Sticking Together Until We All Get BFP's!!!!

Mary thats what I thought but then you said if the HSG shows you're clear? I guess you meant if the HSG shows you're cleared you will just keep trying naturally? A friend of mine had a ruptured tube and one other one.. there was something wrong with it as well.. and she had one round of IVF and is now like 6 months along!
I'm still wondering why my belly is getting bigger with pelvic twinges and hard on the very bottom?
The pic on the left is 5-6 weeks ago....
I know its bloat I just never have it until AF and I'm a month away from her lol
Mary thats what I thought but then you said if the HSG shows you're clear? I guess you meant if the HSG shows you're cleared you will just keep trying naturally? A friend of mine had a ruptured tube and one other one.. there was something wrong with it as well.. and she had one round of IVF and is now like 6 months along!

I just meant that in still going to do the HSG, just to see if the enzymes worked to clear my tube of scar tissue, just for my personal interest. Also sometimes there can be harmful fluids for the embryo that could leak out so we want to make sure there's none of that going on because if there is fluids, which we dont think there is but we just want to make sure because sometimes they have to tie off the tube to keep those fluids away from the uterus, u know? I dont know as much about IVF as I do with other aspects of fertility yet but ive been researching like crazy and tomorrow ill be on the phone some more so not too long from now I should have more info about my particular case for you all :).
And I'm very happy for ur friend! I know many women, esp on here, who have done IVF and now have a beautiful child from it. I absolutely am positive that its something that will work for us, I just pray we have the time needed! I worry we'll need 2 rounds and only have time for 1 but it'll all work itself out. Plus I'm going to be super persistent with them about getting the procedure going!

So when I was looking for top rated IVF docs around here, the clinic I already go to has their own doctor who has great success ratings so I probably won't have to look super hard for one :). They also have a sister clinic about 20 miles from here with an awesome fertility doc as well and thats probably the one ill be choosing. They were the best while I was pregnant with Aiden and they were much more advanced at their facility compared to the one I normally go to to see my regular OB. The only other place we are thinking about is "Boston IVF". Ive read alot of good things about them and they're def a top choice BUT I need to make sure they take my insurance first. I'm sure they will. I'm going to keep researching success rates and particular doctors in those practices and hopefully I will find the one who can make our bean extra sticky our first try :). I read for a women under 35, in general its about a 49% chance of IVF working for someone who has never been pregnant and for someone, like myself, who has carried one child to term, those odds go up even higher. That's def a good chance and as long as I'm doing everything possible to boost those odds on my end, there shouldn't be too much going against us. FX! I'm almost 26 and DH 25 so we def have the age factor on our side, Which is great considering our time frame. Had I of known I had IVF available over the last year, I would have already done however many rounds it may have taken. The pressure is going to be on while we're praying the 1 & only round works. I'm going to do my absolute best to just relax when the time comes though. The factors that can affect IVF from succeeding over 95%of the time are things that the doctor doing the procedure doesn't quite do right or chromosomal abnormalities, usually due to improper fertilization or a weak egg, and the other 5% is uterine related. I know mine wouldn't be uterine related and thats why I'm so very obsessed with finding the best doctor around to do the IVF for us. If I find a doc who's a PRO at the fertilization process and if we have them transfer 2 embryo's instead of 1, I feel in my heart that at least one of them will have a huge chance of attaching correctly. The odds go up when you transfer 2 embryos. Not by a whole lot but with two, there's more chance that at least one will have no chromosomal abnormalities and will be healthy enough to stick. Sorry for the rambling, if you cant tell, I'm still overly excited! My mind has been going nuts ALL DAY thinking about the process getting started! I wish id have 1 wacky cycle and O super early just so my 7dpo bloods can be done! Lol. Only 17 days or so and those bloods should be taken care of & we can go on to the good part.
Again about your friend, it sounds like she has the same type of tubal issues as I do, except her tube was removed due to an ectopic and my tube was taken due to an abscess bursting inside of my tube. But for both her and I, the damage to our remaining tubes is due to scar tissue from surgery/any infection or fluids that may have spread from the rupture of the tube itself. Its scary stuff but I am soo thankful for IVF. I MAY be able to conceive without it but the odds are less than 5% so again, I'm very grateful that myself, your friend, and many other women have IVF available to help us complete our families if thats the path chosen. Thank u science! And thank u god! :) Again, sorry for blabbering, I'm great at writing short stories! :haha:
Haha I love it! It definitely makes sense. I can't wait to hear what happens :) is there any way you could keep that insurance even if it's more $$$?
I'm still wondering why my belly is getting bigger with pelvic twinges and hard on the very bottom?
The pic on the left is 5-6 weeks ago....

This is what I look like right now! Lol. But Its probably still bloating from AF cruelly showing up on you. Some days, even before O, I bloat soo incredibly much but then I think to myself "I haven't even Oed yet!" so I ignore it but after O, its a bit harder to ignore since I'm looking for it lol. Ive noticed alot of the same twinges before O as I get after O, I'm just usually not thinking about it before O so I don't think anything of it. Also, twinges ur feeling could very well be ur ovaries getting ready to pop out an egg. I had twinges today and I wont be oing for 8-9 days. What CD are u on? We wont know until ur temp rises but if this is going to be one of ur 26 day cycles, odds are good that u are in ur fertile period OR if its going to be a 30 day cycle, u may be about to enter your fertile phase. I have a gift at helping people pin-point their fertile days. I've been obsessing over everyone else's cycles to keep my mind off of my own for so long now, lol. After u tell me what CD ur on, ill see what info I have for you :).
PS, if ur past CD12, there's a chance O could have occurred as well and could be causing the bloating. This is if your looking at a 26 day cycle. Now that u'll be temping, ull be able to tell if you have O'ed and you wont be wondering if a test was correct or what not because ur temp will drop when AF comes if ur not pregnant. If it weren't for temping for me, there would have been quite a few cycles where I would have sworn I was pregnant even tho the tests and AF said not pregnant. I just FELT and looked pregnant (kinda like how I'm feeling now) but because my temp is low, I know there's no way I'm pregnant and its just hormones messing with me. I hate to see you torture yourself wondering about last cycle for so long. I really feel so bad because I know how it can be. Your taking the right steps temping and then you won't be tortured by the mix signs and everything in the future, except for after O of course, as the TWW is never really easy. There's nothing worse then having the confusion of a past cycle continue to taunt you. If I were you, id think of this cycle & temping as a fresh start to TTC and focus on the future cycles and what you can do to up your own personal odds and dont let urself hold on to past cycles. Dont take that wrong. Ive been in ur shoe's & just want to help. I like to look at every cycle as a new, fresh shot at a BFP. I don't think I could get through TTC month after month without that mind frame. But anyway, I'm pretty positive u O'ed late last cycle, causing a later AF due date because you said your cycle length differs, which means ur O day is def differing as well. O day each cycle is key to determining when AF will truly be due. In my opinion, you had a normal cycle last month, just lots of cramps. You may have even had an annov cycle last month, as that can cause random spotting and late or early AF as well. There's many possibilities but again, temping will solve those questions. I'm veryyy interested in seeing how ur first temping cycle goes. Ill be chart stalking, if theres a link for it! I cant wait to see if I estimated ur O days right and such :haha:. Plus I really want you personally to get a better idea of your own cycles. It'll help a ton! Are u ATTC again or just NTNP for a few more months? Just wondering if ur temping in advance or if your ATTC this cycle too. Either way doesn't matter, just curious :).

Haha I love it! It definitely makes sense. I can't wait to hear what happens :) is there any way you could keep that insurance even if it's more $$$?

No, I wish! Its still insurance under my mother's name! Lol! In NH, and since my mom has the best insurance company ever, she was aloud to have her children covered until they turn 26...I turn 26 in June so thats why my insurance runs up :-\. So far, we haven't found any way to get the same insurance if we pay out of pocket completely for it. My mom works for state offices so its insurance only avail to state employees. Hopefully all will be done on time tho! FX so veryyyyyyyy tightly!!! :)
Also mommysylvia, did u count CD1 as the first day u had a light "flow", whether it was super light or heavy? Just wondering how u marked last cycle or when u marked it as a new cycle I should say. I know u had some spotting but then u had some light bleeding... Did u count the light bleeding as the start to a new cycle? My doctors and everything I've read says that CD1 is the first day of any sort of flow, rather than just spotting. Clearly many women spot before AF and that confuses many women on when to mark it as a new cycle, especially with the chance of IB so again, just tying to help u get things in order, if you need the help that is. :) GL!
I'm still wondering why my belly is getting bigger with pelvic twinges and hard on the very bottom?
The pic on the left is 5-6 weeks ago....

This is what I look like right now! Lol. But Its probably still bloating from AF cruelly showing up on you. Some days, even before O, I bloat soo incredibly much but then I think to myself "I haven't even Oed yet!" so I ignore it but after O, its a bit harder to ignore since I'm looking for it lol. Ive noticed alot of the same twinges before O as I get after O, I'm just usually not thinking about it before O so I don't think anything of it. Also, twinges ur feeling could very well be ur ovaries getting ready to pop out an egg. I had twinges today and I wont be oing for 8-9 days. What CD are u on? We wont know until ur temp rises but if this is going to be one of ur 26 day cycles, odds are good that u are in ur fertile period OR if its going to be a 30 day cycle, u may be about to enter your fertile phase. I have a gift at helping people pin-point their fertile days. I've been obsessing over everyone else's cycles to keep my mind off of my own for so long now, lol. After u tell me what CD ur on, ill see what info I have for you :).
PS, if ur past CD12, there's a chance O could have occurred as well and could be causing the bloating. This is if your looking at a 26 day cycle. Now that u'll be temping, ull be able to tell if you have O'ed and you wont be wondering if a test was correct or what not because ur temp will drop when AF comes if ur not pregnant. If it weren't for temping for me, there would have been quite a few cycles where I would have sworn I was pregnant even tho the tests and AF said not pregnant. I just FELT and looked pregnant (kinda like how I'm feeling now) but because my temp is low, I know there's no way I'm pregnant and its just hormones messing with me. I hate to see you torture yourself wondering about last cycle for so long. I really feel so bad because I know how it can be. Your taking the right steps temping and then you won't be tortured by the mix signs and everything in the future, except for after O of course, as the TWW is never really easy. There's nothing worse then having the confusion of a past cycle continue to taunt you. If I were you, id think of this cycle & temping as a fresh start to TTC and focus on the future cycles and what you can do to up your own personal odds and dont let urself hold on to past cycles. Dont take that wrong. Ive been in ur shoe's & just want to help. I like to look at every cycle as a new, fresh shot at a BFP. I don't think I could get through TTC month after month without that mind frame. But anyway, I'm pretty positive u O'ed late last cycle, causing a later AF due date because you said your cycle length differs, which means ur O day is def differing as well. O day each cycle is key to determining when AF will truly be due. In my opinion, you had a normal cycle last month, just lots of cramps. You may have even had an annov cycle last month, as that can cause random spotting and late or early AF as well. There's many possibilities but again, temping will solve those questions. I'm veryyy interested in seeing how ur first temping cycle goes. Ill be chart stalking, if theres a link for it! I cant wait to see if I estimated ur O days right and such :haha:. Plus I really want you personally to get a better idea of your own cycles. It'll help a ton! Are u ATTC again or just NTNP for a few more months? Just wondering if ur temping in advance or if your ATTC this cycle too. Either way doesn't matter, just curious :).


You have a really good memory Mary! Lol AGAIN thank you sooooo much for this info. My husband and I are NTNP right now. Its always been a pull out thing if we werent TTC. But when he wants to DTD i get sad because I still want to ttc despite all the pain I go through. He just says no I cant do this to you again :/ I only mentioned my belly because I did a before picture of me laying flat on my back about 5 weeks ago and my hips bones stuck out and stomach was flat... Now today's pic laying flat I had a little bump that's hard I just feel tons if pressure when I press on it lol. I always have tons of hope since I see all these great stories of women not finding out till later because betas and urine was negative. This one lady went all the way to third trimester without a sono or prenatal care because her doctor didn't consider her pregnant since everything was negative so he wasn't going to give her sono. I know I sound crazy it just helps me through all of the sadness from not being able to conceive But I'm glad to start tempting...I start tomorrow vaginally so I'll be posting my questions and concerns for y'all to help me temp since I'm so new to it. I'm on CD10 right now...well pretty much 11 starting tomorrow. I had AF type cramps for about 5-10 minutes today. I have very white watery cm and my cervix is low/medium hard and med open. The painful twinges I have has been going on since my last cycle which is the reason I want to get an obgyn because I really do think something else is up since I never got tested or checked for anything besides my blood. They hurt really bad (non cramps) they're more like knives randomly stabbing me where I hunch over in a public place and say OUCH! Lol all my family are really worried because its still going on. I'll have to keep waiting for this dang insurance. I really hope yours goes through and you get a successful IVF!!!! Tons of baby dust!
Also mommysylvia, did u count CD1 as the first day u had a light "flow", whether it was super light or heavy? Just wondering how u marked last cycle or when u marked it as a new cycle I should say. I know u had some spotting but then u had some light bleeding... Did u count the light bleeding as the start to a new cycle? My doctors and everything I've read says that CD1 is the first day of any sort of flow, rather than just spotting. Clearly many women spot before AF and that confuses many women on when to mark it as a new cycle, especially with the chance of IB so again, just tying to help u get things in order, if you need the help that is. :) GL!

Yes I had a light period the first day and I counted that as CD1. The spotting was two days before that so I just marked spotting on my app. I never used ovufriend or fertilityfriend ....don't they cost $$?

I use 3 fertility apps that help me.... Oviaview, Glow, and Women Log Pro
It let's me chart bbt, symptoms, cm, cervix, weight, exercise, diet, and all that good stuff :)
I always see women talking about cross hairs but I don't know what that is. Please fill me in a little more on charting, I only googled a little about temps will stay risen after ovulation when pregnant.
Ooooh Mommysylvia charting your bbt is awesome! I kind of made a fuss about it saying that I didn't want to because of the pets sleeping with me and waking me, don't want to be stressed by it etc. When I got started though it was so cool!!

I used Fertility Friend and I see most ladies use it as well. If you become a VIP member it will cost you money but the basic version (what I used) is just as good and doesn't cost anything.

Here is an example of my BFP Chart (actually my only chart because I got BFP 1st time charting and using opks

1. Set your alarm to get up every single day at the same time even weekends
2. Before moving or talking take your temp
3. Remember it or write it down if you want to sleep some more and then put it into Fertility Friend (FF)
4. Your temps will go up and down through your cycle. In the beginning they will be low and then once you have ovulated you will see that they are higher
5. FF will give you crosshairs (red lines that crosses on my chart) once it has detected ovulation by 3 days of temps being higher compared to your previous temps
If you look at my chart as an example I ovulated on the 5th but FF did not have info yet because it still needed 3 higher temps than my previous temps. So after temping the 6th, 7th and 8th it saw that my temps were higher and then it puts the cross hairs in on your chart automatically. The day that the red lines cross on is ovulation day. So it makes it soooo cool to know exactly how many dpo you are and no guessing :D
6. I used only cm and opks on FF. So make sure that if you put in positive opk it was really a positive so that you don't confuse the system :haha:

Most important of all is to put a link to your chart in your signature so that we can stalk your chart!! :D

I hope this made sense and I look forward to seeing your temps :dance:
Okay I got Fertility Friend app :) I will be sharing it with y'all soon! Thank you so much for the info ❤
I guess I won't be having a normal cycle after all. I thought with the ewcm and positive opks, I would O. Nope, still no temp shift so still waiting.

I'm excited about scheduling an appt with a fertility doc though. Now I just need to find out what my insurance will cover. I know it doesn't cover ivf or iui, but I hope it covers appts and any fertility drugs!
Mary, I see you said you're in NH! Me too! And my husband works for the state...really good insurance :) I hope everything works out for you!!!
Mary that's too funny, I did that too! I'm self employed so dh and I got married last April and I turned 27 in late March.. So there was like a week where I was uninsured but luckily nothing happened :D no way I am paying out of pocket if I don't have to! I feel very strongly you'll have a BFP soon :)
Oh and dh works for the state but the entire freaking birth isn't even covered!!! What's the deal?! Ugh! Honey.. We need to transfer to NH..
Ladies we need to all move to Canada! I just found out they have 1 year maternity leave and in South Africa we only get 4 months.... Not fair :brat:

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