Sticking Together Until We All Get BFP's!!!!

Well looks like im out just went to the toilet and it was pink when i wiped :( so soul destroying! Looks like :af: has done it again huh! Good luck to you all with getting your :bfp: s i shall be back to continue my normal symptom spottin poas problem next cycle girls xxx
I've actually read that the shettles method in practice is backwards! No one REALLY knows but I've read a lot that says BD very close to O is more likely to produce girls :)

Yes I've hear/read the same thing. Fx I finally get my girl, I already have 2 boys. But of course I wouldn't mind either :) Well we BD'd every two/other day, we did shallow positions which was just spooning lol, I had legs raised each time for at least 30 minutes usually an hr, soaked in a warm bath before bed. So I couldn't say I didn't try lol plus it says the more BDing you do the less boys!

Ill be more than happy with either tho, of course. Itd be pretty neat if we could pick :haha:

Thank you! Well fax we get our boy/girl we want but we would love which ever we happen to get he he :)

Thanks hun :). It does look a bit different from the past...Maybe I'm in for a huge surprise :) FX!
And it looks like ur temp isn't far off from yesterdays so maybe ur like me. For many, taking ur temp an hr later usually makes a difference in temps but ur temp is def up high enough where its safe to say you've O'ed, even if temping an hr later did make a bigger difference for u, it couldn't have affected it THAT much so ur still safe even tho dh "didn't hear the alarm" :haha:. You really do have a nice rise so far! It looks even better now that ur CH's are corrected too :). FX for u!! Cant wait to see what the next week brings!

Also, ur last cycle was 32 days right? If so, there's a good chance you have an 11/12 day LP. Thats not bad at all. A 10 day LP is very possible, as well, since ur cycle varies at times. So u should expect AF within the next 8-9 days or so, well not expect AF, since we want her to stay far, far away! But I'm sure u get what I mean, lol. Good luck!!!!

Thank you, yes I'm really loving my rise it makes me happy. Even though it really doesn't mean anything yet lol. Yes last cycle was 32 days...I had ewcm where you suspected O the 14 days later was AF (not really sure of real O day lol).

Well today my cervix super low/soft/closed, and (tmi) TONS of lotiony white cm. Its crazy because I could barely even feel if my cervix was open or closed from all the cm lololol

Fx for both of in this next week! So does that mean I can test 8dpo and there could be a possibility VFP if I am?
Well looks like im out just went to the toilet and it was pink when i wiped :( so soul destroying! Looks like :af: has done it again huh! Good luck to you all with getting your :bfp: s i shall be back to continue my normal symptom spottin poas problem next cycle girls xxx

I'm sorry hun. If u want to hang with us while u begin temping, we all hang out here all cycle round and ur more then welcome to join in our "sticking together" group :). Good luck & I hope u see that BFP soon! I'm guessing you did O on CD14. I oed at my normal time after my chemical, but my hcg levels never got very high to begin with. Hope to see u around more! I'm a great online specialist! :haha: :). Lots of dust to you!
I've actually read that the shettles method in practice is backwards! No one REALLY knows but I've read a lot that says BD very close to O is more likely to produce girls :)

Yes I've hear/read the same thing. Fx I finally get my girl, I already have 2 boys. But of course I wouldn't mind either :) Well we BD'd every two/other day, we did shallow positions which was just spooning lol, I had legs raised each time for at least 30 minutes usually an hr, soaked in a warm bath before bed. So I couldn't say I didn't try lol plus it says the more BDing you do the less boys!

Ill be more than happy with either tho, of course. Itd be pretty neat if we could pick :haha:

Thank you! Well fax we get our boy/girl we want but we would love which ever we happen to get he he :)

Thanks hun :). It does look a bit different from the past...Maybe I'm in for a huge surprise :) FX!
And it looks like ur temp isn't far off from yesterdays so maybe ur like me. For many, taking ur temp an hr later usually makes a difference in temps but ur temp is def up high enough where its safe to say you've O'ed, even if temping an hr later did make a bigger difference for u, it couldn't have affected it THAT much so ur still safe even tho dh "didn't hear the alarm" :haha:. You really do have a nice rise so far! It looks even better now that ur CH's are corrected too :). FX for u!! Cant wait to see what the next week brings!

Also, ur last cycle was 32 days right? If so, there's a good chance you have an 11/12 day LP. Thats not bad at all. A 10 day LP is very possible, as well, since ur cycle varies at times. So u should expect AF within the next 8-9 days or so, well not expect AF, since we want her to stay far, far away! But I'm sure u get what I mean, lol. Good luck!!!!

Thank you, yes I'm really loving my rise it makes me happy. Even though it really doesn't mean anything yet lol. Yes last cycle was 32 days...I had ewcm where you suspected O the 14 days later was AF (not really sure of real O day lol).

Well today my cervix super low/soft/closed, and (tmi) TONS of lotiony white cm. Its crazy because I could barely even feel if my cervix was open or closed from all the cm lololol

Fx for both of in this next week! So does that mean I can test 8dpo and there could be a possibility VFP if I am?

Last cycle originally I said cd14 going off of a 26 day cycle because I thought for some reason that was ur norm...? Lol but anyway, after I saw u had a longer cycle, I was pretty certain u oed between CD17-20, depending on ur LP. I guess I was right! Lol Ive been waiting to find out if I was! :haha:. So if you have another 32 day cycle, ull be looking at a 12 day LP which allows more time for the egg to implant, rather then 10 days. So given that, AF most likely would actually be due in 9/10 days rather than 8.

And yay for all the fertile cm this month! FX its a sign that u released the golden egg, or eggs! :). I have an amazing feeling for u! :dust:

Also, its possible to get a BFP at 8dpo but ur LP length doesn't make a difference of what dpo u'll see a BFP. You could just barely implant at 8dpo but u never know! I always test around 8dpo with an internet early result cheapie just because I want to know if I can get an early BFP, lol. I did with Aiden and ive seen many other get BFPs early, even with 15 day LPs but again, how soon you can see a BFP all depends on when ur sticky bean implants. If ur LP is 12 and say mine was 14, I could potentially get a BFP at 8 dpo and you may not get urs until 12dpo, u know? The early result tests go by a 14 day LP. When it says "test 6 days sooner" it means u could test at 9dpo and have a 52% chance of getting a BFP and with the 5 day sooner tests you could test at 10dpo. Did I make sense explaining that? I wondered the same thing within my first 4 months or so of TTC. I remember I looked up "can I test positive sooner because I have a shorter LP?" But I quickly learned it doesn't make a difference and I learned u actually want ur LP to be 11 days or longer because the longer ur LP, the more time an egg has to implant, u know? 12 days isn't short tho, it leaves enough time for the implantation process :). So if u get BFNs at 10dpo, dont feel out because your little bean could have just implanted the day or two before. The most popular implantation days are 8/9dpo but it can happen as early as 4dpo and as late as 14dpo. Anyway, sorry for rambling! I cant help it when I have so much TTC info to share! Hehe :)
Mommysylvia, I added another huge portion to that last post to you, lol. I missed ur question about hpts the first time.
You're always right girl lol okay so I can start testing 12-13dpo or sooner?
You're always right girl lol okay so I can start testing 12-13dpo or sooner?

You can still test when u planned. You could implant tomorrow or u may implant a few days later, u know? But if ur like me, I test once a day with wondfo starting at 8-9dpo, since it is possible to get early BFPs like that, no matter how long ur LP is, its just not AS common to see a BFP before 10dpo, but again, very possible depending on implantation and how fast ur levels rise. I think ud be good to try a frer at 10dpo and have good odds if this is ur lucky month :). Before I just meant dont feel out if u dont get a BFP the "5 days before AF is due", as that doesn't apply to u if ur LP is 12 days, its still is meant to be used 9/10dpo, if its the 5-6 day sooner tests. For u, the 5-6 day sooner tests are more accurate 2-3 days before ur AF would be due. So u can go ahead and test between 9-12dpo with FRER, preferably 10/11dpo, unless u can wait until 12dpo lol. I usually test until 11dpo and then I stop and wait to see if I miss AF before I try testing again. I hate seeing BFNs 12dpo or later, esp with FRER. I'm getting excited thinking about ur test day because of this good feeling I have! FX!
Oh yay mary!! Im so excited for you!! I have been keeping up with you ladies but haven't had much to talk about. Dh and I haven't talked about anything baby, even adoption since we went to that info meeting. I haven't asked and neither has he. I figured maybe there is a reason that we aren't feeling too pressed to make a decision right now. So two nights ago I just blurted out how we never really came to a conclusion about which adoption route we want, and he said "well do you want to try a few more times? " so we agreed that we are going to give ttc another shot starting in april. We are both pretty excited all over again. Of course adoption isnt completely off the table so if your cousin doesn't want her baby mary, we can drive to nh and ill give her some cash!!! Of course she would have to sign her rights away and find out who the dad is and have him sign his rights too.
FMU BFN this morning at 10 DPO. I'm so glad I have a RE follow up on Thursday. Hopefully he'll give me the thumbs up to start Femara. We've been trying now for 10 months, and I am SO ready.

We have both def been trying for long enough! I'm very happy to hear u see a RE this week as well! Hope we both get lots of good news/info!!

Thanks Mary! We're definitely both due a BFP!

Are u testing tomorrow if ur temp is still up where it is? Your chart still looks amazing as it is today! I'm crossing my fingers tight for u! FX FX FX!!
You're always right girl lol okay so I can start testing 12-13dpo or sooner?

You can still test when u planned. You could implant tomorrow or u may implant a few days later, u know? But if ur like me, I test once a day with wondfo starting at 8-9dpo, since it is possible to get early BFPs like that, no matter how long ur LP is, its just not AS common to see a BFP before 10dpo, but again, very possible depending on implantation and how fast ur levels rise. I think ud be good to try a frer at 10dpo and have good odds if this is ur lucky month :). Before I just meant dont feel out if u dont get a BFP the "5 days before AF is due", as that doesn't apply to u if ur LP is 12 days, its still is meant to be used 9/10dpo, if its the 5-6 day sooner tests. For u, the 5-6 day sooner tests are more accurate 2-3 days before ur AF would be due. So u can go ahead and test between 9-12dpo with FRER, preferably 10/11dpo, unless u can wait until 12dpo lol. I usually test until 11dpo and then I stop and wait to see if I miss AF before I try testing again. I hate seeing BFNs 12dpo or later, esp with FRER. I'm getting excited thinking about ur test day because of this good feeling I have! FX!

Yes all that info makes perfect sense! I cant even wait until 9dpo but I will try!! I can't wait for our results. First time charting is so exciting!! Especially all these rises lol :)
Oh you guys!!!! You have all been so busy today, while I had a complete meltdown.

Charlie - I'm sorry that af has arrived for you. The cycle after a loss is difficult because your body is still trying to get its stuff back together. I hope you stick around and chat while you wait for ovulation to occur next.

Froggy - I am so excited that you guys are giving it another shot. I think either way you have a great plan, and I hope you don't end up having to adopt Mary's cousin LOL.

Sylvia - how was your baby's birthday?

So AFM: It has been a pretty emotional day for me. I don't know if any of you have been following my blog, but last night I posted about how I feel like I'm drowning in change. Over the past week and a half or so, my husband and I have taken apart a lot of our furniture and packed away a bunch of stuff. About 95% of the clothes that I had in the dresser and closet pre-pregnancy are now packed away. brother and my dad came over today to help my husband transport all of our things to my parents house to be stored until we get a bigger place/have the baby. Needless to say I feel like I just finished an entire book of my life and am now waiting for the next book to be published.

The kicker was, we ordered a crib from walmart and had it shipped to the store. When we got to the store to pick it up we found out that they couldn't find the crib in back. We were refunded our money and told to repurchase the crib and have it sent for free to home instead of to the store. I called the online help desk and they couldn't waive the shipping fees so we ended up having to go back to the store to have the manager order the crib and waive the shipping. Get to the store and they have found the crib, but it won't fit in our tiny car and my dad had already gone back home. He met us back at Walmart and we got the crib in the car and into the dining room. Such a roller coaster!
Sylvia - how was your baby's birthday?

Its still going on right now lol. Its my father in laws brother that's hosting it since he's the only one near us that we know. We definitely couldn't have a party in the motel lol. But its going good he's happy thank you :)
So, my chart still looks great but still testing BFN with FMU at 11 DPO. This is just exhausting. It's hard to be optimistic with a BFN at 11 DPO on. FRER but i know there is still some modicum of hope. I'm so confused!
So, my chart still looks great but still testing BFN with FMU at 11 DPO. This is just exhausting. It's hard to be optimistic with a BFN at 11 DPO on. FRER but i know there is still some modicum of hope. I'm so confused!

I would feel the same way but don't give up tons of women get their Bfp even after 11dpo...your chart still looks great! Also it looks triphasic, fx!!
Mary!!! Stupid me left my phone at home today, I'm so sorry. I feel so horrible! I hope all goes well and I'll be looking here for updates later. FX!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Mary!!! Stupid me left my phone at home today, I'm so sorry. I feel so horrible! I hope all goes well and I'll be looking here for updates later. FX!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Lol! Thank u for letting me know! :) You'll probably have like 10+ txts from just me by the time u get home to ur phone :haha:.
Only 2 1/2 hrs to go!!!! I will be sure to come on and update each and every one of u as soon as I'm out :). FX
So, my chart still looks great but still testing BFN with FMU at 11 DPO. This is just exhausting. It's hard to be optimistic with a BFN at 11 DPO on. FRER but i know there is still some modicum of hope. I'm so confused!

I would feel the same way but don't give up tons of women get their Bfp even after 11dpo...your chart still looks great! Also it looks triphasic, fx!!

I know! It's adding to my confusion. I had my progesterone levels checked yesterday. I'm going to call and get the number today. Maybe that will give me some insight.

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