Sticking Together Until We All Get BFP's!!!!

Well, AF arrived about an hour ago. I'm in a lot of pain, and I don't normally have any pain! I have a feeling we did get pregnant, but lost it very early on - just because of those lines I was getting, there must of been some HCG in my system. :cry: I'll keep my doctors app, just so I can go in and talk to them about it - hopefully get some answers. Thank you everyone for your continued support, I really appreciate it. <3

I'm so sorry hun :(. Lots of hugs your way! :hugs:

Also, for the future, I have had evaps on just about every brand test ive used, and they always have SOME color to the "second line". I wanted to add this for the future to help u a little. Ive been quietly stalking to see if ur lines got any darker. I was really rooting for ur BFP! :-\. This month will be the one for u! :) My new test rule is Do Not believe it until u see a line getting darker...well I shouldn't say new rule, its been my rule since cycle 12 or so of TTC. I got so many mean evaps before that...and after. Evaps suck, but they're everywhere now!!! It makes me so angry! I hope u get a BigFatPositive that gets darker and darker next cycle!! FX so hard. I'm sorry AF is being mean to u as well :(. I randomly started getting painful periods about 10 months ago and it really stinks! Hopefully the pain eases for u soon. Again, I'm so sorry. Lots of dust to you for ur new cycle! GL hun! :dust:
Mary I'm sending you tons of :hugs:
You've been through so much and to have this added on top of it all is just so unfair.

Thank u Pamela. I wish these decisions weren't so hard! Its like I feel like I won't make the right choice but if a LO is made out of whatever choice I make, clearly, it WAS the right one. FX whatever choice I make leads to a BFP much sooner than later! :)
Well, AF arrived about an hour ago. I'm in a lot of pain, and I don't normally have any pain! I have a feeling we did get pregnant, but lost it very early on - just because of those lines I was getting, there must of been some HCG in my system. :cry: I'll keep my doctors app, just so I can go in and talk to them about it - hopefully get some answers. Thank you everyone for your continued support, I really appreciate it. <3

I'm so sorry hun :(. Lots of hugs your way! :hugs:

Also, for the future, I have had evaps on just about every brand test ive used, and they always have SOME color to the "second line". I wanted to add this for the future to help u a little. Ive been quietly stalking to see if ur lines got any darker. I was really rooting for ur BFP! :-\. This month will be the one for u! :) My new test rule is Do Not believe it until u see a line getting darker...well I shouldn't say new rule, its been my rule since cycle 12 or so of TTC. I got so many mean evaps before that...and after. Evaps suck, but they're everywhere now!!! It makes me so angry! I hope u get a BigFatPositive that gets darker and darker next cycle!! FX so hard. I'm sorry AF is being mean to u as well :(. I randomly started getting painful periods about 10 months ago and it really stinks! Hopefully the pain eases for u soon. Again, I'm so sorry. Lots of dust to you for ur new cycle! GL hun! :dust:

thank you hun! this cycle was 34 days, however the spotting started at 30 days. so I'm hoping the next month will match, around a 30-34 day cycle again would be great, and hopefully it'll be our month. I'm glad I went for a normal cycle again, that's a big achievement for me :) so I'm going to try and look at the positives. I think when we're married, and we move into our first home together (OH is in the army, so he's away all week - we're moving to camp after the wedding!), things will be more relaxed - so then, hopefully, it'll happen! I'm just going to focus on the wedding, and all of the good things. <3 x

about the evaps, yeah, they are very nasty! I think next month I'll hold out testing until the day AF is due, if not later! I can't keep doing this to myself, it's not fair. :nope:
Mary I'm sending you tons of :hugs:
You've been through so much and to have this added on top of it all is just so unfair.

Thank u Pamela. I wish these decisions weren't so hard! Its like I feel like I won't make the right choice but if a LO is made out of whatever choice I make, clearly, it WAS the right one. FX whatever choice I make leads to a BFP much sooner than later! :)

I don't think you can make a wrong one hun. I know it is not the same thing but I have now for the 3rd time contracted kidney/bladder infection and have now received 2 courses of antibiotics as my white blood cells are way high etc. The risk of preterm labour outweighs the drinking of the meds so I'm taking the meds.

The risk of you not having a baby with Dh at this stage is higher than having one with him even if a donor is used. I can understand the anxiety and cannot imagine how scary this must all feel but I have faith that dh will love this baby just as much as he loves Aiden. He sounds like an amazing guy and you are a great mom, how can he not love you and your kids? :hugs:
Mary I'm sending you tons of :hugs:
You've been through so much and to have this added on top of it all is just so unfair.

Thank u Pamela. I wish these decisions weren't so hard! Its like I feel like I won't make the right choice but if a LO is made out of whatever choice I make, clearly, it WAS the right one. FX whatever choice I make leads to a BFP much sooner than later! :)

I don't think you can make a wrong one hun. I know it is not the same thing but I have now for the 3rd time contracted kidney/bladder infection and have now received 2 courses of antibiotics as my white blood cells are way high etc. The risk of preterm labour outweighs the drinking of the meds so I'm taking the meds.

The risk of you not having a baby with Dh at this stage is higher than having one with him even if a donor is used. I can understand the anxiety and cannot imagine how scary this must all feel but I have faith that dh will love this baby just as much as he loves Aiden. He sounds like an amazing guy and you are a great mom, how can he not love you and your kids? :hugs:

aww I'm sorry, I hope u feel better!

And I didn't add in before, but we can use DHs sperm after a 6 month treatment and then 6 months after that, so 12 months total, or if my tube gets fixed, It can happen as soon as it wants to happen, lol, so the odds of having a baby with dhs sperm or donor sperm are about the same...dhs sperm would be the higher ratio if my tube were to open. The only thing is WHEN/how soon it could happen with dhs swimmers. You know? The stupid lab thinks this treatment needs to be done for their own liability before dhs sperm can be used, and if we get the eggs frozen now, we will only have to pay about $3500 (rather than $12,000+) to have the transfer done after the treatment, when we dont have the good insurance anymore. Knowing that we would have a "back-up plan" for next April is what's making me really want to try the tubal surgery. I honestly think that could work, and I wish I had spoken with a specialist about It last yr, rather than listen to my stupid old doctor. She really messed up our chances, alot, with all her false information.

So anyway, either way there WILL be a baby, we just may have to pay more $ out of pocket and wait an extra year. I'm spending this week looking for the best doctor around for tubal surgery. I'm asking about doctors personal success rates, as well as national success rates of successfully opening a tube, and once we speak with someone who is very experienced with these surgeries, that'll most likely be when we fully make up our minds about what to do.

And your absolutely right, dh would love any baby we have, with all of his heart, no matter what. Its just knowing that we CAN use his sperm after a year is making it a hard choice. I mean, we have already waited 2yrs, what's another year? That'd honestly be just about the worst case scenario, having to wait way longer then we were hoping. I guess we'll see how it all plays out! Whatever will be, will be! :)
I 100% understand what is making your decision difficult. Waiting vs. doing it now but then not having his biological baby. I would be baffled to.

You don't have to answer me on this one if it is not my place to know, but it's just that I am very confused as to why the can't use it now? If they are talking about liability things can they not have you sign a waiver? I thought DH's sperm was all good.
I 100% understand what is making your decision difficult. Waiting vs. doing it now but then not having his biological baby. I would be baffled to.

You don't have to answer me on this one if it is not my place to know, but it's just that I am very confused as to why the can't use it now? If they are talking about liability things can they not have you sign a waiver? I thought DH's sperm was all good.

They won't do a waiver...i tried asking that question yest, Lol. Ugh.

Ok so here it goes, when dh was younger, his father was NOT careful at all and dh ended up catching hep-C from a razor of his fathers. We knew he had this the whole time and clearly have been unprotected for over 2yrs and I'm still hep-c negative so CLEARLY his swimmers are NOT carrying the virus BUT they feel there's liability issues until they give him a mix of 2 infusions for 6 months to lower his viral load. And then after that 6 months, it takes 6 months to get all the bad stuff from the treatment out of dhs swimmers or else the treatment meds can cause birth defects, which is why we were told to get pregnant FIRST and now we're being told the opposite. Its so damn frustrating!! And he said that there's a VERY SMALL (.02%) chance that the virus could be passed to me via IVF and they're afraid we would blame them...LoL...Thats when I said, Isn't there a waiver we can sign for this?! We would never even think to BLAME them for anything like that! Either way, with or without treatment, the virus will stil be there so thats what really ticks me off...If they can do it after a treatment (not by any means a cure!) then why cant it be before?! U know? ugh. And there's NO policy on this, whatsoever, so they could have said yes if they wanted to. I'm still searching for clinics to reach out to but we'll see. So thats the whole issue. I had to tell u guys because I know it must be driving ppl nuts not knowing why we can't use perfectly good sperm NOW. And the clinic & docs knew about the hep-c before we even had our first consult and not one single person told us that this could be a barrier for us doing IVF. You would think they would have told me immediately that there's a chance they wouldn't be able to perform IVF with his swimmers right now, but instead they let me get all excited and I really and truly thought "this is it!" :-\.
Anyway, so his sperm can be used in the future so as long as we have some eggs frozen, awaiting us, we will have options :). I'm really praying we can make this tubal surgery thing work tho!! Another possibility is to do IVF now with donor but also save half of our eggs and try for another LO when we're ready for another. THIS IS TOO MUCH TO THINK ABOUT!!!! lol. But as u and I both said, whatever choice we make, WILL be the right one! :)

Edit-There are 2 clinics in London that would take us now so if we can have my eggs sent there, there's a possibility of IVF happening before treatment with his swimmers as well, probably around September/October. Plus they're a little cheaper for just the transfer so that's something we are thinking about as well. I was thinking if we do the tubal surgery, it succeeds and we still aren't pregnant by October/November, we'll travel for it. Again, too many choices to think about!
Oh wow that seems like a mind f*ck. I'm glad you and DH are talking through and working through. I guess it's up to what you two decide - only you can make that decision. Whatever you decide, I know you will get your little one in the end. All the best xx
I'm with Laura, my mind is screwed!

I would assume that you being negative all this time means his swimmers are fine. Grrr why must there always be a stone to roll away!?

I hope you guys can get going soon with whatever you decide :hugs:
Oh wow that seems like a mind f*ck. I'm glad you and DH are talking through and working through. I guess it's up to what you two decide - only you can make that decision. Whatever you decide, I know you will get your little one in the end. All the best xx

a mind f**k is right! And Thank u for ur support! The kind words mean so much! I feel a little better now that I just shared our "issue" and now I can actually talk openly about ALL of it with u ladies. Its been driving me nuts and its been a huge reason ive been silent on here. I just haven't known how to explain things without stating what the issue is, u know? Now u ladies know everything again, which is good for me since I can vent about it now. Dh said if it helps me to talk about it, he doesn't mind me telling you girls. I feel really blessed to have him as my OH. I couldn't have asked for a better dh! :).

Are u passed O this cycle? I'm so behind from not being on here much this past week! If you are in the TWW, I wish u TONS AND TONS of baby dust! I know you'll get ur LO as well!
If you dont mind me asking, how did u confront your donor about being your donor? Dh and I were thinking about asking someone we know, if that's what we decide on, we just have NO CLUE how to even go about that Any tips u may have would be much appreciated! :) GL hun!
I'm with Laura, my mind is screwed!

I would assume that you being negative all this time means his swimmers are fine. Grrr why must there always be a stone to roll away!?

I hope you guys can get going soon with whatever you decide :hugs:

RIGHT?! And they like think his swimmers will infect they're lab as well, lol. I have direct contact with his "bodily fluids" and I'm not catching s**t!!! So how would sperm that's not even touching any other embryos be dangerous? I said "what do u all do... mix all the sperm together!? You guys aren't making sense!!" doctor got a kick out of that comment. He did fight SO hard for us and I know if it were up to him, he'd do it, its the embryologist thats scared of "his lab being contaminated". I'm telling u, if I ever win the lottery, I will be making a donation specifically for them to get equipment and space for "hep-c positive patients" because my doctor said IF they had more incubators, they could do it. I read that 2 out of 3 people have this virus in the U.S, so ud think they'd already have separate incubators & equipment but noo, of course not! I know they help patients with HIV at many clinics....why is that ok but not hep-c, u know? Grrr!!
Ugh, im so so frustrated for you mary!!! I know that you will make whatever decision is best for you!!
I 100% understand what is making your decision difficult. Waiting vs. doing it now but then not having his biological baby. I would be baffled to.

You don't have to answer me on this one if it is not my place to know, but it's just that I am very confused as to why the can't use it now? If they are talking about liability things can they not have you sign a waiver? I thought DH's sperm was all good.

They won't do a waiver...i tried asking that question yest, Lol. Ugh.

Ok so here it goes, when dh was younger, his father was NOT careful at all and dh ended up catching hep-C from a razor of his fathers. We knew he had this the whole time and clearly have been unprotected for over 2yrs and I'm still hep-c negative so CLEARLY his swimmers are NOT carrying the virus BUT they feel there's liability issues until they give him a mix of 2 infusions for 6 months to lower his viral load. And then after that 6 months, it takes 6 months to get all the bad stuff from the treatment out of dhs swimmers or else the treatment meds can cause birth defects, which is why we were told to get pregnant FIRST and now we're being told the opposite. Its so damn frustrating!! And he said that there's a VERY SMALL (.02%) chance that the virus could be passed to me via IVF and they're afraid we would blame them...LoL...Thats when I said, Isn't there a waiver we can sign for this?! We would never even think to BLAME them for anything like that! Either way, with or without treatment, the virus will stil be there so thats what really ticks me off...If they can do it after a treatment (not by any means a cure!) then why cant it be before?! U know? ugh. And there's NO policy on this, whatsoever, so they could have said yes if they wanted to. I'm still searching for clinics to reach out to but we'll see. So thats the whole issue. I had to tell u guys because I know it must be driving ppl nuts not knowing why we can't use perfectly good sperm NOW. And the clinic & docs knew about the hep-c before we even had our first consult and not one single person told us that this could be a barrier for us doing IVF. You would think they would have told me immediately that there's a chance they wouldn't be able to perform IVF with his swimmers right now, but instead they let me get all excited and I really and truly thought "this is it!" :-\.
Anyway, so his sperm can be used in the future so as long as we have some eggs frozen, awaiting us, we will have options :). I'm really praying we can make this tubal surgery thing work tho!! Another possibility is to do IVF now with donor but also save half of our eggs and try for another LO when we're ready for another. THIS IS TOO MUCH TO THINK ABOUT!!!! lol. But as u and I both said, whatever choice we make, WILL be the right one! :)

Edit-There are 2 clinics in London that would take us now so if we can have my eggs sent there, there's a possibility of IVF happening before treatment with his swimmers as well, probably around September/October. Plus they're a little cheaper for just the transfer so that's something we are thinking about as well. I was thinking if we do the tubal surgery, it succeeds and we still aren't pregnant by October/November, we'll travel for it. Again, too many choices to think about!

That sounds promising Mary!!! I'm so sorry you've had such a hard time. You are handling it extremely well given the circumstances. I hope you get what you want!!!
Wishing you all the good luck in the world Mary. Sorry you're going through so much.

AFM - I'm feeling junky today. I've got a headache, hot flashes, and I'm moody as all get out. Progesterone surge, maybe?
Thank u Chelsea, Twinsie, & TTC! :). I trust that with the support from all of you ladies, as well as my DH, whatever decision I come to will be for the absolute best :). FX for amazing things to come! :dust:
Thank u all so much for showing support and not being judgmental in any shape or form. You all are the best for that! Ive needed to talk about this with ppl other then my mother & DH. I really cant thank u all enough for the support I've gotten & know I'll continue to receive from u all. I love how our group is truly sticking together until we all get our BFP's :). I hope I dont make u ladies wait for me to join you for too long! :haha:. I know it won't be long before everyone on this thread has their BFP! FX FX FX!
TTC74, it def sounds like ur progesterone is up nice & high! FX sooo very tight that your "golden egg" was fertilized and can take in all of the progesterone your bodies producing! Clomid is def going to make u feel some heavy TWW symptoms with or without a BFP, u know? But from what ive seen, if its out of the normal FOR YOU, even while on clomid, it can be a great sign. Something is giving me a great feeling for you. Ur temps already looked good last cycle too so FX the clomid just gave u that extra little boost u needed for that BFP! :) I cant wait to see ur temps over this next week!!!! Ill be stalking u now. If I could bet on u getting ur BFP this cycle, I would! ;) GL!!! Oh btw, when will u start testing?! Lol, I'm so impatient! I have to live vicariously through you all while I await my turn :haha:.
I'm wishing you lots and lots of luck Mary. It sounds like you've been through so much, keep strong and positive! <3 FX very tightly for you! :dust: X
I almost want to pee on a stick this cycle, just to Maybe I will! :haha: ....In a few days I probably will. I keep thinking "if I wait, my tests are going to be sitting here and I wont even be able to use one with any real hope!" lol...Its pretty bad when you feel like ur going to miss POAS!
Oh wow that seems like a mind f*ck. I'm glad you and DH are talking through and working through. I guess it's up to what you two decide - only you can make that decision. Whatever you decide, I know you will get your little one in the end. All the best xx

a mind f**k is right! And Thank u for ur support! The kind words mean so much! I feel a little better now that I just shared our "issue" and now I can actually talk openly about ALL of it with u ladies. Its been driving me nuts and its been a huge reason ive been silent on here. I just haven't known how to explain things without stating what the issue is, u know? Now u ladies know everything again, which is good for me since I can vent about it now. Dh said if it helps me to talk about it, he doesn't mind me telling you girls. I feel really blessed to have him as my OH. I couldn't have asked for a better dh! :).

Are u passed O this cycle? I'm so behind from not being on here much this past week! If you are in the TWW, I wish u TONS AND TONS of baby dust! I know you'll get ur LO as well!
If you dont mind me asking, how did u confront your donor about being your donor? Dh and I were thinking about asking someone we know, if that's what we decide on, we just have NO CLUE how to even go about that Any tips u may have would be much appreciated! :) GL hun!

We are indeedy. 1dpo over here on our first ever clomid cycle! Had donations 1 day before and 3 days before ovulation so fingers crossed...
We found our donor online, so he contacted us. We did ask a friend, and it was just a case of coming out with it. But then I guess people expect it a little more with a lesbian couple. I would definitely broach the subject if you have any friends that you think would be suitable, but be ready to give them time to think about it and be ready to have long discussions about it and possibly be told no. The friend we asked ended up saying no (well... his wife said no) and it was gutting, BUT he really did give it some time and we spoke a lot about it. Just make sure what you want is clear in your mind in terms of contact and such. If you need any help, drop me an email

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