer than usual, it can cause a heavier AF with lots of cramping :-(. Hopefully all lets up soon and your back to feeling comfortable! Last night I had BAD cramps (and I thought I was getting lucky with NO cramps this month! Ugh!) and the cramps were SOOO incredibly bad that dh and I almost went to the ER as well. They'll radiate from my belly, to my back, down to my thigh, and it even feels like my cervix is throbbing at times....its so strange but I was just checked out via u/s and they said all looks completely okay...hopefully your just experiencing something similar. I was so afraid of ectopic pregnancy last night but since the pain is gone this a.m, I know thats not what was causing the cramping, thank god...I keep getting off track! FEEL BETTER VERY SOON!!!! FX u feel better and get a surprise BFP during your little break :) FX!!! :dust:

Yes I was very upset because the other hospital I went to last time (they take too long to go to you) gave me an ultrasound right away no questions asked. Ugh they must have made a new rule and the one I went to. But good new is hubby bought me a bbt thermometer today WOOOOO I'll start charting tomorrow morning :) is it best oral or vaginal to check it? During this wait I'll be more relaxed and get to learn about my body more

Vaginal temping is less likely to be impacted by environmental factors such as warm/cool temps in the house, no blanket, etc but IMO oral temping is easier. I would start temping orally and if you notice huge temp shifts switch to vaginal.

When checking your temp here are some guidelines:

1. Keep the thermometer right under your pillow or next to your bed for easy access

2. Take your temp at the same time every day.

3. Don't move around too much before you take your temp.

4. Use a charting siftware such as Ovufriend or fertility friend to help you out
snshine23 I actually had a pretty strong backache about two days before I implanted so I consider it more coincidence than a symptom but I definitely did have that!

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