Sticking Together Until We All Get BFP's!!!!

Mary maybe we will ovulate together. I guess I didn't chart made me mad now lol it went back down :/
I'm thinking around CD19 for me. I hope I ovulate *sigh*

I still have fertile cm and cervix is high and open again....I had SHOW the other day when I thought I was going to ovulate. Any thoughts?

CD 19 is the latest day I suspected you would O so FX for a true O rise tomorrow, making O today. I truly dnt think ull be O'ing any later than CD18/19 so not much longer to go!!! I'm hoping todays temps dipping down means O is today :) FX!

I hope it is O! Good thing is were BDing daily to make sure :) FX!!

I truly think you will have the best odds yet this cycle :). I feel that you may have been bding too early in past cycle because those "track my O day" calendars are very misleading in most cases. I seem to O around CD13/14, Now, but I always used to O around CD11/12 and my app that I used before temping had me believing that O was CD14. I'm very happy you tried temping. FX your one of the lucky ladies to get a BFP ur first cycle charting :). FX FX FX! :dust:
As I sit here waiting for AF to leave, I'm wondering what I should try this next cycle. In the past, I've just always gone off of my CM and O cramps, but I'm wondering if I could be off. SO I'm tempted to try temping, but I just feel like I'm going to stress myself out with it! The other problem is, it's a rare night when I don't wake up 3 or more times. Won't that mess with temps? We are a young couple, so wouldn't it just be easier to just BD every other day?! Seems like that would cover it. Lol!
I have never used OPK's, but those seem like they would be simpler! What brands do you gals trust? I don't want to spend a ton of money on them, but do want them to work consistently. Thanks in advance for the help!!

If your bding every other day, you dont need to temp to catch that egg, that's for sure BUT temping is helpful in telling you if you have a healthy LP length and all that good stuff. If your LP happened to be under 10 days, that could potentially affect your chances of conceiving but dont get urself worried about it, thats just one thing temping can help greatly with and its easily fixable with progesterone cream if a problem is detected. Also it helps to know when AF is truly due because 99% of the time when someone who isn't charting believes AF is late and are still getting BFN's, they likely O'ed later than suspected so AF really isn't late yet, do u get what I mean? Our O day controls when AF is due each cycle. So basically it can help you and/or your doctor identify any issues in the future IF any but most of all, temping can save you from the stress and headache of wondering why "AF is late", u know? But like I said, all and all in healthy couples with no fertility issues, BDing every other day will usually do the job just fine, you just may have to deal with the limbo craziness due to late O here and there, making AF come later than you would have thought. Also, as long as you don't actually get up when you wake during the night and can get a solid 3hr block of sleep and take ur temp at the same time everyday, it should def still be readable. I wake alot as well but the only time my temp is affected is when I actually get up and move around before falling back to sleep.

As for the opks, I like the rite aid brand. They've never steered me wrong. I know the wondfo brand OPKs are pretty popular on this thread as well and cheap on eBay or amazon. Good luck hun! I hope u catch that egg!! :)
Aidensmommy - That info was very helpful to me. Thank you!!!! My cycles have been VERY consistent (On the same day nearly every month: January and February AF came on the 7th), but I found last month that I have low progesterone so I used a cream during the TTW as I was directed. I DO think that I have been ovulating later than I thought, as we usually stop BDing after my O cramps disappear. Really hoping that may be the trick this time!
I truly think you will have the best odds yet this cycle :). I feel that you may have been bding too early in past cycle because those "track my O day" calendars are very misleading in most cases. I seem to O around CD13/14, Now, but I always used to O around CD11/12 and my app that I used before temping had me believing that O was CD14. I'm very happy you tried temping. FX your one of the lucky ladies to get a BFP ur first cycle charting :). FX FX FX! :dust:

Well with my other cycles before the last one I had positive tests for a couple days then they faded back to white.... It was with wondfo strips not the Walmart cheapie I did several that showed positive so I think its very much possible for me to get pregnant again I just need a sticky bean. I feel great about this cycle...what's different this time is no pain, I have a little cold, few random episodes of nausea and super dry lips/mouth. I'm so happy I tried temping. I think the past cycles I just went by my cm and BD'd on those days and nothing on the others. Thank you FX to you too!
Oh P.S. ladies: Go to my profile, and see my new do! I love it it feels so light!! :)
As I sit here waiting for AF to leave, I'm wondering what I should try this next cycle. In the past, I've just always gone off of my CM and O cramps, but I'm wondering if I could be off. SO I'm tempted to try temping, but I just feel like I'm going to stress myself out with it! The other problem is, it's a rare night when I don't wake up 3 or more times. Won't that mess with temps? We are a young couple, so wouldn't it just be easier to just BD every other day?! Seems like that would cover it. Lol!
I have never used OPK's, but those seem like they would be simpler! What brands do you gals trust? I don't want to spend a ton of money on them, but do want them to work consistently. Thanks in advance for the help!!

First off don't stress lol. All the what ifs are enough to make a gal go mad. I completely understand the hesitation in using opks and temping. I was the same way for a bit! Once I started I was able to figure out some things in my cycle and helped me in the long run not worry about if/when I ovulate. Mary and I decided to give it a try together many months ago and it has kind of trickled down to everyone else.

If you are going to pick one or the other, I personally would go for opks over temping because then at least you will be prepared for a pending ovulation rather than telling you after the fact. If you check out my YouTube channel I did a comparison of the various brands of opk on the market. My personal favorite due to price and accuracy for me were the wondfo opks that can be purchased on Amazon. I paid like $29 for 100 opks and 20 pregnancy tests. Here is a link to what I purchased the first time.

I really like them because they are really cheap and it doesn't make you feel badly about using more than one a day. I also like the clear blue digital (not the advanced) because it's a clear yes/no. There is no second guessing. It is important to remember that mid morning-early evening urine is the best. Lh is synthesized in the body later in the day so morning results may not be accurate. It's also important to remember that a positive opk doesn't mean 100% ovulation will occur. You don't typically ovulated until 12-36 hours after the first positive opk. Also, your body may gear up to ovulatr and then not actually ovulate until later on.

As far as temping goes, if you chose only temping a basal thermometer is going to be most accurate as the 100th of a degree could sway one way or the other, but a regular thermometer will work in a pinch. As long as you temp after at least 3 hours of uninterupted sleep you should be fine. Temping will not warn you that o is coming up but it will tell you when o has happened, and will also help you detect an LP defect and possible hormone issues.

I prefer the opk/temping combo. I like that the opks tell you ovulation is about to happen and temping confirms that ovulation has indeed happened. If you have any questions feel free to ask.......and it's ok to get help when trying.

Oh P.S. ladies: Go to my profile, and see my new do! I love it it feels so light!! :)

Jrepp - That makes total sense. Thanks for laying it all out so plainly for me! After hearing from many of you, I think I am going to go with the Wondfo OPKs. I usually use First Response pg tests, but may try Clear Blue this round.
I certainly don't want to stress over all this (Much easier said than done!), but I think temping and OPKing is going to help reduce my stress level since I'll know what's going on. Thanks for coaching me through this! Hope you are feeling great, and that your little one is healthy =)
Jrepp - That makes total sense. Thanks for laying it all out so plainly for me! After hearing from many of you, I think I am going to go with the Wondfo OPKs. I usually use First Response pg tests, but may try Clear Blue this round.
I certainly don't want to stress over all this (Much easier said than done!), but I think temping and OPKing is going to help reduce my stress level since I'll know what's going on. Thanks for coaching me through this! Hope you are feeling great, and that your little one is healthy =)

Stick with the frers. The cb hpts are notorious for evaps!
Oh, and the wee one is doing great, while I am suffering lol. My pelvis is killing me!
Oh ok! I know they aren't cheap, but it's worth it to get the accuracy! I thought maybe the Clear Blue tests were better ;)

And I'm sorry to hear that... Hope you start feeling better soon!
Hey ladies can i join??!! :) im 9DPO and currently in my TWW! Longest two weeks of my life.... This is our second cycle ttc. Got a :bfp: last cycle after having a very heavy bleed and just had to test to see if it was what i thought it was... And low and behold :bfp: sadly it wasnt meant to be :(..... My OH is so desperate for a :bfp: this month. I have two DD's from a previous relationship and this will be his first :) im just praying for my :bfp: has anyone had a :bfp: at 10 DPO or around that time? Xx
Hi Carlie! I'm new too :)
1 dpo, ttc #1. I'm hoping a lot have had bfps around 10 dpo bc that's when I would like to test! lol!
Welcome, Carlie! You've come to the right place: Most of us think the TTW feels like a Two Month Wait ;)
I'm so sorry to hear about your last month.... When I was pregnant, I got my BFP at 14 dpo. But that was just me! Fx you get your BFP this month!!
Welcome Carlie! And welcome to the TWW springermommy!

Okay, so I just took an opk. Extremely faint. Squinter of a line. So I'm hoping that I have ovulated and that my temp will go back up tomorrow!
Welcome Carlie and Springermommy! I wish u both lots of luck and baby dust! :)
And to answer your question, Carlie, I have gotten a BFP at 7/8 dpo and one at 9dpo. Also I know jess got hers at 13dpo and wishing1010 got hers at 10dpo, as well as quite a few other ladies. FX for your BFP! Just remember, it can take time, as u need to figure out when you personally Ovulate each month so that you can be sure to BD at the right time, unless your going to be Bding everyday/every other day then your actual O date isn't as important since you'd def have every day covered with bding every other day or so. Anyway, welcome and I hope you see your BFP this cycle, I just wanted u to know not to worry if it doesn't happen right away. FX for u & GL!! :dust:
Also, I'm sorry to hear about last cycle :(. I had a chemical our 4th cycle TTC. It made me wish I never had even tested early but I still continue to do so every month. I hope your sticky bean comes asap! FX!
I'm so upset, I just found out my sister is pregnant with her 3rd baby.....she's the same age as me and didn't even try. I can't help to be sad right now...
Sylvia it's only natural to feel sadness when you are trying so hard and find out someone who isn't trying is now pregnant. I've had my fair share of heartache from just this scenario.
Sylvia it's only natural to feel sadness when you are trying so hard and find out someone who isn't trying is now pregnant. I've had my fair share of heartache from just this scenario.

It hurts. What makes me so mad is none of her kids had their father in their life at all. She just has these careless flings knowing doesnt take care of hers half the time and BAM pregnant. My time will come soon hopefully...if so then we would only be a little more than a month apart then it will be all worth it and smiles :)
Hey ladies can i join??!! :) im 9DPO and currently in my TWW! Longest two weeks of my life.... This is our second cycle ttc. Got a :bfp: last cycle after having a very heavy bleed and just had to test to see if it was what i thought it was... And low and behold :bfp: sadly it wasnt meant to be :(..... My OH is so desperate for a :bfp: this month. I have two DD's from a previous relationship and this will be his first :) im just praying for my :bfp: has anyone had a :bfp: at 10 DPO or around that time? Xx

Hi Carlie and welcome to the group :flower:
You'll love it here!

I'm terribly sorry about last cycle :nope: and hope that your sticky BFP will be just a few days away!

I stupidly tested at 9dpo my BFP cycle and got a thick 2nd grey line. Saved 10dpo's FMU and tested with 2 different brands, both BFP and a digital later the evening confirmed as well. So yes, it is possible to get a BFP early. Don't be discouraged if you don't though because even though you see many women on threads get them early there are many women who don't post on any threads that don't get anything before af is late. So there is ALWAYS hope until the witch shows.

FX and tons of :dust:

Hi Carlie! I'm new too :)
1 dpo, ttc #1. I'm hoping a lot have had bfps around 10 dpo bc that's when I would like to test! lol!

Hi Springermommy :flower:
Welcome and FX for you too.

My response to 10dpo is in my reply above to Carlie :D

Tons of :dust:

I'm so upset, I just found out my sister is pregnant with her 3rd baby.....she's the same age as me and didn't even try. I can't help to be sad right now...

Ah, I'm so sorry to hear that hun. We know babies are blessings to all but we understand that heartache that you are feeling and it's is okay to be sad. I haven't struggled to conceive for years like many other ladies but I had my share of struggles in my own way so this type of news hurt me as well when it passed.

I hope you do get your BFP soon and share in it with your sister :hugs:
14 DPO, AF due today and I'm spotting. I started temping during this TWW and my temp is still up this morning, so it looks like it might go down tomorrow. Ugh, I was feeling really good about using an OPK this cycle and our BD timing, but I guess it just isn't meant to be. *sigh*

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