Sticking Together Until We All Get BFP's!!!!

Ita great that you have a regular cycle. That def helps! IF you dont see ur BFP tho, I'm happy to hear ull try temping, as a healthy LP can range from 11-15 days so its hard to say for sure when you O but my guess is that you O between CD13-17. If you have the most common 12-14 day LP with a 28 day cycle, you more than likely O between CD13-15 tho but I wanted to give u a larger "BDing" range so u dont miss it IF you need to try another cycle. Temping will only tell u if you have Oed AFTER O has passed so thats why I did a guesstimate for you...That way if there's a next cycle, you'll know to BD starting around CD10-11 every other day or so, until you learn your true O day. One women could have a 28 day cycle and O on day 13, whereas another women could have the same exact cycle length in total but due to a shorter LP, they could O on day 17/18, does that make sense? Knowing your LP length can help identify an LP defect, that can usually be fixed very easily with daily cream/suppository. I'm NOT saying you have any issues...just sharing some of the MANY things temping can help with, if needed. Have you been TTC since you started tracking 13 months ago? Or preparing to try as well? Just curious. I like to get to know u all and ur personal situations but if I ask anything you don't want to answer, thats completely ok! Again, welcome to the thread!
I hope you see a BigFatPositive before you know it!!![/QUOTE]

I just started TTC a few months back. Been working on charting for 13 months but TTC for about 6 or so. And there has been nothing yet, but I have read that you only have a 20% chance on any regular cycle. So I wasnt too worried. I do have another child but she is 7 so it has been a long time since i have TTC. I do have a journal on the TTC Journals that goes day by day as well.
I have been looking a lot into hypnotherapy for fertility. There are so many cds out there! Dh was a little like "seriously?" At first, but I explained that its more like meditation. And that our minds and bodies are one so if we can relax our subconscious, our bodies will relax too. He said that he wants to do it too!! So im trying to find the best one. Anyone here have any experience? I also saw some for pregnancy, and birth. So if I find the fertility portion helpful, I might try the others. I can play the birth one in my hospital room and maybe get some aroma therapy diffusers, and a birthing ball!!

Ive been looking into all of that too lately! Thats how I ended up coming across the "IVF clown" lol...i was looking for ideas and I saw many women using meditation CDs during IVF cycles to help mentally and physically and idk if it truly helps but it cant hurt! Ill probably be ordering one of those CDs very shortly, as long as it nothing but good news tomorrow!

Dh did say that he just really wants a baby so IF we somehow are able to get donor sperm, he'd want to do that, rather then no baby at all & that's really big of him. I just really hope I'm carrying his biological baby instead, of course but either way it'd be OUR baby, with or without donor sperm, u know? So it is good to know he's open to that if we have issues on our own and donor sperm becomes an option for us to use. I dont want to talk about that too much right now tho, I am sad thinking that we may even have to think about it being someone else sperm when his is PERFECTLY fine for pregnancy. This TTC thing is not fun, but I don't need to tell any of you that!

Here's to hoping!!
Ita great that you have a regular cycle. That def helps! IF you dont see ur BFP tho, I'm happy to hear ull try temping, as a healthy LP can range from 11-15 days so its hard to say for sure when you O but my guess is that you O between CD13-17. If you have the most common 12-14 day LP with a 28 day cycle, you more than likely O between CD13-15 tho but I wanted to give u a larger "BDing" range so u dont miss it IF you need to try another cycle. Temping will only tell u if you have Oed AFTER O has passed so thats why I did a guesstimate for you...That way if there's a next cycle, you'll know to BD starting around CD10-11 every other day or so, until you learn your true O day. One women could have a 28 day cycle and O on day 13, whereas another women could have the same exact cycle length in total but due to a shorter LP, they could O on day 17/18, does that make sense? Knowing your LP length can help identify an LP defect, that can usually be fixed very easily with daily cream/suppository. I'm NOT saying you have any issues...just sharing some of the MANY things temping can help with, if needed. Have you been TTC since you started tracking 13 months ago? Or preparing to try as well? Just curious. I like to get to know u all and ur personal situations but if I ask anything you don't want to answer, thats completely ok! Again, welcome to the thread!
I hope you see a BigFatPositive before you know it!!!

I just started TTC a few months back. Been working on charting for 13 months but TTC for about 6 or so. And there has been nothing yet, but I have read that you only have a 20% chance on any regular cycle. So I wasnt too worried. I do have another child but she is 7 so it has been a long time since i have TTC. I do have a journal on the TTC Journals that goes day by day as well.[/QUOTE]

My son is 7, as well! :) I hope they both have little siblings before 2015 is over!!! FX! :dust:
aidensmommy1: Thinking of you and praying that everything will go ahead as planned xo
Quick update-

*Mock Transfer went GREAT
*SHG (PAINFUL!!) went GREAT, PERFECT uterus!
*ALL bloods were GREAT, as well!
*11 follies were counted and thats what they expect from TWO ovaries at this point so he said that's a very good number & looks as if I have a well working ovary :).

Our consent appt did get moved to Monday the 9th, so everything went very good with all of that.

For the potential bad news... There's one possible barrier on DHs end, a bit personal from his childhood so I'm not going to share that aspect until DH tells me otherwise but his SA was awesome, as u all know, so its not that persay but we'll know for sure if "dhs issue" is a problem on Thurs. This issue could make or break our chance at IVF before our insurance is up. We both have been crying for hrs :(. Our RE is going for a meeting tomorrow with the embryologist and his boss and he's hoping everything works out. We'll know the answer on thurs/Friday.

So, tonight the nurse will be calling with my retrieval date and then after we hear back from them on thurs/fri, we can hopefully start celebrating for real. I'm so nervous. Donor sperm isn't covered thru my insurance either so we have alot to think about if we get bad news. Please, please pray that EVERYTHING works out. Our doctor seems like he thinks there's a pretty decent chance all will work out, and thats why he wants to go ahead and get me on the schedule and such but he of course couldn't give us a for sure answer before the meeting.

I'm soo crampy from both the mock transfer but most of all the SHG. I'm very thankful at least that part went as hoped today. I will share the actual issue with u all at some point, as I'm sure your curious. Its something we've always been aware of and nothing that would even affect us naturally TTC so it really caught us of guard when they said it was an issue. FX everything works out! From my understanding, if all does go as planned, id be starting the meds right around day 18-22 on the birth control. FX soo tight.

I feel bad for DH, as I know hearing YOUR the issue is soo incredibly hard :-(. I really hope everything goes as originally planned!!! We told our doc about this issue from the first appt with him 2wks ago & he didn't think itd be an issue either. Ugh. Hopefully not!

I will come back on when I'm less depressed. I wasn't even going to mention anything about possible barrier right now but I needed to let it out a little. Please pray for us!

Im so confused as to what could be wrong if your hubby's semen analysis came out great. Hopefully it doesn't hinder your chances

I have been looking a lot into hypnotherapy for fertility. There are so many cds out there! Dh was a little like "seriously?" At first, but I explained that its more like meditation. And that our minds and bodies are one so if we can relax our subconscious, our bodies will relax too. He said that he wants to do it too!! So im trying to find the best one. Anyone here have any experience? I also saw some for pregnancy, and birth. So if I find the fertility portion helpful, I might try the others. I can play the birth one in my hospital room and maybe get some aroma therapy diffusers, and a birthing ball!!

Ive been looking into all of that too lately! Thats how I ended up coming across the "IVF clown" lol...i was looking for ideas and I saw many women using meditation CDs during IVF cycles to help mentally and physically and idk if it truly helps but it cant hurt! Ill probably be ordering one of those CDs very shortly, as long as it nothing but good news tomorrow!

Dh did say that he just really wants a baby so IF we somehow are able to get donor sperm, he'd want to do that, rather then no baby at all & that's really big of him. I just really hope I'm carrying his biological baby instead, of course but either way it'd be OUR baby, with or without donor sperm, u know? So it is good to know he's open to that if we have issues on our own and donor sperm becomes an option for us to use. I dont want to talk about that too much right now tho, I am sad thinking that we may even have to think about it being someone else sperm when his is PERFECTLY fine for pregnancy. This TTC thing is not fun, but I don't need to tell any of you that!

Here's to hoping!!

That's big of him but I'm still hoping everything is alright
Thank you Jess, I hope so too!! Ill at least let you know after we hear back from them. I guess I dont want to jinks it by talking about it, plus I want to respect dhs privacy but he already told me he was ok with me talking about it privately with a few of you when we hear back from them. He knows I talk to u guys about EVERYTHING else but yea, ill send you a more detailed message in the new few days. Its nothing that will even affect the pregnancy either so its really, really frustrating :-(. Ill stop talking about it until I'm ready to fill a few people in, since I know you all are wondering. I feel so bad for DH.

We did find that we could actually afford donor sperm BUT again, I really don't want to think about that unless we have to. I ALMOST opened the booklet of doners with DH but we quickly closed it, as we both got teary eyed thinking about it since we of course are PRAYING they will "allow" dh to participate in an A.R.T cycle. I think it's such BS and I dont quite understand it! Thank u again for the well wishes, hopefully all goes better then we even imagined it to go! Itd be awesome to actually have the retrieval scheduled for the week of April 13th WITH dhs swimmers. Thats so soon! I want to celebrate the 11 follies seen today but I feel like I cant truly celebrate any of it, quite yet. FX for a GOOD call tomorrow!!!
Here is my weekly bump. I'm technically 19 weeks, but it's my 18 week photo as I ended week 18 and started week 19 this big. Ronny took the pic for me and didn't get me straight on like I told him so my bump appears a little bit smaller.
So went for the ultrasound today because I missed my period in January but tested negative all that month. And tested positive late in feb, digital test said approx 3-4 weeks preggo. Ultrasound and vaginal ultrasound couldn't see it yet, they only wanted to make sure it wasn't a pregnancy from jan. They said I have to go back in a couple weeks cause it's too early to see anything. Same thing happened to a friend of mine and everything I have read says not to worry and it's too early, but I'm still a little freaked! ��

Try not to worry hun - I know that might sound like terrible advice but I promise you that it was still early and that when you go for your next u/s you will be surprised at how much baby has grown. For sanity's sake go onto this website and put in your due date and you can literally get DAILY updates on the progress of baby and 9 out of 10 updates has pictures. It will show you as well that currently the embryo has snuggled in etc. So not much to see YET

In 36 short more weeks you'll be holding your little one :dance:

Well, my OPKs are finally starting to darken up a bit. Here's to hoping for a pos OPK tomorrow or Thurs. I'm ready!

FX that it comes around soon and that you get your BFP :dust:
Thank you! I hve my second bloodwork being done tomorrow so I'll update after that! Also I took another test to see if it was darker then my last, my test line to the left was never darker then the right, and it never showed up as the pee was going along the screen and it showed up instantly as the pee crossed it's path! And it's darker which must be a good sign of rising levels!! Omg lol what a relief! And this was with only 3 hours of held pee and it was diluted cause I drank a lot of fluids!


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All great indications to me :D FX for great numbers - next thing you know symptoms will start hitting as well
That's a very good lines Megs.... My FRER looks so faint at 16dpo even though my beta that night was at 537 miu/ml.
Hey ladies, may I join you? :) I'm Becks, my OH is Daniel. We've been TTC my second (his first) baby, for over 10 months now. AF is due Friday for me, no signs of her showing just yet. Tested with IC this morning, I can see a line but I'm struggling to trust these tests as I've heard they're awful for evaps. :( I think I'll wait it out until Friday, and if AF still hasn't arrived, I'll go out and get a superdrug test. :)

Congratulations to all of you lucky ladies who have gotten your :bfp:! Babydust to all of those still trying, I hope it happens for you very soon! :dust: xx
:hi: Becks, welcome to the group.... Don't lose hope, you're not out until the :witch: rear her ugly face.... FX for a :bfp: this cycle..... Oh, and best wishes for the upcoming wedding.... :hugs:
:hi: Becks, welcome to the group.... Don't lose hope, you're not out until the :witch: rear her ugly face.... FX for a :bfp: this cycle..... Oh, and best wishes for the upcoming wedding.... :hugs:

Thank you very much! I'm really hoping this cycle is the one, it'd be the most perfect wedding present if it is! :D Not long at all now.. I've got a pic of my test this morning, would it be okay to post and get some opinions? Thanks. X :hugs:
I called yesterday and all came back positive, they didn't give me and levels of numbers though. Go back today for more
:hi: Becks, welcome to the group.... Don't lose hope, you're not out until the :witch: rear her ugly face.... FX for a :bfp: this cycle..... Oh, and best wishes for the upcoming wedding.... :hugs:

Thank you very much! I'm really hoping this cycle is the one, it'd be the most perfect wedding present if it is! :D Not long at all now.. I've got a pic of my test this morning, would it be okay to post and get some opinions? Thanks. X :hugs:

Please do, we all love seeing hpts.... :dance:

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