Sticking Together Until We All Get BFP's!!!!

Stopping in VERY quickly....

I JUST FOUND OUT THAT MY INSURANCE COVERS 6 ROUNDS OF IVF 100%!!!!! Now the downside, my insur runs out in 5 1/2 months!!!!!! I'm so happy but scared all at once! Please pray that we get in on time for even just one round! Ive already called my docs and everything to let them know that not only do I have unlimited HSG's but I have IVF coverage, all the way. You would think my doc would have mentioned that to me but instead she said my insur DOESNT cover!!!! WTH! I am praying soo hard that we can get moving with all of this ASAP. Sooo, although we will still be NTNP, it looks like IVF is happening if I can get in on time! :) I am on top of it like crazy so hopefully ill have a consultation date set up within the next few days. You ladies have no idea how excited I am right now! Its amazing to know that if my HSG doesn't show clear, WE HAVE COVERAGE FOR IVF! YAY! I sooo wish I talked to my insurance company myself about the HSG LAST year and I would have been informed of my IVF benefits. Please let there be time for at least one round!!!!

Anyone who has done IVF, how long is the usual wait to get the expensive part of the process started? Hopefully less than 5 months...? Any info known would be great! Eeekk!!!

Ive been saying "if only I could to today, I WOULD!" for a yr now and come to find out, I could have gone that whole time! That makes me angry but as long as I make it for even one round, I will be happy. Docs do say they don't think it'll take more than a round with me already having a son and everything else looking good so FX! Of course I know its not a def if we do get a round but I feel its more of a shot than any right now! FX!!!

Dh thought there was something wrong with the way I came in sobbing over the IVF news, again tears of joy but also nervousness that we won't make it on time. Its only Feb 2nd, please let there be time!!!!
Oh Mary that is amazing!!! I didn't think any insurers in the States covered IVF, or HSG's for that matter! Ours doesn't even freaking cover all of the delivery which is insane ugh. But so happy for you!!!! Forgive my ignorance but.. if the tube is not open does that matter with IVF?
That's GREAT NEWS Mary!!!! :wohoo::wohoo: FX you'll only need one round.. Best if you conceive naturally this month.... Happy for you Mary!!!!!! :happydance:
Thank u ladies!

Melewen, no thankfully I dont need my tube for that! :) They use my egg and dhs sperms and fertilize the egg and then the egg(s) are put into my uterus after the whole IVF process. Google can explain IVF better than me at this I know is that's the one treatment my doc has been recommending for a year now! God I hope I make it in on time!!!! FX!!
Thank you...I'll try oral for now since my FIL is on the other side of this motel room lol. How long do I have to be asleep before I temp?
Yay Mary hopefully this all can happen for you within the timeframe! FX and baby dust!
Mary that is such awesome news for you!!!!!

And the backache was weird. Enough to wake me up out of a deep sleep and enough to medicate which I rarely do. I hope it's a sign and that the lack of symptoms is a sign too! Not really sure when AF is due this cycle since I Od a few days later than my phone app said I would. The wait is rough! Trying to stay busy!!
I would rather you get your BFP before you need tests! BUT that having been said if you can go for IVF it would be amazing!!!

Fx for you :hugs:
Thank you...I'll try oral for now since my FIL is on the other side of this motel room lol. How long do I have to be asleep before I temp?

3-4hrs is usually the suggested time frame :). Good luck hun and im happy to see u temping!!!! Lots of dust right back at you!!!!
That's awesome news mary! If you can get in to the fertility clinic before cd 1 they should be able to do most testing this cycle. You may be able to start the process on your very next cycle
I would rather you get your BFP before you need tests! BUT that having been said if you can go for IVF it would be amazing!!!

Fx for you :hugs:

Thank u :). I'm definitely with u on a BFP first BUT I do know the odds are very slim, unless my tube is open so hopefully we have time for IVF, IF needed! Of course I will he praying for a natural pregnancy in the mean-time but it feels so good to know this MIGHT actually work out for me SOON! yay!

My doc just called and she's just thinking about my bloods. I'm very mad It snowed and my doc office was closed last cycle for 7dpo bloods so now I have to wait until 7dpo this cycle before I can even get started with this process. Regardless, I KNOW I'm ovulating, my estrogen is fine, and I believe the most I could need would be progesterone cream or something along those lines. I told her I ONLY HAVE 5 MONTHS! So the nurse is going to call me back and let me know if they can at least get me referred for IVF so that we can get WHAT WE CAN DO of the process. Every day that passes will make a difference in whether or not we can do IVF so I'm going to be bugging my docs like crazy and ill be looking for my own specialist in the meantime if I have to. I'm very angry at my doc for telling me that my insurance doesn't cover IVF at all and then I find out it covers SIX rounds! Ive never been more angry with this doctor! This was like my final straw with her. I was not kind on the phone, at all. I just cant wait to start seeing a new doctor for this! FX the process is started by Feb 20th-ish, since that's when my 7dpo blood results should be in :). And if we conceive in the meantime, that'd be amazing!

I really really wish I knew about this a year would have saved me alot of pain and heartache. Again, I just pray we get a chance at IVF on time! I feel like I wasted REALLY good insurance now. I do use my insurance alot, I just wish I knew I could have used it already for the thing my heart has been desiring most. As long as I get just 1 shot at it, ill forgive my
That's awesome news mary! If you can get in to the fertility clinic before cd 1 they should be able to do most testing this cycle. You may be able to start the process on your very next cycle

Awesome! I have my CD3 bloods all done so this cycle im going for my 7dpo b/w, blizzard or not! And hopefullyyy im lucky enough to get started ASAP! I would love to know that I have time for 2 rounds, just incase, but from what docs and statistics say, I truly believe one shot is all we will need. FX! Please say extra prayers for me! :) You made me feel soo much better about getting this done within 5 months. I needed that reassurance! FX!!!
Thanks to those who replied. I'm feeling pretty OK with whatever happens. I am feeling the usual PMS stuff so I doubt we conceived. The only thing that's different is that my boobs feel kinda weird when I take off my bra - like two weights drop out and it HURTS. I also noticed some crusty white stuff on my right nipple, like there had been a little discharge and that makes sense cuz the other night when I took my bra off it felt a little like two bandaids ripping off my nipples. Ah, the joys of being a woman! My main hope is that AF arrives next Monday so (a) My body resets its normal LP and (b) get out of the tww ASAP cuz I hate it. I'm just sad that because my cycle was long last time and then I Oed early this one, now I have NO fertile days during our vacation - originally the fertile window was prime time our first few days there. Now it ends several days prior, so no chance of conceiving then, and we will probably start trying again that cycle and scheduled the vacation then because of that. Dumb body! At least that should be very clear of AF time, that would suck having that... extra crap to pack, feeling gross, etc. I guess another positive thing is that I will be relaxed during the time my body will be trying to conceive a little sweet pea.
Thanks to those who replied. I'm feeling pretty OK with whatever happens. I am feeling the usual PMS stuff so I doubt we conceived. The only thing that's different is that my boobs feel kinda weird when I take off my bra - like two weights drop out and it HURTS. I also noticed some crusty white stuff on my right nipple, like there had been a little discharge and that makes sense cuz the other night when I took my bra off it felt a little like two bandaids ripping off my nipples. Ah, the joys of being a woman! My main hope is that AF arrives next Monday so (a) My body resets its normal LP and (b) get out of the tww ASAP cuz I hate it. I'm just sad that because my cycle was long last time and then I Oed early this one, now I have NO fertile days during our vacation - originally the fertile window was prime time our first few days there. Now it ends several days prior, so no chance of conceiving then, and we will probably start trying again that cycle and scheduled the vacation then because of that. Dumb body! At least that should be very clear of AF time, that would suck having that... extra crap to pack, feeling gross, etc. I guess another positive thing is that I will be relaxed during the time my body will be trying to conceive a little sweet pea.

Good luck hun! Ive missed some stuff, as I haven't really been on the last couple of days but I wanted to wish u luck and to remind u that PMS and pregnancy symptoms are identical for many women. FX thats the case for u and u see a surprise BFP instead of AF.
When and where are u going on vacation? I guess I missed your last post.. I hope you have a fabulous time! If no BFP first, I bet this vaca will be very helpful to your body. Its soo hard to relax when we want something so badly, but, a nice vacation can def help do the relaxation trick! :) FX & GL!

Thanks to those who replied. I'm feeling pretty OK with whatever happens. I am feeling the usual PMS stuff so I doubt we conceived. The only thing that's different is that my boobs feel kinda weird when I take off my bra - like two weights drop out and it HURTS. I also noticed some crusty white stuff on my right nipple, like there had been a little discharge and that makes sense cuz the other night when I took my bra off it felt a little like two bandaids ripping off my nipples. Ah, the joys of being a woman! My main hope is that AF arrives next Monday so (a) My body resets its normal LP and (b) get out of the tww ASAP cuz I hate it. I'm just sad that because my cycle was long last time and then I Oed early this one, now I have NO fertile days during our vacation - originally the fertile window was prime time our first few days there. Now it ends several days prior, so no chance of conceiving then, and we will probably start trying again that cycle and scheduled the vacation then because of that. Dumb body! At least that should be very clear of AF time, that would suck having that... extra crap to pack, feeling gross, etc. I guess another positive thing is that I will be relaxed during the time my body will be trying to conceive a little sweet pea.

Good luck hun! Ive missed some stuff, as I haven't really been on the last couple of days but I wanted to wish u luck and to remind u that PMS and pregnancy symptoms are identical for many women. FX thats the case for u and u see a surprise BFP instead of AF.
When and where are u going on vacation? I guess I missed your last post.. I hope you have a fabulous time! If no BFP first, I bet this vaca will be very helpful to your body. Its soo hard to relax when we want something so badly, but, a nice vacation can def help do the relaxation trick! :) FX & GL!


Thanks :) We actually decided to take a break and just enjoy each other for a few months. I was driving myself and DH crazy, and with my bipolar the disappointment each month were not good for me. SO, we decided to not worry about prevention in non-fertile times but because I am so regular we thought we knew when he'd need a condom (fertile window) and then this month I Oed early and, yes, we DTD on the day I was ovulating!! We are going to a posh, all-inclusive resort in Mexico at the end of May. I agree, no matter what happens, it will be a happy, gluttonous vacation. I will relax and either overeat or overdrink or both!! I'm 8DPO today and temps are holding steady - a pretty different pattern from a usual erratic rise. We shall see... I will be a bit freaked if I end up with a big rise in the next few days.
Thanks to those who replied. I'm feeling pretty OK with whatever happens. I am feeling the usual PMS stuff so I doubt we conceived. The only thing that's different is that my boobs feel kinda weird when I take off my bra - like two weights drop out and it HURTS. I also noticed some crusty white stuff on my right nipple, like there had been a little discharge and that makes sense cuz the other night when I took my bra off it felt a little like two bandaids ripping off my nipples. Ah, the joys of being a woman! My main hope is that AF arrives next Monday so (a) My body resets its normal LP and (b) get out of the tww ASAP cuz I hate it. I'm just sad that because my cycle was long last time and then I Oed early this one, now I have NO fertile days during our vacation - originally the fertile window was prime time our first few days there. Now it ends several days prior, so no chance of conceiving then, and we will probably start trying again that cycle and scheduled the vacation then because of that. Dumb body! At least that should be very clear of AF time, that would suck having that... extra crap to pack, feeling gross, etc. I guess another positive thing is that I will be relaxed during the time my body will be trying to conceive a little sweet pea.

Good luck hun! Ive missed some stuff, as I haven't really been on the last couple of days but I wanted to wish u luck and to remind u that PMS and pregnancy symptoms are identical for many women. FX thats the case for u and u see a surprise BFP instead of AF.
When and where are u going on vacation? I guess I missed your last post.. I hope you have a fabulous time! If no BFP first, I bet this vaca will be very helpful to your body. Its soo hard to relax when we want something so badly, but, a nice vacation can def help do the relaxation trick! :) FX & GL!


Thanks :) We actually decided to take a break and just enjoy each other for a few months. I was driving myself and DH crazy, and with my bipolar the disappointment each month were not good for me. SO, we decided to not worry about prevention in non-fertile times but because I am so regular we thought we knew when he'd need a condom (fertile window) and then this month I Oed early and, yes, we DTD on the day I was ovulating!! We are going to a posh, all-inclusive resort in Mexico at the end of May. I agree, no matter what happens, it will be a happy, gluttonous vacation. I will relax and either overeat or overdrink or both!! I'm 8DPO today and temps are holding steady - a pretty different pattern from a usual erratic rise. We shall see... I will be a bit freaked if I end up with a big rise in the next few days.

We all can use a little break from time to time, that's for sure! I too am bipolar and I agree, it makes it that much harder emotionally. Ive been working with a doctor through it all though, I think thats how ive stayed sane, other than this forum! lol. I hope you feel better and DEF have fun enjoying yourself in Mexico!! :) That def would help brighten my days, even if just for a short time since I'm always up and down..Im sure u know what I mean when I say up and down. Ugh. I can tell your a fighter and ull push thru the ickyness and there will be a nice dark BFP awaiting you in no time! ;). FX u caught that egg while NOT trying! :) And I completely agree, ur temps are very stable! I'm liking them, alot! FX for you!!!
Its soo weird to actually be able to say "We go for our IVF consultation in a month." Its so surreal to me still! Our whole family is praying that this all happens on time. Everyone was beyond excited to learn the IVF news. I am ecstatic! We'll probably still be going for the HSG, just to make sure there's no fluids in there before the IVF can be started but while we do that, we'll already be referred to the specialist and have the IVF process moving so the HSG now will just be a "in the mean-time testing." Even if my tubes open, we're going to still try IVF since there's a much larger shot for us with IVF, as we dont know if my tube will function right, even if opened, u know? Gosh I'm so excited! I really didn't know when IVF would ever be an option for us! I feared it would be years and years before we were blessed enough to do so. I feel my prayers are being answered, one after another. :). I def would have already had it done last May if I knew it was an option. Thankfully I found out JUST in time though! Yay!

Lots of :dust: to everyone!!
Thanks Dani! I'm excited to start the process and be able to announce our BFP :). I knew itd come soon, one way or another! I'm keeping my fingers crossed tight that we'll have enough time for two rounds, JUST incase. 5 months feels SO incredibly long while TTC normally but now 5 months seems like an unbelievably short amount of time now that I know thats how long I have to get a BFP with IVF. Maybe this will help me relax and we'll get our BFP while waiting for IVF. Who knows what the future brings but I def see a sticky bean in my near future, regardless! :) Hopefully I'm lucky enough to get in with a specialist by the end of this month and get the ball rolling by next! If that happens, we will have time for 2 rounds so I could relax more about it, u know? I cant explain how happy I am that there's a great chance ill be joining you ladies with a BFP in the next 4-5 months! Yay! I'm going to grab a new bottle of prenatals when I go to the store and ill be starting a new "pre-IVF diet" as soon as I go grocery shopping. I read that eating certain foods and taking certain vitamins for 60-90 days before IVF can up the odds significantly. I'm going to be doing LOTS of research over the next couple of wks about EVERYTHING that has to do with IVF and im going to make sure wherever we go has great success rate, since as u know, we only have 5 months so we really need to give the 1st round of IVF our all because who knows if we'll be able to do another. I have very good vibes about our first go at it though. My uterus is great so as long as the doctor does a good job with the 2 embryos id like to have transferred, all should be good and at least one of the two will hopefully implant fully! It makes me nervous knowing that whether or not it succeeds for me is pretty much all in the doctors hands so I need to make sure this doctor really know what he/she is doing. I want someone who specializes SPECIFICALLY in IVF because those are the docs with the highest success rates, from what I read anyway. I can't stop talking about it! I haven't been this excited in soo long. Its nice to have something more solid to look forward to when it comes to the baby making department. :) I wish I found out about this last month and I would have gone for my 7dpo bloods in the crazy blizzard to be able to get things moving sooner! I'm so impatient! I'm just so excited!!! :haha:

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